She’s Scumbag

Chapter 59

Su Xingchen was still trying to save himself.

"Have you been full just now? Would you like to eat something else."

As soon as he said the words, Su Xingchen saw Fu Ning's upset look and her slightly red lips.

Because Su Xingchen had fed a lot of things in the hot pot just now, she still had a tingling feeling in her mouth now. And the red lips, it seemed that her whole face seemed to be stained with a bit of glamour, as well as a pitiful sense of innocence.

Su Xingchen couldn't hold back the corner of his mouth, and smiled a little gloating, "It seems that you really can't eat spicy food."

On weekdays, Su Xingchen is in a submissive position, and Fu Ning is in a leading position. But today Fu Ning was ruthlessly mocked by Su Xingchen, she looked at Su Xingchen with an unhappy expression. The tone was somewhat indifferent and said: "Shut up."

Although his face was full of dissatisfaction, the movement of his hand still honestly took Su Xingchen's hand.

Su Xingchen asked her: "Where are you going to take me?"

This question asked? Can it be regarded as giving Fu Ning a chance to vent her fire,? She turned her head and looked at Su Xingchen sarcastically, her tone mocked: "At this point, where do you think I can take you apart from the hotel? Is it possible to go to the amusement park and ride the Ferris wheel?"

This is not impossible.

Of course, Su Xingchen saw Fu Ning's face and swallowed this sentence consciously. After all, the Ferris wheel is dangerous. She is still a little afraid of heights, and she is very sorry for her life. Where can there be a warm and comfortable bed in a hotel?

What's more, after going to the hotel, isn't it possible to talk to Fu Ning...

What is there to sit on the broken Ferris wheel? Going to the hotel can be a lot of joy.

Looking at Fu Ning's bright red mouth, Su Xingchen stood on tiptoe and leaned in to kiss him.

Zizi said: "Then hurry up."

What about accepting punishment in bed? Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it. Su Xingchen has watched a lot of colored films recently, and he has also learned a lot.

I haven't seen Fu Ning for a while, which means that she hasn't lived with X for a while. Thinking of this, Su Xingchen suddenly looked forward to the next thing tonight.

Hee hee hee.

Fu Ning originally wanted to educate Su Xingchen in bed, but when Fu Ning saw that Su Xingchen was not only not afraid, but also looking forward to it, she instantly changed her mind.

What's more, this Xiao Se-Pian came over and kissed her. From the unexplained smile on Su Xingchen's face, Fu Ning could see what Xiao Se-Pian was expecting. Fu Ning didn't want her to get her wish.

Before officially forgiving Su Xingchen, Fu Ning would not let her taste the slightest sweetness.

And Su Xingchen was still looking at her eagerly. Seeing that Fu Ning hadn't given any response, he urged: "What are you thinking about, it's so cold at night, let's go back to the hotel."

Fu Ning curled up her lips and smiled, and said, "Okay. Let's go then."

She usually has a cold look, even if she smiles once, she only smiles three points. Now she suddenly raises the corners of her mouth, and she smiles with a bit of scheming to be a bad woman.

Su Xingchen was stunned by the bad smile at the corner of her mouth.

Some people can really kill with their faces. It doesn't have to be the kind that is very beautiful. Most people who show off their hue also look greasy and deliberate in their smiles. The key is to look at people. Fu Ning is usually deserted. He didn't expect to smile like a pure and elegant camellia dyed with a coquettish color.

As soon as she thought of what was going to happen next, Su Xingchen was so excited that it took her a lot of effort to restrain her inner excitement and maintain the reserved demeanor of her wealthy daughter.

Try to put away the smile from the corners of the mouth. Said: "Let's go then."

The presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel.

Su Xingchen took a bathrobe and said to Fu Ning who was sitting on the sofa, "Then I'm going to take a shower in first."

Fu Ning didn't give her much attention. Feel free to say: "Well, go."

After dozens of minutes, Su Xingchen had taken a bath beautifully.

At this moment, she was looking at the mirror and scratching her head, picking out the small hair on her forehead one by one with her fingers, stroking her hairstyle very patiently. Looking left and right in the mirror, she confirmed that there was no beauty blind spot, then she opened the bathroom door and walked out.

The light refracted by the crystal chandelier above the head shrouded, making the atmosphere of the whole living room a bit ambiguous.

Fu Ning sitting on the retro sofa is facing the laptop with slender hands

Refers to typing on the keyboard.

Su Xingchen pretended to cough twice, and then if pointed out: "That, I'm ready to wash it."

