Shenhao: Get Rid of 101 Girlfriend

Chapter 347

   "Haha, these are the most basic content and the results of family research."

   Xia Meng seems to be really tired now, after all, she said so many words at once.

   The amount of labor is really huge.

  In such an environment, people are destined to be particularly tired.

   But Xia Meng's physical fitness is still very good, after all, she is still very young now.

   Even if you stay up all night continuously, you don’t have to worry about it at all.

   As long as it is something to eat or rest for an hour, then all the so-called exhaustion will disappear completely.

   Such ability and ability, for those after 30 years old, has gradually become a memory of the past.

   I still see it now, the depths of Zhang Fan's eyes are really thoughtful.

   After all, there is a lot of content, and he digests it quickly.

   But because of this ability, he can see many problems. .

Chapter 853

   Zhang Fan’s amazing learning ability made a lot of exquisite knowledge quickly and digested by him

   But it also caused many problems.

   "Haha, now I feel that there are obvious loopholes in many sections."

   "Then you think this may be self-contradictory and unexplainable, right?"

   Xia Meng raised Erlang's legs, holding a cup of milk tea, and said lightly.

   Zhang Fan gradually recovered from the state of thinking.


   "Looking at you, do you seem to know something?"

   Zhang Fan had a sneer.

  What bad thoughts can a girl have?

   Actually, Zhang Fan really has reservations about this.

   He never felt that everyone is a good person, at least it is necessary, through personal contact.

   Through long-term observation, it may be possible to see who is a good person, who is a good person with shortcomings, and who is a pretender.

   And this is destined to be a long process!

   Some people can do it for a day or two, and some individuals can do it for a year or two. It is not surprising that it can be ten years or eight years.

  Wei Zhongxian, the great **** of the Ming Dynasty, can be said to have been a fool and an idiot by his colleagues for most of his life.

   But once the power is in control, it is natural to report omissions.

   If he died then, who knows the authenticity of his life?

   Zhang Fan pondered, this girl seems to have a lot of needs.

   This is actually quite happy for Zhang Fan, because he knows it very well now.

   At many times, these individual needs are the best solution and the basis for cooperation.

   Because as long as you can meet these needs, the other party is very happy.

   Then the risk coefficient between each other will drop rapidly, or even there is no risk at all.

  I'm afraid of those people who hide themselves and their true purpose. That's a bit scary!

   At this time, Zhang Fan still had to talk to this girl about her purpose.

   "I said that there are my own research results, and in view of these contents, it should be said that you will not be able to study them at least in the next two years."

   Xia Meng said lightly.

   Zhang Fan said: "Then what are your goals and requirements?"

   Xia Meng clapped her hands, nodding gently with this special heartbeat.

   Even in the depths of these eyes, there seems to be a little bit of it, which is a special taste of appreciation.

   "Very good. At first glance, you are a person who knows how to do things. Talking to people like you makes me really relieved to do things."

   After thinking about it, she said: "~ My requirements are very high, but the benefits and value that can be brought to you are also great."

   "So this matter, I think you should seriously and carefully consider it."

   "Because as long as you can be satisfied, it is absolutely not at a loss for you."

   I have seen it now, and Xia Meng is really special.

   Zhang Fan pondered, and said: "How much money do you need?"

   There is no doubt that among young people, especially in modern society, money may be gradually demonized.

   Ye (Li Ma Zhao) means that these precious concepts must give way to money.

   Because of these concepts, if they fail to become social values, then these concepts will quickly depreciate or even disappear.

  According to the laws of economics, only if a certain item is defined as a currency attribute, or related, even if it is useless, it can be rushed by people.

   is like a passbook, maybe just a paper product, but it can store hundreds of millions of capital! .

Chapter 854

   Maybe young people should not have too complicated conversations.

   Because it's not much use.

   Especially for Zhang Fan, this is a waste of time.

   The seven-day period is not short or long. For those local Zhang family, they have the opportunity to learn these complex theoretical knowledge from an early age.

   This also gave them a particularly interesting experience, enabling them to take advantage of others in the process of competing with others.

