She’s Scumbag

Chapter 39

When Fu Ning walked to the second floor deck, Bai Yun and Xuzhou Ji were still stunned.

Xuzhou Ji didn't even want to push Su Xingchen down, but just missed it for a while. After seeing the lifeguard jump down to save people, he didn't worry anymore. Instead, she began to comfort Bai Yun, who was frightened and silly next to her.

Fu Ning walked over with a gloomy expression, and asked him, "What happened just now?"

Bai Yun had been guilty of such a naturally superior and noble woman. After seeing Fu Ning, he was so scared that he couldn't say a word.

Xuzhou Ji knew the relationship between Fu Ning and Su Xingchen, and naturally knew what she was asking. He can only bite the bullet and explain: "Su Xingchen suddenly stretched out her hand to push Bai Yun, so I overreacted and missed it for a while? Cousin, don't worry, she must be fine."

Fu Ning's gaze stared at Xuzhouji for a while, but stopped on Bai Yun. She looked at Bai Yun as if looking at an inanimate object. She looked at Bai Yun indifferently with that kind of godlike eyes.

"Since she wants to push people down, then let her push them down. Xuzhou Intercontinental, if you move her to protect this stuff, I won't be so polite to you. This kind of thing won't happen again."

Hearing Fu Ning's words, there was no blood on Bai Yun's face, as if she was the one pushed down.

She actually knows very well that these women of superior origin are like this, they are so arrogant that they can ignore everything. Don't treat people as people at all. They don't pay attention to people like Bai Yun at all.

Su Xingchen was rescued by the lifeguard. She was sitting on the rescue boat, and she saw a lot of people on the first deck of the yacht.

Everyone heard that someone had fallen, so they all gathered around to look around.

Sure enough, Su Xingchen knew that she was about to make a joke again. This time it is estimated that the title will be [Miss Su Jia committed suicide by jumping into the sea unbearably humiliated].

But when she was mentally prepared, when she arrived on the yacht, everyone around her was gone.

Su Xingchen thought to himself, someone from the Su family should have come forward to let people go back.

In the next second, she realized that she had made a mistake.

At this time, there was only one Fu Ning standing on the deck on the first floor. She came up from the rescue boat with difficulty, and Fu Ning came over and took her cold little hand. Regardless of whether she was soaked all over, he held her tightly in his arms.

Fu Ning put his arms around the person in his arms, and touched the wet little head with his slender fingers. Press your head against your heart.

At the moment when he saw Su Xingchen falling, Fu Ning only felt that his heartbeat had stopped. After that, the frequency of her heartbeat began to disorder.

Until he saw Su Xingchen climbing up from the rescue boat with his wet head. She is now returning to her soul.

But Su Xingchen didn't feel that well anymore. She was soaked all over her body. As soon as the sea breeze blew, she shivered with cold, fighting with her teeth up and down.

Fu Ning hugged her too hard, she was a little out of breath.

Su Xingchen thought in a daze. It is estimated that her mother is still worrying in the room at this time. It doesn't matter if she doesn't know it, she won't be able to explain it if she knows it.

She looked up at Fu Ning, and Fu Ning's face was not pretty. She was staring at herself very displeased.

Su Xingchen knew that he must have upset Fu Ning again. Of course, the best way is to pretend to be foolish. Su Xingchen was dying uncomfortably now, but he was not in the mood to be disciplined at all.

She sucked on her nose that was red from the cold, and said, "Sister, I'm so cold."

Fu Ning looked at her, her small face was pale and pale with freezing, and the tips of her nose and ears were frozen as red as if she could bleed at any time. His hair was wet on his head. The clothes on his body are still dripping with water.

"you deserve it."

Su Xingchen:...

The sale failed miserably.

She lowered her head helplessly. Forget it, go and roll back to sleep in your own bed. First change the clothes on your body. Take a bath and sleep. I'll talk about other things tomorrow.

Fu Ning spoke again: "I just told you not to mix up with those two people. You agreed very quickly. You ran over to cause trouble in a blink of an eye. Couldn't you do it yourself now?"

Su Xingchen suddenly felt that she couldn't stand Fu Ning's words about her. No sentence will work. It sounds very heartwarming.

When she was about to leave silently, Fu Ning suddenly took her hand. Pull her upstairs.

