Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 852: Literally, Sissy is still alive

Xiao Yi put away the words he had written down, used the Huicheng Stone, and rushed to the hospital.

Now there is a problem in front of us, that is, as the island gets bigger and bigger, the distance from the hospital and the resort is getting farther and farther.

The resort is far away, and at most it is only two visits less, but the hospital is to save lives, and only one hospital on such a big island is definitely not enough!

Xiao Yi has already discussed with Anyue, and plans to build hospitals at least in every city, and the doctors in them will be filled by talents trained by the hospitals.

Now the hospital is located in the south of the island, close to the seaside, and right next to the seaside of the hospital, there is a large sailboat with an island monument.

In this way, if the situation is really urgent, people can also be quickly transported to the hospital through the teleportation stone.

After walking off the large sailboat, Xiao Yi went straight to the recovery ward where Hill and the others were.

"Islander, is there anything else?" Hill looked at Xiao Yi curiously.

She thought that Xiao Yi should be exploring the forbidden island now. Given the complicated situation of the forbidden island, it is estimated that it will take a long time for Xiao Yi to reach the island.

"I found some words from the center of the forbidden island. I want to ask you what you mean?" Xiao Yi spread his hands and said.

"Huh?" Hill and Doya were stunned.

The two of them knew how dangerous the Forbidden Island was, but listening to Xiao Yi, it seemed that they had already explored and returned?

Xiao Yi did not pay attention to their abnormality, but took out the rubbed text from his bag and asked, "I heard that this is the text of your elves?"

Seeing the text Xiao Yi took out, Hill was even more shocked: "You saw the text from the center of the forbidden island?"

"Yes, what does this mean?" Xiao Yi pointed to the first one and asked.

Hill sat up, got closer and confirmed the words in Xiao Yi's hand, and said in surprise: "It is indeed the words of our elves, but it seems that no one of our elves has entered the center!"

"It's not important, what's important is what do these words mean?" Xiao Yi forcibly interrupted their emotions and asked.

"This means waiting!" Hill said, pointing to the first one.

"what about this?"


"what about this!"


Xiao Yi nodded, took out the last piece of paper, and asked, "What about this?"

Seeing the last piece of paper, Hill's shocked eyes widened: "This is..."

"Queen Sisi's name?" Doya also exclaimed in disbelief.

"Sure enough!" Xiao Yi secretly said, "It has something to do with the Light Elves!"

"How can this have the name of our elf queen?" Hill looked at Xiao Yi in confusion and asked in shock, "Is there any other words?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied, "No, but these four are enough for us to guess the situation!"

"What the **** is going on?" Hill asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi said slowly: "Let me talk about my speculation."

One hundred thousand years ago, Sisi, the queen of the light elves, met a survivor, who they called an outsider.

I don't know what happened between the two of them, but in the end they fell in love.

In order for her lover to survive better, Sisi stole the Spring of Light and gave it to the survivor to help him improve his physical fitness.

But this survivor had to leave here for some reason. Before leaving, he only had time to engrave a message on a few cornerstones. He hoped that someone or an elves would take the message he left out.

It's a pity that it never existed. It wasn't until 100,000 years later that Xiao Yi entered the center of the island and found these cornerstones with information!

"That is to say, the outsider did not deceive Queen Sisi?" Doya asked in disbelief after hearing Xiao Yi's speculation.

Xiao Yi rearranged the rubbing papers he brought with him and said, "Look!"

"Sisi, wait for me to come back!" Feng Yu said in order.

Hill frowned slightly and said, "Since it was 100,000 years ago, he painted it there? It's been so long, I shouldn't be able to see clearly, right!"

"The cornerstone is the kind of small stone we use to expand the island!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Keystone? As far as I know, this thing is not easy to be damaged, how did he engrave these characters?" Hill asked with a frown.

This time it was Xiao Yi's turn to be surprised, this Hill actually knew about the cornerstone, but then she shrugged again and replied, "This is about to ask the survivor, I haven't tried anything to destroy the cornerstone. "

"However, there is another question, how could that survivor write Elvish?" Doya frowned.

According to her understanding, the Survivor and Queen Sisi didn't seem to have spent much time together. It would be good if they could understand it, but the Survivor could still write?

"This is not clear, maybe that person has the same skills as me, I can understand, and he can read words!" Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

Xiao Yi said this casually, and the rest of them nodded seriously.

They have never met Xiao Yi, they have never learned anything, and Xiao Yi can understand Elvish language.

What's even more terrifying is that when he replied, it was clearly in the language of the Xia Kingdom, and Hill and the others could understand it!

Xiao Yi reluctantly continued: "But now there is no way to know what happened back then!"

"There is still a way!" Hill replied suddenly and affirmatively.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then looked at Hill suspiciously.

Doya seemed to want to say something, but Hill stopped her and continued: "You can ask Sisi!"

This time Xiao Yi was surprised: "You mean, Queen Sisi from 100,000 years ago is still alive?"

"Yes!" Hill said affirmatively.

But Xiao Yi nodded, then shook his head again, because even if Sisi was alive, all she knew was the love story between herself and the survivor, and what the survivor encountered, she was definitely not there!

If Nassi was really there, the survivors wouldn't need to engrave on the cornerstone!

"I'll have the opportunity to visit Queen Sisi in the future!" Xiao Yi said with a little disinterest, then got up and said goodbye.

Feng Yu immediately said, "Island Master Xiao, can you give me those few engraved cornerstones?"

Xiao Yi was stunned, then smiled and replied: "No problem, it won't work anyway, I'll have someone deliver it to you later!"

"Thank you, Island Master Xiao!" Feng Yu said respectfully.

After Xiao Yi left, Doya asked curiously, "What do you want those cornerstones for?"

"I want to give it to Queen Sisi!" Feng Yu replied seriously, "I just want to tell her that the outsider did not fail her!"