She’s Scumbag

Chapter 92

He Huanrui looked at Gu Yan and said, "You still chase your anime well? Hold your paper man wife."

Gu Yan didn't bother to care about her, "My paper man wife is more fragrant than you."

Su Xingchen smiled and said: "Alright, okay, two seniors? Don't hurt each other between your two single dogs."

Sure enough, what Su Xingchen said? He Huanrui and Gu Yan both looked at her together, with murderous expressions in their eyes.

Until the three had finished their meal, they left the compartment with their dinner plates. Zhao Ying next door put down the arm that was covering her face, even though she hadn't made a sound by her side, the chance of being noticed by these people was not high. But in the end it is still cautious to do this kind of thing.

At this moment, her phone vibrated. Zhao Ying can be praised in the workplace, but she is not a good soft bun. During non-working hours, no one can make incoming calls on her cell phone, except for her immediate boss, Fu Ning.

Before answering the phone, she glanced in the direction where several people were leaving, and after confirming that they had really left. Then he answered with confidence.

"Hello, Mr. Fu."

"Are you ready for the meeting materials for the afternoon? Why haven't you handed them over to me now."

In fact, Zhao Ying had already prepared it yesterday, and it was not because of negligence that she forgot to hand it in. But she did it deliberately.

Yesterday Yu Huan said that everything was her own passion. In fact, her heart was somewhat shaken. The reason why Zhao Ying deliberately didn't hand in the meeting materials was just to test Fu Ning's bottom line? In this way, she proved her weight in the other party's mind.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fu, I forgot to hand it to you. Wait a moment, and I'll send it to you right away."


Zhao Ying took her mobile phone and left the canteen.

In fact, she knows it very clearly, Mr. Fu will not punish her for such a trivial matter. It would be harmless to make a small mistake. What's more, when we send meeting materials in the past, there is one more meeting where I can get along with her in private.

Take the elevator to the 48th floor, her workstation is next to Fu Ning's office, very close. Back on the seat, Zhao Ying first opened the foundation box and applied makeup, and looked at the round mirror to see if there were any blemishes on her face.

After repeated confirmations, she then picked up the meeting materials on the table, held them in her arms, and knocked on the door of Fu Ning's office.

A voice came from inside the door: "Please come in."

Zhao Ying stroked the hair on her forehead, then pushed the door in. What she never expected was that there was still a person sitting in the office, and the smile on her face was so embarrassed that it froze at the corner of her mouth.

It's Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen was also curious about who would knock on the door during the lunch break. She just came up after eating, so she didn't know about Fu Ning calling for meeting materials.

But seeing Zhao Ying, Su Xingchen understood it instantly. Some helplessly turned his head to look at Fu Ning. There was a bit of disapproval in his eyes, as if he was looking at a child who was deliberately mischievous and unhappy. Su Xingchen knew that Fu Ning was deliberate.

The embarrassment was only a moment, and Zhao Ying soon adjusted herself. The smile on his face resumed again, but it seemed a little deliberately official compared to when he first got up.

"Mr. Fu, here are the meeting materials you want."

When Zhao Ying walked over, she silently glanced at Su Xingchen. The other side's appearance doesn't seem to have any advantage. Compared with the girls who came to entangled before, he even reached a passing line, which is not what a big beauty.

This made Zhao Ying a little relieved.

Walking to the desk, Zhao Ying gently placed the folder in her hand on the desk. Originally, she planned to find a chance to talk to Mr. Fu a few more words. But the situation is clearly inappropriate now, and Zhao Ying is planning to leave. But I heard Fu Ning sitting leisurely on a leather chair next to him, saying: "The meeting will be held in the afternoon. You can give me a brief introduction to the preparations."

Zhao Ying was stunned for a moment, and then the smile at the corner of her mouth rose. Said: "Good Mr. Fu."

She was overjoyed in her heart, thinking that what Yu Huan said was unbelievable. Now this Miss Su is right in front of him, but President Fu hasn't even given a look, his attitude is obvious.

