She’s Scumbag

Chapter 37

For Su Xingchen, today is simply a harvest. Although she stood on the spot dumbly, she was already spinning and jumping happily in her heart.

The other two parties have already left.

The people in the entire banquet hall were staring at Su Xingchen who was the only one left.

Everyone looked at each other. Then began to mutter in a low voice.

This engagement ceremony is nothing short of a farce.

Although Su Xingchen didn't like Interstate Xuzhou, she didn't want to stay here anymore.

She just wanted to quickly find a place where no one was there, and sort out the chaos in her mind, so as not to laugh out loud in public and be mistaken for being badly injured, and her brain started to be insane, like a mad woman haha laughing out loud.

She tried very hard to hold back the happiness that overflowed from the bottom of her heart. It's a pity that Su Xingchen is not a person who can endure so much. The more she wants to laugh, the more she can't help smiling.

So he could only stretch out his hand quickly, covering his lower half of his face. This is not to be exposed, and it was found that the corners of her mouth couldn't control the smile.

And the action of her covering her face seemed to others,? It is undoubtedly the evidence that she is uncomfortable and wants to cry.

The beautiful fiancée wearing that white silk and satin dress was tragically abandoned, standing alone in the original terrain.

The white, tender and clean face was coated with thick powder today, and it couldn't stop her sad look.

In the eyes of everyone, it was a miserable picture.

In the prying eyes cast from the surroundings, Su Xingchen quickly passed the crowd and left the banquet hall. Back to his lounge.


She closed the door.

After being cut off from the outside world, she finally softened her body and slid down the door. Removed his hands from his face, he couldn't hold back the joyful snickers anymore.

Hee hee hee.

The system has given her so many reward points that she has been smashed.

She can really redeem rewards now.

Finally retired from the dog hero! !

Great, she regained her status as a single noble. It's really a celebration of the whole world. She really wished to take off her outfit now, to celebrate this big day with a frantic dance dance.

It's a pity that Mother Su also came in behind her. Fortunately, Su Xingchen hadn't had time to start Sa Huan.

After Su’s mother came in, she began to give her psychological counseling with earnest words, and told her not to think too much, and leave it to her mother to solve the matter.

Su Xingchen nodded perfunctorily.

She and Su Xingchen were simply talking with each other. Su Xingchen was not sad at all.

She is almost dying of joy.

Su's mother also saw that Su Xingchen didn't want to continue discussing this topic at all, she thought it was because Su Xingchen was in a bad mood now. So he uttered comforting words: "Mom knows that you feel uncomfortable, but we can't take Xu's house now. But it will be long in the future, we have time and can afford it."

Hearing this, Su Xingchen felt cold.

This Su Mu's mentality is certainly good. It is a pity that Su Xingchen knows the future direction of this world. The male protagonist will not be consumed by the Su family, but the Su family will be bankrupted by the male protagonist early in the morning.

Su Xingchen felt that it was necessary to give Su's mother a vaccination in advance.

"Mom, do you really think we can fight the Xu family? What happened today has happened, and the previously promised financing still has cooperation. Can we continue now?"

This question really hit the key point, and this was what Su Mu was most worried about.

Seeing Su Mu's frown tightly.

Su Xingchen comforted her and said, "But don't worry too much, Mom, there is me. I will work hard to earn money to support my family in the future."

Although Su's mother didn't believe this at all, Su Xingchen had the ability to make money, and the money was about the same.

But she had this heart, which really relieved Mother Su's heart. She still knew how much her daughter was. Having this filial piety has not been in vain for so many years.

"I dare not expect you to make money to support your family. You can take care of yourself in this life, don't let me worry about it, that's enough."

Su Xingchen defended: "I'm not talking to you to fool you. I really have the ability to make money. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

She has accumulated a thousand points now and can redeem item rewards in the system mall. As long as she exchanges the golden finger for making a fortune, earning some money is not a matter of grasping.

