She’s Scumbag

Chapter 93

After Zhao Ying left the 48th floor, she took her own things and went to work under President Ji. This season is always a middle-aged man over half a hundred years old, and he is usually approachable to his subordinates. There is nothing particularly bad. It is reasonable to say that many people of this kind of leadership want to work under his hands, but Zhao Ying is not willing at all.

After meeting her, Mr. Ji smiled and said, "Welcome to our new colleague."

On the surface, Zhao Ying is still polite,? "Ji always joked, I am not a new colleague anymore."

"You are a new colleague to me."

After arriving at the new position, Zhao Ying was a little absent-minded. In the past, she worked hard to be able to let Fu Ning see. Now there is no such need. Even if she hadn't been demoted, she didn't have much thoughts on her job.

After finishing a day's work, all my colleagues have left work. Only Zhao Ying is still sitting in her seat. She bit her nails and thought about what to do next.

It happened that a boy from the logistics department came over to check the electrical facilities on this floor. When I saw her, he asked in passing: "Beauty, why are you working on this floor? I remember that you worked as a secretary at Mr. Fu before."

Zhao Ying smiled awkwardly and said: "Normal personnel transfer. By the way, how is your logistics department recently? I remember you recruited a few interns a while ago? How are they doing?"

The boy touched his head and said: "I don't know about this,? I'm not in the same office with them. You might as well ask Director Zhao directly, isn't she your aunt? She is in charge of the entire logistics department. ?She must know more about the situation than me."

"That's it." Zhao Ying looked at the boy and said: "My relationship with Director Zhao should only be known to you so far. You have always followed Director Zhao to do things, and she can see all the hard work. Yes, don’t say anything you shouldn’t say to others."

The boy said: "Beautiful, don't worry, I understand."

This boy's words reminded Zhao Ying, even if she couldn't do anything to Su Xingchen,? But Su Xingchen is now working under the hands of his aunt. Wouldn't it be easy to wear some shoes for her at work?

Allocate her dirty and tiring work, and make her dumb to eat coptis, which is hard to tell.

After finalizing her idea, Zhao Ying called her aunt.

Use people as knives. Naturally, he couldn't tell the other party the truth, otherwise the aunt, who was bullying and fearful of hard work, would definitely be afraid of Mr. Fu's prestige and would not help her out.

Zhao Ying casually made up a lie, saying that she heard a new intern from the logistics department say bad things about her in the cafeteria today, and the scolding was terrible. Then he described Su Xingchen's appearance again.

Director Zhao on the other side of the phone was already furious. It's self-evident who you believe between an intern and his niece.

Director Zhao suppressed his anger. Said: "Yingying, I know what you said. You don't have to worry about this. Auntie knows her own way."

"I heard people talking about you behind my back, and I felt very uncomfortable. Auntie, you must not spare her lightly. If this kind of thing is not severely punished, no one under your hand will listen to you in the future."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Ying knew that her words had worked.

Wait for a good show tomorrow.

the next day.

The bedroom was dark, and Su Xingchen felt a pain in his stomach. With her eyes dimly sleepy, she opened the quilt and hurriedly ran to the toilet. She squatted on the toilet with messy hair. She turned on the phone and saw that it was only five o'clock.

Whether it hurts or not during menstruation varies from person to person, and every girl's physique is different. When Su Xingchen came to visit his aunt, his stomach hurts so much that he can't straighten his waist, and he sweats all over. Sometimes the whole person faints severely.

She squatted on the toilet, clutching her belly, thinking that she might not be able to go to work today.

No matter when physical health is the first priority, Su Xingchen will never be the kind of person who wants money for his life, not to mention that the post of an intern is only more than two thousand yuan a month. It's not worth her life.

It's still past five o'clock, and calling someone will definitely disturb people's sleep. Su Xingchen sent a WeChat message to Director Zhao and asked for sick leave.

The pain was so painful all morning, and he slumped on the bed with his stomach. The mobile phone was left in the bathroom without noticing it.

