She’s Scumbag

Chapter 38

When Fu Ning decided to send these copies to her, Fu Ning was already ready for Su Xingchen to call her to find her.

As a result, Fu Ning stared at the phone and prepared for several days. Prepared for nothing. Su Xingchen didn't even put a fart. Engaged directly with Xu Zhouji.

"You said this, I received it." Su Xingchen remembered that he wanted to call her and ask her why she was sending this.

She knew that Fu Ning was kind,? Fu Ning had told her that she could help.

Su Xingchen was actually very clear. Fu Ning is a very good person, and he treats her very well.

Fu Ning looked at the expression on Su Xingchen's face and said, "You should know how much property I have in my name now, right?"

Su Xingchen nodded: "I know."

She thought that Fu Ning's purpose of sending something was just to make her change her mind. She would never think of giving Su Xingchen ten thousand reasons,? Fu Ning mentioned this incident at this moment to show off.

In the next second, a noble and cold smile appeared at the corner of Fu Ning's mouth.

"Why, regret it?"

Su Xingchen:. . .

I will not regret it at all. She just didn't expect Fu Ning to be so naive.

But Su Xingchen still cooperated very well and said, "I regret it very much."

Satisfied, Fu Ning let out a cold snort from his nose.

"I said I could help you a long time ago? It's a pity that you just don't know how to do it. You have to marry Xuzhou Intercontinental. No matter what you are for, it's too late now."

Su Xingchen nodded and said yes.

Fu Ning said in a huff: "What are you doing in a daze? Go back and return the gift I gave you. If you can't find it, please wait for compensation, Su Xingchen."

Su Xingchen was shocked, "You have to pay if you can't find it? How much? I can't remember what you gave."

Looking at her shocked little face, Fu Ning finally showed a very gentle smile, and said, "Not much, more than one million. The Su family has a big business, and this amount of money should not be counted for Miss Su. What."

Su Xingchen's heart was bleeding.

It doesn't matter anymore, now she won't take it out if anyone borrows more than one hundred dollars from her.

When the two were dating for the first time, they obviously just went to a place like the amusement park and video game city for a while, but when they went shopping, they bought a lot of things. Su Xingchen didn't even remember that there were more than one million.

Otherwise, how could she have mistakenly thought that Fu Ning had no money.

"I'll look for it tomorrow? What the **** is it, can you tell me?"

Of course it is impossible for Fu Ning to tell her, "I want to."

When Su Xingchen went back, he was still wondering what it was all the way. When I returned to the room, I saw Mother Su was eating dinner.

Although the marriage cannot be finalized, but the meal still has to be eaten. In the evening, it was supposed to be a party held in the hall, and everyone had a meal together. Now it’s impossible. Instead, the crew will deliver meals to each room one by one, avoiding the embarrassment of meeting each other.

Although for Su Xingchen, this kind of embarrassment does not exist. She opened the door with the little yellow doll doll, and heard Mother Su say, "Lock the door from the inside."

Su Xingchen locked the door as she said, and asked her: "What's wrong? You need to lock the door."

Speaking of this, Su's mother put down the chopsticks in her hand.

"Not long after you left just now, Fu Huixiu came over and took her son Xuzhouji over to apologize. She said that we have to wait for the divorce. What are you waiting for? Waiting for the paternity test of that child? It proves that the child is hers. Grandson, she can divorce our family. What did she consider our Su family and let her pick it up like this?!"

Su Xingchen also felt puzzled in his heart, this Aunt Fu is truly amazing. She hurriedly walked over to comfort Su Mu and said, "You should calm down first."

In the DNA paternity test of the child, Su Xingchen knew that the final result must be the child of Xuzhou Intercontinental.

"What I said about this marriage with Xuzhou Intercontinental is to retreat. It will be retired sooner or later. Since I retired from him, it doesn't matter whether the child belongs to him or not."

As soon as the conversation changed, Su's mother pointed the finger at Bai Yun and said, "That Bai Yun is a clerk in our company. We are married to the Xu family. Who knows whether the whole company is up or down, she and Xuzhou Ji It’s broken, trying to understand and pretend to be confused, waiting to see our jokes. Still want to work in the Su Group? I will call HR now and let the people be fired."

Su Xingchen didn’t know what to say, but just persuaded him dryly.

Said: "Don't, mom, you can't let someone fire her. Even if she is an employee of Su's family, she has no obligation to tell the company about such things. Calm down."

Su Xingchen was afraid that Su's mother would do something that she would regret, and sooner or later she would find that Bai Yun was actually the daughter she had lost. She can't wait to have cramps on people's skin, I am afraid that in the future, even her intestines will be regrettable.

