Sign in Starts From Farming in the Countryside

Chapter 61: Grandpa's connections

   No matter what purpose Lin Youfeng and others have, Lin Chen doesn't care, nor does it take it to heart.

   The Lin family village cannot contract land. Their family can go to other villages to contract. As long as they have money, they can contract as much land.

   Although their area is poor, the land area is still not small.

   This is a parallel world. The area of ​​this world itself is hundreds of times larger than the earth in the previous life. How could it be possible to lack land in such a large area?

   Lin Chen read a newspaper about their area. It was a report on their area, saying that the development potential of their area is still great.


  Because there are mountains, water, and enough land.

   But why is their place so poor? Lin Chen didn't know this, because it didn't write in the newspaper.

   However, according to Lin Chen, there are two reasons for their poverty in this place. The first traffic problem is that the traffic is not smooth. The downside of poor traffic is that you can't get good things out.

   The second land is barren, not as fertile as the land in other places. It is also cultivated land, which is also cultivated for one season, but the output is about half less than that of fertile land.

   Another thing is that there are no abundant natural resources. To put it bluntly, there is no mineral resources or something. In other words, the mineral resources of their place are not highly exploitable, and they need to explore themselves and find a way to become rich.

   But now Lin Chen has a general direction in his mind on the road to wealth. He needs to practice first, and only after success will he slowly promote it.

  The problem is that their family wants to practice but they can't practice it now, because there is no land for them to practice.

Barren land is not a problem for Lin Chen. Not to mention the huge amount of special chemical fertilizer he signed in the system space, and the pig manure from his pig farm alone is enough to make these barren land fertile. soil of. You know, pig manure and pig urine are very strong.

   Why does he contract so much land? On the one hand, it is to deal with the feces of the pig farm, and on the other hand, it is to verify some of his thoughts, and he also wants to take the people from Linjia Village to get rich.

   As the saying goes, the three armies will be exhausted by incompetence. Lin Chen felt that Lin Youfeng, the village party secretary of Linjia Village, could not be more appropriate.

   Some village cadres in Linjia Village headed by Lin Youfeng only care for their own personal interests and disregard the interests of the entire village. These are typical egoists.

   If Lin Youfeng and others were not stuck when Lin Chen and his family expanded the scale of pig raising, would the villagers in Linjia Village now benefit?

   Also this time, Lin Chen's family contracted land.

  The land they contracted is not the farmland of the villagers, but the wasteland in the village. The wasteland is not cultivated in the village, and the wasteland is also wasteland. Why not rent it to the Lin Chen family to farm?

   The benefits of renting to Lin Chen's family are obvious. First, the village can get a lot of rent. The rent for one mu of wasteland is calculated at 100 yuan a year, which is nearly 5,000 mu. This year it is a rent of 500,000 yuan. Is it not good to leave a part of it in the village and give it to the villagers?

One more thing, after Lin Chen's family rented land for farming, these originally barren and barren land will be slowly improved by their family into fertile land. When the lease term expires, their family will not rent anymore. Is there a few thousand more in the village? How about acres of fertile land?

  Third, their family rents so much land, is it necessary to hire people from the village to help with the work? Does this increase the income of some people in the village?

   So many benefits, can't Lin Youfeng and others see it?

  Of course they can see it, but they just don't want to, the reason is still for the personal gain of some of them.

   "You don't have to worry about land contracting. It won't be long before we can contract the wasteland in the village." Lin Yuanshan suddenly said to sister Lin Chen with a meaningful smile on his face.

What does    mean?

   "Dad, you mean that Lin Youfeng and others will be replaced during the general election. Are you sure?" Lin Chen asked with a frown.

   Lin Chen certainly hopes that some village officials such as Lin Youfeng will be replaced, so that no one will hinder the development of Linjia Village, and their family can bring the people of Linjia Village to get rich.

   But he also knows that it is not that simple to want Lin Youfeng and others to step down, and the others, mainly Lin Youfeng, as long as Lin Youfeng is still the village party secretary, then those who are with him will definitely not be replaced.

  Is it easy to replace Lin Youfeng? It is not easy. If it were so easy, Lin Youfeng would have been replaced a long time ago. Should he wait until now?

  Because Lin Youfeng also has a backstage in their town, his brother-in-law is the executive deputy mayor of the town, supported by the mayor, it is so easy to replace Lin Youfeng.

"This time is different. Don't forget the pig farm that our family built in Tianjia Village. It has already alarmed the county. If it weren't for our family's repeated requests for confidentiality, the county would have widely broadcasted it. Now, we My family wants to build another vegetable greenhouse planting base in Linjia Village, but Lin Youfeng and others are stuck in hindering our development. What do you think the county will do if it knows it?"

   Lin Chen's father, Lin Yuanshan, said to Lin Chen with a smile.

   "That's not right, dad, when did the county know about it, and how do you know these things." Looking at the smiling dad, Lin Chen raised his doubts again.