Su Xingchen shook her hand away.

She was also a little angry. Fu Ning always did this, stabbing her with words.

She was also very wronged in her heart. Even if it’s not so at the beginning

Feeling uncomfortable, when Fu Ning said so, she couldn't help but feel wronged and wanted to cry.

Fortunately, Su Xingchen is still somewhat sane. She is now on the fourth floor, and few people outside can see it. If she goes back to her room on the first floor, it is estimated that everyone standing in the hall on the first floor will know that she is the one who fell into the sea.

So she chose to follow Fu Ning to her room on the fourth floor.

After Fu Ning was thrown away, she took her hand again. Jokingly said: "You have a big temper in front of me. Why is it not like this when you are in front of others?"

Su Xingchen didn't say a word, struggling for a while, didn't shake off, and stopped doing unnecessary struggling.

Now go take a shower in her room, change clothes, and then go back to the first floor to sleep later.

What she arranged in her heart was pretty good. Unfortunately, this is not the case in practice.

After entering Fu Ning's room, she began to take off her coat. The knitted jacket was still dripping with water. Following Su Xingchen's movements, there were water droplets everywhere, making Fu Ning frown.

She said: "You go into the bathroom and take it off. Why can't this bad problem be corrected."

Su Xingchen was a little nervous when he was irritated, and said fiercely, "I broke up after breaking up, so what do I do."

After she entered the bathroom, when she was waiting for the water to take a bath in the bathtub, she was already sleepy with her eyelids and her eyelids. When she took off her clothes and sat in the bathtub, she fell asleep before she could sit for a while.

At first, Fu Ning was irritated by her virtue of not being afraid of boiling water. I didn't intend to talk to her again. But no one can always be seen outside. I began to worry about whether this person was encountering something again.

When Fu Ning went in, he saw Su Xingchen lying asleep in the bathtub, she curled up like a child, the heater in the bathroom was turned on, and her white, tender face returned to a blush. It's like a tempting red apple.

The slender neck supports the head, the hair is draped on the back, and the lower part is soft and floating in the water.

Fu Ning knew that she was asleep again, so she washed her hair casually and rinsed it with water.

In the middle, Su Xingchen woke up in a daze. Fu Ning didn't know how to take care of people at all, so he rushed to her, and the water in the shower rushed to her face inadvertently, awakening Su Xingchen.

After the shower, Su Xingchen didn't have the energy to continue tossing. Originally, I was going to be annoyed with Fu Ning for a while, but I was too sleepy. She numbly rolled into Fu Ning's bed and slumped.

When Fu Ning came out of the bathroom after washing, she saw that Su Xingchen had occupied her bed, covered her quilt, and turned into a nest.

Fu Ning reminded her: "Su Xingchen, you won't go back to your room, what will you sleep on my bed?"

Su Xingchen gave a bewildered "um".

"Who allowed you to run into my bed to sleep?"

Now there was no even a "hmm" sound.

Su Xingchen had fallen into a deep sleep unconscious.

Fu Ning looked at the ball on the bed. Then she opened the quilt and lay in. She looked at the villain lying on her side, pulled her body over, and faced her direction.

Su Xingchen adjusted his posture and continued to lie down, resting his arm on his back, sleeping soundly.

Fu Ning reached out and poked her face, which was as soft as dough, which was still steaming.

Su Xingchen was so sleepy that he couldn't notice anything at all. It's like falling into the abyss of dreams.

After so many days of awkwardness, Fu Ning finally waited until Su Xingchen was lying beside him. She looked at the little fool next to her, and put the person in her arms, her soft body tightly snuggling.

Su Xingchen's body still smelled of shower gel, which she chose. Fu Ning's nose was rubbing against her slender and warm neck, and she was very satisfied with the smell of her body.

Fu Ning has an unspeakable paranoia about smell. As long as the person she likes has the smell she likes, she will be able to please her to a large extent. The smell often means ownership.

Seeing that sweet and sleeping little face, she felt a morbid sense of satisfaction.

Because Su Xingchen was too sleepy and couldn't wait to blow his hair before going to bed, so he put a towel on the pillow and went to sleep. Fu Ning pulled her wet hair twice, picked up a corner of the padded towel, and began to wipe her hair little by little.

After wiping, pull the wet towel from under her head.