"I've been bullied to the top. Why are you calming me down?" Su's mother changed her thoughts and sneered: "But you are right about one thing. You can't get her to be fired. You can't let her go so cheap. I have to let her taste something amazing."

Su Xingchen was speechless. "Mom, don't be mistaken. The person who made the Su family embarrassed in public is Xuzhou Intercontinental, not Bai Yun. She is just a small employee, not so capable. If you really want to retaliate, go to Xuzhou Intercontinental. All right."

Su's mother looked at Su Xingchen incredulously, "Did you have a broken brain, why did you still maintain that Bai Yun?! It's really inexplicable."

Su Xingchen: "..."

"Just leave it alone. By the way, what did Fu Ning say over there? Didn't you just ask?"

Su Xingchen replied: "Why do you suddenly care about me and Fu Ning so much? This doll is a gift from my previous date with her, and she wants to return it to me now."

Mother Su nodded, her face was a little more attractive, and she was very satisfied and said, "It seems that her helicopter is not rented."

Su Xingchen said in a daze, "What? She gave me a doll, so you can tell that her helicopter is not rented?"

Su's mother nodded and said: "Yes, only people with insufficient confidence will swell their faces and fill up fat people. Rich people are generous, and they especially like to collect the actual value of zero, but it is a bit commemorative. thing."

Su Xingchen thought carefully, and really thought it was really like this.

Ordinary people like her are particularly fond of ostentation, and Fu Ning is generous. Just made her lose money.

She said: "It seems to be so."

After dinner, Su Xingchen's mind again sounded a system prompt: "Ding~The next plot, [Su Xingchen pushes Baiyun into the sea, everyone sees through the true face of the vicious female partner]."

Su Xingchen was planning to go out to blow the sea breeze and walk around to digest food. When she heard the system prompt, she paused when she was about to take her steps.

Push Bai Yun into the sea. . .

Su Xingchen thought, this plot is really poisonous.

The next assignment for her is estimated to be this kind of task that hurts others and disadvantages oneself.

Su Xingchen didn't feel surprised, anyway, she had been mentally prepared a long time ago. The sea breeze in the evening was a bit cold, and Su Xingchen closed the zipper on his coat and walked outside.

Her eyes shuttled in the crowd, looking for Bai Yun's position.

Everyone might not have thought that Su Xingchen would come out so grandly, so they were all paying attention to her. All kinds of gossip, scrutiny, sarcasm, and even malicious eyes.

Su Xingchen knew very well that some people were born to gloat and wait for the parties involved to cause a bigger scandal.

It was a great fortune for these people to meet her, because she was planning to do so.

No one beside Su Xingchen walked from one end of the yacht to the other, looking for Bai Yun's figure.

Fortunately, at night, the light of the lamp is not very good. So most people did not notice her. Su Xingchen turned around on the first floor, but couldn't find where Bai Yun was.

Then she went to the second floor. Bai Yun's room is on the second floor, but it is a pity that she is not in the room. Su Xingchen flew into the air.

Then she went to the third and fourth floor.

The fourth floor is already the top floor. As soon as Su Xingchen went up, she saw Fu Ning. She was standing by the guardrail, looking deep at the sea level in the distance.

As soon as Su Xingchen came up, Fu Ning saw her.

Su Xingchen walked over there. Before he had time to speak, he heard Fu Ning say, "What are you doing to me again? Didn’t you tell me, don’t come to see me until you find my gift and return it to me. NS?"

Su Xingchen didn't even know if he should tell her for a while that he didn't come to look for her.

If he said that, Fu Ning would definitely be even more angry.

Su Xingchen wouldn't do this kind of death indiscriminately, she still wanted to get back with Fu Ning sooner.

She chose a white lie and said, "I just want to come and see you. If you don't want to see me, then I will go."


In fact, she really has other things to do.

Fu Ning looked at her pitiful look, her slap-sized face made people hurt just by looking at it.

She was retired in public today, and it is estimated that she will not feel much better in her heart.

So Fu Ning said compassionately: "Forget it, you can stay. Even if you break up, there is no need to be an enemy. You just need to return the things to me earlier."

Su Xingchen nodded in agreement.

There was no one to speak for the two of them, and they fell into awkward silence. Su Xingchen had to find something to say: "Have you eaten dinner?"

Fu Ning gave her a sideways look. "Ask what this is for? I ate it."

Su Xingchen also knew that she was a little bit speechless, so she mainly left after a few words of greeting. So he said: "Just eat it, then I will..."

I'm leaving.

Before he had time to say a few words, Fu Ning suddenly said, "We have broken up. It doesn't matter if I eat or not, so please don't ask anything like that in the future."

Su Xingchen:...

