Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 268: Di Qi's doubts (2 in 1)

This resurrection NPC tutor is poisonous!

Everyone spit out old blood.

Look at other people's online games, that is not after death, just run the plan to resurrect, and resurrect NPC to pay a few hundred copper coins will be reborn?

Even now, many online games do not want to resurrect coins, fearing that disgusting father Krypton Gold, but this shameless animal is hindering the development of the era in a fair and just way.

Everyone is sad. This is against the trend of the times, and it is to blame all netizens, but there is really no way. The "resurrection point" monopolizes the industry, and the patents of intellectual property rights are so profitable.

This game is indeed hardcore...

Do players need to act as resurrection points?

There is also a problem. The speed of Qiu Mingshan is an alchemy factory. Species that are reproduced can control their lives. That is to say, if you let Qiu Mingshan speed and replace the ancient tree of life for surrogacy, your life is in his hands.

However, they quite believe that this character, anyway, will be controlled by his life. Instead of letting the ancient tree of life control his own life, he will not let himself control it.

After all, his business must last forever, there must be principles, and he will not take the opportunity to kill you.

However, after going through the first two worlds, the era of the explosion that belongs to players still appears, especially this planet with a rebirth mechanism, it is not easy to die easily, all kinds of mysteries, for them, far more tempting than the previous two eras Big.

After all, this is an untapped era.

"I'm going in. I'm going to choose the devil, so handsome."

"I owe this debt! I only need the lowest-priced human race, but remember to pinch me into Naruto. I am the champion of the school debate contest. I want to practice the art of mouth escape and the unknown swordsman on the top of the forbidden city. Let’s take a philosophical approach, rest assured, I’ll give you a live broadcast (pay live)"


Paid live broadcasting, is stinging contagious? Everyone feels that the world is cool, and there may be no trust between people.

But to argue with the Unknown Juggernaut, is it possible for you, the weak chicken, and this world's strongest to shoot the gun?

Everyone thinks it's really possible!

After all, this Juggernaut's character is there. His three major mirror images are based on the mind-learning line.

"Something to see!"

"Crazy things! The battle of the king of the mouth! At the top of the Forbidden City, the two masters discuss the philosophy of women's clothing-is the difference between men's and women's clothing similar to the difference between humanity and divinity? (Funny)"

"Ahahaha! I think it's very likely that Juggernaut is interested! Then he loves to be reasonable, he might fight!"

"Damn it! You really can imagine what a ghost, if you are really fooled into the discussion, my Juggernaut's force is pulled down by you sand sculptures (grit teeth)"


Soon, the number of people who signed up gradually increased, and some who did not intend to come in also planned to start accelerating the breeding of species.

"There are a lot of applications for the first time, there are seven or eight of them, and they are about to come in."

Qiu Mingshan was very satisfied with the speed. As long as they master the core technology, they all have to be called dad!

"I am a different world loginer!"

Suddenly, he was sitting in the room, looking at the computer screen and muttering, "This is simply my welfare as a traversal... I'll build a game server, extradite players from the earth, make mainline missions, copies, Plot, build a city, use their immortality and sand sculptures, and embark on the right path of a different world!"

If this is written, it is a copy!

His eyes gradually light up, "This is indeed an online game! I can give them a rebirth, sell them equipment, sell mounts, sell krypton gold skin, yes! There is also a service to pinch your face, pinch your body... think If you want to hang up, you have to add money, otherwise I will cut corners for them, and they will have to come to me to buy medicine..."

He laughed silently, smiling brightly.

Krypton gold seems to have a lot of points! Cheating them in and carrying countless heavy debts is just the beginning...

"However, I have to squeeze the indigenous people first."

At this moment, Warden Umea has retired, usually a meeting of eleven elves to make decisions for the high elven empire. As a sun elf hero, one of the eleven decision makers, he can naturally approach eleven Elven ancient tree.

"What, there will be three elven heroes coming soon? Is it a male hero?"

The ancient trees of life moved one after another.

Now Ahou dominates the world, but they still want the power to protect themselves, and even overthrow Ahou's rule. After all, let them practice as ancient trees with peace of mind, bless all beings, and feel that life is not in their own hands.

Gender is now irrelevant, as long as they are not allowed to touch female elves.

"The ones with the highest price will be paid! What kind of elves will they belong to, which of you belongs to you, it depends on your price." Qiu Mingshan said, "Don't worry about their rebellion, I will breed them and take control of their lives."

The ancient spirit of the sun elf would laugh and said, "And I will reproduce you and take control of your life."

This is to indirectly control each other without fear of betrayal.

The elves and old trees were irritable.

The speed of Qiu Mingshan is reselling in two hands, which squeezes the players here and the natives, which is simply beautiful.

Next, he crossed the boundary of the desert and walked between the human race, the orc race, and the devil race.

"What? An undead hero born on the altar of heroes? Can we summon?"

"Just provide amazing wealth?"

The leaders of each race moved, and Ruhr, Arthur, knowing the horror of it, took their whole lives to buy heroes for their race.

Although they don’t know, even if they don’t pay, they can have heroes of their own race.

Qiu Mingshan made a quick trip, and was very satisfied. This is the real alchemy.

And, although it is your race hero that is right, you are also your family, but if those sand sculptures have a sense of belonging to you, you have to look at yourself...

On the other side, Di Qi was still frowning, "How can things not develop according to what I want? A Chou has been stopping the war and has to look for some tyrannical creatures to start the war."

As he said, he searched the entire surface, seeming to find a source of war and agitating each other. Eventually, his goal was actually thrown into a lush forest.

"what is this?"

He wondered.

In the lush mountain forest, there are two strangely shaped human-shaped green trees. Like walking grass, the two trees walk shoulder to shoulder and look very social.