She is not in a hurry now, in the future

Fang Chang. She will naturally have a chance to prove that she is not talking empty words.

Su's mother didn't take it seriously, just as if she was talking about it. Said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. If you have suffered such a big grievance today, we must seek an explanation from the Xu family. You can leave this matter alone, and leave the rest to your mother. deal with."

Su Xingchen couldn't ask for it. She can't wait to get rid of herself quickly.

"Listen to you, Mom."

Su's mother was on fire, and seeing Su Xingchen's heartless appearance made her feel even more angry.

She thought that Su Xingchen didn't dare to defy Xuzhou Intercontinental's meaning, and was like a bag of anger. She was still smiling when she was bullied. She didn't dare to fight back, and couldn't even get angry.

"You can still laugh. What is Bai Yun's background? It's really a great skill. I have seen something wrong a long time ago. She is quite capable, and even the child with Xuzhou Ji has gone. Just like you are a fool, go help her up. Did she tell you anything about the child?"

The child Su Xingchen did indeed know.

But Bai Yun never took the initiative to bring up the matter between her and Xuzhou Ji in front of her, let alone who the child's father was.

Su Xingchen thought for a while, and finally shook his head under Su's mother's gaze.

Su's mother hates that iron can't make steel, so she puts on a sentence: "Think about it for yourself."

No one spoke in the room for a while.

Su Xingchen actually understood these issues, but didn't want to think about it. After all, she didn't care whether Xuzhou Ji liked her or not.

She sat in front of the makeup mirror, looked at the mirror and began to remove the small hairpins and floral ornaments on her hair, while perfunctorily said: "Okay, Mom, I get it."

Mother Su coldly snorted: "I think your thoughts ran to your ex-girlfriend long ago. Why did she come here today?"

Speaking of Fu Ning, Su Xingchen's hand movement stopped. She put down what was in her hand. Then he pretended to be unaware, and said, "How do I know, it's not the invitation letter I sent her. It should be the Xu family who invited her over."

Of course, this was not what Su's mother wanted to ask. She just caught a glimpse of the gift box beside Su Xingchen. Then I remembered Fu Ning.

The style of the helicopter appearance is indeed impressive, if it is not rented. Fu Ning is probably much richer than the Xu family.

After all, the most expensive thing about a helicopter is not the price of the machine, but the need to invest a lot of money in maintenance every year, and also have to raise a pilot.

Mother Su said: "She also gave you the engagement gift. Wouldn't you open it for a look?"

Su Xingchen turned his head to look at Mother Su in surprise, and looked at her in disbelief. She used to reject Fu Ning very much. Now that the Xu family has retired, her attitude towards Fu Ning has begun to make a big turn?

This is not a bad thing.

If Su's mother's attitude towards Fu Ning could get better, it would naturally be better. Su Xingchen doesn't need to be caught in a dilemma.

"I'm planning to dismantle it."

Su Xingchen smiled and looked at Mother Su, then picked up the gift box next to it.

She didn't know what was inside. You can only pray silently in your heart, Fu Ning, you must stand up this time, and it's best to send an expensive key. Let your future mother-in-law look at your financial resources. Make sure that she will meet you with a smile on her face in the future.

Mother Su actually felt it somewhat, Fu Ning should not be as simple as she had thought before. At least one who is not short of money. What the details are, I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Just look at what she gave this time.

In the gaze of Su Mu's visit, Su Xingchen opened the gift box with his fingers trembling slightly.

Lying in it is actually a small yellow doll doll. It felt like it was taken out of a claw machine.

Against the backdrop of this beautiful gift box, a smell of cheap came over. It is estimated that it is not as valuable as the gift box in which it is contained.

Su Xingchen was really dumbfounded.

How to give this? !

Su Xingchen continued to look down again, turning the box upside down and shaking, except for this little yellow doll and a bunch of packaging waste. There is nothing else.

