She’s Scumbag

Chapter 35

Su Xingchen and Xuzhou Ji’s engagement ceremony alone cost almost half a billion. Because the engagement ceremony was decided to be held on a yacht, it was necessary to go to the port to go to sea.

Xu Jiacai is generous, and he doesn't know where he got the mega business yacht. The entire yacht looks like a palace on the sea. The total length is 170 meters, the entire yacht has 4 floors, and there are more than 90 luxurious rooms. There is even a swimming pool and apron.

The whole interior decoration style is magnificent. There is a white piano in the hall inside. In addition to a famous pianist in the music industry, a whole classical orchestra was also invited.

Su's mother stood at the door and took a look at the situation outside, then closed the door again. Facing Su Xingchen in the room:

"Forget it, it's just an engagement anyway, and it's still far from getting married. If it's really inappropriate, then let's figure it out."

Su Xingchen sat in front of the makeup mirror, looking at himself in the mirror wearing a white silk dress. One of her long hair was **** and turned into a somewhat mature shape, her scalp tightly stretched. But the effect actually looks pretty good.

It's just that the pretense on the face is a bit too strong.

However, the stylist explained that this is because when the photo is taken later, the woman will often have a lot of makeup on the camera. The thick face is beautiful.

Su Xingchen thought in his heart, I am afraid that no matter how beautiful it is, it will be useless.

Today is destined to be a memory that no one wants to think of.

The expression on her face seemed indifferent, as if she was outside. Xianxin even worried about business matters.

"How is the situation of the family company? Is the funds in place?"

Speaking of this, Su's mother felt even more angry. Xuzhou Intercontinental would not make a loss-making business. He collected 500 million yuan in financing for the Su Shi Building Materials Group, and he charged a lot of interest. The money was not borrowed for nothing.

And at the same time, they signed a cooperation agreement, asking Su to provide building materials for Wanxing Real Estate's construction project at a price lower than the market price.

That day was not so much a negotiation, but rather a unilateral use of power to suppress others in Xuzhou Intercontinental. Engage in robber trading.

Mother Su felt frustrated every time she thought of this.

"After signing a lot of contracts, can the Xu family's money still not be in place? What do they say that the fat and water will not flow into the outsiders' fields. I think he is the lion who speaks loudly."

Su Xingchen didn't understand business matters. She also didn't want to get involved. She nodded and said: "The company's difficulties can be solved temporarily. The Xu family has a big business, and it may not be a loss for us to give him a little profit."

Mother Su said: "How do you talk more and more like your dad, and he said the same."

The two were talking inside, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside. The chat was interrupted.

Su's mother opened the door, and standing outside were Fu Huixiu and Xuzhou Ji.

Fu Huixiu looked at Su Xingchen sitting in front of the makeup mirror inside. Said: "Time is almost here, Stardust, you and I will go out to greet the guests."

This business yacht is now docked at the port and will leave the port at eleven o'clock in the morning.

Therefore, the time on the invitation letter sent to these relatives and friends is from nine o'clock to ten o'clock in the morning. Everyone seldom goes out to sea to play, which is a rare one. Even if it is not nine o'clock, many people are already there today.

Su Xingchen nodded, she tidyed up her dress, and then got up from the chair.

Although Xuzhou Ji didn't like her, he would still behave in front of Fu Huixiu. He extended his hand to Su Xingchen's very gentlemanly and made an invitation.

Su Xingchen pretended to lower his head to tidy up the skirt, and smoothed the skirt twice. Ignore him directly and walked over.

There is anger in Xuzhou Ji's heart, but it is not easy to break out now. Can only endure, he retracted his outstretched hand and took two steps to catch up with Su Xingchen's footsteps.

The light in the corridor is relatively dark, and the wooden walls on both sides are equipped with a few retro lamps.

Xuzhou Ji lowered his voice and said to Su Xingchen beside him: "I really don't understand what you think. I broke up with Fu Ning for this engagement. Since you have someone you like, why not cancel the engagement?"

Su Xingchen turned his head to look at him, "I didn't mean to get engaged in the first place. You don't know the situation in my family. Don't you have someone you like? Why don't you cancel the engagement?"

Xuzhou Intercontinental was speechless.

Bai Yun's life experience cannot be accepted by the Xu family. Xuzhou Ji didn’t want to be such a birdie, because once he raised his marriage, his mother would inevitably point the finger at him. At that time, it is very likely that Bai Yun would not be able to cover his affairs with him.


So he wanted Su Xingchen to mention it.

How could Su Xingchen be as he intended.

She curled up her lips and smiled, provocatively: "I forgot to tell you, Bai Yun will come over today. I sent her an invitation."

