She’s Scumbag

Chapter 36: There is one more (this

Xuzhou Ji looked at her with a faint smile: "Just like you said, why can't I invite my relatives over to attend my engagement ceremony?"

Su Xingchen looked at the gift box in his hand and thought that there were still gifts to take home, which was a little comfort.

Today she is destined to be infamous here, and now she has a souvenir.

But then again, she didn't know that Fu Ning was so rich after they had been together for so long. Before, Fu Ning gave her a watch. She thought it was a fake.

Presumably this gift from Fu Ning must be very valuable today. After all, it’s an engagement gift? It must be more expensive than ordinary gifts.

This time we must collect hehehe. A few days later, they were sold and exchanged for money.

Xuzhou Ji ridiculed: "Didn't you still be very involved in the performance just now? Why would you stop being a moth when your cousin came, and you wouldn't even dare to say a word?"

How could Su Xingchen be afraid of him. She snorted and said: "What do you know? Although Fu Ning is angry now, it's because she can't let me go. You'd better pay attention to your own tone when you talk to me. I will marry Fu Ning in the future. I will remember it."

"Heh. Do you think she came for you? If it wasn't for me to invite her, she wouldn't come. Su Xingchen, don't take yourself too high."

Of course Su Xingchen thought so, she even brought a gift for herself. As for the reason for her coming, don't we need to say more.

She shook the gift box in her hand at Xuzhou Ji, "I know it myself."

Xuzhou Ji gave a cold snort, she was really confident enough.

There is one thing that Su Xingchen did not guess wrong before.

That is, there is a high degree of similarity between the DNA of Xuzhou Ji and Fu Ning. Some things in their bones are indeed from the same family, and they can easily achieve the cruelty of almost extinction. The question is whether they want to do it or not.

Su Xingchen always felt that Fu Ning was a good person, and the reason was that Fu Ning had never been willing to be really cruel to her.

When she returned to her exclusive lounge with the gift box, the people inside were already emotional, and she was about to quarrel.

Because of the two people between Xuzhou Ji and Bai Yun just now.

Mother Su really couldn't bear it anymore. Xuzhou Ji now not only has an ex-wife popped up suddenly, but even children. But when he got engaged, he kept the secret strictly, and there was no sound of the wind.

Her angry mind was dizzy, and she rubbed her temples, her voice sounded very angry.

"This engagement ceremony can no longer be held. In this situation, it is impossible for me to marry Stardust to your house. Now that both of my friends are here, I hope that your family will stand up and accept the mistakes and then announce the resignation."

Fu Huixiu was naturally unhappy after hearing this. Although she is not unreasonable, this kind of scandal must not be publicized. Otherwise, the share price of Wanxing Real Estate will surely fall sharply tomorrow.

What's more, she just knew about this matter, and Bai Yun hasn't determined what the origin of this woman is, and whether her child is from the Xu family or not. How could it be possible for the Su family to withdraw the marriage first.

"You calm down first. I just knew about this. I don't need to tell you later. I must hold Interstate to make amends to Stardust. But don't be so arbitrary about the divorce. Let's give Interstate an explanation. Opportunity."

Su's mother was almost too angry to be lifted up. Her son himself admitted that he was married and had children. What else could explain?

"There is no need to explain. This marriage must be retired."

Su's mother's attitude was tough, which made Fu Huixiu's smiley expression cool down. She smiled and said to the little niece next to her, "Call me the Interstate."

Su Xingchen opened the door at this moment and came in.

Seeing the rattling atmosphere in the room, she regretted opening the door a little, and wanted to ask to exit in obscurity. But helplessly, the two women in the room had already seen her.

Su Xingchen had to come in.

Mother Su asked her, "Stardust, what do you mean?"

Su Xingchen glanced at Su's mother's face, and started to cry very winkly, and said with a small face: "I can't stand this kind of grievance!"

Su's mother raised her chin and said to Fu Huixiu: "You have also heard that neither of us, mother and daughter, want this engagement to continue. Moreover, we have to give an explanation for this matter today."

