Shining Marvel Saints

v2 Chapter 277: so far

Although Banner had a strong desire to join the war, Le Xia did not give him a chance in the end.

Holding Wanda in one hand, smashing the boulder with the other hand, and then waved behind him, Pietro, who was galloping, kept running and instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture only appeared for a moment and broke open to release Pietro, but even this scared him a lot.

Kuaiyin's strength and skills are not high. His whole body is in speed. If a person can restrain him in place with a wave of his hand, and his speed is useless, then what is the difference between him and a waste .

Even Pietro thought of something even more terrifying. In fact, Le Xia doesn't need to freeze his whole body. He only needs to freeze his feet while he is running. He can freeze his own legs while running at high speed. break off.

It's terrifying to think about it carefully, it's so terrifying, and the dead are like a husband!

After intimidating Pietro, Le Xia turned to look at Wanda, "Actually, I'm also good at some spiritual magic, why don't we discuss it when we have time."

With a push of Wanda's hand, the red spiritual energy pushed the body directly out of Le Xia's arms, and stepped aside to stand with Pietro.

"What should I do?" The two looked at each other, each reading a word from the other's face, they couldn't handle it.

After thinking for a while, Pietro sighed helplessly. It seems that today's task cannot be completed, so let's withdraw.

Fortunately, Le Xia didn't intend to drive them all to death, otherwise they might not even have a chance to escape.

Seeing that the two were about to retire, Le Xia put his hands behind his back, looking like a master.

One of the purposes of his coming here today is to not want Banner to turn into Cranky Hulk and be played like a monkey. By the way, he also wants to see if the real version of Wanda is as amazing as in the movie.

Now that both goals have been achieved, it's time to retire, and there is no need to continue entanglement.

It's not impossible to force the two of them to stay, but sometimes, such things as a brat, you won't listen to him if you tell him the truth and let him learn it well.

If you want them to be better, you can only rely on them to realize it.

If you realize it, the bear child will become a good boy with a bright future. If you don’t realize it, even if you force him to turn around, he won’t be able to go on the right path willingly. Instead, it may arouse their rebellious psychology, and even get angry Under the dead end.

"Before parting, let me give you a few words as a souvenir."

Le Xia cleared his throat and said loudly, "I used to have a friend named Zheng Shangqi. He once rescued two children from a small building that was torn apart by a missile bomb."

"Do you know brother Shangqi?" Pietro, who had been sulking since he appeared on the stage, finally softened his face when he heard Zheng Shangqi's name.

"Of course, and we are still good friends." Le Xia smiled, "So, are you the two children he saved? I felt a little familiar when I heard you talking about it just now. I didn't expect... this world is still too big. Small."

Shaking his head, Le Xia continued, "Brother Zheng once went to trouble Tony Stark because of this incident, thinking that the weapons he made made so many people homeless."

"However, let's put it another way. Missiles can kill people, as can kitchen knives. If one day a person is hacked to death with a kitchen knife, will the victim seek revenge from the murderer or the person who hit the kitchen knife?"

"Maybe this metaphor is not appropriate, but the reason is still understandable. It is those ambitious people who create wars that really cause damage. Because of them, there is a soil for the survival of arms dealers, and we should not pin all our hatred on them." On those who make weapons."

"Of course I admit that Stark has sold so many weapons. As a weapons and arms dealer, although he did not directly create wars, he is likely to act as a catalyst for many wars."

"But now he has closed all the weapons manufacturing departments, and he has set an example as a defender of the earth. Just because he did not hesitate to take the nuclear bomb through the New York wormhole to blow up the alien spaceship, he Shouldn't those indirect crimes be forgiven a little?"

Pietro and Wanda looked at each other, and suddenly felt that what Le Xia said made sense, and they seemed to be a little unreasonable.

"You are all grown-ups now, and you have to consider many issues comprehensively. As for whether Ultron is what you imagined, you will naturally figure it out in the future. I hope that by then, you will be able to bravely shoulder your responsibilities like adults. To be a newcomer who contributes to society, the world, mankind and civilization.”

"Let's go, go back early, it's late, Ultron should be worried."

He waved his hand to let the two leave, Le Xia looked at the sky helplessly, Kuaiyin and Scarlet Witch were just mediocre, this world without opponents is getting more and more boring.

In the distance Ultron is still fighting with Iron Man Le Xia has no interest in watching it.

No, strictly speaking, he is not invincible, at least the current Ultron, Le Xia is invincible.

It's not that he can't break his body, the current Ultron is just a piece of scrap metal, compared with the iron man whose iron suit has improved by countless generations in the movie, it's weak like a child's toy.

Looking at the pieces that have been demolished, it won't be long before it will turn into a pile of debris.

But this is just a clone of Ultron. His main body should be regarded as an artificial intelligence program stored on the Internet. Live forever on the Internet.

To deal with such an enemy, there is no other way than to destroy all existing Internet and storage devices in the world and start from scratch.

And this is obviously impossible.

Not to mention that the current society has developed to the point where there is no way to manage work and life without the Internet. It is said that ambitious people are hidden everywhere in this world. They just dig a hole and bury a USB flash drive, which may lead to the rebirth of Ultron.

Therefore, Le Xia can't change and collapse in various ways like the previous few plots, he can only wait.

When Ao created a perfect body combining vibrating gold and organic matter, and wanted to upload his own information to complete his rebirth, he snatched it and transformed it into a vision led by Jarvis.

Then, it is up to Vision to completely kick Ultron out of the Internet, so that he can be eliminated with the smallest cost.

As for the Maximov brothers and sisters, just like what Le Xia said, it is better to let them find their way back.

One day the children will grow up and understand the good intentions of the fathers.

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