She’s Scumbag

Chapter 67

Su Xingchen chased the drama with true feelings, she was often immersed in it and couldn't get out after the drama ended, and her mind was full of that illusory world.

She really likes the master, the fairy in white clothes in a fairy tale drama. So every time I saw Fu Ning, I called her Master.

The first time he heard this strange address, Fu Ning was still a little surprised, and silently asked Su Xingchen with a slightly puzzled look, why he called her that way.

Later, Su Xingchen told her a lot of plots in TV dramas. Fu Ning only felt a headache when she listened, and continued to work on her work again.

Later, Su Xingchen always called it this way. Every time Fu Ning heard it, she gave Su Xingchen a cold look and let her experience it for herself.

It's a pity that Su Xingchen knows how to play hard by herself. Even though Fu Ning did not give her any response, she can entertain herself.

Later, there were too many times,? Fu Ning didn't even bother to give her a look, whatever Su Xingchen called? She had already learned to ignore it.

Su Xingchen's name change to her is often followed by TV dramas.

In the recent Renaissance, there was a popular remake of the old drama with strong flavor of Mary Su. Su Xingchen was also poisoned, so I switched to watching Mary Su's idol drama.

"Woman? How dare you not cooperate with me..."

Fu Ning said, "I will be there soon, do you still want to have dinner with me."

Su Xingchen said very sensibly: "Understood, boss."

She made a gesture of pulling her mouth like a zipper.

The car was getting farther and farther. The place where Fu Ning took her to eat this time was in the suburbs. The buildings around the highway were all blue-gray retro buildings.

After arriving, Su Xingchen got out of the car and saw this small western-style building with courtyard walls.

After following in, all that came into view was a simple decoration, the room showed just the right warm color, only a few yellow wooden tables and stools, nothing else.

The two were taken to a table and sat down. Su Xingchen looked around the area with his eyes, and said, "The cooks here should be very good."

Fu Ning said, "You are right."

Su Xingchen didn't expect that the other party really had a background, and curiously said: "Huh?"

"This chef used to do state banquets."

Su Xingchen was also shocked, "It's so amazing. Then I have a good food today."

When the vegetables were served, Su Xingchen was dumbfounded. There was a cabbage in this soup bowl. To be precise, it should be half. Only half of the cabbage roots remained. Soaked in the light yellow soup, it looked like Like water plants floating in a stinking ditch.

Su Xingchen smiled awkwardly and politely, looked at Fu Ning, and said, "This is...?"

Fu Ning said, "Try it."

This... it's almost impossible to eat. The whole cabbage didn't break the leaves. How would she taste it, and put the whole cabbage in her own bowl.

To be on the safe side, Su Xingchen was about to taste the soup, but found that there was no spoon at all, so he lightly tapped the soup with his chopsticks and dipped it. Then put it in your mouth and taste the taste of the soup.

The tip of the tongue spreads for a while... the taste of soup.

Anyway, Su Xingchen didn't taste anything special. Putting down the chopsticks, she said to Fu Ning who was sitting across the table: "Very good."

Fu Ning saw that she was not in high spirits, and did not say much. Just picked up his own bowls and chopsticks, chewed slowly and ate the food.

Su Xingchen is not interested in this kind of clear soup cabbage, she likes spicy food. So just sit opposite and watch Fu Ning eat, it's boring to be idle.

Fu Ning's appearance at dinner is also very gentle and beautiful, and her slender fingers are simply works of art. Even eating cabbage in clear soup seems to be delicious.

A few more dishes were served later, all with a light taste. Fu Ning looked at her and said, "You are not planning to have a second meal, why don't you eat it?"

Su Xingchen shook his head and said, "I'll be full when I watch you eat."

Fu Ning said: "You really should restrain your appetite. You can't just eat two meals like this."

Su Xingchen was stepped on his tail and snorted coldly at Fu Ning, "Didn't I not eat it."

Fu Ning said: "No this time. Didn't you have four meals a day before, and you would add a midnight snack after dinner?"

Su Xingchen was said to be right, a little annoyed: "Do you like my previous thin ribs body?"

