She’s Scumbag

Chapter 64

But Su Xingchen is just annoying this person. It just happens that I can always meet her everywhere.

But the campus is so big, the chance of encountering it is very small. Anyway, she didn't plan to have any contact with Tong Ruoruo. As long as you don't rush up to join in the fun, 80% of you won't run into this person.

For most girls, the break between classes is the time to go to the bathroom together. The girl sitting next to Su Xingchen asked her, "Hey, are you going to the toilet?"

Su Xingchen froze for a moment, she seemed to have some impression of this girl. Everyone is a classmate.

She thought about it, shook her head and said, "Excuse me,? I've been hungry from morning till now. I'm going to the supermarket to buy something to cushion my stomach. Do you want to be together?"

She looked at the girls sitting around, and everyone didn't say anything. Obviously no one wanted to go with her. They are really not familiar.

Occasionally, whether or not to greet each other on the road is a problem worthy of entanglement. Haven't entangled any results yet,? Everyone has already passed by.

"Okay. Then I'll go by myself."

No one is with him, Su Xingchen's mood is not bad, she doesn't mind this. She has always had little interest in social interaction, which does not prevent her from being friendly.

She stepped out of the lecture hall.

The windows of the lecture hall are very large, and the curtains are not drawn in the morning. The sunlight refracted in through the transparent glass windows, covering her back with a halo, and her beautiful long black hair looked very smooth and silky under the sunlight.

Sitting next to her, the female classmate who just invited her to go to the bathroom couldn't help but sigh: "She is so beautiful."

A girl sitting in the front row who was sorting notes smiled and said, "So you were surprised,? Pull someone to go to the bathroom with you? Did you two know each other before?"

"I know her. She may not know me."

Her remarks caused everyone to laugh, "You are really good, you know people,? People may not know you,? Are you still pulling her to go to the bathroom with you?"

"Go to the bathroom together, won't she know me?"

"You are so beautiful..."

Compared with the warm classroom, the temperature outside is still quite low. As soon as he walked out, Su Xingchen clasped his coat tightly. Without wearing a scarf today, the cold wind poured directly into her neck, causing her to shrink. Can't wait for the whole person to shrink into a ball.

She often does hairstyles and maintains her hair for stinky beauty. In order to show the effect and prove the value of money, she hardly tie her hair. Of course, the wind is strong and the chaotic far away looks like a faceless person. The wind danced wildly.

Su Xingchen didn't even bother to move his fingers when he pulled the hindering hair in front of his face behind his ears. One is afraid of freezing your hands, and the other is that this hair can block the wind and keep your face from blowing. I don’t care about what is not imagery anymore.

She really didn't expect that her appearance would be photographed in the photo, or the kind that would serve as a human background.

She was far away and saw a lot of people standing on the side of the road. Just looking at this situation, Su Xingchen knew that it must be the crew who came to the campus to learn from the experience.

It’s not far from the supermarket. The time between classes is really limited. Su Xingchen has already lost a burrito and never wants to be hungry anymore. She lowered her head slightly and walked over without squinting.

At this moment, Su Xingchen didn't notice. A fan held up his mobile phone to take pictures of Tong Ruoruo, and happened to take pictures of Su Xingchen, a "faceless man" with fluttering hair.

When Su Xingchen found out, Tong Ruoruo's Reuters photos had already been posted on Weibo's hot search, with the title of the play on the topic.

Tong Ruoruo is now in the upswing of her career, and there is something about her. Even if it's just the size of a sesame, it can be listed on the hot search to let fans discuss it with relish for a long time.

Su Xingchen bought a bag of bread and a bottle of yogurt from the supermarket. After she had eaten and drank enough, it happened to be in class. After solving the problem of food and clothing, Su Xingchen sat in the classroom and listened to the class for a while, then unconsciously took out her mobile phone and clicked on Weibo.

Sure enough, Tong Ruoruo's coming to school was hotly searched.

I hate it but I hate it, but Su Xingchen still habitually goes to the popular Weibo and flips through the Reuters pictures posted by fans.

Unexpectedly, she saw herself in one of the pictures.

Although she didn't get her face, it also made her very awkward. What's more, this photo didn't look good at all for her. Fans only add filters to Tong Ruoruo, and the general public next to them are used to set off fresh

Green leaves of flowers.

There is a saying, you will always be what ugly you look like in other people's cameras.

Although Su Xingchen is not ugly, she is short. Coupled with the cold weather, she was wearing loose clothes, and she looked like a short and bloated little man. The photos made her figure very sad.

This really angered Su Xingchen.

It happened that people she didn't like, Huihui always beat her in some ways. And in a very subtle way, it made her feel like a dog in her throat.

She was very angry about this, but Tong Ruoruo, perhaps she didn't even know the existence of this photo. Not every female celebrity will read her own Weibo hot search.

If Su Xingchen took the initiative to mention it to her, saying that he cared about the photo, wouldn't it be even more of a loss.

Perhaps Tong Ruoruo may not recognize her when she sees it. After all, he didn't get his face. Su Xingchen comforted herself like this.

It's a pity that Tong Ruoruo not only read her own Weibo hot search, but the moment she saw the photo, she recognized that the figure at the edge of the photo was very familiar. Think about it carefully. Didn't Su Xingchen say that she studied at Nanshan University before?

That's right. No wonder she looked so familiar.

This hot search was originally bought for the popularity of the new drama. She would naturally click in to see the situation. Tong Ruoruo saved this picture. Then WeChat privately sent to Bai Mingqiu.

Randomly accompanied by a dog head expression.

Bai Mingqiu obviously didn't understand Tong Ruoruo's intentions, so it was okay to send her any photos.

Bai Mingqiu replied:?