It hurt until noon. Mother Su brought the phone that was ringing non-stop. Su Xingchen took the call from He Huanrui, and then answered: "Hello?"

"Why didn't you come to work today."

"I was sick. So I took time off."

He Huanrui said: "Then you should take a good rest at home. But you got sick in time so you can escape the catastrophe!"

Su Xingchen asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

He Huanrui said, "Don't you know, I was going to the logistics department to find you for dinner at noon, but when I saw that your supervisor made a big fire, all the interns were scolded and cried. The words are really awkward. The little girl seems to have a problem and doesn’t understand, so she went to ask her, but she directly asked her to scold her, and quickly went home without knowing anything... She really thinks of herself as a great person, opponent The people below scolded as much as they wanted. That little girl was still wiping tears secretly when she ate just now."

Su Xingchen felt incredible after hearing it, "Why is she doing this? I feel uncomfortable just listening to you."

"Who knows. What's more interesting is, guess who I saw on the way to the logistics department—it was Zhao Ying! I don't know what she did in the logistics department.

But I got a great news. She has moved from the 48th floor to Mr. Ji, and Mr. Fu has transferred her away. It seems that the most important person in Mr. Fu's heart is still you. Is there any credit for you? "

Su Xingchen said, "I went to Fu Ning's place to sit for a while after eating at noon yesterday. The look in her eyes made me feel uncomfortable. I wondered what else should I bear?"

He Huanrui on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Hahahaha, that's right. Well done. But then again, she must hate you to death. You have to be careful. She went to the logistics department today and didn't know what she was doing. "

In fact, Zhao Ying was going to watch a good show.

She was humiliated by the other side that way at noon yesterday. Today, I naturally have to look at the other person for being scolded for work to relieve my anger.

Someone said that when the office printing paper ran out, she immediately stood up and said, "I'll go to the logistics department to get it. It just happened that I just finished my work."

Only when I got there I knew that Su Xingchen hadn't come at all today.

Director Zhao was furious: "You said what the quality of the little girls nowadays are. If you ask for leave, just say it on WeChat. She doesn't even make a phone call. She thinks the company is her home, so she won't come if she wants to come!"

"Why don't you call her and ask what's going on."

Zhao Ying's mouth seemed to be very reasonable, but in fact, she knew very well in her heart that she was angry now, and calling Su Xingchen would definitely curse Su Xingchen.

Director Zhao made a curse and made a call. As a result, the phone was dialed for a long time, but no one answered.

She was so angry that her face was ugly to the extreme, and she said angrily: "This Su Xingchen doesn't want to do it anymore. He asks for leave for a few days after coming to work, and doesn't answer the phone. When she comes back, I will drive her and let her pack her things and go home. This kind of girl is not taught at home, the quality is so poor, which company wants this kind of person. I really regard myself as a princess! Nowadays girls are really more delicate than the other, how are they like us back then!"

"You can't open people casually, but the company signed a contract with her."

The expression on Director Zhao's face was a little disdainful, and he said domineeringly: "What is the signing of the contract. I have the final say in the logistics department!"

"Of course you are."

Zhao Ying pulled out a smile, and she had already scolded this silly thing to death in her heart. I hope she was just a momentary anger. All of them have become supervisors, so they shouldn't be so foolish in doing things.


In the afternoon, Su Xingchen couldn't hold it anymore. She swallowed two tablets of painkillers and still had no effect at all. Finally, she went to the hospital.

When she turned on the phone again, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

She saw that there were so many missed calls today. In addition to Fu Ning's, there are actually a few in charge of Zhao.

Su Xingchen called Fu Ning back.

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little sleepy: "Why are you calling me back now?"

Su Xingchen said weakly, "I went to the hospital this afternoon."

For people like Fu Ning who has no menstrual pain, she can't imagine that there are people who go to the hospital for registration because of menstruation.

"Does it really hurt so much?"

Su Xingchen said: "It really hurts, I'm such a life-saving person, I wanted to die at that time."

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll go back and take you for a special inspection. Have you done this kind of inspection before?"