Fu Ning smiled and said:

"The little fat on your waist has been hanging for three years, and you still have spare ribs."

"The price of meat has gone up this year, can I just keep going up?"

There was a little grievance in her tone. Not because Fu Ning said about her, but because what Fu Ning said was the truth.

Su Xingchen's self-control is not strong, and he doesn't usually go to fitness, so the figure is indeed not good-looking.

If she can accept her imperfections, feel that her waist is thicker, and it doesn't matter if she has fat on her belly, then there will be nothing. The most uncomfortable thing is that she herself doesn't like what she is like now, and then she has been reluctant to restrain herself.

This is the most painful place.

Fu Ning finished the meal slowly, and after putting down his chopsticks, he cast his gaze on Su Xingchen again. It seems that there is something to say to her, but she is still considering whether or not to say it.

Seeing her contemplative profile, Su Xingchen's heart was filled with an ominous premonition, as if he went home to face his parents after failing the exam.

Seeing Fu Ning turned her face, she quickly looked away and lowered her head.

Fu Ning said, "I have something to tell you."

Su Xingchen raised his eyes and looked at her, only to see that her face seemed to be relaxed and calm, and his hanging heart also let go.

Su Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What's the matter?"

"My job in Qingquan City has come to an end, and my position has been transferred to someone else."

Su Xingchen nodded and said, "That's pretty good. No wonder you have time to accompany me now. It turns out that work is over and you have a long vacation."

Fu Ning realized that Su Xingchen had made a mistake, and wanted to correct it. So he added: "It's not a long vacation. I won't go over the job there anymore. I adjusted my career plan and plan to put my work in Nanshan City. This way I also have more time. I can accompany you."

The two had been in a long-distance relationship for three years, and Su Xingchen probably had spent about one or two hundred thousand for the ticket. In the past two years, she always went to find Fu Ning. It was only in the second half of this year that Fu Ning gradually came to find her.

Fu Ning had never mentioned to her before that she was going to work in Nanshan City. Just now, Su Xingchen had an idea in his heart, and he would save money on air tickets in the future.

Su Xingchen said: "That's great. I won't use it to run back in the future to see you so troublesome."

Fu Ning looked at her calmly expressing her "surprise", and felt a little unhappy in her heart. Fu Ning had already noticed Su Xingchen's attitude towards her, which was very subtle.

It is not cold to say that it is cold, it seems to be quite normal. But only Fu Ning was aware of her current attitude, and it was almost a thousand miles away from the time when she was attached to herself.

Faced with this situation, Fu Ning even found it ridiculous.

Isn't she the one who should be angry? Su Xingchen didn't do enough before. I didn't blame her for these, she still has this attitude now.

Since they have already moved their jobs, it is time to have a good talk with Su Xingchen.

Fu Ning looked at Su Xingchen and said, "Let's talk about the two of us today."

Seeing Fu Ning's face, the vague feeling in Su Xingchen's heart came again. But now I can't hide, Su Xingchen nodded lightly, and said, "Well, what do you want to talk about?"

Fu Ning asked, "Did I accidentally do something that makes you unhappy?"

Su Xingchen shook his head and said with a dazed expression: "No, you haven't done anything to make me unhappy, why do you ask?"

Hearing Su Xingchen's reply, Fu Ning's eyes gradually hardened when she looked at her, and the initial tenderness in her eyes completely disappeared.

Her tone is still so gentle, or to be precise, her tone always has a superior and considerate feeling.

"Then can you tell me what you are doing now?"

Su Xingchen felt Fu Ning's dissatisfaction, more than just the degree of dissatisfaction. It is not an exaggeration to say that Fu Ning's eyes could freeze people to death. Su Xingchen didn't understand what was going on. Why did she look at her like an enemy, as if she owed her something.

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

The atmosphere was even a bit tense for a moment. Fortunately, when Fu Ning spoke, the speed of her speech was still unhurried and unhurried. Her tone was even softer than before. She said, "Aren't you happy when I came to Nanshan City?" "

Su Xingchen denied, "No."

