She’s Scumbag

Chapter 89

After all, He Huanrui is not a girl like Su Xingchen who has been in the ivory tower for a long time. After the baptism of society and the tempering of life, she is naturally much more mature in dealing with people. When the two had finished speaking, she said hello: "Hello, Mr. Fu."

Fu Ning nodded slightly, and responded very easily: "Hello. You don't need to say hello to me when you eat, it's not working time."

He Huanrui was about to speak. But before he could speak his words, he was snatched by the silent Gu Yan beside him. Gu Yan said, "President Fu, you are so kind. You don't have any airs."

He Huanrui looked at Gu Yan with a murderous look in his eyes, this flatterer!

In fact, Gu Yan's temperament is relatively quiet and introverted. She is not the kind of person who likes flattery. But she succeeded in snatching the words? Seeing He Huanrui deflated, she was very proud. Not only was there a smile on his face, he also met He Huanrui's murderous eyes and looked back.

In fact, compared to male bosses, everyone prefers female bosses. Because there is no risk of sexual harassment in the workplace, and there is no daily brainwashing of daddy's quotations. Of course there will be a case.

Fu Ning, such a prominent beauty, is usually far-sighted and can't be played with. After finally having a chance to observe and contact from close range, He Huanrui and Gu Yan were a little bit excited and expectant in their hearts. Who said that there must be discord and mutual repulsion between the same sex.

"Mr. Fu, you are really amazing? You talked about the tens of billions of large projects last time..."

"President Fu, I actually admire you very much..."

Two people are just like a game, rushing to the ground and flattering.

On the side, Su Xingchen has known Fu Ning for so many years, and knows she is not lacking in praise wherever she goes, so every time she hears other people slapping their beards, they feel impatient. But she makes people unable to see the true emotions. On the surface, she is easy-going and natural and has little credibility.

Su Xingchen, out of good intentions, intervened to remind Fu Ning: "You haven't gone to cook yet? Are you sure what you want to eat?"

Fu Ning, who was sitting across from her, didn't care much about eating. Instead, she asked, "What were you doing just now, why is your face so red?"

Seeing that the topic was successfully transferred, Su Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief. I thought I would never make this kind of mistake in the future, and I would say less mistakes. In the face of leaders who don’t understand, sometimes being too anxious and dedicated can be counterproductive.

"I just ate a piece of fish. It's spicy."

Fu Ning glanced across her dinner plate. There was no fish in it, how did she eat it.

Su Xingchen explained: "Sister He Huanrui gave it to me just now. I tasted a piece."

Now that He Huanrui was mentioned, she also asked: "Chopped pepper fish head is delicious, do you want to eat it, President Fu?"

Fu Ning refused very politely: "No need."

She looked at Su Xingchen as if she was very interested in what was on her dinner plate. He asked: "How about the oily stewed eggplant on your plate?"

Su Xingchen's chopsticks, who was eating, also stopped. Said: "It's okay. It's pretty good. You can taste it."

Fu Ning shook her head and said, "I don't like to eat eggplant very much, and the oil in it seems a bit too much."

Su Xingchen looked at the eggplant on his chopsticks, but didn't think so. A little more oil will make the dish delicious. But she won’t get oil on her lips too?

When eating out, you still need to pay a little attention to the food. She took out a packet of napkins from her pocket and took out a piece of oil to wipe her mouth. Then continue to eat.

"Didn't you always eat broccoli before? They are all sold at the window over there. Go ahead."

Fu Ning rarely came to eat in the company's cafeteria, so he didn't even know what to eat when he got here. Fortunately, with Su Xingchen's reminder, her eyes finally showed a look of satisfaction, got up from the seat, and walked to the window Su Xingchen pointed to.

He Huanrui watched all this happening in front of her with a little dumbfoundedness, and in just a few minutes, she had completely changed her view of Su Xingchen.

In some large companies, the existence of related households is always indispensable. However, the related households are still different from the related households. Some of them are related to the blood of a family, and some of them are related to distant relatives separated by thousands of miles.

If it is really a good relationship, it is usually transferred to a department with less work and higher wages. Where can I go to the logistics department to do chores?

