Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 793: War, mirror universe


Xu Zhi walks in this new world.

And the whole planet began to transform into a brand-new era of light and darkness.

Because above the sky dome, a magnifying glass gathers most of the sunlight on several circles. In the heavenly blessing ground, the other land becomes relatively dim and dark.

The lighting is a bit inadequate.

From the heights of the universe, looking at this planet, you will be surprised to find that it looks like a dim circular expansive planet with extremely bright fragmentary spots.

"But this kind of area division has great advantages and obvious disadvantages..."

Xu Zhi leisurely, walking on this planet,

"It is basically impossible for other regions to **** the heaven and earth aura in the universe....The sect above, the lower ordinary people class, came out."

I bought a new house in the villa area in the urban area and sat in the yard to drink tea. After all, the previous flood era was very unstable. Now the era is relatively stable and it is natural to live temporarily.

"Brother, drinking tea again!?"

Outside the courtyard, a beautiful high school girl stopped on her motorcycle and took off her helmet.


Xu Zhi responded with a smile, "Are you going to practice long-distance running again?"

"Yes, you need to practice carefully to become a strong man...Yes, there is an attack in the nearby community recently. You need to be careful... The true energy in your body has been drained, and there are tooth marks on your neck. You can save your life by going to the hospital. Although basically the girls attacked are all girls, you have to be careful to protect yourself as a boy."

Xu Zhi smiled and said, "Is it the evil way of practicing evil Gong?"

"Yes." The girl took a deep breath. "After all, not everyone can enter the blessed earth, and some people woke up the idea of ​​students who can enter cultivation and plunder their cultivation energy."

"be careful!"

She put on her helmet and walked away on a motorcycle.

Motorcycles have no power.

They are driven by their own radiation and true energy, which is equivalent to a special cultivation method. Riding a motorcycle is a daily exercise.

I have to admit that this cultivation method is very effective.

Seeing this piece of land, Xu Zhi can already think of the patterns in the universe that are truly extraordinary:

It must be the fact that sectarians plundered the spirit of the entire planet to form a blessing. The ordinary people are outside and it is difficult to practice. All people can only worship the sectarians and form a special kind of monopoly.


Xu Zhi looked up and looked at the sky dome, "It's fun... isn't it?"

However, in this dark and dark area, there is no direct sunlight and almost no radiation, but it is extremely cheap for a certain kind of creature.

A secret force is growing, gradually expanding, attracting countless dignitaries, high-level social groups, and joining this mysterious to extreme organization.

They secretly confronted the official.

However, the official monopolized most of Fudidongtian, and they had no channel for cultivation at all, they could only attack those who practiced, and this was originally their way of cultivation.

On the other side.

The girl walked on the unmanned path of the villa, and suddenly a black light flashed in the shadow.

"A pretty girl..."


A pale, powerless palm caught.

Suddenly the girl's face suddenly sharpened, she jumped gently from the motorcycle and pulled out a stick from the back. "Attack on the practicing girls, sneaking on my classmates, are you, a vampire zombie?"

The shadow draped in the cloak, his face slightly changed, and he was furious, "disgusting breath."

"I'm from the Department of Buddhism, are you ready?" The young girl held the scepter in both hands, and a string of beads hung on her neck.

"Ready, have I been over-prepared?"


Eighty years have passed.

There is no shortage of energy in the entire planet, and the first batch of emperors who practiced will eventually make a breakthrough.

There is one who respects the strong, and it is invincible.

It can even fly out of the atmosphere, even refining the new "Sunrise Mirror" by hand, standing on the dome and recreating the heaven and earth.

This era means that the fighting power of a famous practitioner has begun to catch up with the cutting-edge role of technology.

Another ten years.

Countless strong men climbed to the peak, the heyday of the world appeared, and some people reached the peak of the emperor, facing a breakthrough deity.

During this period of time, mysterious blood-sucking dark creatures were dominating the fear of the entire planet. Ji Enn wanted to seize his renewed kingship and establish an eternal dynasty, so he had to use his descendants as enemies.

The mysterious elemental creatures outside the domain, and even the moon on the moon, seem to have lost their movement until this day...


From the distant sun, a beam of light came instantly.

"what is that!?"

