Shining Marvel Saints

v2 Chapter 202: Total War

Looking at the entire Avengers One, New York was almost torn down to the ground, and civilians were killed and injured countless times, but in the end, it was basically the Avengers superheroes who fought.

Where is the army?

During the whole battle, there were very few shots of the army, only two armored vehicles and less than double-digit soldiers appeared at the Central Station on 42nd Street, and they were soy sauce throughout the whole battle.

Isn't the Mi Army claiming to fight all over the world in an hour? Where is their quick reaction force?

Or when the movie was made, it was all cut to reflect the heroism of the superheroes and to save money?

The truth of that world is unknown to Le Xia, but in the world he is in now, the army has appeared.

After all, the number of superheroes is not dominant, and it can only be another army that can completely wipe out an army.

Because of the early evacuation of the people and the activeness of Saint Le Xia, until now, the council behind S.H.I.E.L.D. has not issued an order to launch a nuclear bomb.

In fact, this is a normal practice. The act of planting mushrooms in the movie when there is a disagreement is planted in Manhattan, where the United Nations headquarters is located, and in New York, the most prosperous city in the world. No matter how you look at it, it seems unreasonable.

The troops planted mushrooms before they went up to fight. They didn't know what they were trying to realize, and sacrificed their lives for righteousness?

The brain is out of order.

Since the entire city is going to be sacrificed, why not send troops into coordinated operations like in "Transformers"? No matter how badly you fight, it is much better than letting a city be buried with you.

Either the council has been controlled by Hydra, so it made the decision to wash the land.

Either that, when the board of directors made this decision from the very beginning, they never thought of really wanting to flatten New York, but were playing a big game of chess. But with the author's head, I really can't think of any chess that must be played like this.

In short, under the coordination of the council, the US military and other parties, the army, navy and air force have successively entered the battlefield, and New York has entered a state of full-scale war.

Le Xia raised his chin at Loki, "Don't you want a war, then we will give you a war, and keep your eyes open to see who is the maggot and who is the bedbug!"

"Hey, there seems to be something weird..."

In the air, dozens of fighter formations composed of "Raptor" and "Lightning II" roared past, and the Chitauri's aircraft in the air exploded and fell under the barrage of bullets.

On the ground, armored vehicles and tanks also rushed in along the road, followed by groups of soldiers with live ammunition, and launched an attack on the Chitauri troops on the ground.

With the entry of troops, the number of casualties of the Chitauri began to increase significantly. Without the threat of civilians, they could only fight head-on with the army, and then they were wiped out by firearms several times their own.

Dr. Selvig, who was dazed to the side, also woke up at this time. The collision just now caused him to release the control state, and his eyes also regained clarity.

"Good morning, doctor." Le Xia greeted cheerfully, the battle situation has basically stabilized, and the rest is to see how many people Chitauri can die on the earth.

However, Selvig was not as optimistic as Le Xia. He looked up at the space gate in the sky, and the first thing Selvig said was, "We have to close it."

Le Xia shook his head, "It must be closed, but it's not now, we haven't played yet..."

"Listen to me!" Selvig suddenly lost control of his emotions, "This space door is not as simple as you think, and you have to know that there is a fleet at the other end of the door!"

Le Xia frowned, and suddenly felt a little bad, "A fleet? So, they can't get through anyway..."

"It will get bigger," Selvig stared at the space door. "The size of the door will get bigger. When it is big enough for spaceships to pass through, we will be really in danger."

Le Xia looked down at Loki, only to find that the faint smile at the corner of his mouth was gone.

"I see."

No wonder the invading Chitauri have been beaten like this, but Loki still doesn’t care. No wonder he dared to take the Pippi Shrimp Airship and the Zita Swiss when he knew the level of force on the earth and the existence of superheroes. Soldiers to attack the earth.

It turns out that these are just illusions, a means to confuse the people on Earth.

His real killer weapon is the crab spaceship that Iron Man sees after passing through the space gate in the movie.

For a long time, Le Xia has been misled by the plot in the movie, thinking that after killing these Pippi shrimps, the remaining Chitauri people are a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, but never thought that the opponent's crab spaceship will pass directly through The space gate attacks the earth.

If Rocky really succeeds, then "Avengers" may become "Independence Day".

In the movie, the crab spacecraft that was blown up by Tony carrying a nuclear bomb, Le Xia couldn't imagine how powerful the firepower was, and he didn't want to know.

Anyway, he understands that as long as that spaceship comes over, the New York cliff will be over.

Although for many people, this is something that Le Xia does not want to see.

Because he is a saint, and his duty is to protect the earth.

Loki's face finally changed. No matter how Le Xia laughed at him and humiliated him before, he didn't care, because compared to what he wanted to accomplish, that humiliation was nothing at all.

But now because of Selvig's words, his plan is going to be completely ruined, how can he not be angry.

He is an Asgardian who claims to be a god. In his eyes, the people on Earth are all idiots and ants. How could he be willing to be defeated by idiot ants?

Le Xia looked up at the space door in the sky, and found that it was bigger just now. In the beginning, the three Pippi shrimp airships had to line up to pass through. Now they are still lined up, but the space has expanded enough for The two airships passed side by side.

Who said that the Chitauri are a group of brainless idiots, can idiots develop into cosmic civilization?

Selvig looked at the spiritual scepter in Le Xia's hand, "Although I am controlled by him, my mind is not completely chaotic. I probably know a little bit about what I am doing, so I left a back door for that device. It is a safety device that can cut off the energy source."

Le Xia looked at the scepter in his hand, and then at the portal in the sky, feeling a little pity in his heart. After all, there are not many opportunities for aliens to come to Earth to send technology, equipment, and materials.

However, for the sake of the safety of the earth, even if it is a pity, the door must be closed.

Of course, Le Xia would definitely not be reconciled to just shutting it down like this.

"Hal... That Mr. Director, are you online?" Le Xia tapped on the earphone.

Soon Fury's voice came from the opposite side, 'I'm here. '

After briefly talking about what Selvig said, Le Xia gave Fu Rui a little time to digest the information, and then continued.

"If you just close the space door like this, I don't think it's polite no matter how you think about it, so before saying goodbye, how about giving some gifts to alien friends?"

'what do you mean? '

"Little boy or fat man?" Le Xia said with a smile.

During World War II, the two atomic bombs dropped by the Mi Army on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were named "Little Boy" and "Fatty". Anyway, the last nuclear bomb in the movie was to bid farewell to the Chitauri. Le Xia didn't want to let his present Portions are too light.

Fury pondered for a moment, 'We are really not ready to fight a space war, if that is the case, let's send these uninvited aliens back to their hometown, I will arrange it. '