Just as a person like Fu Ning who doesn't feel pain feels that no pain is justified, people like Su Xingchen who are so painful also feel that it is normal for menstrual pain to become this way.

"I have done it, but I can't find anything every time. The doctor said that it was because of staying up late and sleeping irregularly. Or it was due to the cold of the palace."

Fu Ning said, "Then you can rest at home for a few more days."

"Farewell, I had a terrible pain on the first day, but it was okay later, and I can bear it. Today, my supervisor called me a few times when I asked for leave. I'll still go to work tomorrow."

"Then you pay attention, don't hold on if you feel uncomfortable. If you are tired, come to my side to rest for a while, I have a bed in the office."


Su Xingchen got up early the next day, and there were not many people in the logistics department when he got to work at the company.

In the office, only the little girl who was scolded yesterday was already sitting at the desk and working, and Su Xingchen checked the time on his watch. It was only 7:20, and the company didn't go to work until 8:30.

"What are you up to?" Because both of them are new interns, Su Xingchen naturally knows her better than others.

"It's nothing, just do the inventory work in advance, otherwise you will be scolded again." The little girl's eyes are still a bit swollen, and she can't cover her makeup. It is estimated that she went home last night and cried in the bed.

Su Xingchen looked at her, sighing helplessly in his heart.

This world is so cruel sometimes.

Maybe the leader sees you not pleasing to the eye, or she is in a bad mood because of other things, and just scolds you to vent her anger. She went home for a meal and then left her behind. But as everyone knows, the harm she caused to others may take a long time to fade away.

This kind of verbal violence often does not require the perpetrator to pay any price. Even if it is an apology, it may be just a casual sentence: "Don't go to your heart, I didn't mean it." Lightly, it seems so hateful.

Su Xingchen patted her shoulder and said, "Are you okay?"

The other party shook his head, saying that it was okay. But who can accept being scolded for no reason in his heart?

At this moment, Su Xingchen was still comforting others, but she didn't know that she would be more horribly scolded than this little pitiful after a while.

After half an hour, Director Zhao pushed open the door of the logistics department. As soon as she arrived, she saw Su Xingchen sitting and chatting with the intern who was scolded yesterday, and the two of them were talking and laughing.

Sure enough, the two little girls gather people and divide them into groups. None of the two little girls are good things. They are both delicious and lazy to enjoy the blessing at home. Do you think the company is a place for them to chat here?

Director Zhao looked at Su Xingchen and said, "You are finally willing to come, and you won't come to work without saying a word. Xiao Su, what do you think of the company?"

Su Xingchen noticed the sarcasm in her tone. Said: "I sent you a WeChat to ask for leave. How can I say that I didn't say anything."

"What's the matter of sending a WeChat. Didn't your family teach you the most basic politeness? Can't even make a phone call?"

Su Xingchen wouldn't let her. When she knew that her colleague was being scolded and crying, she knew what this director Zhao was. "Do you want me to call you at five o'clock in the morning? Even if this is my fault, but what does it have to do with my family. Director Zhao, what you said is a bit too much."

"Okay, a young girl who has a strong mouth, no one can care about you, right? I don't think you need to come to work anymore."

Not answering the phone is still annoying Director Zhao.

She has been in the logistics department for these years. No one here must follow her will. To say that the big leaders in the company are far from the sky, and no matter how much you manage, you can’t manage a place like the logistics department. So Director Zhao, the oldest senior, has been in this department for all these years, and no one has worked in this department. Dare to provoke a local snake.

Besides, her niece is working as a secretary for the company's chief executive. She can be said to be able to go to heaven. What else is there to be afraid of.

Su Xingchen had never seen anyone open so casually. I didn't know which small restaurant was the firefighter. It was really eye-opening to hear people say such things in such a big company.

"Why do you let me go home? When signing the contract, it was written clearly. The internship period is three months. I didn't have any major faults. Why should you let me go. Let me go. You can pay me three. Times the salary. The finances give me money in front of them, and I will leave without delay."

Director Zhao laughed angrily: "Just as a small intern, you dare to ask for three times the salary? What if I don't pay you a penny?"