Zhao Ying suppressed happiness. I opened the folder and started to read.

What she didn't know was when she read the meeting materials intently. Fu Ning, who was sitting on the leather chair nearby, was staring at Su Xingchen, even if Su Xingchen looked back, her eyes remained motionless. The attitude is very provocative.

The undercurrent surging between the two people did not notice the third person, Zhao Ying still read very hard. Su Xingchen was also there today, so she seemed to want to show her professionalism in front of the other party. It's a pity that too much force seems very showy.

Su Xingchen felt a headache as soon as he heard this kind of thing. After listening to it for a while, he finally asked during the time when Zhao Ying turned the page: "Is it not over yet?"

Su Xingchen knew that as long as she spoke, she was surrendering to Fu Ning, just as she wanted. I can't commit myself to competing with her on such a trivial matter. If she wants to win, let her win. After a little rest, I don’t want to be forced to work overtime anymore.

Sure enough, Fu Ning's face showed a satisfied look, but she held back the smile at the corner of her mouth, and still put on an impatient expression pretendingly.

"You go out first. I can read the meeting materials for myself later."

Zhao Ying looked at her with some embarrassment. Mr. Fu has always distinguished between public and private, and he would never influence public affairs because of private affairs. Zhao Ying wanted to ask why, but subconsciously blamed Su Xingchen for all the problems.

This woman is too wink, is she interrupted deliberately at this time? Zhao Ying really doesn't understand this kind of selfish and cautious woman, and can't distinguish between official and private matters. It's no brainer. Even if she doesn't need to act, it is estimated that Mr. Fu will soon be unable to bear her.

Thinking this way, Zhao Ying swallowed all the doubts in her heart and didn't say anything more. Leaving the office very obediently. Before bringing the door, she also glanced at Su Xingchen.

That gaze made Su Xingchen a little bit irritated, and the opponent looked at the loser like a winner, contemptuously.

Su Xingchen was a little unhappy.

Fu Ning watched from the side happily, and even a little happily admiring the expression on Su Xingchen's face. She is in a really good mood today, but Su Xingchen is now in anger, and she must not let her find that she is gloating.

I told her a long time ago that as long as she was unhappy, she would transfer people away. But she just wanted to lose face and pretended to be generous. Now it can be regarded as suffering.

Fu Ning suppressed the smile on her lips. Said: "It is indeed a bit too much."

Su Xingchen exploded in an instant. "You think I'm too much. Didn't you want me to speak? I just followed Mr. Fu's thoughts. How could I be too much. Do you think I'm an eyesore here?"

Even though he knew that Fu Ning was deliberate, Su Xingchen couldn't help being angry.

Seeing that the person was irritating people, Fu Ning quickly explained: "You have misunderstood. Where did I say that you were too much? I said she was too much. We know that Su Xingchen doesn't like listening to these things. It's endless. It's really boring."

Su Xingchen simply didn't bother to pay attention to her, "Obviously you told her to read, you are ashamed to say."

Fu Ning said, "It was my fault. To make up for this mistake, I transferred her to another post after the meeting in the afternoon and asked her to be an assistant to someone else. Isn't that okay?"

With such a negotiable look, Su Xingchen couldn't make it even if there was a fire. "whatever."

Fu Ning had been busy here for a long time, and her eyelids were a little sore when she looked at the documents. She rubbed her eye sockets. Said: "Then or else you come and read it to me?"

Su Xingchen snorted coldly, "I don't want to, let me pick her up when she leaves? Your eyes are sore because you sit and read documents for a long time, so your eyesight is tired. Just get up and go around. Wherever you need it People read it to you in the past, squeamish."

Fu Ning leaned back, leaning on the back of the leather chair, and said a little amused: "Who is the two of us squeamish?"

"Of course it is you. Who do you think it is?"

Fu Ning said: "It's me. I just listen to President Su, get up and walk around." With that, Fu Ning stood up and stretched his slender fingers over.

