Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 220: IReader novel is online

"Look at the photos in this newspaper, haha, when the chairman of Roche Pharmaceuticals was asked by reporters,'Are people stupid and rich?', his face changed and he was very embarrassed. I think, he must have regretted his mocking. I'll pass you!" Kailena couldn't help laughing while looking at the newspaper.

"Hehe, he is making his own way!"

When Henry was talking to Kailena, Tian Shuai and Edward suddenly came.

Henry asked: "What's wrong, IReader has been established?"

Edward replied: "Established is established, but"

As he said, a wry smile appeared on Edward's face.

"It's just that not many writers are willing to settle in. Of course, there are some novels that the entity can't sell, but you also know. Since it can't be sold in the entity, it must be of poor quality and not very popular."

"Well," Henry nodded and asked, "Then, how many novels has IReader's novel website signed?"

"One hundred and seven!!!"

Edward recalled and said, "Fictions will be classified according to your requirements. At present, they are mainly divided into urban novels, magical novels, science fiction novels, historical novels, and mystery horror novels. Among them, urban novels have the most, with 50!"

Henry nodded when he heard the words. There are more than one hundred novels. For the website, it is indeed less. However, everything is difficult at the beginning, just get through this level!

"Well, it's okay, then quickly hire a typist for the novel and turn the novel into an electronic one!!!"

"We have hired hundreds of typists, and we have also hired more than a dozen cover designers! In about a week, we will be able to officially launch the IReader novel website!" Edward responded.

After Henry listened, he nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Tian Shuai. Tian Shuai said: "As long as the IReader novel website is online, we can immediately update the software and add the ‘IReader novel’ function to the IcQ chat software interface!!!"

"Okay, that's it. After you go, work harder!"

Tian Shuai and Edward agreed and left.

A week later, the IReader novel website was officially launched.

The response from all walks of life is different. Many publishing houses ridiculed when seeing such a novel website launched by West German Publishing House.

"Is the West German Publishing House crazy? He actually established a company and didn't want to sell it?"

"The act of West German Publishing House is extremely stupid!!!"

"Haha, the West German publishing house was originally well exhibited. Such a faint move! I heard that this novel website was proposed by Henry Williams! Although Henry Williams is a genius, I have to say that this is The layman's guidance to the insider is purely pushing West German Publishing House to a cliff!!!"

"The West German Publishing House established such an absolute congregation, and countless writers left him! Because what he did has harmed the interests of the writers!"


Many writers said, “West German publishing house playing with fire** will definitely go bankrupt! It is said. Now West German publishing house’s contract already includes electronic contract, that is, they will put the writer’s novel on the website for netizens. Browse!!! Just imagine, if you can see it on the website, why do you want to buy an entity? So, I decided not to sign a contract with West German Publishing!"

Netizens feel good because they can read a book for a very small amount of money!

After the IReader novel website went online, the IcQ software was updated simultaneously. When updating, a window pops up, which not only prompts for software update. There is also a letter from the company's CEO Tian Shuai to the majority of IcQ users.

The text is as follows: "The company has always adhered to the principle of providing better services to users since its establishment. Over the past few years, we have continued to innovate and provide users with more high-quality services. For example, IcQ space, IcQ groups, emails, etc.! In the process, we encountered many strong opponents, such as Microsoft's msnmessenger, but in the end we won! Now, we will launch another heavyweight service IReader novel!

Click on ‘IReader Novel’. You can enter the IReader novel website to browse novels. It turns out that a book that costs ten dollars, here, you can read it for only one dollar at most! In order to benefit the majority of IcQ users, IcQ company spent a lot of money to win cooperation with West German Publishing House! Now, you only need to update the software and you can see ‘IReader Novel’ on IcQ’s new interface. On behalf of IcQ, I would like to thank you for your continued use and support; on January 1, 1991, IcQ’s netbsp; everyone looked at this pop-up window, and they were very moved!

IcQ is really a good company, and really considers its users!

Nothing to say, update decisively! And I immediately went to see what is going on on the IReader novel website, is it really as good as IcQ CEO Tian Shuai said?

After the pop-up window came out, users updated frantically, almost causing the IcQ company's server to crash.

But fortunately, using p2p technology, some users download it, and other users download it directly from his computer instead of downloading from the company’s server. Otherwise, how can it be carried?

After the update was completed, there was a new feature "IReader Novel" in a prominent place on the interface. The user clicked on it without hesitation, and then linked to the IReader Novel website. The interface of IReader is simple, the cover of the novel is beautiful, and the classification is clear. You can find it according to the type you like!

In addition, a click ranking list and a recommendation ranking list are also designed.

Users don’t know what to watch, they can look at the two rankings and find them from above. After all, there are many people who read it and recommend it, which means that this book is well written! ! !

In order to enhance the interaction between readers and authors, a commentary is also designed below each book.

In fact, with regard to the design of the website, there are many things that Henry borrowed from the past life and it is naturally popular!

At present, the only downside is that it is not enough, and what's more, the content that readers don't like to read.

If the physical results are selling well, these won't be tested on the website!

After reading a few books, readers couldn't help complaining: There are not many in total. Look at the wool, and many of them are terrible! ! ! "

"Similarly, there is no one on the website that I like!!!"

"It's I have two books!"


Edward collected these news, and then told Henry, Henry had a calm expression, he had anticipated it a long time ago.

"Edward, open the'Writer Zone'!!!"

"The writer's area?" Edward asked without understanding.

"It is open to everyone, allowing them to become writers on the IReader novel website, and they can upload their own novels on the IReader novel website! Remember, it is everyone, whether it is a chef, a doctor, a student of any age, and any profession Anyone can. However, the only requirement is that the work must be original!!!"

When Edward heard this, he couldn't help being shocked! (Please note that the update time will be changed in the future. The update will start at 23 o'clock in the afternoon and the update will be updated at 91 o'clock in the evening. At least three updates tomorrow!)

(To be continued.)

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