She’s Scumbag

Chapter 94

In the afternoon, everyone in the logistics department was worried, and they didn't dare to show up. Everyone is clearly aware that there may be other major events to happen.

Although there is no follow-up to the police, at most, the operator will chat with you. You will not really send someone over. However, Director Zhao used this title to promote the casual opening of people in the logistics department.

Zhao Ying has been restless since she learned the news, and she always feels that something will happen.

In the end, she couldn't help, pretending to ask a colleague inadvertently, and said, "How is the situation now?"

"Who knows. I'm not in their department? Only ask the people in their department what happened."

The colleague turned his head and went back to work.

Only Zhao Ying stayed in a daze, her heart was out of control, and she felt a sense of fear, like being bitten by ants. I can only comfort myself desperately, and nothing will happen.

She didn't regret it until now. Why did she need to do such a stupid thing for a moment? In the end, stealing chickens won't be eclipsing rice, just cheating herself. It's a pity that everything is too late. What you say now is of no avail.

In the afternoon, she received an appointment notice from the Human Resources Department and the Legal Department.

She couldn't accept such a major blow for a while, her fingers were trembling unconsciously, and her whole person was already in a state of chaos. Feeling bone-cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

After running to the bathroom to wash her face, Zhao Ying went to the interview with a pale face. She just wants to leave here as soon as possible and escape from all this. The elevator slowly sank down, and her heart also fell down little by little.

"Ding—" With a sound, the elevator door opened, and Zhao Ying walked out of the elevator, but happened to run into Su Xingchen who was waiting for the elevator.

The two collided.

Zhao Ying looked at her with a trace of resentment in her eyes. "I am like this, do you feel satisfied?"

Su Xingchen clearly saw the resentment on her face, she was a little surprised at first, and then smiled at the corners of her mouth.

It's not surprising that such people have this kind of thinking.

Seeing the dazzling smile at the corner of Su Xingchen's mouth, Zhao Ying became even more angry: "What are you laughing at?!"

The more she was like this, the more Su Xingchen felt that she was bluffing and incompetent and furious.

"I am not very caring about other people's things, and you are not my friend. Why should I spend time and energy on you? What are you like now, or what you were like in the past. I don't care. What's the satisfaction? I'm not satisfied."

Zhao Ying seems to have been poked into the pain, and her voice has become more and more sharp and harsh: "Don't be proud of you now, one day you will become like me, don't think that now that Mr. Fu likes you, you will be able to show off forever. !"

Until she finished speaking, Su Xingchen just looked at her indifferently. See her venting out. Then he said casually: "I said you... Until now, I still don't understand why I am doing this?"

While talking, she stepped into the elevator door, lowered her eyelashes, tilted her body toward the button on the right, and pressed the floor.

"I'm sorry, I have my own life and I don't depend on anyone. It doesn't matter whether Fu Ning likes me or doesn't like me. I don't judge my value by whether she likes herself or not. She just gives When you transfer a job, you start to lose your mind and you start to find your own way of death. You are here today because you are a poor worm who has no ego and only wants to climb the dragon and the phoenix. I'm sorry that I might disappoint you. For the rest of my life Neither will become the same as you are now."

In Zhao Ying's slightly shocked eyes, the elevator door slowly closed.

At noon the next day, the processing results were already out. All employees received an announcement notice in their mailboxes, regarding Zhao Ying and Director Zhao's final handling of both being expelled.

Many people in the logistics department breathed a sigh of relief. Usually, everyone working under Director Zhao's hands had to look at her winks. One accidental scolding was good now. People were expelled. If it is not forbidden, everyone wants to set off firecrackers to celebrate.

It's really happy, good walk, good walk!

Miss intern who was scolded by Director Zhao and cried

The sister finally showed a smile: "The bad guy has finally gone, so happy."

And Su Xingchen, who was sitting next to her, was playing with her mobile phone absently. She just opened her stock trading app. She hasn't seen this stuff for many days.

Although the purpose of coming to work at the beginning was to keep myself away from the impetuous mentality of staring at it all day. From this perspective, she is actually quite successful.

Today, I suddenly remembered and clicked on it. After seeing my own profit. Su Xingchen stared at his mobile phone silently for about a few minutes. The whole person was a little dazed, and he didn't move the posture of holding the phone.

The little sister next to her looked at her absent-mindedly and called her: "Stardust, did you hear what I said just now?"

Hearing others call his name, Su Xingchen recovered like he was waking up from a dream, turned off his mobile phone, and buckled it on the desktop. Said: "Sorry, what you said just now, I'm distracted."

"I said Director Zhao is gone, so happy..."

Su Xingchen looked at the phone on the table, and she curled up her mouth and smiled silently. When talking, there was a bit of excitement that couldn't be hidden.

She coughed and said, "Actually, to be honest, I don't want to do it anymore."

I thought I should come over and use my hard-working hands to get rich and earn money, but now that I saw his profit rate, Su Xingchen discovered the truth of life. The feeling of lying down and collecting money is really amazing!

If you don't have to go to work and you have money to take it, silly X is willing to go to work.

Why should I go out to work in such a hurry?

The little sister is very puzzled: "Why, didn't Director Zhao have already left? Now no one treats us as a punching bag every day. Isn't it good for you to stay? I can't bear to let you go."

The little sister pulled her sleeve and shook her arm. If it weren't for Su Xingchen's emergence, it would have attracted everyone's attention. I'm afraid Director Zhao is still doing a big blessing in the logistics department.