She doesn't understand Fu Ning

Now what is going on, why are you asking this kind of question.

Fu Ning looked at her face and said calmly: "But you don't seem to be as happy as I thought."

Su Xingchen understood that Fu Ning was dissatisfied with her reaction. She explained: "I didn't show it clearly, it doesn't mean I'm unhappy."

Fu Ning sat still looking at her still. Su Xingchen nodded, knowing that his two explanations just now were far from enough for Fu Ning.

She said: "Yes, I may not be as happy as you think. After all, we have been together for three years. I can't be the same as when I was just together. I will rush to hug you when I see you."

This is exactly what Fu Ning wanted to say: "Why not?"

Su Xingchen was a little speechless. She looked at Fu Ning, trying to find the embarrassment of a liar from the other's face, but no, Fu Ning's face was open and natural, as if she really felt that Su Xingchen should Do that. If Su Xingchen did that, she would be very satisfied.

"You really want me to rush over and hug you and say, it's great that you can come over?"

Su Xingchen looked at Fu Ning and said, "But the reaction you gave me before was not like this. Every time I rushed over, you either just avoided it, acting as if you didn't recognize me, and sometimes pushed me away, or just pushed me away. I threw it there by myself. Of course this is when the two of us were not together.

After being together, you don't like me doing this at all. Every time I rush to hug you, you will frown impatiently and turn your face to the other side. I'm not blind. Of course I can see that you don't like this, so why should I do this. "

Fu Ning was choked. She originally thought that she should belong to Zhan Li's side, but after a few words from Su Xingchen, everything became hers instead.

Of course, Fu Ning was also very clear that he and Su Xingchen risked a quarrel to discuss this issue, not to argue with her about who was right and who was wrong, and it was meaningless to discuss who was right and who was wrong.

Her purpose is to hope that Su Xingchen's attitude can change and return to normal.

Su Xingchen has changed too much in recent months.

Fu Ning seriously thought about it, whether he was really as excessive as Su Xingchen said. She didn't feel that she had such excessive moments, but when she thought about it carefully, when she first met Su Xingchen, she seemed to think she was quite annoying. So most of the time, Fu Ning was very perfunctory.

Of course, isn't it normal to be like this when not together? Fu Ning is very good at making excuses for herself. After all, it is really difficult for her to be patient with others. She does not run for Miss World and needs to be friendly to anyone with a friendly smile on her face at any time.

When I was with Su Xingchen, it seemed to be...very busy for a while.

After the memory was over, Fu Ning opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Of course I hope you can get closer to me. The two of us are originally lovers, why not. If you mind my previous attitude, I can talk to You apologize."

Su Xingchen mediated his emotions and explained patiently: "I didn't mean to blame you, it has already passed. We have been together for so many years, and I really don't think there is any need to be like when we were just together. ."

Fu Ning adjusted her sitting posture, interlacing her slender fingers and placing them lightly on her knees.

"So you mean, you don't intend to change anything, and you are going to perfuse me like this all the time?"

Su Xingchen choked speechlessly. She didn't know what was going on with Fu Ning today, or if she was in a bad mood during her menstrual period, so she came to find the fault.

"I don't. I'm not doing you perfunctory. People will change. Haven't you changed yourself? You never took the initiative to talk to me about anything before, even less emotional problems. Every time. I mention you feel naive.

Now you will take the initiative to talk to me about this, you have changed, why can't you allow me to change a little bit. I didn't perfuse you, I just grew up so I became a little bit more sensible. "

Fu Ning was obviously not satisfied. She wants the result, not the cause. Just like she didn't want to argue with Su Xingchen who was right and who was wrong, she didn't care what excuse Su Xingchen used to defend herself.

"It seems that only I have changed in a good direction."

Such a lukewarm sentence almost angered Su Xingchen. "You mean, I changed in a bad direction?"

Fu Ning

I do not intend to deny this.

"As far as the relationship between the two of us is concerned, this change of yours is obviously going in a bad direction. If everyone grows up and sensible, there is probably no one in this world who will look for a lifelong partner. I Was it because you were sensible when you agreed to be with you?"