Silicon Valley

v1 Chapter 6: Cisco Eighty Five

  Henry has dropped out of Stanford High School. Now, he is busy with the development of Cisco and cleaning up the property of Nicholas Bookstore.

   Woolf made up the embezzled company money the next day, and he was afraid that Henry would trouble him. Woolf and others thought Henry would not sell the bookstore, but they guessed wrong after all. Henry acted quickly. A week later, he got in touch with three well-known bookstores in California and basically reached an intention to sell. When the representatives of the three bookstores came to the headquarters of Nicholas Bookstore, Woolf and others were immediately dumbfounded.

   "Henry, you have no right to do this!!" Woolf yelled at Henry.

"Why not? I am the controlling shareholder and I have formally notified you on the board of directors. Therefore, selling the bookstore complies with all procedures." Henry said lightly, "Of course, my promise that day is still valid, no more, no less, or 5%. Premium!"

   Henry finished speaking, and led the representatives of the three bookstores into the living room. Woolf and other large and small shareholders looked at each other and immediately followed in.

   On the negotiating table, Henry had already negotiated with the three representatives about the general content. The three bookstores jointly acquired Nicholas Bookstore, but the brand name "Nicholas Bookstore" was not included. The acquisition capital is 20 million U.S. dollars!

   Woolf and others knew that they would lose money when they looked at the content of the agreement. The bookstore was originally valued at 24 million U.S. dollars, but now it sells for 20 million U.S. dollars, which is a sudden loss of 4 million U.S. dollars. As for the brand name of the bookstore, it is of little value to them and does not value it at all. What's more, Henry bought their shares at a premium of 5%!

   With such a calculation, if the bookstore is sold, they will lose a lot!

   "Chairman, this... I will sell you the shares in my hand." A minority shareholder said to Henry.

   "Yes." Henry looked at him meaningfully, then nodded.

   "Chairman, I want to sell too!"


   The minority shareholders basically stated that they would sell their shares to Henry, and in the end only Hank Woolf was left. Hank Woolf holds 12.5% ​​of the shares and is the vice president of the bookstore. He is a high-ranking man. He was embarrassed to bow to Henry for a while. Henry looked at him and smiled playfully: "Mr. Woolf, it seems that you are not going to sell the shares, haha, yes, I will save more money."

   Hank Woolf's face almost bleeds: "No, no. I plan to sell the shares too!"

"Mr. Woolf deserves to be a smart man, he knows the current affairs!" Henry smiled and said sarcastically, "Well, since you all decided to sell the shares to me, now transfer all the shares to my name, and I will let the finance Write you a check!"

   "Good, good!" Shareholders of all sizes nodded one after another.

   An hour later, Woolf and others left the company contentedly. Henry looked at their backs and shook his head in his heart. If it weren't for avoiding disputes over the brand name of "Nicholas Bookstore", he would not buy their shares at a premium. After all, they are shareholders, and the brand name also has their share.

   At three o'clock in the afternoon, Henry signed a contract with three bookstores. Prior to this, Henry had won over a talent who could really do things in the company. He is Geely Hutt, 30 years old, originally a team leader engaged in book procurement under the company. Its ability is very outstanding, the social level is very high, especially with major publishing houses! Henry valued this very much, so he decided to hire him as the manager of the company's purchasing department.

   Yes, Henry is going to follow the example of Amazon Bookstore to establish a new company, the name of this company is undoubtedly "Nicholas Bookstore"!

   Henry's grandfather left him a large inheritance, bank deposits, villas, etc., plus Nicholas Bookstore, total assets reached more than 30 million US dollars. But the pitfall is that the US inheritance tax is desperate, and at least half of the 30 million dollars must be turned in! Henry went to pay the taxes honestly and paid $17 million. The American inheritance tax specializes in slaughtering large households.

   Henry felt as if he had lost a layer of skin after coming out of the tax office!

   Nicholas Bookstore is also established in San Jose. Although the time is not ripe yet, you can first build a team to hone and hone. This little money Henry can still afford it. What's more, Cisco is in Henry's hands. He understands that the advent of the Internet age will be more "fierce" than in the previous life. If he fails to grasp this opportunity, he may be eliminated.

   At the same time, Henry also moved to San Jose to live with the Bossacs, but his main purpose was to eat a meal. The development of Cisco made Henry very happy. According to Possack, the first router is expected to be developed in August, which is at least half a year earlier than the previous life. After Henry lived in San Jose, he taught himself while writing novels. The West German Publishing House always sends people to follow up the manuscripts, and Henry thought, taking advantage of the two companies' business is not busy now, he hastily finished Harry Potter's writing, otherwise he doesn't know if he has time to write in the future.

Recently, Harry Potter's second Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets topped the best-selling list of American novels for six consecutive weeks, with a total sales of more than three million copies, and led to the first Harry Potter And the Philosopher’s Stone. The West German Publishing House was cheering and eager to offer Henry as a god. When Henry got the manuscript fee for the second time, it was more than three million U.S. dollars, nearly two million more than the first time. Lerner often joked, "Henry, you write novels every day. I believe that one day, you will become the richest man in the world!"

   Henry gave her a roll of eyes and smiled: "I am already the richest man in the world, because I own 60% of Cisco's shares!"

   When Henry finished speaking, Lerner smiled. She absolutely did not believe what Henry said.

On July 1st, unable to bear the eager and longing "eyes" of West German Publishing House, Henry wrote the third Harry Potter book "Harry Potter and Azkaban" that had been written earlier. The Prisoner was sent to West German Publishing House. It didn't take long for the newspapers and media to be overwhelmed with advertisements for Harry Potter's third part.

