She’s Scumbag

Chapter 113

Su Xingchen suddenly felt that even if it was said, it was nothing,? After all, the money they gave was too much. Seriously? She wants this kind of relative too.

She said it was okay, just give money.

Seeing so many real estate ownership certificates in front of him, Su Xingchen took a moment to digest it. The most valuable property in real estate is the shop. One shop is enough for a family to eat and drink for a lifetime. Not to mention so many.

"It's really generous."

Su Xingchen gave the pile to Fu Ning, but Fu Ning didn't mean to take it. Instead, he said: "You don't need to give these to me? Just keep it. They give it to you, and you just take it."

Seeing the pile of immovable property rights certificates in his hand, Su Xingchen suddenly realized that his ideas had never changed. When two people get married, the property is put together.

"All right."

Before, Su Xingchen heard from the female elders in the family that a married woman would get rich overnight. The elders in both families will make money for your young couple. Didn't think what happened at first? It seems to be true now.

"But my father and mother haven't given you any money yet." Su Xingchen said.

Fu Ning gently took her hand and pinched it in her palm. "Yes."

Su Xingchen looked at her suspiciously, and asked: "When was it given, why don't I know?"

Fu Ning smiled and said, "You are right if you don't know."

Su Xingchen thought for a while and came to a conclusion. She doesn't know some things. You don't have to understand everything so clearly.

On this day, Fu Ning accompanied Su Xingchen to the hospital for regular check-ups. Neither of them has any experience in this area, so both of them read a lot of popular science books about pregnant women during this period.

Su Xingchen is okay, the more knowledge she knows. After knowing what was going on, she became less nervous. Knowledge really can give people strength.

But Fu Ning was on the contrary. The more books she read, the more anxiety and anxiety she felt about production.

When doing B-scan with Su Xingchen today, Fu Ning looked at the little thing on the display. Somewhat uncomfortable frowned.

There was a piece of news on Weibo a few days ago that a pregnant woman died because she had broken her amniotic fluid and was not sent to the doctor in time because she lived in the suburbs.

In this technologically advanced world, due to the high level of medical care, the health of pregnant women can be protected to a great extent. The price that women have to pay for childbirth has been compressed to a very small range.

This kind of thing is too rare in this society, and the news has an explosive effect as soon as it comes out, Jane to the point of appalling.

Fu Ning even began to regret that she would subconsciously change channels after seeing the news about pregnant women these days.

At this moment, the female doctor next to him pointed to the ball on the display screen and said: "The baby is very healthy. Here are her hands and here are her feet. Can you see it?"

Lying on the bed, Su Xingchen looked at the little things in the display, and instantly felt a very subtle feeling in his heart. Is this how the child looks at the beginning? This is how everyone comes to this world. Sometimes life is really amazing.

Su Xingchen inadvertently glanced at Fu Ning from the corner of his eye, and saw her distracted and worried. Su Xingchen stretched out his hand and patted her with a little dissatisfaction, and said, "Look at it."

Fu Ning glanced at the display slightly perfunctorily, still with a deep worry in her eyes. It's just a parasite, what's so good about it.


Su Xingchen was happy for a while, after watching the child. The female doctor handed her a pack of sealed tissues and said: "Wipe the couplant from your belly."

"Thank you." After Su Xingchen wiped off the coupling agent on his stomach, he arranged his clothes and got out of bed. She looked at Fu Ning next to her. "What's the matter with you today? Menstrual period?"

Fu Ning said frankly: "I'm a little worried. If it doesn't work, I don't want a baby. It's too dangerous to have a baby."

Su Xingchen also felt her pressure, not knowing why Fu Ning was more sensitive and nervous than she was a pregnant woman.

"What silly thing to say."

Fu Ning shook her hand and said, "I think this is enough for the two of us now. Anyway, the child was a pretense at the beginning, just to allow you to marry me."

Su Xingchen was almost amused by her.

"You are willing to tell the truth now. But don't tell me. Now that the child is so old, if you let her hear it, you won't be close to you in the future."

Fu Ning still looked worried, Su Xingchen stretched out his hand and touched her hair, soothing: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Fu Ning asked uncertainly: "Really?"

Su Xingchen nodded: "Really."

Fu Ning went on to say: "Then you promise me."

Su Xingchen said speechlessly: "Okay. I promise you that nothing will happen."

She touched her belly and said, "I didn't expect that I would have a nasty girl before I gave birth to this little girl in my belly."

Fu Ning might be just worried, but this time he didn't refute Su Xingchen's words, even if Su Xingchen said she was her "big girl".

Fu Ning leaned on Su Xingchen's shoulder, rubbing her head against her neck twice. I felt the familiar breath, and then I found a little sense of security.

Su Xingchen thought it was a bit funny. This person is usually noble and glamorous and invulnerable. How could he be like a clingy child at this time.

The female doctor next to her looked at this astonishing scene and found it very incredible. Why is the pregnant woman not anxious yet, but those who have a childbirth are anxious first.

This person has to be coaxed by pregnant women, which really makes people worry.

Fortunately, the results of several follow-up checkups were normal and the child was very healthy. Su Xingchen's physical condition was also very good, which made Fu Ning gradually relax.

After the last check-up was done, it seemed that the due date was about to be reached.

Fu Ning is with Su Xingchen at home, and the two of them are now facing a task, which is to name the child. Even though I turned a lot of books, I still couldn't find a satisfactory one.

Many parents are too concerned about their children, and the choice of names is not good. In the end, they think that they are about to register for a household registration, so they can only take the public temporarily.

Su Xingchen didn't want this to happen to her daughter, so she told Fu Ning very clearly that in any case, before the due date, she had to come up with three names to choose from.

What is Fu Ning's material for naming her children? She has a good idea to let her make money and do business. The matter of naming is simple and simple, but it is also very important. To be cautious, Fu Ning began to look through the dictionary.

"Su Shimu, Su Shaojing, Su Jinghan. These are the three names I found out after searching for a long time. What do you think?"

Su Xingchen said in surprise: "Have you never considered your child's last name?"

Fu Ning said: "Of course you gave birth to your last name. After all, you have done the most. Besides, when she grows up in the future, if you are not satisfied with your name and don't want to share the last name with us, you can change your name and She went by her own name. Can the two of us stop it?"

Su Xingchen didn't expect Fu Ning to think so openly. "You are right."

Twenty days later.

Su Xingchen gave birth to her daughter in the hospital.

The big name Su Jinghan. The nickname is 啾啾.

The author has something to say: after searching some things about pregnancy. The shopping app on the mobile phone started to push me mother and baby products.


PS: It's almost over.