Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 610: Attack on Autumn Wind City

Soon, the spies came with information.

The defense of Autumn Wind City is very low now, because the city lord follows the wizard's advice and only regards Autumn Wind City as a logistical support city.

Most of the soldiers were sent to garrison at sea to capture the island to outsiders.

Before noon today, the wizard was still sitting in the city, but in the afternoon, it seemed that he left the city for some reason!

Except for wizards, the highest-level guards in the city are only A-level.

Although this level is not too low, it is really not enough for Xiao Yi!

"Pass my order, order Zhanxue to lead the team, and immediately go to capture Autumn Wind City, she can choose S-class pets at will!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Xiongdi immediately conveyed the order.

After Zhan Xue received the order, without any hesitation, he greeted Shang Wangcai and Beastmaster, and rushed to Xiao Yi's side.

"I'll go too!" After An Ran knew about this, she immediately volunteered.

Zhan Xue nodded. She knew that An Ran was an S-class expert, so bring her and get more insurance.

Zhan Xue took everyone on board the warship and sailed away from the shore. At this moment, Little Saint jumped out of the woods on the shore, jumped onto the big boat, and called Zhan Xue a few times.

It seems to be complaining about why Zhan Xue didn't bring it?

Zhan Xue could only helplessly shrug.

Away from the island, activate the direction stone, and after half an hour, Zhan Xue took them to the shore of the new continent.

"Find a prisoner to lead the way!" Xiao Yi said.

"Islander, come on, I will persuade them to surrender directly!" Kurt walked out and said.

"Oh? Aren't you afraid that they will call you a traitor?" Xiao Yi glanced at Kurt in surprise.

Kurt was the captain of the captured heavy cavalry team when Xiao Yi first met the team of Autumn Wind City.

"Don't be afraid, with you, the island owner, our Autumn Wind City can develop better and faster!" Kurt replied seriously.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Okay, let him lead the way, it's not too late, start right away!"

"Yes!" Zhan Xue responded.

Seeing that An Ran was also in the team, Xiao Yi urged, "Be careful!"

"Don't worry!" An Ran replied.

"Let's find two prisoners!" Xiao Yi finally whispered to Zhan Xue.

Zhan Xue nodded slightly, then grabbed a few prisoners and took them away!

Be careful to make the Wannian ship, there is no contract on Kurt. If he has any other ideas, Xiao Yi doesn't want his relatives and friends to be hurt.

Kurt did not make any small movements along the way, and took Zhan Xue and his party to the nearest road to Autumn Wind City.

Now Xiao Yi doesn't have a troop carrier, but there are all kinds of carriage templates.

In order to ensure that after reaching the position, the soldiers have enough energy to fight, so they use carriages to drive.

But those who pull the carriage are pulled by high-level bison!

Faster than their 11-way march!

"It's still so fast, and we can still rest on the road and start the fight directly at the place!"

"Yes, I have to squint for a while, and call me before I get to the place!"

"Okay, everyone, recharge your batteries, this is our first expedition, you can't shame the instructor or the island owner!"

"That's right! Hurry up and rest, and take Autumn Wind City in one go!"


The journey that originally took nearly ten hours was abruptly finished by them in more than four hours!

When I came to the outside of Autumn Wind City, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark.

"Sir, allow me to have a few words with them!" Kurt pleaded.

Zhan Xue raised his chin: "Go!"

If they can persuade them to surrender directly, they will save a lot of effort.

"Thank you!" Kurt said, then walked directly to the city gate, and said loudly, "Brothers of Autumn Wind City, I am Kurt, our island owner has captured the wizards of Autumn Wind City, I hope the brothers will not resist, follow Islander, our life will be better!"

"Who's under the city walls?"

"It seems to be the former heavy knight captain Kurt?"

"Is it really him? Why did he want us to surrender? Did he defect?"

The story of Kurt shouting in front of the city gate soon reached the ears of the city lord Joseph!

"Bastard, this Kut deserves ten thousand death!" Joseph said angrily, and then went straight to the city wall.

Before reaching the city wall, Joseph heard Kurt calling out to the island owner for mercy or something!

"Shut up!" Joseph shouted, "Come on, kill this foolish guy!"

The guard on the city wall was stunned, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know whether to do it or not.

"Don't even listen to my orders?" Joseph shouted.

"City Lord, he said that the wizards were all captured by their island owner. Is it a bit too much for us to do this?" The captain of the guard on the city wall asked in a low voice.

"What nonsense, how could the wizard be captured by them, do it immediately!" Joseph shouted.

"I advise you not to act rashly!"

At this time, a woman's voice came from beside Joseph!

The guards were shocked, how could anyone touch the city wall, and they didn't even notice it!

They nervously picked up the weapons in their hands and aimed them at the person who came.

Zhan Xue and An Ran walked out of the shadows with a group of pets.

Although Zhanxue's level is only B-level, she used to be Jiang Yuntian's instructor, and she is more familiar than Jiang Yuntian with tasks such as lurking, infiltrating, assassinating and destroying.

Most of the guards on the city wall are ordinary people, and some C-rankers can't detect the infiltration of Zhan Xue.

And An Ran and the other pets are real S-rank, and it is not something that the guards of the city wall can find!

The guards raised their weapons and faced Zhan Xue.

There is also a native translator on the side!

"Hmph, how dare you send them to the door and kill them for me!" Joseph shouted as he stepped back.

Those guards rushed up immediately, An Ran holding a bow and arrow, like holding a firearm with a burst of fire, the arrows flew out of the bow non-stop!

Whoosh whoosh!

The arrows that flew out seemed to have eyes, directly hitting the arms of the guards!


The weapons in the hands of the guards fell on the city wall one after another, making a crisp sound!

The guards clasped their arms and groaned.

They stared at An Ran with wide eyes. Just now, they didn't see An Ran's action of pulling the bow, and the sky was dark, so they couldn't see the flying arrow.

But all of them had arm injuries. Looking at the comrades around them, even the injured positions were almost exactly the same!

"Stop!" the captain of the guard shouted.

"Can't stop, keep attacking!" Joseph ordered.

"City lord, the other party is a divine archer. Just now, this time he only injured but not killed. This is a warning to us. If we continue to advance, all of them will definitely die!" The captain of the guard said in a deep voice.