"Then we will see you on labor arbitration."

"It's labor arbitration, who do you scare? Do you know where the labor arbitration bureau is?"

Su Xingchen really didn't know, so she hit 110 directly. Call the police. Simple and easy.

Director Zhao was a little dumbfounded, but the words had already gone out. She is indeed a little guilty in her heart, but after all, she hasn't done too much, but just said the other side, even if the police came, what can she do to her. Thinking about this, she straightened her waist again. The look in Su Xingchen's eyes was still a bit dark.

The quarrel between them is no longer small. Several people in the logistics department are so scared that they dare not say anything. Colleagues from several departments nearby quietly come over to see what is going on. Until I heard someone say that I called the police, it was a big deal.

The news spread to the entire company within half a day, as if wings were inserted.

Zhao Ying was preparing documents, and the colleague next to her came over to gossip with her and said, "Did you hear that an intern from the logistics department quarreled with their minister today. The minister said that she was going to drive her, and the little girl called the police directly."

Hearing this news, Zhao Ying's hands that were still beating on the keyboard suddenly stopped, and a very bad premonition surged in her heart. I am afraid that I will really get into big trouble now.

Her goal was not to get Su Xingchen fired, she just wanted to make Su Xingchen succumb to the job.

If you let Fu Ning know that Su Xingchen was fired. Incomplete security will be implicated in one's own head. Although the relationship between my aunt and her, few people in the company knew about it. But if someone wants to check, it is not impossible to find out.

Zhao Ying then realized that she was thinking of something stupid.

She herself can put on small shoes for people quietly, which makes people feel dumb. It doesn't mean that her aunt can do this kind of uncomfortable point.

This idiot!

People like Zhao Ying who have worked as a secretary are naturally aware that those who hold great power in their hands are often approachable, similar to the elites of Fu Ning, who tend to hide their intelligence and emotions, and they are appealing. Unable to spy half a minute, he looks good-natured all day long. The closer you are to the center, the smarter you are to do things with others.

On the contrary, it is the people who hold the great power of Sesame Dian in their hands, every day they regard themselves as the emperor of the earth, for fear that others will not know.

By the time we had lunch at noon, almost most people already knew about it.

Su Xingchen still went to He Huanrui for dinner as usual. He Huanrui saw her and exclaimed: "We've all heard of it, Xiaosu, you are really a hero of the female middle school. I admire it. If I had the courage of you, it would be better. I won't be stunned by the leadership every day. "

Su Xingchen said: "Actually, I am not very courageous."

Gu Yan, who was next to him, looked at her in horror and joked: "You are not courageous yet, what is your name?"

Su Xingchen thought for a while, and said, "No, I used to be very courageous. I was always afraid of this, and I would be particularly troubled when I was in a relationship. I was always afraid of the other party not liking me, what to do. I am not beautiful anymore. What to do, because I am very greedy of life and fear of death, I have also been forced to do many things that I do not want to do."

For a while, she did a lot of things wrong, and even she started to hate herself. At that time, Su Xingchen even thought in his mind, why not die.

But the things she did wrong, no matter how hard she tried, there is no way to make up. But she will feel aversion and resistance to herself because of this. Will ask myself over and over again in my heart, why don't you die.

People always have to experience some pain to grow up. Sometimes I did something wrong, but the biggest problem is that it is over. But life continues.

The system was gone when she completed the task, leaving behind a lot of mess. So what will she do in the rest of her life. Su Xingchen suffered silently for a long time. She sometimes wants to die uncomfortably.

But if you want to stand up again and continue to live, you must learn to forgive yourself.

He Huanrui was still waiting for her follow-up, saying: "Then what happened later, because what has become so fresh like now?"

Su Xingchen shook his head, "Actually, I'm still very timid. It's just that I want to understand something. So as long as it's something I'm certain, I won't look forward to it. I used to be afraid of these leaders or elders, but later I want to understand one thing, no matter how high they are, they are just insignificant passers-by in my life. The most serious consequence is loss of work.