   It should be said that this situation, sometimes, there is no way.

   Only at this time, the depths of these eyes are really full of special expectations.

   After all, the content of the third issue, for Zhang Fan, may not really need two or three years, one or two months is enough.

   It's a pity that now, time is very limited, and he still has to learn more basic knowledge, if he can't even master these things quickly.

   Then believe that there is no future.

   Zhang Fan is still fully prepared for this matter and has a clear understanding of the essence.

   Therefore, he is quite expecting, and very eager, if this thing can be done, even if it costs more money, it will be worth it.

   After all, this legacy, in fact, no matter what form it is, it doesn't matter.

   The most important thing is that you can use this capital to do many things you want to do.

  In the era of capitalization to the present, this mature age, if you want to be in this market, which can be called a lot of lords.

   relies on the method of starting from scratch to occupy a place, then it is destined to win those stocks from the hands of countless competitors.

   After all, although the sinking market is huge, it takes time, countless coincidences, and countless external factors to jointly promote and facilitate.

   In this case, it may be possible to complete the development.

   Those who can do business actually know it.

   For ordinary people, time is the cheapest and least valuable, but this is a completely opposite concept to the market and entrepreneurs.

   Time waits for no one, time has passed, and many of them seem to be the best opportunities at the time. After ten years, it may be a bad street.

   So, if you want to occupy a place in this turbulent market in this day and age.

   Be sure to seize all the opportunities, use strong assets, open the door, and then grab the remaining part of the retail investors.

   Then there is going to be a ruthless competition!

   After all, that’s the number of users. There are more than 7 billion people on the planet, and less than 70% of them have access to electricity.

   Even in individual areas, there is no way to completely solve the hunger problem. Highways, infrastructure, and industrialization have not been settled.

   As for the Internet, it is especially extravagant!

   Therefore, in the world, I want to develop an effective paying group to carry out long-term effective consumption.

   At least in the short term, the total population is only those.

   Therefore, when the development is done as much as possible, what is left is the competition between each other. This is the final stage and an inevitable form.

   Zhang Fan felt more and more now.

  Sometimes if the funds are tight, there are many things, that is really not done.

   It can even be said that those competitors that you can't understand will also show off in front of you.

   The key is that people have strong capital, you still have no choice!

   I'm so angry!

   So this time, he has to strive for it. .

Mime private 855

   Zhang Fan used to be a kind and innocent person.

   But after being humiliated by money, he knew it deeply.

  In an era, only gold coins may become the main value.

   Then maybe, except for knowledge, it can become a weapon that can temporarily contend with.

   can make countless people, would rather consume money, but also-in exchange for knowledge.

   I am afraid that all other concepts will have a certain devaluation effect.

   Regarding whether to be in the future society, any project that involves folk customs, qualifications for promotion, or some kind of interest.

   Introduce other, more dimensional assessment standards to enhance the values ​​of some moral factors.

   This is another, huge and promising topic.

   Zhang Fan’s main purpose now is to start a business.

   Because if he has no career, he is destined to be at the bottom of society for a long time.

   This will be humiliated countless times!

   Zhang Fan’s predecessor was an incompetent man.

   Relying on a pair of skins to lick a dog for people, of course, begs for benevolence and benevolence, and for the dog to get the dog.

   You don’t think of yourself as a human being, so you can’t ask that those rich women treat you as equals.

   Therefore, for many times in the past, the extravagant life was enough to make people numb.

   makes people lose the will to fight, the spirit of struggle, and the most primitive and instinctive judgment between beauty and ugliness.

   Maybe these problems are really serious, maybe these problems are a kind of destiny that cannot be broken away in the struggling of the bottom of the society.

   But now that Zhang Fan has changed his shotgun, he has completely said goodbye to the past.

   Those former passives, and all his dislikes, reluctances, and very disgusting encounters.

   How can you continue?

   This is why he is facing threats and challenges at this time.

   The first idea is to create, own career and value, and then go head-to-head with Haowei like this, full of disgusting tricks.