What if you are holding hands? None of these old foxes will pull your hand when you are rushing for performance, and let you work hard like a close friend.

But looking at the situation now, he knows exactly what the other party likes to eat. It's no longer normal intimacy. Even if he is a family, there is no possibility that Mr. Fu works in Nanshan City to eat together every day.

And when facing Mr. Fu speaking, Su Xingchen's reaction was natural. There is no partial flattery to please it. At a young age, neither humble nor overbearing. Su Xingchen obviously didn't have this kind of profound knowledge and strong psychological quality. Then the ability to behave so naturally in front of President Fu can only be because they are too familiar with each other.

He Huanrui looked at Fu Ning who was still standing at the window. She craned her neck and leaned towards Su Xingchen, and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Su, it's not convenient for Fang to ask you a question?"

Su Xingchen put down the chopsticks in his hand and said, "You can ask. There is nothing inconvenient."

"Um...what is the relationship between you and President Fu?"

Su Xingchen thought she was going to ask something incredible in such a mysterious way. It turned out to be asking this. She took a bite of the dish and put it in her mouth to chew, and replied, "She is my wife."

He Huanrui looked at her in disbelief, with question marks all over his head, with an expression of "you are teasing me".

"Don't be kidding. My sister asks you seriously."

He Huanrui is also a fan, so I often see some small fans calling their idols their wives, or some fans of anime fans, such as Gu Yan, who likes watching anime, will call her favorite characters his wife. . Even girls who have a good relationship with girls will call each other wives.

Of course, none of these are true. After all, it's not that you call your wife, and the other party will really tell you.

Su Xingchen said: "If you say it seriously, you really haven't proved it yet."

He Huanrui was a little helpless, knowing what he couldn't find out. Fortunately, she is also mentally prepared. "Don't tease me, if Mr. Fu is your wife, Gu Yan and I can both go to worship hall and get married."

These two are completely different people, and they don't feel the same style of painting. Su Xingchen is innocent, and what he takes is obviously a career rookie struggle script. Fu Ning is a super rich N-generation eldest who is blessed by countless auras on her body. It's probably a business war script of a high-IQ elite.

Gu Yan had a great reaction. With a frowning expression, he said disgustedly: "If I want to testify, it is also a testimony like Xiao Su. She can watch anime with me when she is married, just forget it. What do you think you can do? You are very good at exhausting me."

"You think you are so rare to recruit people. If I were, I would definitely choose to marry a sweet-smelling sister like Xiao Su. Don't think about it. This beauty is not something you can climb."

I don't know when, Fu Ning came back with the dinner plate. After putting the dinner plate on the table, she wiped her white and flawless fingers with a paper towel. It seems to ask very casually: "What are you talking about about marriage?"

With her fingers, she removed the chopsticks packed in a sealed sterile bag, and then clamped the braised pork on her plate to the plate of Su Xingchen sitting opposite.

This... He Huanrui couldn't believe his eyes. Even the real mother is nothing more than this to her daughter. Put the meat in her bowl for the child to eat. This kind of petting and intimacy behavior is obviously inappropriate even for sisters.

Su Xingchen stuffed the piece of meat into his mouth, what the braised pork did was really fragrant, and the meat was so tender that it melted in your mouth. She sighed: "Your company's food is too good."

Fu Ning put her dinner plate in front of him, and said, "Pick what you want to eat."

Su Xingchen smiled and said, "Then I'm not polite." As she said, she was really not polite at all, picking up every dish inside. I've tasted it all.

Su Xingchen was really full this meal.

Of course, the two next to him were full. The two of them were very knowledgeable and witty and said: "Xiao Su, let's go first. You and Mr. Su will eat slowly here."

"okay bye."

Su Xingchen waved his hand and watched the two figures disappear at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Not long after the two of them left, Su Xingchen put down his chopsticks, rubbed his already chubby belly and said, "I'm full too."

Fu Ning nodded and said, "Then let's go."


After the meal, the peak of the flow of people has passed, and there are not so many people in the cafeteria. Everyone finished

After the meal, some went to the lunch break area, and some went to the gym. Some returned to their workstations.

