Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 304: 130 billion U.S. dollars in hand

The stock price of Internet concept stocks plummeted, and many experts and professors have come to the scene to say that they believe that the stock price plummet is only temporary, mainly because of the Williams Internet antitrust case. Once the antitrust case passes, the stock price of Internet concept stocks will rise again. !

Many investment institutions said: "The global Internet is in the ascendant, and the stock price will rise again!"

When ordinary investors heard the analysis of professionals, they immediately regained their confidence.

However, many people have been confused by the super high stock price and market value, and believe that the Internet concept stock price will continue to rise. However, Henry is the only one who remains calm. He is already thinking about how to cash out from the stock market, and he cannot attract the attention of others!

Henry is afraid of cashing out shares at this juncture.

Perhaps, after the antitrust investigation case is over, it's time to act!

He is currently sending someone to contact AOL, preparing to sell his global online shares to it first. After a while, Henry was not sure what the consequences would be if the investigation of the antitrust case was delayed for a long time. Now, Nicholas International E-commerce, Global Online, Isearh, iq and other stock prices are all falling. Once investors lose confidence in Internet concept stocks, they will sell stocks on a large scale. Then, an "avalanche" will be triggered at any time!

AOL has a huge business. It is not a simple portal site. It is an ips Internet dial-up provider. Its business scope also involves portal sites, instant messaging, e-commerce, search, browsers, etc. Almost the entire Internet industry has been involved. , But the market share is low and the influence is not big enough. But even so, Internet concept stocks are booming, and AOL has benefited from it, with a total market value of more than 150 billion U.S. dollars!

When Henry expressed his idea of ​​selling Global Online to it, AOL immediately expressed interest.

Then AOL was preparing to raise money while negotiating with Henry's representative.

The gold owners behind AOL include Sequoia Capital, Morgan, and Citigroup. Goldman Sachs and other venture capital companies or banks support, as long as Henry agrees to sell Global Online to it, AOL will buy it anyway.

If AOL buys Global Online, it will play an extremely important role in the company's overall layout and strategic development. Buy Global Online. That will revitalize all business on AOL, whether it's e-commerce, search, instant messaging, or whatever. With the help of global online power, expand market share!

Therefore, AOL is inevitable for global online! Kai Zhi Ai

Therefore, even though Henry offered hundreds of billions of dollars in price, AOL had to bite the bullet to buy!

Global online headquarters.

meeting room.

Opposite Henry sat AOL's founder and eo Steve Case and more than 20 representatives of Citi, Morgan, Goldman Sachs, KPCB, and Sequoia Capital.

After several rounds of negotiations, the two sides have basically reached an agreement: Henry sold a total of 67.5% of global online shares in his hands. Among them, Citi, Morgan and other banks will provide AOL with a loan of US$100 billion to purchase 50% of the shares, and the remaining 17.5% of the shares will be divided by other investment institutions!

Henry is fairly satisfied with this result. Selling the global online company can get 130 billion U.S. dollars! With so much money, he can do many things.

"Mr. Williams, we can sign this time!" Steve Case laughed. Global Online is a sweet pastry, and many companies want to acquire it, and so is Microsoft. Therefore, Steve Case is a little impatient and hopes to sign the contract as soon as possible.

In fact, Henry will not sell Global Online to Microsoft. Microsoft has a monopoly on operating systems. Wouldn't it be even more powerful if you hand over the global online to it? ! But AOL is different. The strength is not as strong as Henry, so there is no need to be afraid of it.

AOL acquired Global Online, at most like China's Sina Weibo, far inferior to China's bat Big Three! Not to mention. Henry also intends to let the iq company establish a micro-bo, and then fight with Titter! Although Titter was online, it didn't take long. iq can dominate the market thanks to its many users!

And Isearh opened the website search homepage, netizens do not need to enter the portal to search for things, which is equivalent to stealing the portal's traffic. If Isearh gets an Internet navigation similar to hao1, it will be maddening the portal!

To be honest, with the development of the Internet, portal sites are becoming less important, e-commerce, search, and social networking sites are the most important!

"Okay, you can sign now!" Henry's mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared.

As Henry finished speaking, Steve Case breathed a sigh of relief. He had already prepared the contract, and he was immediately handed over to Henry's negotiating team to send a copy. I.e. blue dye

Henry's team of lawyers analyzed the contract carefully, and finally nodded to Henry, saying that there was no problem, and Henry signed the contract.

AOL acquired Global Online as expected, and Henry got 130 billion US dollars!

A press conference was held that day to announce the matter to the outside world.

The sky-high price of 130 billion US dollars immediately shocked the world. Subsequently, AOL's stock price soared. Within a week, the total market value rose to 300 billion US dollars, becoming a company second only to Cisco in market value! Cisco's market value has now risen to 350 billion US dollars.

Internet concept stocks are booming. Countless people have invested in Internet construction. The sales of network equipment have increased greatly, and the market value of Cisco has also increased!

Now, AOL’s stock price has soared, which is like a stimulant for the current stock market. The stock price of Internet concept stocks immediately rebounded, and the growth momentum is very strong. Naturally, after the effects of stimulants pass, they will weaken, and finally the Internet bubble will burst!

The Internet industry mostly follows the Matthew effect, that is, the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker, and it is also the industry that is most likely to form a monopoly. The success of global online portals has allowed many people to see the advertising profit model of cashing in traffic. In order to occupy the market, most Internet companies will spend huge losses in exchange for users. There is no profit model and no profit The final result, with the exception of a few companies succeeding, most of them will fail!

After AOL acquired Global Online, it terminated its cooperation with Isearh and chose to use its own AOL search.

Therefore, Isearh does not constitute a monopoly at all, and the antitrust investigation of Isearh will soon be over.

Henry sold Global Online to AOL, just as Intel supported AMD in the previous life and Microsoft helped Apple tide over the difficulties. He cultivated a much weaker opponent than himself, so as to avoid antitrust investigations in the United States!

Soon afterwards, AOL completed the integration of resources, and its strengths in e-commerce, search, instant messaging, etc. have been enhanced, making it one of the Internet giants.

Therefore, under the influence of many aspects, the monopoly case of Williams Network finally died down!

(PS: I’ve been busy these two days. The updated word count is only four or five thousand words. I will update a little more tomorrow. Also, there is a chapter left at 11:30 tonight!)