Su Xingchen was very anxious. In contrast, Su Mu seemed much calmer.

She frowned slightly and looked at Su Xingchen. Said: "Okay, you stop. Turn a gift box like this and do

Well? Show me things. "

Su Xingchen was completely desperate. What's so good about this. She confessed her fate and handed the slap-sized little yellow figure doll to Su's mother.

After Su's mother took it over, she took a look. Instead, he stared at this cheap doll and fell into contemplation for a moment. Mother Su said: "Do you know why she gave you this?"

Su Xingchen shook his head. Where does she know. This is not her favorite cartoon character either.

Mother Su thought for a while and said, "Then you go and ask her."

Su Xingchen's eyes widened in surprise, and pointed to his nose, "You asked me to ask her? Don't you hate me to have contact with her the most."

Her mother's transformation was too sudden.

Su's mother said in a huff: "Can it be the same now as before? You were engaged before, but now you are single."


Su Xingchen hummed the song happily, and now she is finally overwhelmed. It's not in vain that she has been holding on so hard before, but now she is finally out of her head, even her mother has supported her to find Fu Ning.

Mother Su handed her the cheap doll doll in her hand.

Su Xingchen took it. Said: "Well then, I will ask her later."

Su's mother said: "What are you anxious about? It's the same if you ask in a few days. Now go out and give others tea and talk after dinner."

But Su Xingchen couldn't wait.

The original plan for the yacht was to stay at sea for one night, then wake up at 7 o'clock the next morning and return to the port. Now even the engagement banquet has been completely ruined, and the yacht has been driven dozens of nautical miles. Can't go back temporarily. So they still have to spend one night on the yacht.

Because she was too far away from the signal tower when she went out to sea, her cell phone signal was not very good. I can't make a call, and I have to wait a long time to make a call.

Su Xingchen was a little worried. Because Fu Ning came by helicopter, she should be able to leave at any time if she wanted to. What if she leaves early.

She is not afraid of being talked about by these rumors, but she doesn't want to have any misunderstandings with her beloved. She couldn't wait to see Fu Ning now.

Before going out, Su Xingchen took off this white dress skirt and put on a light blue knitted Polo suit skirt. The temperament of the whole person became quiet and gentle.

She took the little yellow man doll with some anxiety and went to find Fu Ning.

There were dozens of rooms in the yacht, and Su Xingchen didn't know which room Fu Ning was in. You can only look for them one by one, or ask the captain in the cockpit, they should have a list of their staff.

The cockpit was on the top floor of the yacht. When Su Xingchen walked up to the top floor, he saw Peng Huixin.

There were two chairs on the deck, and she was sitting on one of them.

Su Xingchen walked over, stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder gently.

Peng Huixin turned his head and saw the person coming, showing a surprised expression, and the surprise and shock in his eyes soon turned into a polite smile.

"Stardust..." Originally, the engagement banquet should have said that the engagement is happy, a hundred years of harmony and so on. But in this situation, Peng Huixin was stunned for a while, and then finally found a suitable social vocabulary, saying: "Long time no see."

Su Xingchen replied: "Long time no see. By the way, I want to ask you, have you seen Fu Ning? I'm looking for something to do with her."

I heard the words Fu Ning. The expression on Peng Huixin's face seemed more subtle. She pointed her finger behind Su Xingchen, and said, "She is in the room next to the cockpit."

Su Xingchen nodded, "Okay, thank you."

"Wait a minute." Peng Huixin called to her, "Are you sure you want to go find her now?"

Just now Fu Ning was sitting on a chair next to him, and Peng Huixin tried to mention Su Xingchen's name and was ready to gossip. Peng Huixin didn't even dare to mention it directly, but changed to a tactful question, "Why did you come here today? Who sent you the invitation letter?"

With just that sentence, Fu Ning's expression began to become unpredictable. She was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Are you thinking about being the editor-in-chief of entertainment newspapers in the past? This career should suit you well. If you have ideas for this aspect, I can help you..."

