Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1157: undead beetle, energy spar mountain, min

Xiao Yi nodded affirmatively and said, "It seems that the undead are really pervasive!"

Jia Zhente hurriedly asked: "Where is this undead!"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I don't know for now, because it is related to the source of energy, I guess it may be the source of the source of energy!"

Hearing Xiao Yi say this, Jia Zhente shouted in a deep voice, "Miss, arrange for an inspection immediately!"


Although the giants are ready to relocate and leave, this place cannot become the den of the undead, and the undead must be completely killed!

Otherwise, when they attack the undead in the future, it would be very dangerous to be copied from the back.

Xiao Yi said, "Take me with you!"

"Isn't this a little too dangerous?" Jia Zhente said with a frown.

"After all, I'm more sensitive to death, so let me go and find it faster!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, let's go together!" Jia Zhente replied.

A group of giants took Xiao Yi to climb An Neng Mountain. With Xiao Yi's current physique, there was no problem keeping up with these giants.

Since Xiao Yi said it might be the source of the problem, they went straight to the source of the energy source.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Yi and the giants came to the top of the mountain.

"Sure enough, there are undead!" Jia Zhente roared and rushed up.

At the top of the mountain, a group of huge black beetles were lying at the source of the energy source, constantly absorbing the energy.

"Undead Beetle (SS Grade): It has an extremely hard carapace on its body. Any protrusion on the carapace is its weapon. Note that it is often active in the ground. No matter how hard the geology is, it can dig through it!"

At this time, the giants of Jia Zhente had already rushed up. They directly used their palms, fists, or feet to step on them. Although those undead beetles could not stop the giant's attack at all, at this time these undead beetles seemed to be found at home. Just like cockroaches, there are so many that they can't finish it!

Xiao Yi also took out his Xuanyuan sword and rushed up. These undead beetles are like cockroaches to giants, but to Xiao Yi they are the size of a calf.

Fortunately, the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand is powerful, so fighting these undead beetles with bare hands is still a little troublesome!

And these undead beetles found that they had no way to resist the attack of the giants, and they burrowed underground one after another.

Although this is on the mountain, the beetles still burrowed into the mountain very quickly.

The giants could only kill a part of them in a row, and most of them escaped!

Xiao Yi put away the Xuanyuan sword, looked at the source of the energy source group, and the system prompt sounded.

"The source of the polluted energy source: being polluted by the undead, resulting in a decline in water quality, and the energy spar mountain below it will produce high-grade water under the action of the energy spar!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was startled, it turned out to be an energy spar mountain below!

"Chief Jia, I want to move this mountain to the Alliance!" Xiao Yi immediately turned his head and said to Jia Zhente.

Jia Zhente was stunned for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "Mengzhu Xiao, what did you say?"

"I want to move this mountain away!" Xiao Yi replied affirmatively.

"This project is a bit large!" Jia Zhente said with a frown.

Xiao Yi replied: "These are all energy spar, you can't put them here!"

"Ah?" Jia Zhente's eyes widened, "Are you sure?"


"That must be taken away!"

Now that Jia Zhente agreed, Xiao Yi immediately contacted Anyue: "Uncle An, immediately arrange all the mining equipment to be shipped, and ask me to mine a mountain before midnight!"

Anyue was stunned for a moment, then immediately replied: "Yes!"

Xiao Yi has a double state today. If he can't mine things out before midnight, he will waste his double state!

It only took five minutes for Anyue to rush over with all the smart mining machines in the alliance, along with many other types of mining machines.

"Islander, do you want to drive that mountain?" Anyue asked.

"Just here, there are energy spar, mine it as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi pointed to the mountain in front of him and said.


Following Anyue's order, everyone began to act.

"Everyone, be careful, there may be undead in the mountain. It is a relatively large beetle. If it is found, it will be warned in time!" Xiao Yi urged.


The giants are evenly distributed around, ready to kill any undead beetles that may emerge.

In order to prevent too many beetles from being overwhelmed, Xiao Yi asked Jiang Yuntian to surround An Nengshan with a team of 50,000 people.

Seeing that the mining machine had started working, Xiao Yi asked: "When you found out that the energy source was decreasing and the quality was declining, didn't you come to check it?"

"Checked!" Myth replied affirmatively, "More than once, but none of these undead beetles were found."

Indeed, if these undead beetles were all buried in the mountain, they would not be able to find them, and Xiao Yi could only see those dead auras with the help of the power of the system!

"Boss, this is my dereliction of duty!" After Miz finished speaking, he also admitted his mistake to Jia Zhente.

Jia Zhente waved his hand and said, "This is not your problem. We can't find this kind of underground reptile at all."

Xiao Yi nodded, the size of the undead beetle is indeed a little smaller than that of a giant.

"However, you don't have to worry about this in the future. If there is an undead invasion on the alliance island, the island monument will directly inform you!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Great, so you don't have to worry about these undead sneaking in!" Mis said happily.

Jia Zhentao nodded and said with emotion: "The cornerstone island is really good, this time I really want to thank Alliance Leader Xiao!"

"You're welcome!" Xiao Yi replied, "We are a united front, and we should help each other!"

With the advancement of the fully automatic intelligent mining machine, the undead beetles in the mountain began to pour out continuously, and the giants immediately rushed up and began to kill the undead beetles near the mining workers!

Their main task is to protect the staff, and it is the team brought by Jiang Yuntian who is really responsible for annihilation.

"Wocao, is this what the island owner said 'relatively' big?"

"I've never seen such a big beetle in my life!"

"The island owner has been with the giant for a long time, and the concept of the size of things may have changed!"

"Don't talk nonsense, they're here and start fighting!"


Da da da!

The carbine and light machine gun in the hands of the Yi Ranpin Union soldiers began to roar.

But in the next instant, those soldiers' eyes widened!

Because the bullets that hit those undead beetles will bounce off!