Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 538: iPhone endorsement (2 in 1)

In order to better manage his own assets and develop the Williams empire, Henry gradually completed the establishment of the Williams Royal Fund and transferred all important assets to the Williams Royal Fund. The royal fund stipulates that only Williams The royal bloodline and the king of the royal family have the right to deal with these properties. Ordinary royal family members can enjoy monthly money, and if authorized by the king, they can also manage their subsidiaries. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

Henry transfers his assets to the Williams Royal Family Fund. There is no need to pay inheritance tax to the United States in the future, and personal income tax can be paid a lot less.

Today is September 30, 2003, and tomorrow, October 1st, Apple’s product launch conference will be held. This means that the mobile Internet era is coming, which will be more profitable than the p era, and many industries in the future will be in Henry’s The plan bears great fruits. These taxes add up to not a small sum, and Henry is naturally unwilling to pay taxes to the United States.

Because Henry is the owner of Apple, Apple’s product launch event was transferred from California to Digo, the new capital of the Williams Empire.

Apple's product launch will be very grand and cause a huge sensation. Henry arranged the press conference in Digo, not ruled out to promote the city of Digo. Although it is only a few months of construction, the future of an international metropolis has not yet taken shape, but looking up, thousands of large cranes are erected on the construction site. The scale and number of them are unprecedented. Attracted the attention of many people.

In the place where Digo is close to the sea, there is basically no construction, because many hotels have been built here and the tourism industry is being developed. Therefore, Apple’s product launch can be held in one of the hotels

Before the press conference, Apple has already selected the spokespersons. This time, they will all come to the press conference.

The list of spokespersons includes: Fan Bingbing and Liu Yifei from Mainland China, Lin Chiling and Jay Chou from Taiwan, Sun Yizhen and Song Hye Kyo from South Korea, Avril Lavigne and Michael Jackson from the United States, and a total of 8 endorsements from around the world. In fact, these lists are all selected by Henry. Of course, he also has a little selfishness. No, the women on the list are hungry. To be precise, there are many beautiful women. Of course, they are also very famous, young and beautiful, and they are more suitable for endorsing mobile phones. I won't say much about how beautiful and hot Fan Bingbing, Liu Yifei, and Lin Chiling are.

Sun Yezhen is the top beauty in Korea, and it fits Henry's eyes very well. She looks like the girl next door, gentle and lovely, and charming. This looks is simply beautiful. At present, she is already well-known in South Korea, starring in a love movie that can definitely make people cry if love has the will of God. And her TV series "Scent of Summer" is also very good. This TV series tells a romantic love story, which is also very touching. Not long ago, she picked up a classic Eraser in my mind. After it was released in 2004, Sun Yezhen will definitely become more famous and become a household name in South Korea.

Song Hye Kyo is also very famous in Korea, and when the TV series Full House is released next year, the ratings will explode.

Singer Avril Lavigne released her first album lt on June 4, 2002, which became an instant hit and became unstoppable and became a pop queen.

There are only two men among the 8 spokespersons, but with the popularity of Jay Chou and Michael Jackson, it’s definitely enough.

This time Apple only shot one endorsement advertisement: 8 people played together, and the film was 90 seconds long.

With the awesome and luxurious lineup, I would like to come to Henry, no one else can call them together, and this endorsement fee is a sky-high price, if it weren't for Henry's financial resources and full of confidence, I would never invite these eight people to endorse them. Among them, Michael Jackson's endorsement fees are as high as 200 million US dollars, plus other people's endorsement fees, a total of close to 4.5 billion US dollars. However, the endorsement period is 10 years.

Michael Jackson is currently in a child abuse case. There is a picture widely circulated around the world. Michael Jackson is half-masked, with a gloomy face, and he is holding a baby. The child's face is covered with lipstick, and the baby is crying and looking forward. In fact, this is an unnecessary thing, even the future sexual scandals, breach of contract, etc. are unnecessary things.

The truth of the matter is that Michael Jackson is a black man. However, the black man has achieved such a great achievement that the West with serious racism can tolerate his past life. He once said: I am tired of being manipulated by others. This kind of oppression is real. They are liars, and history books are full of lies. You must know that all popular music, from jazz to rock to hphp, and then to dance music, are created by black people, but they are all forced into the corner of history books. You have never seen a black man appear on its cover. You will only see Elvis and the Rolling Stones, but who is the real pioneer? Since I broke the record record, I broke the record of Elvis, I broke the record of the Beatles and then they called me freak , Gays, kid’s freaks. They said I bleached my skin and did everything I could to discredit me. These are conspiracies. When I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself, I know that I’m a black man.

Michael Jackson is at a low point in his life. He represents black people. There is no doubt where the most black people are, of course it is Africa. Henry stepped up at this time and came up with a sky-high endorsement contract to support Michael Jackson. It was just like giving away money in the snow. Countless blacks in the world will have a good impression of Henry. Henry only spent 200 million US dollars. Not only did he get the world-class Uranus superstar for 10 years. Endorsement, and also got the friendship of blacks, it is not too cheap, it will greatly benefit the future penetration of the Williams Empire into African countries

In addition, if Michael Jackson is in a career disruption, 200 million US dollars want to get a 10-year endorsement period, it is simply a delusion.

As for the other seven people, their current worth does not match the rewards Henry gave them. These people are all rookies, they will be very famous and valuable in the future, but now, their seven endorsements can be worth 2.5 billion US dollars in 10 years.

Therefore, happiness came too suddenly and everyone was dizzy.

