She’s Scumbag

Chapter 62

Su Xingchen felt that he wasn't going to be completely cold today. After saying this, she stared at Fu Ning cautiously, but she found that Fu Ning's face seemed... okay?

I didn't feel particularly angry.

Su Xingchen was a little confused. The old jealous king suddenly stopped being jealous one day, and this problem became serious.

Either she is holding back her big move and waiting for an explosive point, or she is starting to care less about herself, and her feelings have slowly faded unconsciously.

With Su Xingchen's brain capacity, she could only think of these two possibilities. Obviously, no matter what it is, it makes her uncomfortable.

This time she really wanted to go wrong.

In fact, Fu Ning had noticed Bai Mingqiu's thoughts from the very beginning. So before, she said she would give Su Xingchen another chance, but she was actually waiting for her to confess. It is a pity that the little liar Su Xingchen just refused to admit it.

Fu Ning knew that she was actually afraid of getting angry.

Fu Ning didn't intend to hold on to this matter either.

In the past, Fu Ning gave Su Xingchen the illusion that she was jealous, and she did it deliberately.

The reason is actually very simple. It was one time when she flew to Nanshan City to meet her girlfriend when she finished her work, she found that she suddenly had a "good girlfriend" beside her.

For a date between two people, this good girlfriend also asked to participate together with a reasonable excuse. Su Xingchen didn't want to refuse, so he agreed.

The occasional incident just made Fu Ning vaguely uncomfortable, but what happened next made her vigilant. When Su Xingchen was alone with her, this best friend's name also appeared frequently in his mouth.

Probably the two girls often go out to play together and watch movies together. Go shopping together. Over time, there will naturally be more common topics.

I only met in half a month. The relationship between Su Xingchen and her best friend is even closer than that of her real girlfriend.

Fu Ning was a little upset, even because the woman quarreled with Su Xingchen. But Su Xingchen said that her best friend is a straight daughter. It's okay for two people to play close together.

Fu Ning later investigated this good friend of the straight daughter. It is true that she did not lie, she is a straight daughter. It’s just that she often finds Lace to be a good sister with an ambiguous relationship? This girlfriend has a likable face, and she specializes in rich ladies and wives.

This incident sounded the alarm for Fu Ning.

She was busy with work all day, and it was indeed difficult to accompany Su Xingchen every day.

She saw that there were too many messy people and things. It has long been difficult to have any drastic emotional changes. It's like sometimes posing coldly to train subordinates, it's not really angry, but you just need to make subordinates feel angry.

The thing about this straight girl and good best friend caused her to briefly touch a wall. After Fu Ning recollected it, it was not easy to deal with such a thing.

So she told Su Xingchen that she was jealous, and she was very upset. Just because Su Xingchen was too close to her best friend, she was left out in the cold.

Su Xingchen was not as good as the little assistant under Fu Ning's hands.

Fu Ning was so weak to her. Although she was talking about Fu Ning's stingy, of course she liked it and was sweet in her heart. In order to meet the requirements of the vinegar king, she later took the initiative to distance herself from this "good girlfriend".

From then on, it became customary for Fu Ning to be jealous.

In fact, for her, the expression on her face is just a means to achieve a certain end. There is so much jealousy to eat, but it's just to make Su Xingchen remember that she doesn't have so much time to spend with her, and she must also remember to keep a social distance with the same sex.

It is just the most common situation encountered in long-distance relationships. One party has transferred to another relationship and fell in love with a person who can be contacted every day.

With Su Xingchen's unprepared character, it would not be difficult for someone with a bit of a refreshing idea to catch her.

Fu Ning had already figured out Su Xingchen's little temperament, and if she ignored her, her mind would start to wander. Save some internet celebrity pictures today, and I will start to want to meet some internet celebrities tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, he was brought into the circle of Internet celebrities by a large number of people.

She couldn't resist the temptation, she was not strong in judgment, and she didn't know how to reject others.

Fu Ning could almost foresee a conflict between the two people because of a few unidentified goods, so she took a little gentle approach to reasonably avoid this possibility. What's wrong with it.

She has a strong sense of professionalism, coupled with the past few years

The economic situation is good, so I want to seize the opportunity to expand my business territory. Obviously she can't get away from work, so it's not a bad thing to make Su Xingchen feel that she is jealous.

In the interaction between people, there is not so much spirituality at all. If you want to maintain a long-term relationship, you must learn to express your psychological demands to the other party correctly.

Take Fu Ning, for example, clearly expressing to Su Xingchen that she doesn't want her to have friends beyond the limits of normal friends.

For example, Su Xingchen clearly expressed to Fu Ning that he wanted to um ah ah.

Seeing Su Xingchen who was very worried about her being angry, Fu Ning's only remaining conscience was awakened. She is actually not that stingy, and she will not get angry on her because of the appearance of a senior girl who likes her today.

However, the habit of deceiving people is not good.

Although Su Xingchen couldn't lie to her at all. But in Fu Ning's view, children who tell the truth are good children.

"Didn't you tell me, you have nothing to do with that senior sister?"

Su Xingchen lowered his head and whispered: "I'm afraid you will be angry."

She hurriedly added: "In fact, it was a student life. At that time, my adolescent hormone secretion was strong, so I wanted to fall in love every day. So I picked a good-looking senior sister to write a love letter. But the two of us Nothing happened in between. I was like a worm on the brain at that time. It’s so beautiful to imagine love."

Fu Ning said: "So, after you fell in love with me, you discovered that love is not as beautiful as you thought?"

Su Xingchen was almost overwhelmed by Fu Ning's logic. If she changes career to engage in professional bargaining, she must also be a master-level player.

Quickly shook his head and denied: "No, no, it's a different sense of happiness. With you, it's more true love. It's different from the false sense of love in my fantasy."

Su Xingchen silently said in her heart, of course it was different. The girlfriend in her fantasy was a woman who had the face of an ice beauty but was very obedient to her on the bed.


Did Fu Ning show a little bit of letting her do as she pleases?

Fu Ning had the final say every time. And she is always busy with work. This girlfriend is not as easy to use as her own hardworking fingers.

Su Xingchen's last fascination about love has also been disillusioned. Just make a living like this. That's it anyway. As a salted fish, she had already given up struggling.

When Fu Ning looked at her like that, she knew she must be muttering something in her heart again. He stretched out his hand and squeezed Su Xingchen's soft little face, and said, "Tell me, why is reality different from what you imagined?"

Su Xingchen was very enlightened, blowing Fu Ning as if there was nothing in the sky. She said, "Of course it's different. In my fantasy, falling in love is a beautiful girl with ordinary family background. When I met you, I thought you were the lover of my dreams, but the reality is, Who would have thought that you are not only a good woman, but also such a wealthy family."

Fu Ning looked at her with a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then quickly stopped.

She pretended to be indifferent: "That's it?"

Su Xingchen's words are poor, isn't this not enough. It's getting harder and harder to flatter people now.

" are so good."

Fu Ning smiled and said, "What a good way?"

Su Xingchen thought and thought, thought and thought. Still poor words.

"Just... very good."

"If you can't tell what a good law is, it's against your intentions. If that's the case. I have nothing to say. But Miss Su's attitude is like you. It's probably impossible to expect me to serve you."

What this said.

Su Xingchen's enthusiasm all at once.