For the company these days, Su's mother has swallowed for a long time. Preemptive machine

Yes, of course she will not miss it.

Fu Huixiu's face was a little unsustainable, she urged the niece next to her to say: "Hurry up and find Interstate!"

This little niece is only in her teens this year. She usually likes to follow Fu Huixiu in front of her beloved, so she came to join in the fun today. She was stunned for a moment, with a cry of "Oh". Then hurried out to find Xuzhou Intercontinental.

Not long after, she came back crying again. Because Xuzhou Intercontinental's attitude is very firm, he said straightly that he would not come over.

Now you don't need to think about it all, you must be waiting for Xingshi to question him. His young master has been doing it for a long time, and he is unwilling to follow his grandson to be trained.

It's okay to say this now, Fu Huixiu is his mother after all, and she will know it sooner or later anyway.

The niece said cautiously: "My brother said he couldn't come. He asked me to tell you that the matter is what he said, there is nothing to add."

Su's mother sneered: "Everyone has heard it. Since everything is up to this point, there is really nothing to say."

But how could Fu Huixiu get so out of control from the scene? She took the lead to get up from the chair, with anger in her eyes. Said: "Today this matter can't just pass away. I have to find Interstate to clarify and give my family an explanation."

She opened the door and walked to the hall.

Xuzhou Intercontinental is in the corner of the hall, with Bai Yun standing beside him. Now let alone the mother Su who came out later looked angry, even if Fu Huixiu saw it herself, she was angry.

When is this, still entangled with that woman there. Of course Fu Huixiu didn't think it was her son's fault. She only felt that it was Bai Yun's ignorance and seduce her son.

"Interstate, what are you doing?!"

The words came out. Bai Yun was shocked, she was indeed terrified today.

I originally planned to participate in an engagement ceremony happily, but I didn't expect to cause such a big mess. Now Xuzhou Intercontinental still haunts her.

"You go away. Don't trouble me, all right?"

Su Xingchen also followed Su's mother and walked over there.

As soon as she came out, she saw Fu Ning sitting on the solo sofa not far away. Her slender legs were folded together, her expression was faint, and her fingers were holding the transparent goblet. It seemed that all the farce around her could not let her. Give alms half attention.

Su Xingchen's eyes looked at her directly. See how long she can pretend.

Fu Ning, a woman with amazing self-control, wanting to spend time with others, it couldn't be easier.

She put down the goblet in her hand, her legs changed directions and continued to overlap.

The farce next to it has just begun.

Bai Yun was anxious to escape, but Xuzhou Ji refused to let her go.

Choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. Xuzhou Intercontinental wants to admit everything today and make the relationship between the two people known to the world.

He took Bai Yun's arm, and this action made Fu Huixiu who had already walked over look furious.

"Interstate, you let me go. Pay attention to the occasion, it's your engagement ceremony now. Just for such a woman who can't make it to the table? Don't mess with me."

Fu Huixiu's words pierced Bai Yun's face instantly. Want to escape here even more.

Suddenly Fu Huixiu came over and added a boost between her and Xuzhou Ji's tug. As a result, Xuzhou Ji didn't hold Bai Yun at once, and let go. Bai Yun was still pulling **** her side, and she was about to fall to the ground just as she watched.

She smoothly held the retro tablecloth on the side table, which was filled with various dessert towers and goblets, one of which was the one that Fu Ning had just put there.

Not only did she fall to the ground by herself, she also turned over the table next to her. The moment the countless delicate and beautiful porcelain plates touched the ground, the "Pang Cang Cang" fell into a pile of fragments.

This sudden situation shocked Su Xingchen. She panicked, and she couldn't care about what people set up. I reacted immediately, and quickly walked over in three steps and two steps to check Bai Yun's situation.

Su Xingchen walked over, ignoring his dress, kneeling on the ground with one leg, bending down to help Bai Yun. Nervously said: "Are you okay? Are there any injuries?"