She already regarded Su Xingchen as her savior, and for fear that Su Xingchen would really go, she pleaded bitterly: "Don't you go~"

Su Xingchen was a little dizzy by her, and said helplessly: "It's alright. That's what I said, the contract has already been signed, and I will finish the internship period for three months anyway. Don't worry. "

The other party breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I want to have a good celebration at noon today. Would you like to come with me? I'll treat you!"

Su Xingchen said, "Although I also want to agree, I usually eat with two other colleagues in other departments. Otherwise, you can eat with them in the past. Would you mind? I don’t need your treat, I’m today. Please."

The little sister shook her head and said: "It's okay, I don't mind. Eat, the more people the better."

"That's fine. I'll ask them later. Let's see what we have for lunch today."

At lunch time, He Huanrui, Gu Yan and the little sister in the logistics department were all looking at Su Xingchen. She was using chopsticks to poke the minced garlic on the dinner plate, holding the chopsticks absent-mindedly. So far, she has not eaten a bite. .

Not only that, there was a smile that couldn't be hidden at the corner of her mouth.

He Huanrui stretched out her hand and shook her eyes, "Hey, what's wrong with you today, first you suddenly entertained you for dinner, and also smirked at the dishes?"

Su Xingchen returned to his senses. Said: "Is there any?"

The two nearby nodded and said, "Yes, you have been absent-minded from the time you were cooking up to now. What good has happened, you smile so happy?"

"Even if Director Zhao is fired, you won't be so happy that you can't help yourself."

Su Xingchen shook his head, "Of course not, I don't care if she can fire or not. Of course I am happy and it is not because of her. I just turned on the phone today and saw that I made some money from the stocks I bought before."

\"That's it.\" He Huanrui nodded.

Su Xingchen smiled and said, "Well, how about I invite you to McDonald's for a cone?"

"Sisters are really interesting!"

"Hahaha, your request is really low."


After eating, the four of them went downstairs together and walked to McDonald's not far away to buy ice cream cones.

Su Xing

Chen struggled with the various flavors on the billboard, and asked, "What flavor is delicious?"

Gu Yan said, "Actually, I feel the same."

He Huanrui said, "I want to eat the mango-flavored one."

A few minutes later, all four of them had the cones in their hands.

Su Xingchen tore off the wrapping paper on the outside of the crispy roll and threw it into the trash can.

He Huanrui said, "Don't throw it so early, what if it melts before you finish eating, Liu's hands are sticky."

"You can rest assured, with my strength, I will never let it become in my hands."


Everyone walked back to the company while eating. Have fun at noon and nothing to do in the afternoon. Since Director Zhao left, Su Xingchen has rarely been able to relax during working hours, and touched his mobile phone for a while.

She looked at her current total profit, after removing the principal invested, it was already a full 2 ​​million. In other words, she has actually achieved a small step of financial freedom.

Although Su Xingchen couldn't understand too complicated things, she would still compare simple things like daily profitability.

Su Xingchen pulled the data out and looked at it, and found that dozens of the stocks she had bought before had high yields in the near future.

And there are nearly ten stocks with high returns in the first few days, but they have been relatively sluggish for a while. Seeing that there is a tendency to fall again and again.

Su Xingchen thought, if you sell it now, you can still make hundreds of thousands of yuan in total.

After a little consideration, Su Xingchen decided to sell these few. Together with the cost and net income, about 500,000 yuan went back to her bank account.

After the operation, Su Xingchen found that he really didn't want to go to work more and more. Sitting in the office at the moment and lamenting that life has risen and fallen so fast, working part-time is really boring, so it is better to go home and play with your mobile phone while lying in bed.

You must know that this kind of life is what she dreams of.

She wanted to drink some water, but when she picked up the water glass, she realized that her glass was already empty. She got up and went to the pantry to pick up hot water. The drinking fountain also showed tea leaves that she bought at the stall last time for 10 yuan a catty. This time Su Xingchen changed her usual habit of drinking only white water and pinched it from above. Point it in the cup.

I took a sip after it was soaked, and it was really awful.

She frowned, wondering if this is what it feels like to be a boss.

With her current wealth of millions of dollars, it is indeed time to drink some tea and decorate her taste.

The little sister next to her seemed to have noticed the tea in her glass, and asked, "Stardust, when did you change your tea?"

Su Xingchen said: "Just now."

After all, she is also a person of wealth now. If the Forbes rich list includes the total number of people in the world, she should now be among the top 100 million in the China region.

"Then next time you buy tea, buy a slightly better one. The one that costs 10 yuan a catty is really a bit too shabby to be honest. It's all tea dregs."

"I couldn't help it, so I gave me a few hundred yuan and asked me to buy a lot of things. I am also a clever woman who can't cook without rice."

Su Xingchen shook the tea in his water cup and said: "The price of 10 yuan a catty is still the price that I spent a long time grinding the boss with the boss. She used to ask for 10 yuan 2."

"Yes, the person in charge of Zhao is really picky, and he doesn't pay enough money every time. Last time I asked me to buy something, I paid for the taxi ride back and forth."

"But now your Sister Xiaosu is rich. From now on, I will pack the tea from our logistics department and change it to a higher grade. How about Jintan Buxue?"

Su Xingchen thought, with his current wealth, he should almost be able to drink this kind of tea.

A few days later, she sold the second batch of stocks whose yields began to decline in the same way.

At this time, the number in her bank card has reached 1.1 million. It happened to be able to pay back the 1 million owed to Fu Ning first.

So she sent a WeChat message to Fu Ning, [send me your bank card number. 】

The author has something to say:

President Su: Rich, rich