Peng Huixin quickly acknowledged her counsel and stopped the topic. Said: "No, no, no, I'm quite satisfied with my current situation now. It doesn't work if I don't ask, it's really stingy."

Later, Fu Ning got up from the chair and returned to the room.

Peng Huixin looked at her back and muttered: "No wonder Su Xingchen broke up with her.

Got this dull character. "

Fu Ning was already far away, just like Shunfeng's ears. But I still heard Peng Huixin's whisper. She stopped, without looking back, "If you don't want to stay here anymore, you can just jump into the sea."

Peng Huixin really scared her. "It doesn't work if you don't say it, Su Xingchen didn't get engaged to Xuzhou Intercontinental in the end, why didn't you let people mention it. Really... I was wrong, I shut my mouth."

In retrospect, Peng Huixin still felt that this man had a terrible temper. What is not a matter to others, it has become a heinous crime to her.

Seeing Su Xingchen's innocent face, Peng Huixin reminded her out of good intentions: "You are mentally prepared. She is not in a good mood right now."

Su Xingchen nodded.

Then she walked to her door, reached out and knocked on the door.

There was no response from the people inside. Su Xingchen knocked a few more times, then put his hand on the doorknob, turned it lightly, and found that the door was unlocked.

She opened the door gently. Seeing Fu Ning in the room.

She is sitting on a retro sofa with a thick book in her hand, and her slender and flawless fingers are turning the pages of the book.

She wears a pair of silver-rimmed glasses. These almost transparent glasses can't seal people's beauty at all, but add a sense of alienation and deserted beauty to her. She was staring at the pages of the book intently, and when she heard the door opening, she lifted her eyelids and glanced at someone.

After seeing Su Xingchen, Fu Ning didn't have any special reaction either. His eyes skipped her face without any fluctuations, and his gaze stayed for a second on the little yellow doll in her hand.

It was just a second, and then he returned his gaze to the page and continued to concentrate on reading.

Su Xingchen said, "I have something to ask you."

Fu Ning didn't seem to have any plans to talk to her, and did not lift his eyelids, after a few seconds. Said: "Let's talk. What's the matter?"

Su Xingchen said: "Nothing, just want to ask you why you gave me this."

She picked up the little yellow man doll in her hand.

"Also, are you really reading a book? You should have heard the sound of my knocking on the door just now. When you were reading before, as long as someone made a little movement to disturb you, you would be very upset."

Fu Ning is indeed very upset now, very upset by Su Xingchen's question. She frowned slightly, and said a little bit of displeasure in her tone: "So what?"

"I knocked so many times just now, you must have been so noisy that you can't get in. But you were still staring at the book when I opened the door. I understand what you mean. You must be waiting for me to come to you. ?"

Fu Ning didn't take the book anymore, just closed it and threw it aside. Hearing Su Xingchen's answer, she slowly raised the corners of her mouth, showing a sneer, "What do you think I am waiting for you?"

Su Xingchen was actually embarrassed to speak up. She had been brewing for a long time before, and she knew that she should say sorry to Fu Ning.

But even if she knew that she was wrong, this sorry sentence was much harder than she thought. Especially in this kind of serious conversation atmosphere.

She lowered her head and whispered, "I'm sorry. It's my fault."

After speaking, she glanced at Fu Ning quietly. Fu Ning didn't seem to have any obvious reaction.

Fu Ning was really irritable to death.

Originally came here to see what Su Xingchen could continue to do. When he saw Su Xingchen being abandoned on the spot, Fu Ning's heart was untimely bursting with joy. Someone finally managed her.

But I didn't expect Su Xingchen to come to her again in a blink of an eye.

The embarrassment of being divorced in public did not seem to have had any effect on her, and she still ran over to look for her alive and well.

Fu Ning was very upset.