"My goodness!"

"The light beam is a solar weapon! The solar weapon!"

"It's those elemental creatures, they are learning the technology we used to..."

"How is it possible for the other party!? It is impossible for ordinary solar weapons to launch beams from the sun and hit the planet Kyushu!"


People have not had time to reflect.

Above the sky dome, a huge ray came.


Instantly penetrated a large cave of a hundred meters, the high-rise building was destroyed instantly, people near the high-rise did not have time to scream, the land turned into a bottomless cave, and the surrounding mud turned into golden magma.

"Oh my god, it's a sun weapon!"

"We are almost done!"

Countless people screamed, howling, horrifying, and making a mess.

The light beam strikes without any weapon tracks. It was too sudden, no one responded. Soon, the laser began to sweep the entire land and cut everything in this city.

The local local university was furious and immediately reported to the Kyushu Federation.

"They made a solar weapon!"

"It is the sun star, the creature there must be somewhere in the sun, between the Kyushu planet and the sun, creating a special daytime situation that can fly to this Kyushu planet and still maintain such a huge power. ..."

There is a crazy calculation by Zhan Yueshi,

"My God! At least a hundred times larger than our solar weapons in those days!"

This is a terrifying number.

For those elemental creatures, it is not that they have not acted for nearly 100 years, but they are creating a real destruction-level suppression weapon.

Such a taboo weapon is enough to achieve a speed of light to destroy the destruction of the entire galaxy civilization!

"No matter, resist quickly!"

"If you go on like this, you will be able to penetrate our planet's earth and earth within a few days. Are they demonstrating that they have the energy to destroy us at any time?"

"You are so stupid! How could a single beam penetrate the earth's core? Even if the endless energy is constantly shooting, the melted earth is turned into magma, but if it reaches tens of thousands of meters of magma, it will be instantaneous. Buffering the light, it is impossible to reach the center of the earth..."

"But we can't explode our planet, like a flood flooding our planet, destroying our civilization is inevitable!"

Emperor Tian quickly moved and took out a special mirror to resist the position where the speed of light fell.

"Reflect before talking!"

"Where is it reflected? Reflected into the sun? Even hitting the other person's solar screen directly to destroy this weapon?"

"That's useless! The sun is so big, the light is dazzlingly red, and you can't see the other party's launch position. Even if the reflection of one millimeter is wrong, it is impossible to hit the other party's launch pad at such a long distance. Back to the sun, it was quickly buffered in the thick energy ocean, and the rocks sink into the sea.

"What should I do? No matter, just a universe, anyway, it reflects outside the universe...!"

But at this time, someone shouted, "Don't, the sun is not afraid of rays, but other planets are afraid, but we reflect directly to Mercury!"


A speed of snow-white light quickly reflected back from the earth and landed on Mercury.

? ? ?

The huge Mercury creatures boiled, their faces dumbfounded.

The solar biological civilization on the sun star, making solar weapons, the horrible white beams traversed the small half of the solar system, from the sun directly to the Kyushu planet, they are naturally seen, and even many came to see the meteor, clapping applause...

But how did you hit me suddenly?


"They hit them, how did it affect us?"

"Hurry up and use the prepared specular weapon."

"Are we reflecting back to Kyushu planet?"

Suddenly there was a silence.

"No! Let's not reflect back to Kyushu planet, prepare quickly! We will reflect to Mars!"


Throughout the solar system, a stream of snow-white light beams is constantly reflected on each planet, and the light beams are ejected like crazy, as if to illuminate the entire galaxy.

TV station All TV shows, advertisements, variety shows, quickly switched to the reports of two hosts:

"Everyone, urgent situation!"

"The Second World War is about to erupt in an instant!"


In front of the TV, everyone was shocked.

In the First World War, the use of Moon Pro weapons? Nuclear weapons bombard the ground?

During World War II, the difficulty of using sun-prone weapons, wars of various countries broke out? Will the astronomical weapons of the major powers sweep across each other's land?

They feel that it is simply impossible. Recently, there has been relative peace between the countries.

I saw the host broadcast the report:

"The Second World War is a galaxy war! The signs of the eighty years ago have completely exploded. The civilized creatures of the sun star directly detonated the wars of the major planets!"