"Okay, I know."

Su Xingchen was worried, and suddenly she saw Bai Yun standing there on the second floor deck. There is also a Xuzhou Interstate standing next to it. Su Xingchen stared at the positions of the two people for a while, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, he planned to pass.

Fu Ning naturally noticed the direction of her gaze, and now it was hard to miss her by her side.

She was about to say goodbye to Fu Ning. Just listen to Fu Ning's words: "I want to remind you of something. I was going to tell you last time. The woman named Bai Yun is Xuzhou Ji’s ex-wife. The two have children. This woman is not what you imagined. It's that simple. Since you have already retired from Xuzhou Intercontinental Marriage, stay away from these two people."

Su Xingchen nodded.

These are already public. I basically know it.

Looking at Su Xingchen's disapproval, Fu Ning emphasized again, her tone was a little unpleasant and said: "Have you heard, little fool?"

Su Xingchen nodded and said, "I heard it. I have something to do, let's go down first."

When leaving, she casually put on a sentence: "You remember to rest early."

Fu Ning looked at her back in a hurry. Su Xingchen was originally not tall, and when he was blown by the wind, he looked even smaller. Poorly look.

Fu Ning whispered softly: "I have said that she is not allowed to care about me anymore. This little fool's habit can't be changed."

Standing on the fourth floor deck, Fu Ning watched Su Xingchen running from the fourth floor to the third floor, and then from the third floor to the second floor.

really. Fu Ning raised her eyebrows slightly, and it seemed that the little fool was not afraid of death. The mess between Xuzhou Ji and Bai Yun was messing up with the mud, but she followed it up so vigorously.

Su Xingchen ran down quite quickly, but how she walked over naturally and blended in between Jin Bai Yun and Xuzhou Ji, this matter made her hesitate a little.

To be a brainless furious female partner, walked over aggressively and asked why Bai Yun wanted to rob her?

I still want to be Bailian's scheming female partner, acting as a victim, and asking why Bai Yun hurt her so much?

Anyway, in the final ending, she pushed Bai Yun a bit, and then the main characters in the plot were aware of her viciousness.

Just like the last time in the Su Group, the plot arrangement is that she pushes Bai Yun down, and then Bai Yun's glasses fall off, revealing her true appearance. But she would have the same effect as long as she took off Bai Yun's glasses.

Now the same, she doesn't need to really push Bai Yun into the sea.

Su Xingchen walked over there.

Bai Yun was talking to Xuzhou Ji. After seeing Su Xingchen, the conversation stopped. She turned around nervously and looked at Su Xingchen. Said: "Ms. Su, everything is a misunderstanding. Please listen to my explanation. I have already made it clear to Xuzhou Ji. It is impossible for me to tell him. I'm sorry, I shouldn't hide it from you at the beginning."

Su Xingchen looked at her and really wanted to tell her what was in his heart, it didn't matter that I didn't care.

Unfortunately, she can only start acting.

"Why do you treat me like this, you know that the person I love is him, and you are my best friend. How can you betray me like this?"

I have to say that Su Xingchen feels that she is quite talented as an actor, and her acting is quite good.

When she questioned, Bai Yun's body was trembling.

Bai Yun hurriedly explained to her: "No, I never thought of hurting you, Miss Su,

When I met you, you were already Xuzhou Intercontinental's fiancée, and I cherish your kindness to me. So afterwards, I became less and less dared to tell you the truth. Because I am afraid that you will be alienated from me because of Interstate Xuzhou. "

Su Xingchen was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly. Her position in Bai Yun's heart is so important.

She continued: "You have this kind of relationship with my fiancé, but you keep hiding it from me. Are you still my good friend?"

Bai Yun's tears pattered down. "Sorry Miss Su, I know this is my fault, you must hate me very much in your heart, I know it is because of me that you will be hurt. I'm really sorry."

The Xuzhou Intercontinental hearing is really getting more and more irritated by the side.

So when Su Xingchen reached out to Bai Yun and gently pushed her. Xuzhou Ji directly pushed backhand, and Su Xingchen was also standing beside the railing. She was pushed by Xuzhou Ji, one of them couldn't stand firmly and fell.

Standing on the fourth floor deck, Fu Ning was watching from a distance. On the second floor, Su Xingchen was talking to Xuzhou Ji and Bai Yun.

She didn't bother to mix up these things. But suddenly seeing that Su Xingchen didn't know why, she stretched out her hand and pushed Bai Yun, and then she was pushed into the sea by Xuzhou Ji.

Fu Ning was in cardiac arrest.

Everyone heard a "plop", and then someone shouted: "It's not good, someone has fallen."

"The lifeguard, go down and save people."