Su Xingchen arrived at the cafeteria for the first time, and didn't know what he was going to do next. It was only after twelve o'clock now. There is more than an hour before work.

Fu Ning looked at her watch and said, "Come up with me and sit down for a while."

Su Xingchen nodded. "OK."

Hee hee she actually thinks so too.

He followed Fu Ning up the stairs and reached the 48th floor. "Ding" sounded. The elevator door opened, and two people walked out one after another.

Fu Ning unlocked the fingerprint lock and her office door opened. Standing at the door, Su Xingchen saw this spacious office space with an Italian-style desk occupying a lot of space, and there was a layer of beige carpet on the ground, and he was immediately envious. "No wonder everyone says that capitalists have no humanity. Compared with your office, my place is like a garbage dump."

Before entering, Su Xingchen consciously took off his sneakers. Fu Ning noticed her movements and she explained: "I feel that my shoe soles must have stepped on a lot of dust. I have been busy in the warehouse this morning."

"It's ok."

Fu Ning's cleanliness has always been selective.

Su Xingchen still went in with his shoes in his hand. For her, there was no need, because the carpet was dirty for temporary convenience. Just looking at Su Xingchen can imagine how difficult this thing is to wash.

Taking off his shoes, the pair of white socks stained with a large piece of red on Su Xingchen's feet looked very eye-catching.

"What happened to your feet?"

"It's okay. Red ink accidentally spilled into my shoes when I was moving things in the morning. Fortunately, I was wearing a pair of black shoes. I didn't see it. Now the ink is probably dry."

"Take off your socks. I remember there are some spare clothes in my closet. I'll look for socks."

Fu Ning opened the door next to him and walked in. Su Xingchen noticed that there was a closet room in her office with a sofa bed in it.

She took off her socks, and some dried red ink marks were printed on the back of her feet. The red ball looked like a fascinating birthmark on the snow-white instep.

Fu Ning came out soon, and she said, "Sorry, no socks were found."

"It's okay." Su Xingchen was about to put on the socks that he had taken off, and suddenly remembered that he should wipe off the ink mark on the back of his feet first. "Are there wet wipes? My feet..."

Fu Ning took one from her desk. Su Xingchen was about to reach out to pick it up, only to find that Fu Ning didn't mean to pass her the wet tissue. Fu Ning squatted down in front of her, held her ankle with her slender and beautiful fingers, and lifted it slightly. Begin to move gently to wipe the stains on the back of her insteps.

When doing these things, the expression on Fu Ning's face was very gentle, but from time to time there were complicated emotions flashing in his eyes, such as addiction, infatuation, and a destructive possessiveness.

Su Xingchen seemed to have noticed something wrong at this time. Because Fu Ning was holding her ankle a little harder, she kept her movements still.

"Fu Ning, I am a little bit painful, please lightly..."

Fu Ning stopped wiping in her hand, and threw the wet tissue on the carpet with her slender and flawless fingers. She lowered her head slightly, making it difficult to see her expression. Just paused in silence for a while, motionless, time seemed to stand still.

When she raised her eyelids to look at Su Xingchen, Su Xingchen was indeed frightened by the sickly dark cloud in her eyes.

She never knew that a cold person could show such a wicked and beautiful expression, and it felt like she had never really understood the other person. Although Su Xingchen knew that people have two sides, she had never seen Fu Ning like this. The dark side is usually hidden behind people.

Probably it was a psychological effect. At this moment, Su Xingchen only felt that the skin touched on her feet was as cold as ice pierced. She asked with some uncertainty: "What's wrong with you, Fu Ning..."

Fu Ning's thumb was gently pinched on the skin of her chin, and then her index finger was gently brushed across her lips and placed in her mouth.

Seeing that the other party was about to drive straight in, Su Xingchen gently bit her finger with his teeth, but he was very careful, as if he was afraid of hurting the other party, and did not dare to use force.

He could only look at Fu Ning with eyes wide open, somewhat bewildered. The expression looked innocent and dazed to the extreme.

The corner of Fu Ning's mouth pulled out a casual smile.

She is the most likely to put on this look, thinking that this will win sympathy and make people stop.