Bai Yun was not stabbed by the debris next to her, but she fell too hard and her head was a little bit painful.

She couldn't get up for a while, so she could only reluctantly say: "I'm fine."

Su's mother who was standing next to Su Xingchen didn't even react, she saw her daughter rushing over. She regretted why she didn't hold Su Xingchen.

It’s placed about less than two meters away from Bai Yun

Now Fu Ning is sitting on the single sofa.

The people next to him were frightened by the movement, and only Fu Ning sat on the sofa calmly. He didn't even blink his eyes.

The next table collapsed, and champagne snaked across the ground, staining the corners of the golden silk dress on her.

Fu Ning didn't notice this, just staring coldly at Bai Yun who fell on the ground, and Su Xingchen who was anxious to help her get up.

"Have you knocked on your head? Would you like me to take you to check it?"

Bai Yun reluctantly sat up on the ground with Su Xingchen's support. She rubbed her head and couldn't help hissing. It looks so painful.

Su Xingchen felt a lot of pain even just looking at it.

She frowned and looked at Bai Yun with worry.

But this picture falls into the eyes of others, but it has a different taste.

Su Xingchen was planning to lift Bai Yun up from the ground, and it was not an option to sit on the ground all the time. At this time, Xuzhou Ji suddenly rushed over and snatched Bai Yun from her.

Su Xingchen was shocked, "What are you doing?"

Xuzhou Ji angrily said: "You don't need to be kind!"

Su Xingchen was about to be furious, "Is it I who caused her to fall? Why did I help her up to be kind. Why don't you reflect on yourself? If you didn't hold her, would she fall?"

As soon as Su Xingchen said this, the system in her mind immediately sounded the "Dididi" alarm.

"The host please pay attention to your vicious female partner character. You are obsessed with the male lead. Please do not attack the male lead with words.

Your vicious female partner attribute is currently 50%. "

Bai Yun immediately pushed away the hand Xuzhou Ji was holding on to her. "You never end. It's obviously you who caused me to fall. You have to put the blame on Miss Su every time! You have to reverse black and white every time. Xuzhou Intercontinental, Miss Su is your fiancée, how can you? Treat her like that? You are too much!"

Xuzhou Ji couldn't argue, he froze for a while. Then it seemed to have plucked up the courage and made a major decision. He opened his mouth and said: "Okay, since you said that, then I am here to announce a decision. I, Xuzhou Ji, will retire from Su Xingchen. From today on, there will be no relationship between the two of us."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him gasped.

Bai Yun was so angry that she almost couldn't speak, "You!...I didn't mean that, you take it back!" As she said, Bai Yun's emotions became more and more excited, and she began to lose control of her tears. , Rushing down.

"Every time I meet you, nothing good will happen to me. I finally have a friend, but you want to ruin her in front of so many people. Xuzhou Intercity, you are really disappointing."

What's happening here? ?

Prince Xu family divorced the little princess Su family for Xiaoyehua?

It seems that the little princess of the Su family still knows Xiaoyehua?

Bai Yun cried and ran out. Xuzhou Ji hurriedly chased it out.

Only Su Xingchen stood there in a daze.

The system in her mind sounded "Ding Dong" and "Ding Dong" one after another.

Since she did the task. Never before has I received so many system rewards at once. She was overwhelmed all at once.

"Congratulations to the host, I get 5 points of guilt for the heroine, which can be used to exchange the heroine's favorability of 10%."

"Congratulations to the host, once again successfully instigating the relationship between the male and female leaders, rewarding one hundred points. The current total points are 700 points."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the [Engagement Ceremony Retirement] story mission in the main storyline. The reward points are 300 points. The current total points are 1000 points."

"Congratulations to the host system for over 1,000 points, you can go to the system store to redeem the host's Xinyi props~"

Su Xingchen was about to cry with joy, she had never felt so satisfied at this moment.

In the eyes of the surrounding group of people eating melons, Su Xingchen, who was abandoned by the scene, was stupid.