Tong Ruoruo circled the figure at the edge of the photo in red again, and sent it to others. You can always recognize it now.

Unfortunately, Bai Mingqiu still didn't get the GET. The person who was circled by Tong Ruoruo couldn't see his face at all.

Immediately afterwards, Tong Ruoruo reminded her, "I am shooting this youth campus drama, which was shot at Nanshan University."

Bai Mingqiu wondered: "This person is Stardust?"

Seeing that the other party finally guessed it, Tong Ruoruo became happy. Said: "Nine out of ten, unless someone has the same figure as her. Even the figure looks exactly the same."

Bai Mingqiu at the other end did not reply to Tong Ruoruo. At this time, she had not realized the problem with the photo. I just quit the chat page of the two people, and swiped the circle of friends on WeChat.

Unexpectedly, a post by Su Xingchen just released appeared.

"Annoying people are always annoying."

After Bai Mingqiu saw it, he thought it was too coincidental. Tong Ruoruo came to her with a photo on the front foot, and Su Xingchen on the back foot sent her to Moments. It's hard not to associate these two things together.

The photo that Tong Ruoruo sent over was obviously an inadvertent photo of Su Xingchen, and logically speaking, Su Xingchen should have been unaware of it. But it's a coincidence that she posted to Moments at this time.

Bai Mingqiu switched back to the chat page with Tong Ruoruo, and said: "Who took this photo? The angle does not look like your selfie."

Tong Ruoruo said: "Fans took this photo."

An ominous premonition flashed in Bai Mingqiu's heart. Although she does not follow stars or play Weibo, she still knows something about the fanaticism.

"The photo was posted on Weibo?"

Tong Ruoruo replied: "Yes, the crew bought the hot search with hype."

Bai Mingqiu thought for a while, and then replied to Tong Ruoruo: "Can you take down the hot search."

This sudden remark made Tong Ruoruo bewildered on the spot, and she sent a few question marks in a row without hesitation.


"Why do you say that, a hot search has hundreds of thousands. Why do you want to withdraw?"

At that moment, Bai Mingqiu seemed to understand why Su Xingchen hated Tong Ruoruo so much. The simple point is that Tong Ruoruo is too self-centered and self-interested. At that moment, Bai Mingqiu wondered why he had only seen the ugly side of human nature until now.

Immediately, Bai Mingqiu didn't feel strange anymore, because strictly speaking, she and Tong Ruo belonged to the same class. So it is difficult for her to see Tong Ruoruo's shortcomings. Because the two have tasted like-minded people, they have very similar interests.

But not anymore.

Bai Mingqiu still thinks of the love letter that Tong Ruoruo has opened, and he feels a little regretful in his heart. If it weren't Tong Ruoruo at the beginning, Su Xingchen's love for him would be the most that he would not get a reply, instead of breaking it directly.

Bai Mingqiu likes to leave a perfect image in the hearts of others, if

It wasn't because of the moral taint of the love letter, it was much easier for her to win Su Xingchen now.

Bai Mingqiu directly replied to her: "I don't lack these hundreds of thousands."

Tong Ruoruo looked at the words that popped up on the screen with a bit of surprise, and was somewhat unhappy in his heart. After all, she and Bai Mingqiu have been best friends for many years, and now Bai Mingqiu's tough attitude makes her a little unable to get off the stage.

"A Su Xingchen is so important?"

"Is the announcement of my new play no better than a picture without her face?"

"We have known each other for so many years, can't you think about it for me?"

Bai Mingqiu knows Tong Ruoruo very well, knowing that she must be a little angry now. But in front of Tong Ruoruo, she did not speak directly.

In short, Bai Mingqiu hopes to be a mediator.

"Stardust's photos are now on the hot search. If you let her see them, do you think she would be happy?"

Although this is the truth, Tong Ruoruo's priority must be his own interests. Although she knew in her heart that Bai Mingqiu was going to defend Su Xingchen this time, she was still not forgiving.

"She is not happy and not happy. Why should I sacrifice me to make her happy?"

Bai Mingqiu replied briefly: "I hope you get along well with Stardust, and the relationship is not so rigid. Do you understand what I mean?"

The last sentence even carried a hint of threat.

Tong Ruoruo was actually a little afraid of Bai Mingqiu in his heart. Even if two people played well these years, the person who had the right to speak was still Bai Mingqiu.

Although he was afraid, Tong Ruoruo was still a little unwilling. "Got it. The big deal is to let the studio stop and delete the photo with her."

Bai Mingqiu got the answer he wanted.

Here, Su Xingchen had already begun to listen to the class seriously, and suddenly the phone buzzed and vibrated again.

It was a message from Bai Mingqiu.

Su Xingchen clicked to take a look.

"Don't be angry about the photo, I have asked Ruoruo to delete it."

Obviously, Bai Mingqiu would not be the kind of good person who silently pays for others behind his back and then shuts up. Since she has done it, she must let Su Xingchen see her gesture.

It's a pity that Su Xingchen is a rather immature person. Her sensibility is all pretended because humans like to socialize hypocritically. For example, last time I said forgive Bai Mingqiu, but in fact, she still couldn't get past this hurdle in her heart.

But when she looked at each other sincerely, she nodded slightly and said it was okay. That quiet look really makes people think that she is a sensible and good girl.

In fact, she pretended it. And pretended to even believe it.

Now that Bai Mingqiu opened his mouth, it was another Ruoruo, and he was wiping Tong Ruoruo's ass. Su Xingchen only felt that, as expected, they would always be in the same group.

Su Xingchen felt that he would never be in the same camp with her. I also blamed myself for being careless when I said this. I forgot to block Bai Mingqiu when I posted it to Moments.

She replied: "Senior sister, you don't actually need to do this for me."