Xuzhou Ji was angry. He said: "Who asked you to invite her? I already knew that you approached her with bad intentions. But Bai Yun, a stupid woman, didn't believe it."

Su Xingchen was not affected by Xuzhou Ji's words at all, no matter what he said, she didn't care. Just calmly said: "What are you so excited for? Can I not eat her? Originally Bai Yun is my good friend, why should I invite my good friend to the engagement ceremony?"

Xuzhou Ji didn’t believe her rhetoric: “Don’t think that I don’t know what you are thinking. Su Xingchen, you have known that I have a relationship with Bai Yun, right? So you have been deliberately approaching her. Warn you, whatever you want to do to her, you better not do it."

Su Xingchen stopped and said, "Don't you think what you said is ridiculous? Isn't it because of you that Bai Yun has suffered for such a long time?

Because you didn't have the guts to bring her to Aunt Fu, because you have always refused to admit her existence. Today I just invited Bai Yun to attend the engagement ceremony. You are so nervous. Is it because you are afraid of what I will do to her, or because you are afraid that the relationship between the two of you will be exposed? "

Xuzhou Intercontinental is silent.

Su Xingchen continued: "If you can admit your relationship with her in front of everyone, and divorce me. I will no longer be your fiancée by then, what position can I do to her?"

Xuzhou Ji was silent for a while, suddenly a shrewd look appeared on his face. He looked at Su Xingchen who was plausible, and directly broke her intentions.

"Su Xingchen, let's talk about it, don't you just want to push me out to be the sinner. I'm not that easy to lie."

Su Xingchen's eyes looked to the side, but did not answer.

She had this idea, and of course she also had the intention to fight for Bai Yun.

"Whatever you want, since you don't want to retire. Then I don't care. Anyway, I have broken up with Fu Ning, and I am not afraid of you if it really drags on."

Su Xingchen is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

She and Fu Ning are just lovers, Xuzhou Ji and Bai Yun even have children.

Xuzhou Ji just looked at her mockingly and said: "You are too happy too early. If this marriage is really done, at most I can't explain to Bai Yun, you still think about what you will end up with. Bar."

"What's the meaning?"

Su Xingchen knew that he was referring to Fu Ning. She really couldn't help Fu Ning herself, but wouldn't Fu Ning still come to retaliate against her?

In Su Xingchen's subjective judgment, she firmly believed that Fu Ning was a good person. A very honest and good person. I will never do the kind of revenge that the villain would do.

Now that he had reached the wide hall, Xu Zhouji stopped talking, and Su Xingchen chose to stop the topic. The two began to greet today's guests.

Because Su Xingchen knew very well that today was destined to be ashamed. So she didn't even invite a few of her friends over at all.

Most of the guests are business partners of the two companies. She doesn't understand business, so naturally she doesn't know a few people.

Su Xingchen saw Bai Yun standing in the corner on the edge of the crowd.

Su Xingchen walked straight towards her.

Bai Yun behaved very cautiously, she was incompatible with everything that is magnificent here. She didn't know anyone who was there today, and she couldn't participate in the content of the chat at all. So I can only stand alone in the corner and quietly listen to the music played by the live orchestra.

"Bai Yun, you are here."

Bai Yun looked up when she heard someone call her name, and said in surprise: "Miss Su. You are very beautiful today."

Su Xingchen smiled and said, "Thank you. You are also very beautiful today."

"By the way, is the child better. Has it been discharged?"

Bai Yun nodded and said, "I was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and I have to thank you Miss Su. Yesterday, when I went to complete the discharge procedure and settle the medical bill, the doctor told me that you had already paid. I plan to pay you back today. "

Su Xingchen shook his head, "No. I'm not short of money, you don't need to be polite with me. Maybe I will be busy looking for your help someday."

"okay then."

Bai Yun also knew that Miss Su would not be short of medical expenses at all, and she would be too polite if she persisted. I have a chance to return this favor in the future

That's it.

Xuzhou Ji was receiving guests on the other side. He turned around and found that Su Xingchen, who should have been standing next to him, disappeared.

After looking around several times, he found the location of Su Xingchen. Also thanks to her conspicuous outfit today.

Taking a closer look, Xuzhou Ji realized that she was actually standing with Bai Yun, and the two were chatting.

Su Xingchen, this woman's treacherous, Xuzhou Ji can be understood. I don't know what ecstasy soup she is pouring Bai Yun into now.

Xuzhou Ji hurriedly ended the greeting with friends around him, and walked in the direction of the two.

"What are you doing?"

Su Xingchen turned his head to look at the bad Xuzhou Intercontinental, and replied: "Nothing. Entertain friends."