While talking, she pulled the towel wrapped around her body downward. Originally, she took the bathrobe and went in. But then I looked in the mirror and found that I was still wearing a bath towel, which seemed even more tempting. Although there is no two or two meat on the chest, there is still a pure and unpretentious temperament.


But Fu Ning's reaction did not meet Su Xingchen's psychological expectations. Fu Ning absent-mindedly let out an "um" and looked at her computer screen intently, without even lifting his eyelids, let alone paying attention to Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen coughed again.

Fu Ning took the time out of his busy schedule to make a perfunctory sentence: "When it's cold, go to bed and sleep. I still have some work."

Su Xingchen stared at her unwillingly, what the hell, after arriving at the hotel with his girlfriend, he was just addicted to work? what's the situation!

Su Xingchen was very stubborn and tried to struggle again. She walked to the sofa and sat down beside Fu Ning. Leaning towards Fu Ning gently.

She is very confident about herself at this moment.

I used the new flavor sample provided by the hotel just now when I took a shower. It was only a few milliliters, but the fragrance smelled very good. The fragrance is also very long lasting. The skin on her whole body is soft and tender now, and it exudes a seductive fragrance.

Her little hand stretched over and gently pulled Fu Ning's arm a few times.

Feeling the small resistance, Fu Ning turned her head to look at her, and silently asked her with her eyes: what's wrong.

Su Xingchen said: "I just found this flavor provided by the hotel, and it smells pretty good. I used it a bit, you smell it."

With that said, Su Xingchen stretched out his slender wrist in front of Fu Ning and placed it under her nose. Su Xingchen also learned this sultry action from a little colored movie.

Fu Ning sniffed lightly, and then said calmly. "I can't smell it, it seems that my cold is still not well."

I can't smell a cold!

Su Xingchen almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. Why did she forget this.

Fortunately, she stabilized her mind, and then continued: "I feel a little cold." As she said, she covered the place in front of her chest very artificially, her fingers holding the bath towel.

Fu Ning glanced at her chest. Although this action was conducive to the concave shape, Su Xingchen still looked like Pingchuan. At most, it is a Xiaolongbao level. It's really nothing to see.

After only one glance, Fu Ning closed his gaze back. He picked up the glass water cup on the coffee table next to him. After taking a sip of water, he said to Su Xingchen: "Go and turn on the heating."

Then, Fu Ning raised her head slightly to look at the chandelier above her head, and then said to Su Xingchen, who had a look of lovelessness, "Mind you do me a favor?"

Su Xingchen didn't know what she wanted to help herself, "Just tell me."

Fu Ning pointed to the switch on the wall not far behind her. Said: "Go and help me turn off the crystal light, and change the light to a normal white light."

What? Su Xingchen "oh" for a while. Obediently go over and help change the light. Now she was completely desperate, resigned herself to the bedroom and lay on the bed, pulled the quilt over her head and played with her mobile phone.

Happy time is always short.

Su Xingchen only felt that it hadn't been long before he heard the footsteps of someone coming, and sure enough, the bed next to him collapsed.

Su Xingchen put down the phone, she stretched out a small hand and opened a corner of the quilt, slightly revealing a third of her entire face, and her two sparkling eyes looked at Fu Ning next to her.

Looking at her cute look, Fu Ning stretched out her hand compassionately, and gently rubbed her little head in the past. Rubbing her hair is also a little messy.

Su Xingchen was rubbed. The evil thoughts in my heart rekindled again.

She moved her body towards Fu Ning again in silence, and then leaned her head slightly against Fu Ning. After waiting for a while, seeing that Fu Ning had no reaction, she leaned over there again. At this moment, she almost squeezed onto Fu Ning.

But Fu Ning still didn't respond. Su Xingchen simply turned over to the serf and sang, lying on Fu Ning's body.

Fu Ning looked at her and said, "What?"

Su Xingchen lay down, his cheeks were very close to Fu Ning's, and the tips of their noses were almost close to each other, and they could clearly feel each other's warm nose.

Fu Ning looked at Su Xingchen, who seemed to be possessed by Teddy, and exuded the aura of joy. Her tone was still plain and normal. She knowingly asked, "What do you want to do?"

Su Xingchen was going to use practical actions as her answer to this question. She stared at Fu Ning's bright red mouth that hadn't been swollen for a while, then she nodded slightly, and wanted to leaning over to kiss her.

As a result, he was pushed by Fu Ning before he even kissed him! open! NS!