Rubbed his neck, took two steps, and sat down beside Su Xingchen. Some lazily leaned on the opponent's shoulder, with his head buried in the opponent's neck.

Su Xingchen said that he didn't care. In fact, she stretched out her hand and gave her a smooth back. The movements are very gentle. It's like coaxing a child.

The two people just leaned together without saying a word, and they seemed very tacitly in agreement.

For a while, Su Xingchen thought that Fu Ning had fallen asleep leaning on her, but unexpectedly said, "Su Xingchen, do you feel sorry for me?"

In an instant, the feeling of quiet years in Su Xingchen's heart completely disappeared, and it was indeed an illusion.

Fu Ning did not seem to need her to think about this issue, so she directly gave her a conclusion: "You are still sorry for me, you just have to remember this. Later, pay it back slowly. If your attitude is sincere enough, I will Consider whether to forgive you."

Su Xingchen: "..."

What kind of evil is all this has done.

After the meeting in the afternoon, Fu Ning stopped Zhao Ying who was finishing the materials: "You will come to my office later."

Although Zhao Ying didn't know what Fu Ning was going to do, she still happily agreed. On the way in the past, I happily guessed, maybe I broke up with that stupid woman at noon. It would be great if it was true, the other party was not good enough for Fu Ning in the first place.

"come in."

Zhao Ying stepped on high heels and walked into Fu Ning's office with a smile. "President Fu, do you have any instructions?"

She never expected that she would usher in such a thunderbolt next time.

"You don't need to work here in the future. You will pack up your things and move to Mr. Ji downstairs to be his assistant. I have already asked him to greet him."

Zhao Ying's face turned pale instantly. She looked at Fu Ning incredulously, and even a bit of resentment appeared in her eyes, and asked: "Why are you transferring me? Is it because at noon..."

In fact, Fu Ning didn't need to answer her question at all, but she still gave the last touch of patience for the sake of her hard work in the past.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Ying smiled sadly. "Sure enough, is it because of that Miss Su?"

Hearing this, Fu Ning became more determined to transfer her away: "It seems that you know a lot, even her name has already been figured out."

The resentment and dissatisfaction in Zhao Ying's heart was almost overwhelming. After receiving such humiliation today, her big deal is to resign. It is necessary to make it clear.

"I have been working hard for so long. Can't you see it? Did she tell you to transfer me from behind? Just because I came over today and read a document to you, she just like that. Can't tolerate me. Are you going to replace all the secretaries with men for her in the future, what good is that kind of woman who is both private and public?"

Fu Ning rubbed his temples with a headache, and said, "First of all, I can tell you a little bit. The person who does not distinguish between public and private is not her, but you. Yu Gong, I am your boss, and it is your duty to work hard. Why do you want me to see, doesn’t the company pay you a salary every month? I want to transfer you, and I didn’t demote you, and I don’t owe you a reason. It doesn't matter much. In what position are you attacking my girlfriend?"

Today was in a good mood. Fu Ning said two more compassionately: "It was not her intention to transfer you away. It was just for me to avoid suspicion. I have never said to you something that shouldn't be done. It’s not clear why you have other ideas about me. But don’t you think it’s stupid to mix work with love?"

Facing Fu Ning's icy attitude, Zhao Ying only felt the blood rushing to her face, which was extremely embarrassing. She always thought she was shrewd, but she didn't expect that her little thought seemed transparent to others. Now she took off this non-existent fig leaf, and realized how ridiculous she was.

"I see."

Zhao Ying returned to her workstation and began to pack her things. The two secretary sisters next to each other put down their work and asked in surprise: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Ying won't let others

Seeing his joke, he pulled out a polite smile: "It's nothing, just transferred to Mr. Ji as an assistant."

"It turned out to be like this, it scared me to death." The most worried thing about contemporary workers is the problem of rice bowls.

"Well, it's a normal transfer, but we may not see each other in the future."

Before leaving, Zhao Ying glanced here one last time. She would never just give in.