She’s Scumbag

Chapter 65

Su Xingchen's words were not polite, because she really didn't want Bai Mingqiu to be the peacemaker.

Whenever encountering this kind of problem that she wanted to be angry with, Bai Mingqiu tried his best to get her to put out the fire. It seems to be kind. But the person was really angry.

Just think about it, it's obviously that she's been stunned by this,? Now that Bai Mingqiu comes forward, she still has to pretend to be magnanimous. Isn’t it just a dumb who eats coptis, there is a bitterness, can’t you tell?

Bai Mingqiu is always so eccentric and childlike.

This is like her child fighting with other people's children. Naturally, she will let her child take a step back and be a good person.

It's actually clear who kisses who is.

When Bai Mingqiu received her message, he only thought that Su Xingchen might be a little childish.

A sensible child also has times of temper tantrums.

"If something makes you unhappy, you can tell the senior sister."

"Not to mention that this incident was not your fault."

Su Xingchen was lying on the table.

What did the professor on the podium say? She took notes for a while. In this way, she has already densely remembered a lot in her notebook.

The mobile phone placed next to the notebook vibrated again,? Su Xingchen thought it was an express message, maybe something he bought arrived, but Bai Mingqiu didn't expect it to be sent.

She thought that Bai Mingqiu would not reply to her again.

Su Xingchen stared at the information for a few seconds, one thing, Bai Mingqiu was talking about her heart.

This incident was not her fault in the first place. People who should feel uncomfortable for this are innocent.

But of course Su Xingchen knew that if Tong Ruo would not find out with conscience, he would feel guilty for offending others. She is a woman with no conscience, otherwise she wouldn't be so happy when she opened other people's love letters. There is no guilt at all. It was like this when I was young, but now it's even more so when I grow up.

But today Tong Ruoruo was forced to delete the photos by Bai Mingqiu, and I am afraid he is also very aggrieved. She has always cared about herself.

If someone asked her to delete it, she might not be so aggrieved. But this person is her best girlfriend for many years.

After thinking about it, Su Xingchen suddenly became happy again. She felt that she was a little gloating too.

When she was in a good mood, she even replied Bai Mingqiu with a bit of excitement: "Thank you, senior sister."

Of course, only the little demon in her own heart that wielded the weapon knew that what she was grateful for was not Bai Mingqiu's justice for her, but Bai Mingqiu hit Tong Ruoruo hard.

Su Xingchen thought, it would be great if Bai Mingqiu could make such a fair and just judgment when Tong Ruoruo opened her love letter.

She is probably already with Bai Mingqiu now, and she is totally devoted to her. Even if Tong Ruoruo is an annoying girlfriend, she would love the house and tolerate it. Minimize the friction between two people. Lest Bai Mingqiu be caught in a dilemma.

Thinking about it this way, Su Xingchen felt that he really seemed to be a good girl who was quite sensible. But how can I not be so sensible now.

It may be because Bai Mingqiu has not become the one who can stay with her for a lifetime.

After all, late fairness and justice are actually of little value to the parties.

However, if Tong Ruoruo couldn't get a bargain from Bai Mingqiu, Su Xingchen was still happy to see the result.

She felt that she was so bad.

After school. After the female classmate sitting next to her had packed her things, she asked her again, "Would you like to go to the cafeteria for dinner together?"

Su Xingchen's mood was quite good, so she happily agreed. "Okay, let's go together."

Although there is a bed for her in the school dormitory, she rarely goes to sleep. Basically all go home. Therefore, the relationship between her and her classmates does not seem to be very familiar.

Su Xingchen felt it necessary to know one or two classmates. Otherwise, this school is really lonely. There are no club activities, no dormitory life, and no young friends of the same age who love Dou Chukai.

There are only families that are going bankrupt, and there is a girlfriend who is always busy at work all year round.

She should manage her own life.

So she happily went to the cafeteria for dinner with her female classmates.

The female classmate did not expect that she agreed so easily. The two walked together on the way to the cafeteria. Looking at Su Xingchen next to her, she still felt that the whole thing was quite dreamy.