But this is not the end of the world, I can find another job. My whole life can only be my own responsibility, so why can't I learn to respect my own ideas? "

Gu Yan nodded and said: "What you said is really good. Now the children are indeed different from ours. When I was in college, I was full of thoughts about where to go and eat. You can strengthen your own thoughts. It's amazing."

"Not as good as you said hahaha."

The sunlight outside refracted in, and the dust in the air floated. Several people walked to the canteen to have a meal. Just as Su Xingchen sat down, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

Fu Ning's call.

Su Xingchen answered, "Hello?"

"Are you okay, what the **** is going on."

The mention of Su Xingchen made me angry, "It's nothing, but our minister is going to fire me. I despise the labor contract and refuse to pay three times the salary. I'm about to sue her now. You don't have to worry about this, I can handle it myself. good."

Fu Ning asked, "What did you two quarrel about. Why did she fire you?"

"It's because I used WeChat to send a message when I asked for leave yesterday, and I didn't call her."

With Fu Ning's judgment, I felt that it was impossible for things to develop to this point just because of such a small matter. "Just because of this? Don't you think it's a bit strange, is there another reason?"

Su Xingchen said angrily: "When I wasn't here yesterday, she scolded an intern who asked her a question and cried. I don't feel strange that this kind of person does anything."

"Where are you now?"


"I'll find you later."

After hanging up the phone, Su Xingchen began to eat.

He Huanrui next to him said: "Don't worry, you won't suffer with Mr. Fu this time."

"Even if she is away, I won't suffer."

He Huanrui said, "You haven't left the campus yet. I don't know how important money and power are in this society. If Director Zhao of your logistics department knows that you are Mr. Fu's person, do you think she dare to scold you like that? I'm afraid I have to offer you as a bodhisattva."

Su Xingchen didn't think so.

"Of course there will be a few people with low morals. But did you two offer me like a bodhisattva because I am Fu Ning's person? I believe most of them are normal people. Such talents as Director Zhao are an example. It's all wrong. There are only a few people in this world who are particularly good and bad."

Gu Yan laughed aloud: "That's right, don't listen to her instilling this frightening social darkness into you. People should be so vigorous when they are young."

He Huanrui gave her a white look. "But then again, I heard a gossip just now. Someone said that Director Zhao is a relative of Zhao Ying. If it is true, how could Director Zhao not know that you are President Fu’s person? It is impossible that Zhao Ying wanted to kill someone with a knife. Didn't tell her? Even her relatives are so cheating, this Zhao Ying's heart is too dark. This kind of person is really scary."

Gu Yan didn't take it seriously: "What's terrible about her? If that's the case, then she is really stupid. The company explicitly prohibits relatives from holding positions. This is to prevent people from engaging in nepotism. This kind of thing can’t be said nonsense. If Director Zhao is really a relative of Zhao Ying, then Zhao Ying has the obligation to voluntarily acknowledge when she first came to apply for the job, otherwise the positions of both people will not be kept. The Legal Department will go through the procedures. Enough for her to drink a pot."

Su Xingchen asked curiously, "What about me and Fu Ning?"

Gu Yan shook his head and said, "No. First, you are just a couple, and you haven't gotten a certificate yet. The company doesn't care about this. Second, you are not officially employed, you are just an intern."

Su Xingchen nodded and settled down. "I don't even know that there is still this rule."

He Huanrui said: "Because you were interviewing interns at the beginning, you didn't know. If you are a full-time employee, the contract is clearly written."

At this moment, Fu Ning came over.

She put her hand gently on Su Xingchen's shoulder, and said, "What are you talking about?"

He Huanrui said, "I'm talking about whether you two violated the company's regulations."

"Which rule?"

He Huanrui can't wait to file a complaint: "It's just that you can't engage in nepotism. Relatives who are in the job should take the initiative to report it. Mr. Fu, I heard that Director Zhao from the Logistics Department and your former secretary Zhao Ying are relatives. Is it a violation of company regulations?"

Fu Ning said: "Of course it counts."