However, Fan Bingbing knew that he himself was Henry's artist, and vaguely knew that Henry might want to dive into her, so he was at ease while worrying about gains and losses. Liu Yifei was still young, and she was shocked by the huge endorsement fee. She didn't dare to come, but when her godfather or godfather thought that the other party was Henry Williams, she was not only the richest man in the world, but also William. If the king of the Sri Lanka empire can bridge Liu Yifei and have a relationship with Henry, even a little relationship, it will be enough for this life. In the future, business will not go smoothly and make a fortune. So, Liu Yifei’s My godfather had to let Liu Yifei come, and Liu Yifei had to listen to her godfather. Lin Chiling received more attention for filming a TV commercial for a certain company in 2002. In 2003, she was rated as the number one beauty in Taiwan. She is about to move to mainland China and China. Hong Kong, now, a huge fortune suddenly hits her head, how can she not catch it? You know, Lin Chiling has a very high IQ, and she graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada.

Sun Yezhen and Song Hye Kyo are well-known, but they are only limited to South Korea, and the Korean market is inherently small. The income of Korean artists is generally not high. Even if they are very famous, their income is not much higher. This time not only the endorsement fee is high, but also the endorsement for Apple. Apple is one of the top 500 companies in the world and is very famous. To endorse such a company is undoubtedly a very important way to increase your reputation. In fact, many celebrities are even willing to endorse Apple with zero salary, just to show their faces in Apple's advertising clips and increase their reputation.

In fact, when the news that Apple invited the two of them to endorsement at a sky-high price spread in South Korea, Son Yejin and Song Hye Kyo immediately became the most famous actresses in the Korean film and television industry, and they were also the actresses with the highest endorsement fees, which is incredible at the same time. , I was so envy, jealous, and hate Son Yejin and Song Hye Kyo that the agency behind the two was so excited that they almost went crazy. Naturally, they desperately seized this opportunity, and they themselves were very willing to take over Apple’s advertising endorsements. In addition, Apple belongs to Henry's industry, and Henry has a pivotal influence and position in the Korean entertainment industry. The j group under his name is not only a South Korean food giant, but a subsidiary of the j group j& is the largest entertainment media company in South Korea. Its business covers all aspects of entertainment and culture such as film, television, music, performance, media, and games. Moreover, the music division of j& has two of Korea's largest music TV channels and ktv. Relying on two powerful media platforms, it has established a business system that includes record distribution, TV program production and singing planning to digital media services.

In a word, in South Korea, whoever the j group wants to be popular will definitely be popular.

Before September 30, 2003, eight stars arrived in Diego, the capital of the Williams Empire.

In fact, everyone has not signed the contract with Apple. One of the tasks in the Williams Empire this time is to sign the contract. Before the contract is signed, anything can happen. Only after signing a contract can it be considered a certainty. Therefore, everyone is a little apprehensive and worried.

It is said that Apple’s product endorsement list is personally selected by King Williams, but why did he choose me?

At this time, everyone had such a doubt in their hearts.

The only four-star hotel on the coast of Diego not only houses Michael Jackson and others, but Jobs and his team also rushed over early on the morning of the 29th, and are currently arranging the venue for the product launch. Henry also rushed over to Tana City, and while watching the staff set up the venue, he was talking to Jobs.

I learned from the chat that during the time when the product launch was delayed, the tested mobile phone had a lot of problems, especially the antenna door was particularly serious, and the proud frame antenna design had fatal flaws. When using a mobile phone, the signal of its mobile network will be completely attenuated to a level where it is impossible to talk within a few minutes.

So, Jobs said, I asked the production plant to stop production and asked the engineer to modify the problem. Now the antenna gate problem is finally solved before the product launch

Henry slapped his head and secretly said that the 1 of this era was modeled on the 4 of the previous life. He actually forgot to tell Jobs that the design of 1 was flawed, but fortunately, they found the problem in the end.

You did a good job, and Jobs Henry nodded and complimented with satisfaction. At this time, he looked at Jobs's increasingly old and thin face, and suddenly remembered that Jobs suffered from pancreatic cancer in his previous life, and was tortured to death by the disease. If a genius like Jobs died young, it would be a huge loss for himself. Who will be in charge of Apple in the future, Cook?

Henry couldn't help shook his head. Although Cook did a good job at Apple, he couldn't keep up with Jobs in terms of innovation ability. For an Internet high-tech company, the most important thing is innovation. Apple’s lack of innovation, although it’s pitted on its roots, it can still live very well, but it’s not the answer after all

Have to think of a way to cure Jobs’ disease, Henry thought Umbrella Company must quickly develop drugs to treat cancer, which can not only save Jobs, but also make crazy money.

At this time, Henry pretended to be very casual and said: Apple employees have been busy with smartphones for several years. In order to show the leadership's care for employees, I decided to let the hospitals under Gene Umbrella do it for Apple employees free of charge. Physical examination. Jobs, you are the hardest person in the company, you have to do the experience at that time, how can you work for me if I break down?

Good Jobs smiled and nodded.

Seeing him nodded in agreement, Henry was relieved. As long as Jobs went to the Gene Umbrella Hospital for an examination, he could understand the specific conditions of the disease and the Gene Umbrella Company could prescribe the right medicine.

Oh, by the way, Jobs, are those stars who are ready to endorse come, Henry asked.

Already here

Jobs asked, Your Majesty, do you want to see them. Although I think Asians feel almost the same, according to the Asian employees in the company, these female stars are very beautiful. After speaking, Jobs showed a strange smile. .

I'm going, what do you look in your eyes

Am I that kind of person?

Henry scolded Jobs inwardly, but he pretended to be serious and said: "Of course I want to see you. After all, they are all spokespersons for Apple to sign. However, the most important thing is to see Michael Jackson. You know, Michael Jackson and I are still good friends, and we danced the space dance two-in-one on the stage together.

To be continued.

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