Female classmate asked her

: "What do you want to eat?"

Su Xingchen looked at the dampness and torrents in front of him, and there were long lines in front of every window where the meal was served. She said: "You can eat anything, let's go and line up quickly, otherwise there will be more and more people in a while."

"Then eat spicy hot pot? Can you eat spicy?"

"Fine. Just eat this."

Hearing the word spicy, Su Xingchen nodded without hesitation.

Su Xingchen rushed towards the team with her.

There was still a long line outside when the two of them hit the food out of the front window.

Su Xingchen found a place to sit down for dinner with her, looked at the long line, and exclaimed: "Fortunately, the two of us ran fast."

"Hahaha, when you took me forward just now, you really scared me."

"Huh?" Su Xingchen just picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the dish. Hearing the classmates say so, he looked at her blankly and bit the chopsticks and said, "Am I that scary?"

The female classmate said: "No, because I thought you should be a very introverted and quiet girl, but I didn't expect to drag me to line up to grab a meal."

Su Xingchen smiled. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said, "Is there a feeling of disillusionment?"

The female classmate shook her head quickly and explained: "No, I just think you are so cute."

Su Xingchen was not at all cute by himself, on the contrary, he thought that the other party was very cute. There are so many kind and innocent girls on campus, and the pictures are broken, so that they can be easily deceived by her appearance.

"You are also very cute."

The female classmate was a little shy, and the two of them started to eat.

While eating, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. Su Xingchen put down his chopsticks and took out the phone to see that it was Fu Ning's call.


"Have you finished school now?"

Su Xingchen picked up the chopsticks again, and took a cauliflower to his mouth. Without hesitation, he said, "School is over, it's already half past twelve now."

"Then come out for dinner, where do you want to eat at noon today?"

Su Xingchen's action of chewing the cauliflower suddenly stopped, why he forgot about Fu Ning just now. But having said that, Fu Ning usually left after coming here overnight. I stayed this time, so I didn't tell her in advance.

She faltered: "I have eaten in the cafeteria with my classmates."

Fu Ning on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and said, "Forget it, I will eat it by myself."

Su Xingchen's mind had already surfaced in the tragic picture of Fu Ning alone, eating silently. There was a burst of guilt in my heart.

She said: "Why don't you wait for me?"

"Why, don't you eat with your classmates?"

Even if he thinks with his toes, Fu Ning can guess that it must be a female classmate. Su Xingchen naturally doesn't like playing with the opposite sex.

Su Xingchen looked at the classmate sitting across from him, and said, "No, I'm almost finished eating right away. I'll go see you after I finish eating. Just eat with you."

Fu Ning softened his tone and coaxed: "I am now hungry and wait for you to finish eating, and then you will come back and watch me eat. Why can't you come and eat with me now?"

Su Xingchen said: "You can't waste food. Our teacher said in class today that there are still hundreds of millions of people starving in the world. Besides, even if I have eaten now and I will eat with you, I can eat with you again. order now."

Fu Ning was surprised: "Do you want to have a second meal?"

Su Xingchen did not deny it. "I suddenly found out that I was actually quite edible."

Fu Ning sneered slightly, and said, "Suddenly discovered?"

Su Xingchen really felt that he had to practice hard in the future to choke people to death by how to speak.

Fu Ning said on the other end of the phone: "Call me after eating. I will pick you up."

"All right."

Su Xingchen hung up the phone, then tucked the phone back into his pocket. The female classmate sitting next to her looked at her and said, "Your friend called you to eat out together?"

Su Xingchen nodded, "Yeah."

The female classmate smiled, "I found that although you don't seem to be close, but after contacting you, I found that you are really easy to get along with."

Su Xingchen was very happy to be praised. She looked at the female classmate with a bit of surprise in her eyes, "Really? Thank you."

"Shall we make friends, how about?"

Su Xingchen should indeed make a new friend. So he nodded and said: "Yes."

