Shining Marvel Saints

v2 Chapter 210: start of vacation

On a private plane flying to Tianchao, Le Xia was eating breakfast in a window seat, and Gwen was sitting across from him, playing with his hair and watching him eat.

"Are you sure you don't want some?" Le Xia stuffed a boiled egg into his mouth and served it with milk. There were a lot of high-protein foods such as beef and soy products on the table in front of him.

Gwen shook her head, "I'm full just looking at you like this."

Le Xia peeled off the shell of another boiled egg, "I'll teach you an idiom to explain how you feel when you look at me now, it's delicious."

"Beautiful and delicious?" Gwen repeated this idiom in Chinese, and her pronunciation was already more standard than many people from the blue side.

"Yes," Le Xia stuffed the egg into his mouth, "It means I'm full when I see you."

"Jarvis, did he explain it right?" Gwen has long been aware of Le Xia's random interpretation of idioms, and he has some mistrust in him from the bottom of his heart. It is better to find a reliable person to ask, Jarvis's There are dozens of Mandarin dialects in the language library, which is the most studied Chinese on the plane.

"Ms. Gwen, Mr. Le Xia's explanation is very similar to the idiom," Jarvis's voice sounded, and before Gwen nodded, he continued, "But my language library tells me that although the meaning of the two sentences It’s similar, but if you tell a girl that she’s pretty, she’ll be very happy, but if you say the latter, you might get beaten.”

Le Xia gave a thumbs up to the air, "Old Jia, you can do it! You can even recognize the profound Chinese, which is amazing my brother."

Jarvis said modestly, "I still have a lot to learn."

"Stop studying, leave a way for the scumbags to survive," Le Xia begged...

"Is Jarvis really a computer program? Why do I feel like he's a real person?" asked a woman next to her. She was Maya Hansen who was invited by Tony Stark to travel to China.

That's right, it's Maya Hansen who studies the Extremis virus.

The problem that had troubled Zheng Xian for so long was solved by a phone call from Tony.

Through Tony's relationship, Maya Hansen directly boarded the plane to China, and started a walk-and-go trip to see a different world.

Unlike what Zheng Xian inquired about, Maya Hansen was not restricted by Killian.

Killian, who claims to be behind the scenes, has not yet planned to go on stage to make an official announcement. His identity and things in his hands have not been exposed, so the supervision of Maya is not so strict. After all, on the surface, their relationship is a collaborator.

"Jarvis is an artificial intelligence. In a sense, you can think of it as a person with independent personality."

Tony came over and answered Maya's question, "You still look so young, Maya."

Maya shrugged, "I thought you came to me to continue the previous relationship, but I didn't expect you to sleep alone for so long." The plane had already taken off for seven or eight hours, and during this time, Tony Has been sleeping on the big bed in his bedroom cabin, alone.

Pepper changed Tony Stark with a force.

"It's been more than ten years since that incident. Unless you bring me a twelve-year-old child, it will be difficult for us to have more contact. After all, I have a regular girlfriend now, thank you," Tony said on the side seat Sit down and thank the waiter who brought the food.

"A playboy, who is tired of the slutty life and wants to return to his family? Did I go to the wrong set? Could it be the Oscars ceremony here, Mr. Stark, was that your acceptance speech just now? "

Maya Hansen couldn't accept Tony's change for a while. You have a regular girlfriend and don't want to find a prostitute anymore, so why do you want me? Although I'm just an unknown scientist, time is precious, okay?

Tony reached out and poked Le Xia, who was eating next to him, "Don't you want to say something?"

Le Xia swallowed what was in his mouth, "Just wait a moment, my protein consumption is a bit high these days, so I need to supplement it."

"Excessive protein consumption?" Tony glanced at Gwen, who was opposite Le Xia, and saw her rosy complexion, with a happy appearance of endocrine balance, and instantly understood what Le Xia meant.

"Hey, it's nice to be young."

Gwen pretended not to understand Tony's words, got up and went to Maya, "Hi Dr. Hansen, my name is Gwen Stacy, and I'm Dr. Kurt Connors' intern."

"Dr. Connors? The Kurt Conners who studies cross-species inheritance?" As a person in the academic circle, Maya really knew Dr. Connors.

"Yes, the doctor's previous main project was the research on the restoration of human limbs through the regeneration gene of lizards. Some of his theories are based on the papers you published in "Nature."

"Really? I also admire Dr. Connors' point of view, just like that..."

Two stylishly dressed beautiful women gathered together, not talking about fashion gossip, but began to discuss academic issues with great interest, the style of painting was a bit biased.

Fortunately, Gwen's thinking has been strengthened, relying on some knowledge memorized by Bo Wen, so she can keep up with Maya Hansen's train of thought, while Le Xia next to her has no idea what the two are talking about.

"Your little girlfriend is very nice," Tony ate his breakfast gracefully.

"Speaking of it, of course I know she's good," Le Xia gulped down a large glass of milk and burped, "If she's even worse, she won't squeeze me like this."

Tony leaned over and whispered, "Should I introduce you to some brands of medicine, the effect is very good."

Le Xia snorted, "My body is as strong as a calf, do I need medicine? Keep it for yourself..."

Looking Tony up and down, Le Xia grinned and asked, "You've been able to survive for so many years, all thanks to medicine, that thing hurts your body."

Tony looked a little unnatural, "Of course not, it's just..."

When he was young, Tony squandered his that he is over 40 years old, his physical function begins to decline. Sometimes, the enthusiasm of Little Pepper makes him a little bit overwhelmed, so he is researching ways to enhance his physical fitness Methods, such as using some medicine and the like.

"Needless to say, I understand," Le Xia gave Tony a reassuring look, "Dr. Wu should know many old Chinese doctors who specialize in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases, don't worry..."

Tony waved his hand to interrupt Le Xia's words, and gave him a look, 'Stop talking, I'll leave this matter to you. '

Le Xia nodded, 'You don't have to worry about leaving it to me, there is no good thing I can do. '

Superheroes are human beings too. Saiyans will die of heart disease. It is normal for Iron Man to be a bit unspeakable.

With Gwen's deliberate ingratiation, Maya is not too resistant to this trip to the Celestial Dynasty, but she has never had a good face towards Tony, probably due to her dissatisfaction with desire.

After more than ten hours of flying, the private plane landed at Dongpu Airport on the sea, and there was a familiar figure among the greeting staff—Captain Tao.

. Sogou