Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 393: Henry becomes mayor

In February 1997, Henry's company basically moved to the Williams Center. .しw0.

The center of Williams and the surrounding areas began to prosper, and formed a small city-Williams City!

The administrative division of the United States is completely different from that of China. The president cannot control the governor, nor can the governor control the mayor. They are all elected by the people in their respective constituencies and are only responsible to his voters, not to any other bureaucrats. Take California as an example. California is divided into several blocks, which are divided by land. Each block is a county and belongs to the state's jurisdiction, but it does not have a governor and is within the jurisdiction of the state. However, cities are different. As long as there is a place on the land of the state where the people vote to establish a city, they can be independent from the jurisdiction of the state, elect their own mayor, and form their own city government, but there is The premise is that the federal government and the state still have to pay taxes. The federal government has a joint IRS, and the state also has a state local tax bureau. The two have nothing to do with each other, and they belong to the federal and state.

The federal government is only responsible for the military, diplomacy, homeland security, immigration, etc., while the states are responsible for police, fire protection and other things. The United States is a democratic country. Officials are all infatuation with the common people. My child’s help.

The head of the think tank, Charles Tony, suggested that Henry set up a municipal government to cultivate his own political talents. Although Henry has been in the United States for so long, he does not pay attention to these. Unexpectedly, the American people can decide to establish a city and establish their own city government!

Damn, there is such a cool thing, I must do it!

Since most of the people in the Williams Center are Henry's employees, Henry gave an order to establish a city! ! !

As a result, everyone voted for their support, and the U.S. federal and California governments can only express their consent. The city of Williams then became the city of Williams, encompassing the center of Williams and the surrounding area.

Immediately afterwards, everyone elected Henry as mayor.

Large cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, etc., need full-time mayors. However, for some small and medium-sized cities, the mayors of the United States are not full-time, so they don’t have to "work" every day, just come in every few hours. The working time per week is about ten hours, of which a large part of the time is used to respond to citizens’ feedback. It can be said that the mayor of the United States is a super leisurely official position, more leisurely than a Chinese civil servant!

Henry thinks about it, he should be the first to learn how to manage a city.

As the saying goes, if a house is not cleaned, how can you sweep the world? By the same token, if a city cannot be managed, how can it manage the universe, right? Anyway, it only takes more than ten hours a week, which is actually the same as the management company...

On February 15, Henry officially became the mayor of Williams City.

As soon as the news came out, it was explosive news, and it immediately made the headlines of major newspapers.

"New York Times": "The richest mayor in the world!"

"Los Angeles": "Williams will become the richest city in the world!"

"USA Today": "After Henry Williams became the mayor of Williams, according to a questionnaire, nearly 80% of Americans want to live in Williams!"

News Channel of abc TV: "Since its establishment, the Williams Center has become a symbolic architectural complex in the United States! Here is the world's tallest building williams experimental tower, and here is the world's most sci-fi architectural style, the Candlelight Tower. Wait, most of the companies working here are Fortune 500 companies, becoming the second "Manhattan" in the United States. No, he will replace Manhattan and become the economic and cultural center of the entire United States!!!"

After the news spread all over the world, for a time, the residents of Williams City surged. However, housing prices are extremely high, especially in the Williams Center, which is comparable to downtown Manhattan. Most of the people who can live here are rich. Global Land has built more than 500 villas and more than 150 large-scale apartments in the surrounding area of ​​Williams Center, all of which are now profitable. Regardless of the five hundred villas, Henry's employees bought more than three hundred villas. They were rich and willful, and spent them casually.

In this new city, Williams Supermarket, Williams Department Store, Williams Hotel, Galaxy Park and other industries have everything. However, Henry can't be all-inclusive anymore. He eats his own meat and has to leave some leftover soup for others... Therefore, he has settled in thousands of well-known companies. Especially for venture capital companies, all those with a bit of strength have opened offices in the Williams Center!

Land developers are making a lot of money, and the return on income is at least ten times more!

After Henry was elected mayor, he is personally forming a complete city government, including the city council, city government secretary, fire department, police station, library, municipal planning bureau, leisure and entertainment department, public works department and other departments. Fortunately Henry has a strong think tank, and you can leave specific things to them to do, and you can make up your own minds on big things.

The safety of the city is Henry's most important thing. Therefore, Henry puts the most energy into the fire department and the police department, with the best equipment, from helicopters, police cars to weapons, bulletproof suits, etc., are all the best. Henry also intends to install surveillance cameras throughout the city. If anyone commits a crime, never want to escape! Here will be a harmony, a paradise away from crime.

In addition to city safety is also very important to Henry. He had previously built a university not far from the Williams Center. Originally, Henry planned to name this university Williams College. Who knows, there is already a university in the United States called "Williams College", and it is also the first college of liberal arts in the United States!

Williams College represents the essence of America's most proud education-small-scale, high-quality, focused on undergraduates, and advocates general education and humanities education. Its reputation in the United States is no less than that of famous schools such as Yale and Harvard, and it is favored by upper-class families in the United States. It can be regarded as an aristocratic school with a very high level of education.

The aim of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is free education. It does not cultivate specific talents, but cultivates high-quality talents. It focuses on comprehensive and comprehensive education, and emphasizes the exploration of students' thinking potential to achieve real whole-person development. Only about 3% of college students in the United States graduated from liberal arts colleges, but they trained 19% of American presidents. In Forbes magazine's list of the richest ceos in the United States, 8% of ceos graduated from liberal arts colleges.

The College of Liberal Arts and Science seems to be very impressive, and Liams College is still the leader of the College of Arts and Sciences. Henry couldn't help but aroused the idea of ​​acquiring it. It just so happens that Williams College is a private college!

(To be continued.)