  "The third new work of the talented young Harry Potter is a fresh donkey—"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"!!!"

   "A new book by an eleven-year-old genius writer!"

   That's right, Henry is eleven years old, his birthday on June 19th. Moreover, because Harry Potter was too popular, many fans kindly referred to Henry as "Harry Potter", and many of them were behind the operation of the bad guy, West German Publishing House, to publicize some of Henry's deeds in the UK. Henry's uncle, Peter's family, has suffered, and has been vilified and despised by fans all over the world. Since the first Harry Potter book went viral, the West German Publishing House led the way. The British Penguin Publishing House contacted Henry and signed an authorization contract. The content of the contract was that Henry Williams authorized Penguin Publishing on the " The European paper copyright of the Harry Potter series of novels, the royalties from the manuscripts reached 12%. However, the manuscript fee settlement is done once a year.

   It didn't take long for Hollywood to come. It was a small film company. Anyway, Henry had never heard of a film company. He asked for the film adaptation rights of the novel.

   Henry asked how much they plan to pay?

  The person in charge saw Henry's young age and thought he was going to be bullied, so he shouted with "rich wealth": "One million dollars, the right to film adaptation of the entire novel series!"

   "Get out!" He was a **** second-hand dealer who lied to me, and Henry suddenly cursed in his heart.

   "Mr. Williams, don't be angry, the price is easy to say." The person in charge of the small film company smiled bashfully, "Why do you offer a price?"

   "Sorry, I don't have the idea of ​​selling the copyright of novel film adaptations. If there is one, I will call you to notify you!" Henry stood up and issued an eviction order.

   Then, several Hollywood studios came one after another. Henry refused one by one. Henry knew the value of the Harry Potter IP. The profit from selling books was only a small part of it, and more importantly, the peripheral income after the movie. The premise is that the film must be successful. Therefore, Henry would rather let a powerful film company make a classic for free than make a bad film for a little money!

  Special effects are a key to Harry Potter's success.

   It's 1985 now, it's early.

   Approaching August, Henry can clearly feel the tension within Cisco. The new product is about to be successfully developed, and everyone has hope for it, but at the same time, it is inevitable that they are uneasy. Because they are walking a path that no one else has ever walked...

   Henry also came to the laboratory to "lay hands", but every whimsical idea always made the entire R&D team ecstatic.

  Possack said: "This is my student, the most proud student!"

   On August 5th, Cisco's first router finally came out. Posac asked Henry to name it, and Henry thought for a while and said: "Let’s call Cisco85, August 5, 1985. This is a very meaningful name, isn’t it?!"

   "Okay, that's a good name!!!" Bosak happily agreed when he heard Henry say this.

   So, the name of the first Cisco router was decided like this.


   Things come out, they have to be sold.

  Posack said that he can go to Stanford University to sell.

   Henry shook his head, this is the typical way of thinking of technical talent. How do capitalists play? Give them to use!

I haven’t eaten pork and have not seen a pig run. Henry raised his head and said, “This, Mr. Bosak’s idea is very good, but it’s slow to work. I think we can give it to some well-known universities or scientific research institutions. After a while, let’s take it back. If they want to continue using it, then buy it. Ha ha, but I think once they use our company’s router, they will definitely be inseparable from it!"

   "Okay!!" Bosak exclaimed excitedly.

   But Lerner, the company’s financial officer, poured cold water on him: “The company doesn’t have much capital, so I’m afraid I won’t even be able to pay wages!”

   "Then, let me invest another two million..."

   Henry blushed for a while, feeling like he was evil. If the investment of another two million goes down, the shares of the Possacks will be diluted. But the company has no money, so it still needs to raise money in the end. Whoever raises money is not financing, why should it be cheaper to other people, Henry comforted himself like this.

   The Posacks considered for a while, and finally agreed to Henry's financing request.

  In terms of allocating shares, Henry only needs 10%, which is definitely the conscience of heaven and earth. Sequoia Capital raised 2.5 million US dollars after Cisco had developed, but took one-third of the shares of others. This is simply a "starved wolf legend". This kind of "legend", UU Reading Sequoia Capital has staged many times...

The Bossacs are embarrassed. At the beginning of the company’s establishment, Henry invested 1 million and got 60% of the shares. Now it hasn’t arrived a year yet, only one product has been released. Henry invested 2 million US dollars, but only got 10. % Of the shares, the Possacks only felt that they were taking advantage of Henry, and that taking advantage of the child was undesirable! !

   The Posacks discussed it and finally decided to give Henry 25% of the shares.

   Don't, so much! Henry swallowed after hearing the Posacks' decision.

   "Teacher Bossack, the shares you gave me are too much!"

   "Not much at all!" Bossack said.

Henry shook his head. Since the Possacks are such sincere people and good teachers of educating and educating people, they shouldn’t take too much advantage of themselves. They are morally inexorable. After Cisco develops in the next two days, it’s hard to protect the Possacks. Feel unhappy in my heart. If it's because the two parties involved in this incident are unhappy, it's not good. If there is a problem with the management of the company, trouble will be a big deal!

   If they are not angry, take the team out to start a business, and get another competitor out, Henry will almost cry to death!

   "Let's do this, you let me 15%, I will be disturbed by more."

   Seeing Henry's firm attitude, the Posacks finally agreed to his distribution. At the same time, the two also appreciated and liked little Henry more and more, treating them like their own children.

   In the end, the proportion of Cisco's shares, Henry accounted for 75%, and the Possacks accounted for 25%.

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