Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 227: SpaceX

The US nasa wants to use these talents for its own use, but the US Congress considers that these talents were all dug up by Henry Williams. If his people are forcibly taken away, terror will have a huge negative impact!

As a result, nasa's proposal was rejected!

California is the second largest aerospace manufacturing base in the United States after Washington State. Its main products include aircraft and parts, missiles, spacecraft and aircraft navigation equipment, etc. There are more than 100 related companies, and well-known companies include Boeing and Lockheed ﹒ Martin, GM, Northrop. Grumman, Thor, etc.! The main advantages of the aerospace industry in California include: a world-class education system, numerous research centers, three NASA laboratories, three major US Air Force bases, and high-end material suppliers.

Therefore, Henry decided to establish a space exploration technology company in Los Angeles, California; the establishment of spacex shocked the world, and all countries were shocked. They found that the best aerospace talents in the entire Soviet Union had been poached by spacex!

On January 1o, 1992, Henry, as the founder of spacex, gave an important speech on the occasion of the establishment of the company!

"Today, spacex was established in Los Angeles, California. Although the company has less than 1,000 technical personnel,"

"In 10 years, we will dominate the entire solar system!!!"

Henry picked up the microphone and said loudly. Although his tone was calm and unhurried, his words were full of powerful and unparalleled confidence!

Everyone was shocked by Henry's words, isn't this tone too hungry?

At this time, Henry raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "Our employees are the most outstanding talents in the world. I believe that our spacex company can create a brilliance and become the most distinctive banner in the aerospace field!! !"

"Spacex will not go far, we will only keep our feet on the ground and move forward step by step! We will first make some achievements in the carrier rocket we are most familiar with. Our goal is to minimize the cost of rocket launches! I hope One day, the cost of rocket launching by our spacex company can be so low that most people can travel to outer space!!!"

Bang bang bang

As soon as he finished speaking, applause rang out involuntarily! ! !

At this time, someone below asked: "Mr. Williams, this idea of ​​yours is really great! I think. If you can go to space travel, I must be willing to go! But, can this really be achieved? I know that the cost of shooting rockets is at least hundreds of millions of dollars, except for a very small number of rich people. Ordinary people simply cannot afford such expensive transportation!!!"

Henry smiled and asked, "It's right now, but are you sure you won't be able to in 10 years?"

Hearing this, the man smiled awkwardly: "Perhaps it is possible."

After Henry’s speech, the company’s CEO and rocket designer, and the outstanding technical talent of the former Soviet Union, Dr. Dirk Bart gave a speech. He is more than 40 years old, 1.8 meters tall, has a thin face, and has a stroke on his mouth. beard. When speaking, his voice was deep and powerful. His speech mainly talked about the technical advantages of spacex and the specific aspects of future exhibitions. He knew more about these things than Henry, including motivation, boosters, fuel, high-temperature materials, guidance and navigation, etc.

This lecture took half an hour, in fact. Many people, including Henry himself, didn't quite understand it. However, it is for the representatives of nasa and the military to listen to. In the future, they will be the main users of spacex!

After the press conference is over. There is also a cocktail party!

After Henry and Dikbart showed up at the reception, they talked with representatives of Nasa and the military.

This time, the talents Henry dug were the Soviet aerospace technology elites. To a certain extent, it can be said that they represent the top technical level of the former Soviet Union! Therefore, both nasa and the military attach great importance to spacex! In addition. Henry bought some technology from the Soviet Union, which is also very important to Nasa.

The representative of Nasa is an old man in his 50s and 60s, his head is slightly pale, named Lawrence Hobson, wearing a pair of glasses, he smiled and said to Henry: "Congratulations to Mr. Williams first, congratulations on your establishment spacex! In addition, we deeply admire Mr. Williams for taking away so many aerospace technicians from the former Soviet Union before many countries in Europe and America!!!"