The female classmate looked at her very seriously: "The first time I saw you, I knew that the two of us would definitely get along."

"So amazing?"

Su Xingchen is a very realistic person, she is not willing to believe in constellations, tarot cards and the like. She didn't believe in all the so-called mysterious fate.

After eating, Su Xingchen added WeChat to the girl. The verification message has her name, Yang Jiaqi.

The name Su Xingchen looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

After the two of them had finished their meal, Yang Jiaqi picked up the book on the seat next to him. Only then did Su Xingchen see that the book she was holding in her hand seemed to be a textbook for advanced mathematics.

Su Xingchen asked: "Did you still take high mathematics as an elective?"

Yang Jiaqi shook her head and said, "I was originally studying mathematics, and my elective course is philosophy."

Su Xingchen nodded clearly.

The Philosophy Department of Nanshan University is the smallest department, and the entire department from freshman to senior year adds up to a hundred individuals. Although there are not many students in this department, there are quite a lot of elective students, because the professors are relatively loose, and it is easy to mix credits.

Suddenly, Su Xingchen remembered that the name Yang Jiaqi had seen it there.

She looked at each other with a bit of shock in her eyes, and asked, "Are you the Yang Jiaqi who has been on the Nanshan City Newspaper?"

A while ago, Su's father took the Nanshan City Newspaper to her at dinner in the evening and said, "You have a very powerful character in Nanshan University. A child in his early 20s has made more than 1 million yuan just by stocks. "

Of course, more than 1 million is nothing to the rich, but for ordinary people, it is simply getting rich overnight. Who could earn so much money by his own ability when he was young?

The risk in the stock market is great. Even Su Fu, a successful businessman with social status, did not have the ability to earn so much when he was young.

Su Xingchen didn't care at the time and replied casually. "Why haven't I heard of this?"

Father Su snorted coldly, "What can you hear? You never cared about things in your school."

Su Xingchen was also very depressed, "If there is anything to care about, our school is a second school, and it is not a prestigious school. There are many talents. Could you make a mistake? Maybe it is some speculators who are engaged in marketing. One set. It is estimated that the next step is to engage in stock trading training courses to cheat money."

Father Su took the newspaper in his hand and showed it to her. "Look, here, it's written in black and white. The reporter from the City News ran to visit. I told you that it doesn't matter if you don't get into a prestigious school, but you can't be so narrow. Don't look down on your school, where you hide the dragon and the tiger. There are so many."

Su Xingchen took a look at the newspaper and found that the only personal information on it was his name and school.

Yang Jiaqi, Nanshan University.

She really didn't believe it.

Until today, I was slapped in the face and met the deity.

Yang Jiaqi nodded and said, "Yeah. I didn't want to accept any interviews, but later their newspaper contacted me and said they would give me an interview fee. I felt that if I had money, I would not make a profit."

Su Xingchen looked at her incredulously.

"My dad told me last time that our school had a great man. I still don't believe it. You are too good."

Yang Jiaqi was a little shy by her praise, she smiled uncomfortably, and said: "Not as good as you think, but in fact, I just caught up with it. I was lucky. I only started trading in stocks last year."

Su Xingchen admired her even more.

"Don't be modest. Girls who study math are very smart."

Those who study mathematics can also trade in stocks.

Su Xingchen listened to a high-level math class and suffered from indigestion for a week. She admired the great mathematics gods very much, and she didn't know how their brains grew.

Yang Jiaqi said, "Actually, the girls sitting next to you this morning are all from the math department."

Su Xingchen suddenly realized: "I said why I don't know any of them."

There are not many people in the philosophy department, so I will gather the freshman freshmen together to get to know each other. Even if Su Xingchen came home to live every day and slipped away after class, he wouldn't be so recognizable.

Yang Jiaqi smiled and said, "In fact, half a semester has already passed, and they already know you."


Stardust sighed: "It seems that the memory of the schoolmasters is pretty good. They already remember me."

"It's not because of this."

Su Xingchen wondered: "What's the reason for that?"