"Ahahaha, we finally came in."

One of the plants was laughing wildly.

It also took out a square chewing gum wrapped in green leaves, slowly peeled it, took out the contents and put it in the mouth, chewed on the mouth, "Brother, my species is a rubber plant! Try me Mud rubbed out of my body, made of chewing gum, aren't you strong? My body is very rich! I'm not that sultry wood, I like to use people's foot to smoke people."

? ? ?

The other plant was stunned.

This is why you smoke people with body odor?

Looking at this rubber tree, it was sluggish for a few seconds, but it was a species that could achieve achievement potential. He must have his own strength. He slowly took the chewing gum, took a sip, and suddenly fell in love. "You cow! This gum! The taste is very good, and there is a coconut fragrance."

Two strange plants strode forward, chewing on one side of their mouths, and looked very strange.

"These two plants are not simple..."

Di Qi's eyes narrowed slightly.

If you remember correctly, this picture seems familiar.

Before the woodcutter saint, he also took out a green rectangular slice of the innate treasure, removed the shell, and took out the chewing in the mouth like this, in order to carry the giant axe, with the divine power! Cut Jianmu into four sections to make up the sky.

The shape and color are very similar. Could it be that these two plants have anything to do with the woodcutter saint?

He breathed slightly, watching silently.

At this time, two strange-shaped trees came out. "Our two brothers, Mengmei, are asking for it. An embroidery needle is the fastest. The walking posture must be more arrogant!!"

They laughed loudly in the sky.

How many days have passed since our hair was gray and our eyes were dizzy...we finally got in here, we are one of the first big guys to come in, it's not easy!

Before the rest of them come in, they have to act a little more arrogant!

An embroidery needle is a species of rubber tree that can produce a special kind of energy rubber that can store energy.

Mengmei's desire is a special iron tree, but has a particularly strange biological magnetism, like a magnet.

"Different world, so handsome! It's so beautiful! All kinds of novel plants, all kinds of magical mythical creatures...I blow up!"

"This is the environment where the big brothers usually live! Dragons, elves, demons, humans..."

The two brothers walked around while watching, like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Gradually, a beautiful sun elf came out and greeted them, "Say your Krypton Gold Package."

"I want to become a demon!" An embroidery needle was very excited.

"I'm going to become a mountain giant!" Mengmei was frightened to look around the handsome sun elf, even moving her feet.

Qiu Mingshan looked at two dumplings at speed.

It is okay to become a demon. After all, male devil is still very handsome and can fly. It is the best choice among the four races.

But to become a large mountain giant, this is one million solar coins, a huge loan, and to become such a non-human creature, it is a bit of a taste...

After all, who came in, wasn't it to transform?

"You don't understand my romance as a man. The big and hard stone man is the most handsome." Mengmei asked to say.

Qiu Mingshan's speed is too lazy to bird them. These guys know what they are hunting in their heads and pass them a dense price list.

"Lying trough, squeezing face, body shape, additional charges? Thief Nima black heart!"

"Really think of yourself as a game server? Forget it, we ate it and let us pass on your appearance! I already figured out who my appearance is, and receive private messages from the forum!"

After all, the two creatures twitched and lay on the ground.

Qiu Mingshan whispered his speed and shook his head: "Mom sells the batch and twitches when it goes offline. It is like the goddesses of the village heads of the earth who psyched and summoned the souls of the dead, like sheep madness, twitching, and crooked head... The setting of this world is a little weird. In the wizarding world, offline, it was lying there normally."

In fact, the body twitched, which is caused by the remote transmission of soul information.

And this sun elf Keiya also threw an alchemy puppet from the space, twitched all over, and began to fall to the ground.


A powerful sun elf, two plants, fell on the ground and twitched, the grotesque sound, three creatures even began to foam in their mouths, and their eyelids turned outwards.... There was only one alchemist doll guarding beside .

"What is this?"

Di Qi's head was gradually confused, but he couldn't understand the language of communication. "Meeting and chatting, it seems to know each other, and also belongs to the incomprehensible rebirth of the ancient tree group. After telling you's expression, then fell to the ground and twitched? And on the other side, lie down and twitched together? Are they a way of communicating ideas?"

Watching three hunted creatures twitching on the ground...

His head is dead!

He keeps silently sensing, but he can't sense any communication fluctuations of their any traces of Taoism...

It's so bizarre.

Before, he had not studied these rebirth plants, and wanted to learn the ability of rebirth. After all, this ability is incomparable, but he was unable to learn. He could only silently keep in mind and constantly observe them.

He has always been patient.

It is enough to prove that he can hide behind the scenes and become a black hand behind the scenes.

But now, he can't understand this weird plant at all, and it means twitching while lying on the ground...

"A certain idea exchange? I don't believe I can't learn.... Perhaps, their ability to communicate in mysterious latitudes is the key to their rebirth!" Di Qi felt that his dignity had been hit, and he would not learn to be a woodman. Let’s just say the saint’s law, even a few weak creatures can’t learn,

"These creatures, coming from other worlds, must have their own unique and powerful civilizations, and this way of communication should be their power.... Even if they move and eat the chews of innate treasures, it may also be with the woodcutter. The saints are concerned!"

After all, there is no such thing as chewing gum in this world. It can be chewed in the mouth all the time, and the action in front of you is really similar to the woodman saint!

"Perhaps this way of communication requires coordination of movements to form a special ritual in order to overhear their latitude of thinking!!" In connection with the saint of woodcutter, Di Qi naturally attached great importance to it.

"I have a deity's mind, and I can't learn it if I don't believe it."

A Jinwu thought about it and lay down to try it. It twitched slightly, like the two strange plants, even with subtle seizures, hands and feet spasms, rolled his eyes, he learned exactly the same, after all, he learned Ability is not blown out.

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