Xuzhou Ji really didn't bother to pretend to be with her anyway, anyway, Su Xingchen, a woman who had a clear heart, kept trying to pretend to be confused all day long. He directly faced Bai Yun and said, "Come with me."

Bai Yun didn't move a moment, and stomped on the spot.

Xuzhou Ji threatened her and said: "If you don't come with me, I don't mind telling you about the matter. It just so happens that Miss Su is also present."

Bai Yun's face changed. She looked at Su Xingchen nervously and explained, "Miss Su, don't get me wrong."

Xuzhou Ji sneered: "You don't need to explain to her."

Originally, Su Xingchen knew the relationship between these two people. She smiled at Bai Yun, who was nervous, and said "Um".

Gentle said: "Since he has something to tell you, then you go."

Facing Su Xingchen's such trustworthy performance, Bai Yun felt very guilty. She was disturbed and followed behind Xuzhou Ji, left the main hall of the yacht, and walked to the outside deck.

"What are you going to tell me? Why do you have to say in front of Miss Su, today is the engagement ceremony of the two of you, can you respect Miss Su, you called me out so grandiosely, have you considered Miss Su's feelings? ?"

Before Xuzhou Ji opened his mouth, he was stunned. He really had no place to complain. Aggrieved can't do it.

Bai Yun, this woman is almost as if she had been given ecstasy soup by Su Xingchen. Everything listens to her letter.

"You are not stupid, Su Xingchen, this woman has already understood the relationship between the two of us. She is taking advantage of your guilt. She has been approaching you with ulterior motives all the time. Don't you be so naive to be fooled by her?!"

Xuzhou Ji thought that after he told Bai Yun the truth, she should be prepared for Su Xingchen. Unexpectedly, Bai Yun's reaction was still defending this woman.

Bai Yun said, "If Miss Su already knew about the relationship between the two of us, that would be great. I have always been embarrassed not knowing how to tell her."

Xuzhou Ji was almost about to vomit blood. After talking with herself for a long time, she felt that she was in trouble with Su Xingchen.

"Are you clear-headed?! Really treat her as a friend?!"

Bai Yun said irritably, "Is it true that she treats me sincerely? I know that. Don't you always speak ill of her in front of me?!"

In a luxurious room.

Su's mother and Fu Huixiu drank black tea for a while, rested for a while, and chatted. Then they got up together and went into the main hall outside.

It's a pity that there is only Su Xingchen left in the main hall at this time. She is not in the state at all, so she greets the guests.

When Fu Huixiu saw it, she walked over and asked, "Stardust, why are you alone here, other people on the continent?"

At this time, the system made a beep.

Prompted: "Your answer next will directly affect the trend of the plot, please answer the host carefully. Don't deviate from the main storyline of the "engagement ceremony withdrawing" on the progress bar."

Su Xingchen hesitated.

In fact, she can help Xuzhou Interstate to cover. But considering her mission situation, she chose to let Xuzhou Intercontinental face the violent storms by herself. Accept the growth baptism that a man should endure.

The system gave a line of the original text in her mind.

Su Xingchen read it out: "Auntie, he left with other women just now and left me here alone. You have to be my master. How could he treat me like this."

Hearing this, Fu Huixiu's face was a bit ugly. She knew her son's romantic virtues, but she didn't expect him to be so indifferent at the engagement ceremony.

"Stardust, don't worry, Auntie will make the decision for you."

The book-piercing system in my mind suddenly rang out with a "dingdong" sound. The prompt said: "Congratulations to the host, your vicious female partner's attributes have risen to 60%."

Outside deck


Xuzhou Ji said to Bai Yun: "No matter what, you try to keep as little as possible with Su Xingchen in the future, she is not a good thing."

He was a kind reminder, but Bai Yun was disgusted with the tone of his order.

She frowned and said, "Why should I listen to you? I have nothing to do with you anymore, and it has nothing to do with you if I make friends with Miss Su."


Xuzhou Ji simply felt unable to communicate with this woman. He was very tired and reluctantly said: "Bai Yun, today I am engaged to another woman, don't you have anything to say?

As long as you have a word, I will divorce right away. Are you really willing to watch me be engaged to another woman? "

Suddenly a majestic voice came from behind: "Otherwise, who do you want to be engaged to?"

Xuzhou Ji turned his head and saw Fu Huixiu coming out of it.

She followed Su Xingchen and Su's mother behind her. Several women dressed in jewels stood together, arrogantly coming over to ask the teacher.

Xuzhou Ji's heart "thumped", it is estimated that all they said just now have been heard.