"Haha, luck, nothing about this. Henry smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Lawrence Hobson, look, how about our cooperation?" "Speaking, Henry turned his head to look at another middle-aged man in his forties wearing military uniforms, and said to him, "Colonel Andrew, our spacex company also very much hopes to cooperate with the military!" ! It is understood that the military launches military satellites or spacecraft every year, and spacex can provide launch vehicles! ! ! "

Lawrence Hobson nodded to Henry: "Spacex's technical level is really good, but we need to see the specific rocket and evaluate the situation before we can make a decision!"

"Our military also meant this!!!" Colonel Andrew said solemnly.

"Well, of course!" Henry smiled.

Later, Lawrence Hobson and Andrew asked some technical questions, and Dr. Dirkbart answered them one by one. Lawrence Hobson and Colonel Andrew looked satisfied, with smiles on their faces. After talking for a while, they reached a cooperation agreement with Spacex: if the rocket made by Spacex meets their requirements, they will hand over a part of the order; Henry sent Lawrence Hobson and Andrew to leave, and then with Di Dr. Kerbat talked for more than an hour!

Henry has high expectations for Spacex and will fully support it. Henry and Dirk Bart emphasized one point, and that is to control costs. Spacex is a private company and a profit-oriented company. It cannot squander freely like the state department. If it runs out of money, it can only go bankrupt!

"Dr. Dirkbart, I can give spacex ten years. I will allow the company to lose money within ten years and will continue to inject capital into the company, but after ten years, the company must achieve profitability!" Henry solemnly said to Dr. Dirkbart. .

Dirk Bart’s face was full of confidence, “Don’t worry, Mr. Williams, I will make spacex profitable!”

Spacex is relatively remote from downtown Los Angeles, and it takes two hours to drive from downtown to get there. There, Henry established a large spacex rocket launch center, and all space talents dug from the Soviet Union were sent there!

Salaries and various benefits are among the best in the industry. As for their families, they are temporarily arranged to live in surrounding towns with an elegant environment. If they are willing to work, Henry will also arrange for them. ImdB square will be opened, theaters, hotels , City, etc. can provide a lot of jobs, and even open a shop there. If children go to school, they can be arranged to study in a school established by Cisco!

In short, I will not treat them badly!

At present, Henry has made a total of 50 billion U.S. dollars after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but the ruble is still depreciating wildly. Henry only cashed out 10 billion U.S. dollars from it as an emergency. The remaining money will continue to short the ruble! ! !

Henry has already spent a billion dollars in spacex investment. There will be no effect in a short period of time, and he will definitely continue to inject capital afterwards! However, once the show is up, the market is huge and the profits are quite profitable! Other companies need hundreds of millions of dollars to shoot rockets, but Spacex only needs tens of millions of dollars, so the orders are not rolling in?

The more orders, the richer experience in rocket shooting, and the more accumulated technology, the faster the company's exhibition will be! Moreover, if there are more orders, mass production will also reduce manufacturing costs!

In this way, it will be even more difficult for other companies to want to become more spacex company!

When spacex’s rocket technology matures, commercial satellites can be opened. Even with orders from the military, Henry has many companies under his name and naturally needs a lot of satellites. Therefore, spacex can get enough Orders, shoot satellites and practice hands, speed up the accumulation of technology!

And this is far from comparable to other private companies! ! !

Therefore, in Henry's view, the future of spacex is unlimited, and at the same time it can save himself a lot of expenses in shooting commercial satellites!

The spacex company currently has only 1,000 employees, but the company is already recruiting more talents to join, and select first-class universities in the United States to cooperate, spacex company funded, some technical difficulties are handed over to the school to be responsible for overcoming, the school receives project funding and opportunities for exercise , And spacex gets the technology!

At present, spacex has achieved cooperation with the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, and California Institute of Technology, and will soon establish cooperation relationships with more universities!

(To be continued.)

◆The cloud comes from the ground. You can get the view from the pavilion◆