Shining Marvel Saints

v2 Chapter 247: the universe is big

The battle of 123VS10 finally ended with the tragic victory of Luyuan students after Le Xia secretly ordered the ice giant to release the water.

While not completely destroying their self-confidence, it taught them a profound and painful lesson, and the road ahead will be better.

For them, this should be the best outcome.

This kind of battle will not be the only one. With the ice treasure box in hand, Le Xia will often mobilize the interaction between the ice giant and the students of Luyuan.

It may be in the playground, the cafeteria, or even the dormitory. The ice giants may rush in anytime and anywhere. It is foreseeable that the future life of the Luyuan students will not be easy.

And when the students grow to a certain level, Le Xia will also use the ice treasure box to send them to Jotunheim to fight in the home of the frost giants.

At that time, the strength growth of the students may experience a blowout.

On Luyuan's side, Le Xia didn't intend to stay as a nanny forever, he taught almost everything he could teach, and the rest was up to them.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, there will be a large number of fighters who use natural energy to fight in the country. As for whether they will be called Taoist or Senluo fighters, these Le Xia do not intend to interfere.

As for the small universe involving the principles of the universe, Le Xia will not teach them, yes he will not, in various senses.

It may be that there is something in the dark that restricts the spread of the power of the small universe. So far, in this world, only Le Xia can use it.

Le Xia thought a little bit about this point, but not only did she get to the bottom of it, the twelve golden seniors hadn't been collected yet, and the truth would always come to light one day.

Leaving the courtyard, Le Xia returned to Asgard again, accompanied by Tony and his Iron Man army.

During Le Xia's absence from Earth, Tony has produced more than a dozen steel suits. With the assistance of Jarvis, these steel suits can independently carry out activities and battles.

Just like in "Iron Man 3".

Of course, this time, Le Xia will never allow Tony to use the iron suit to play with fireworks, such a stupid local tyrant's behavior. Keeping the vanguard who fights Thanos is definitely easier to use than those black uncles and black aunts in Wakanda.

Of course, Le Xia didn't stay in Asgard for too long, because Thor mentioned a person, the universe collector.

According to Odin's thinking, after obtaining the ether particles, they cannot be stored in Asgard together with the Rubik's Cube at the same time. His original plan was to send the ether particles to the universe collector and let him keep them on his behalf.

Although the universe collector is in Le Xia's eyes a man with kidney deficiency who only uses thick eyeliner and foundation to cover his haggard face.

But in Odin's eyes, the universe collector is a strong man with a long life and strong collection.

According to legend, the universe collector was born in the oldest race, one of the elders of the universe, and has powerful abilities, such as immortality, time and space travel, predicting the future and so on.

But judging from what Le Xia knew about the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Immortal Collector was finally killed by Thanos.

The space-time shuttle has not been shown. If it can travel, it should be able to avoid the killing of Thanos. It can be seen that there are mostly bragging elements.

Predicting the future is even more ridiculous. If you can really predict the future, you will run away long before Thanos comes, and you will stay and wait to die.

Take a look at how those Pig Lords who can predict the future at a certain point next door are playing. If they are really given thousands of years, let alone the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even the multiverse will be dominated by them.

Don't say that after the scenery is over, it will eventually return to peace.

Since you are the boss, don't think about peace. If you are calm, you can only become a stepping stone for a rising star to reach the top.

Now, Odin’s plan is useless, because the ether particles were absorbed by Le Xia, and according to Le Xia, he did not absorb it on his own, so there is no way to get it out, even the ether particles now exist in the Where, he couldn't figure it out.

Le Xia said so, what else can Odin do, after all, he can't do such a cruel act of cutting people up and picking things out.

The matter of the ether particles came to an end here, and Malekith was nowhere to be found.

Later, I heard that it seemed that the ice sculpture accidentally collided and broke during the transportation process... In the end, it was not possible to determine the responsibility, and the temporary porter should not be punished.

The leader of the dark elves, a generation of villains, Malekith, died in such an aggrieved manner. Apart from demolishing some legal buildings in Asgard, he did not make any achievements.

In the tavern, Le Xia and Thor sat opposite each other, each with a glass of beer in their hands.

"You want to go to nothingness?" Thor asked while drinking.

"Well," Le Xia nodded, "The universe is so big, I want to see it."

"But why go to the land of nothingness, it's not a good place to go." Thor put down his glass and said with a frown.

The land of nothingness is where the universe collectors are located. At the same time, it is also a chaotic place with almost no order. There are mercenaries, fugitives, and space pirates.

"There's no It's just that Odin just mentioned the collector in the void, so I wanted to check it out. It is said that the collector is older than Odin, and the things in his treasure house must be It can't be worse than Odin's treasure house." Le Xia took a sip of wine, he wouldn't tell Thor that he wanted to wait for the sand sculpture of Star-Lord.

The timeline of this world seems to have sped up. He is not sure whether Xingjue is wandering in the universe now, or has been imprisoned by the Nova Legion.

It's better to go to the collectors to have a look first. It's much easier to wait for a rabbit than to find a needle in a haystack.

"By the way," Le Xia put down his wine glass, "Don't you really think about my proposal? The puree of Tsingtao beer still tastes pretty good."

Thor smiled honestly, "Where did the Tsingtao beer you mentioned come from?"


"So where does German beer come from?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Hehe." Thor smiled without saying a word.

Le Xia shrugged, and didn't mention the effect of innovation and improvement in the process of technological inheritance on product quality and value. It's up to you, old antique.

Not long ago, Thor laughed at the fact that Earth was a wild place.

However, Thor can be regarded as a relatively flexible person in Asgard. Although he has not officially succeeded to the throne, the cooperation with the earth has already begun.

If it wasn't for his consent, it would be impossible for Tony to bring the steel army to search for Asgard's high-tech in the name of helping.

Thor nodded in agreement with Le Xia's previous proposal, "I will arrange it for you tomorrow, do you need someone to accompany you? Let Sif..."

"Hey! Dude!" Le Xia was also helpless, and even wanted to arrange for Sif to accompany him on a business trip, and let a woman who likes him accompany another man on a business trip. This is so disgusting to see her, even if she can't be a lover, wouldn't it be good to be friends.