In fact, he also knew that his affairs with Bai Yun would be uncovered sooner or later, but he didn't expect that this day would come really fast.

Bai Yun, who was standing next to her, was so scared that her face faded instantly, and she lowered her head nervously. It's not enough to be scared in my heart.

Fu Huixiu and Su Mu both had very ugly faces, staring at the pair of "suffering mandarin ducks".

The atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.

The system once again sounded the "dididi" prompt.

"Please the host read your lines according to the original paragraph."

Su Xingchen stood up at this moment, acting like a deceived little daughter-in-law, and complained with tears: "You two are actually in this kind of relationship, why are you lying to me like this? Why are you being so cruel to me?"

Xuzhou Ji is numb.

The situation was already messy enough now, and he didn't know how to explain it. So he watched Su Xingchen's performance blankly.

The system in Su Xingchen's mind finally made a "dingdong" sound.

"The host's current malevolent female protagonist's attributes have risen to 65%. The higher your character's attribute, the higher the mission reward points will be."

Su Xingchen cried so much that Fu Huixiu's face couldn't hold back, so she could only reach out her hand soothingly and touch Su Xingchen's back, persuading her not to cry. It's embarrassing enough now, if you cry and break your makeup, it will really be even more embarrassing.

"Stardust don't cry, don't worry, there is an aunt, no one can bully you."

Su Xingchen: I cried, I pretended to be.

She pretended to wipe away non-existent tears and sniffed. Said: "No need, Auntie, since he already has a part in Interstate, then I will withdraw. He and Bai Yun are ready to complete."

Fu Huixiu thought she had a temper, and made the little girl's tricks to retreat. She hurriedly comforted Su Xingchen and said, "What are you talking about stupid? You are the only daughter-in-law I have identified. How can those outsiders who don't know their origins compare to you."

Xuzhou Intercontinental can no longer listen. He suddenly said: "Enough! Mom, I'll just tell you clearly. Bai Yun and I have been together for a long time. The two of us were married six years ago, and our children are now five years old. She is not an unknown person."

Fu Huixiu couldn't believe what she heard.

Su Mu, who was on the side, reacted a step faster than Fu Huixiu, and she had already suffocated her stomach for a long time. At this time, hearing what Xuzhou Ji said, I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Are you married? Then you still promised to be engaged to Stardust and have an engagement ceremony like this. You don't put the Su family in your eyes. Are you kidding me?!"

"I married her less than a year and left. Madam Su, you don't have to be so excited."

Mother Su seemed to be about to say something. Suddenly, there was a huge noise from the rotation of the helicopter propeller over the deck. The noise became louder and louder, completely covering the voice of people talking. Several people on the deck looked up and saw the helicopter flying lower and lower, blowing a strong air current around it.

After stagnating in mid-air for about half a minute, he finally landed on the yacht's tarmac.

The driver opened the cabin door, and Fu Ning followed the driver down. She was wearing a golden silk suspender skirt today. The style was very noble and elegant. The sunlight gave her a sacred golden light. When she walked over the apron, Her silky hair seemed to shake off the flowing light under the light.

After seeing her, Fu Huixiu couldn't care about the mess here.

The son is gone, and hastily greeted the past. Putting on an ardent smile, he said, "Fu Ning, you are here."

Fu Ning's face was also a polite smile: "Cousin, he gave me the invitation, and repeatedly told me to come. How can I not give him face, there is a meeting today, so I wasted some time."

The yachts are now out to sea, almost a few nautical miles from the port. Except for helicopters, there is no other means of transportation.

"Where are you talking, it's enough if you can come. InterContinental come over and talk to your cousin."

Xuzhou Ji was called suddenly and recovered from the embarrassment just now. Smiling at Fu Ning: "Cousin, you are here."

Slender Fu Ning held a pink gift box in her beautiful hand.

She handed this gift box to Xuzhou Intercontinental. "This is the engagement gift I prepared for you. For your fiancee, I hope she likes it."

Xuzhou Ji took the gift box, and then held it in his hand embarrassingly. Su Xingchen stood far away and refused to come over, so he didn't walk over and hand it to her immediately.

Fu Ning asked casually, "Why are you all standing outside?"

This question is not easy to answer, Xuzhou Ji immediately said: "Yes, all go in, now the sun is a bit big outside at noon. Don't sunburn your skin."

Halfway through the conversation, he was suddenly interrupted. There is no way to continue talking, everyone can only go in first.

Xuzhou Ji walked over and handed the gift box Fu Ning had given to Su Xingchen. Su Xingchen reached out and took the gift box. She glanced at Xuzhou Intercontinental and said, "Why did you call Fu Ning here?"