   "You forgot about your grandfather. Don't forget that your grandfather was a soldier and participated in actual combat. Your grandfather's comrades are all over the country."


   As soon as he said this, Lin Chen understood it, but at the same time, he was also shocked by his grandfather's vast network.

  My grandfather looked like a rustic, old farmer, but he didn't expect the secret network to be so wide. This really complied with that saying, the family is as old as a treasure.

   If you compare money, there is no shortage of Lin Chen's family, but if you compare your contacts, I am afraid that the ten Lin Chen's families combined will also be comparable to his grandfather Tian Jianguo.

"When you went to the county town during the day, I went to the pig farm after signing up. As a result, I ran into the new head of our county to investigate some of the conditions in the famous poor villages in our county, and then you will find some of the rest of the situation. You can probably guess it too. By the way, the new head of our county is the son of your grandfather’s comrade-in-arms. Hearing from your grandfather, our county head X’s father is your grandfather’s old squad leader, and on the battlefield, your grandpa saved The life of his old squad leader."

   Good guy, this relationship is really hard enough.

  One of the three major ironies in life is to carry a gun together, not to mention that my grandfather also saved the life of the county magistrate's father. If this relationship is not iron, what kind of relationship is called iron.

   The feelings of the older generations who came from the battlefield are not at all imaginable and understandable by their younger generations now.

Just like Lin Chen’s grandfather Tian Jianguo, don’t look at the comrades who don’t usually communicate with his comrades, but there is something, that is, a one-sentence thing. The comradeship is the most sincere, especially the comrades who have experienced life and death together. , Then the feelings are even less to say.

   Lin Chen really looked at his grandfather with admiration.

  Invisible personal connections, this is incomparable to Lin Chen, even if he admires them, he can't envy them. The personal connections need to be developed and accumulated by themselves, which takes time to deposit.

   "So dad, you told the county magistrate about some of the situation in our village?"

   Lin Chen calmed down and said.

"Is your father that stupid? I just told a small part of the plan that our family made a year ago, and also revealed the news that the pig farm’s pork was exported to the United States to the county governor. , I didn’t say anything else. Your grandfather told the county magistrate about the situation in our village."

   Okay, what else can Lin Chen say? He hadn't noticed that his father had such a side of a chicken thief before.

   I haven’t said anything yet, so I won’t say anything about the development plan, but the export of pork to the U.S. to earn foreign exchange is enough to excite County Mayor X and give his family a lot of support.

   Such a big county town in Guang S can only generate a lot of foreign exchange income in a year. Although Lin Chen doesn't know, it is definitely not much.

  Because their county is poor, they don’t have any good resources.

   But every year in their county, the state distributes foreign exchange revenue generation tasks. This must be completed. If the main leaders cannot be completed, they will be held accountable.

   Now Lin Chen’s house silently releases such a large satellite to the new county magistrate, which has helped Magistrate X so much. What would you do if you are the magistrate?

   The answer must be obvious.

   "Dad, did you tell the county magistrate about our plans to export our vegetables abroad?"

   "That said, there is nothing we can't say about this, how can our family contract a lot of land if we don't say this?" Lin Yuanshan's face looked as it should be.

   Okay, Lin Chen also felt that his father was doing the right thing. If he didn't seize such a good opportunity, he would be a fool.

   "Dad is great, you have finished all the things that should be Then I will go to bed, and your son will be exhausted after a day of running."

   Lin Chen finished speaking, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and was about to get up and go to sleep in his room, but his father stopped him.

   "Don't worry about my son, it's not over yet."

   "It's not over yet, is there anything else?" Lin Chen also had some doubts.

"Yes, our new county magistrate wants your dad to go to the county government to report on my work in two days. Look at your dad and I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to say it." Lin Yuanshan finished with a face. With a helpless expression, he spread his hands towards Lin Chen.

What does    mean? Asking his father to report to the county government is what the new county magistrate thinks.

   Oh, I see, I don't need to think carefully about Lin Chen to know that everything is not caused by their family's export trade.

   "Let the eldest sister tell you in detail, I'm sleepy, I want to go to sleep."

   The eldest sister Lin Xi also knew about the development plan of her own family. Lin Chen felt that if her eldest sister could also go that day, it would be best for her eldest sister to report.

"Forget it, don't let your eldest sister say it. Then, let your eldest sister go with me. Let your eldest sister tell the county magistrate directly. I heard that our county magistrate X also graduated from Beijing University. Get up and your eldest sister are still alumni."

   "Sister can go?"

   "Yes, your grandfather will also go that day, why can't your eldest sister go." Lin Yuanshan took it for granted.

   Okay, looking at his father in front of him, Lin Chen can say anything, go and go, no matter who goes, he won't go anyway.

   Today is the first update. Yesterday, because of some things, one chapter was missing. Today I will make up for it, which means that today will be the fourth update. Please collect and recommend, thank you!