Yang Jiaqi was very honest and said, "Because you are beautiful."

Su Xingchen was a little embarrassed by what she said. In the hypocritical society of human beings, people of older ages will hear words about being beautiful from others.

But this was the first time Su Xingchen was a little embarrassed. Because Yang Jiaqi praised her for her sincere and calm tone.

"Thank you guys, then."

Two people walked to the entrance of the canteen, and Yang Jiaqi said, "Then I will go back to the dormitory first. You have to accompany your friends to dinner. Be safe on the way."


After saying goodbye to Yang Jiaqi, Su Xingchen called Fu Ning. Then he walked slowly to the gate of the school by himself. Waiting for Fu Ning to come and pick her up.

Su Xingchen was standing under the tree on the roadside of the school entrance and waiting. The flow of people at the school entrance was not small today, and a group of people would come in soon. Many of them are not school students, and some are obviously middle school students. They are still wearing XX middle school uniforms. They are probably local fans. They made a special trip to take advantage of the noon break to see Tong Ruo Ruo.

But after a while, Su Xingchen heard a large number of screams from the school, and many fans were chanting the names of their idols.

"Ah ah Ruoruo!"

"Ruoruo baby, mother loves you!"

Even under the protection of bodyguards, Tong Ruoruo was already surrounded by a crowd like ants, and it was impossible to move an inch. It took a few minutes to walk several hundred meters on the main road to the gate of the school and I still haven't arrived.

And Su Xingchen, who was standing under the tree and waiting for others, was tired of hearing them. This cry is too crazy. It's just yelling in your voice, don't you plan to ask for it anymore.

After finally reaching the gate of the school, the crowd suddenly boiled over again.


Su Xingchen covered his ears.

At this moment, Fu Ning's call came.

Su Xingchen answered the phone.

"I'm at the gate of your school. It's the Maybach. Where are you?"

Fu Ning did not see the figure of Su Xingchen, and there were so many people at the gate of their school that it was even more difficult to find.

Su Xingchen was cats under the tree, it would be weird if Fu Ning could see her.

"Why are there so many people in your school today?"

"All come to chase stars. A star came today."

Su Xingchen walked out and looked on the road, and he saw the valuable luxury car at a glance.

The money piled up has a kind of extravagance, and you can usually see tens of millions of luxury cars on the street. The fans who were squeezed in the periphery and couldn't see the innocence at all, their attention was immediately taken over by this luxurious car with smooth lines and a decadent atmosphere of money.

In addition to beauty, expensive temperament can be felt at a glance.

"Wow, what brand of car is this? It feels so expensive."

"It should be Maybach if you look at the car logo."

"Is this to take Ruoruo?"

"Fuck, their agency is really rich, and they provide artists with such expensive cars."

"What do you think, how can the company be so generous. It only **** blood from artists. If you are a daughter, how about a rich second generation? Can there be less famous cars in the family?"

"That said, Ruoruo indeed has a mine at home."

Tong Ruoruo also noticed the luxury car that was blocked at the school gate. She knew in her heart that this car should not belong to her family. Basically, her family's cars are in the millions, and there are not tens of millions of them yet. But she was still a little itchy in her heart, not knowing when such a rich man appeared in Nanshan City.

Tong Ruoruo has always had a strong interpersonal relationship and can see and listen to all directions. She hasn't heard anything recently.

She let the fans take pictures while staring at them. It turned out that the luxury car was parked on the side of the road, and a figure walked over and pulled the car door up.

The author has something to say: I'd better talk about Mr. Fu's question. Generally speaking, the two of them are married for many years, both lukewarm and lukewarm.

Then squeeze the big move to abuse.

It should be a few more chapters. First abuse Mr. Fu.

Then President Fu abused Su Xingchen again.

Coupled with the bankruptcy of Su Clan, Su Xingchen completely awakened. Use the people around you to make a comeback. Since then, she has embarked on the broad road of Shuangwen heroine.

Then both of them resented each other very much, because the children were tied together.

Hahaha good blood.