But when Su Xingchen was talking to Peng Huixin outside, Fu Ning felt an unspeakable sense of expectation on the other side of Fu Ning's heart.

As expected, Su Xingchen still came to her.

Fu Ning was now irritated by her own torture. On the one hand, she always felt that she could not forgive Su Xingchen, and that she had not been punished enough. On the one hand, he looked forward to Su Xingchen's coming to find her. Su Xingchen would always belong to her. I can't really leave her in this life.

When Su Xingchen saw through her nervousness that she was not reading at all, Fu Ning no longer struggled, and she began to become angry.

What did the woman in front of her do to her, and she dared to put on a look that was familiar to her and knew her well in front of her.

Does she know what she did? Know oneself

Haven't you been forgiven yet?

However, in the next second, they obediently apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Fu Ning had nowhere to vent the fire, so she could only endure it abruptly. After thinking about it, she still felt angry, so she could only sneer and said, "I won't forgive you, Su Xingchen."

Su Xingchen seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then asked innocently, "Then what else are you going to do?"

This really stopped Fu Ning.

What else?

Where does she know what to do!

Isn't this a problem that should be solved by Su Xingchen. She did something wrong, so naturally it is up to her to solve the problem of how to coax people well. Is it possible that Fu Ning, the victim, must think for her?

Fu Ning sneered and said, "How is it?"

In short, I am angry, so I don't forgive.

Fu Ning's gaze fell on the little yellow man doll in her hand again, she raised her eyes and looked at Su Xingchen. Said: "You asked me why I gave you this?"

Su Xingchen nodded, unaware that Fu Ning was preparing to pierce her heart.

Seeing her look blank.

Fu Ning knew this would be the case, and she had forgotten it a long time ago.

"This is the first time we two went out on a date. The gift you gave me. Heh, I didn't expect that I would remember it alone."

Where did Su Xingchen remember this kind of thing.

When the two of them went out on a date for the first time. Going to the video game city next to the playground, Su Xingchen took a basket of game coins and caught such an ugly thing from the claw machine. She gave it to Fu Ning casually.

This is simply a proposition.

Su Xingchen wanted to cry without tears. "sorry I forgot."

Fu Ning knew it would be like this.

Su Xingchen's performance made her firmer.

Even though Su Xingchen felt a little guilty, he couldn't help but ask: "Then you give me this..."

Fu Ning said coldly: "I will return the gift you gave you, and you will also give me the gift we gave you when we first dated."

This really embarrassed Su Xingchen.

She didn't even remember what Fu Ning gave her. Although she kept everything that Fu Ning gave, she didn't think of a doll like this kind of casual gift.

Su Xingchen asked in a low voice, "The gift you gave me on our first date...was that fluorescent bracelet?"

Come on, as soon as Su Xingchen said this, she understood everything when she saw Fu Ning's face immediately pulled down.

I upset her again.

But she really can't remember so many things. What a mess of anniversaries, gifts. She is a lost person, even after Valentine's Day, she sees others there, and then realizes it later.

"I'm sorry I was wrong. But I really can't remember, can you give me a hint?"

Fu Ning didn't have such kindness. She said coldly: "Go back and think about it slowly. When did you think about it, come and return the things to me."

Su Xingchen asked again: "Then if I can't remember it all the time, do we... still break up? ⊙﹏⊙"

Fu Ning:...

She was a little speechless: "The two of us have broken up a long time ago, and we are just clearing up the remaining disputes."

Su Xingchen nodded, "Well, you said that if you broke up, then you broke up. Since you don't want to get back together for the time being, it's better to divide it up for a while."

Fu Ning:...

Looking at Su Xingchen's white and tender face, Fu Ning made a decision in her heart. At least for this month, she would not reunite with Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen looked at her expression, and then decisively slipped away. "I'll go back and think about the gift slowly."

Fu Ning suddenly stopped her, "Wait."

Su Xingchen stopped and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"A few days before your engagement, I sent you a document, did you receive it?"