Su Xingchen was awakened by her again, his head shook, and he opened his eyes in a daze, and Fu Ning put the towel back in the bathroom. Come back to see little baby

His eyes opened a gap, and he looked at her blankly. Fu Ning couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. Kissed her on the mouth again.

Although Su Xingchen's brain is dizzy, his body's instinctive reaction is still very proficient in reaching out and hooking her waist. The appearance of being picked by anyone.

Fu Ning was planning to continue. But suddenly it seemed as if he had remembered something, her eyes returned to coldness again, and she stared at Su Xingchen's small face for a while. Then she pulled away her little hand that was holding her waist.

She would never let Su Xingchen taste a little bit of sweetness before Su Xingchen got her forgiveness.

The idea was rejected the next day.

When Su Xingchen woke up, it was only six o'clock, the sunrise on the sea was brighter, and the window was not closed, which made her open her eyes.

When she saw Fu Ning lying on her side, her head went blank for a moment, and then the memory returned. She remembered what happened last night.

The anger she was going to be angry with hadn't finished yet.

She stretched out her hand and shook Fu Ning who was wearing the blindfold next to her.

Fu Ning was awakened by her shaking, and she lifted the corner of the blindfold with her slender fingers. There was too much light in the room. She squinted hard to look at Su Xingchen, and her expression seemed to say, "You better be able to say something. Whatever comes, otherwise just wait.”

Su Xingchen thought for a while and said, "Good morning. Miss Fu."

Hearing Su Xingchen's words, Fu Ning was not sleepy anymore, she directly removed the blindfold she was wearing on her face, her voice was still a little hoarse, and said, "What did you call me just now?"

"Miss Fu."

Fu Ning's lip color is very light and pink. She usually paints her lips with matte tones that are mature and elegant. At this moment, she didn't have any makeup, she gently raised the corners of her pink lips, smiled, and Su Xingchen's heartbeat was like a little deer.

"Then Ms. Su, what are you doing in Ms. Fu's bed?"

Su Xingchen had an idiotic expression on his face. His eyes stared at Fu Ning obsessively.

Fu Ning's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help but bit the corner of Su Xingchen's mouth. Hooked her little tongue.

Su Xingchen reached out and pushed her.

Fu Ning was interrupted in the middle, looking at her with a little displeasure, and said, "What's the matter?"

Su Xingchen raised his small hand and said, "What is the current situation of the two of us? Have we completely reconciled, or is it a temporary truce?"

Fu Ning stretched out her hand to hold her cute little fingers, and patted her **** with the other hand.

"Temporarily truce. I still have a lot of accounts that I haven't settled with you yet, don't even think about fooling around with me like this."

Su Xingchen clutched his hips and said, "I still have a question."


"I haven't brushed my teeth yet, I don't want to kiss you."

Fu Ning looked at her, "Su Xingchen, are you trying to die with me?"

Su Xingchen turned down and stayed on Fu Ning's body. Hooked her neck. Acting like a baby: "Then I will let you kiss, tell me about the first time we dated, what on earth did you give me worth more than one million?"

Su Xingchen's hair is thin and soft, and now her hair has exploded.

She didn't blow her hair last night, although Fu Ning helped her wipe a little. But she didn't sleep honestly. Rubbing back and forth.

Fu Ning smiled and stroked her head, smoothing her hair. Just after pressing it down, he leaned back.

Su Xingchen saw Fu Ning touching her head and didn't know what she was laughing at.

She is also a little bit frowning now.

"Hurry up. What is it?"

Fu Ning retracted her hand, kissed her cheek, and said, "It's still the same thing, think about it yourself."

After speaking, Fu Ning pushed her aside, got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Su Xingchen looked at her leaving back and said, "Well, I really can't remember."

Fu Ning stopped and looked back at her. Said: "Miss Su, I want to remind you of friendship. Our temporary truce is now over. You may see the other side of me later."

Su Xingchen whispered: "I usually see a lot of your other faces. It's a woman who got out of bed and turned her face. I also want to get up and wash away."

Su Xingchen got up and squeezed into the bathroom, saw the wet clothes he took off yesterday, and said, "You saw me fall last night? Not everyone saw it, right?"

Fu Ning did not answer her question. Instead, he said: "Those two people, what are your plans?"