Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 571: Join!

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With drizzle, the beautiful coastal city of Diego is as charming as walking out of a picture scroll. Young doctor


At Digo International Airport, special planes led by many countries stopped abruptly. Since the announcement of the new model of cooperation between the Williams Empire and Mozambique, Ethiopia, Central Africa, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Eritrea, Burundi, ********, Niger Leaders of more than 20 countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, etc., personally inspected and cooperated with the former Williams Empire. Of course, not all of them will choose to cooperate with the Williams Empire, but countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Niger that can be ranked among the world’s top ten poorest countries naturally hope to join this new model. The "Weiyuan" system of the country can exchange the domestic currency for a large amount of Weiyuan, and then purchase materials from the Williams Empire, speeding up the development of the country!

Many businessmen saw the huge demand and prepared to invest and establish companies in the Williams Empire. For a while, the Williams Empire attracted a frenzied investment boom!

The reporter interviewed one of the investors, and he replied in this way: "According to this situation, more and more countries in Africa will join the'Weiyuan' currency system. It must not be long before it will be printed with'made- In-wims' products will sweep across Africa! Therefore, now is the best time to invest, build factories and dump a lot of products in Africa!!!"

"In the past, we only knew'made-in-china', but in the future,'made-in-wims' might become even hotter! Why do you say that, because the Williams Empire bundled the entire Africa through the'Weiyuan' system, and That is to say, the whole of Africa is its market. It is not impossible for countries such as Asia, Europe and the United States to compete, but it is very difficult!!!"

"Moreover, the Williams Empire is also a symbol of high-tech. Henry Williams uses his huge resources to build a powerful country in science and technology. At present, the top 500 companies have established branches in the Williams Empire. There are countless companies! In short, I am very optimistic about the future development of the Williams Empire!"

At this moment, Henry is receiving leaders of various countries. Special teachers, however, because of the large number of people here, Henry simply organized a "Williams Economic Summit", which is scheduled to be held on May 5th each year and the venue is in Diego. This summit mainly invites heads of African countries to participate. Discuss the economic development of Africa with the "Weiyuan" currency system as the core!

The early leaders traveled in Digo for a few days, and when the summit was held, everyone had a meeting.

Although this "Williams Economic Summit" was proposed temporarily, and it was hosted by the Williams Empire, it has received responses from African countries.

On May 5, a total of 36 leaders of African countries came to Digo!

In the conference hall, Henry first gave a speech and welcomed everyone. Then Henry said: "Do you want to know whether the cooperation model between the Williams Empire and Mozambique is feasible? Is it feasible? In fact, I don’t count, you can analyze it yourself. ! For countries that want to join the'Weiyuan' system, I am very welcome. Bailian soaring record, but due to certain factors, the Williams Empire will selectively choose partner countries! Today, Mozambique and Zimbabwe Both have joined the'Weiyuan' system. I hope that we can develop from the neighboring countries of the two countries and work together to let more and more countries use Weiyuan to promote trade exchanges and accelerate economic development!!!"

After Henry finished speaking, he asked everyone to ask questions and answer them himself. After the questioning session of rich family warm marriage honey love is over, let them discuss and communicate on their own. Finally, those who are interested in cooperating with the Williams Empire, come to sign up again. After screening, you can decide which country to choose!

A large number of printed banknotes would cause the depreciation of the Wei yuan. Therefore, Henry did not dare to accept too many countries at once, and those countries far away from the Williams Empire were not convenient for trade between the two sides, so they were temporarily excluded.

The "Williams Economic Summit" has two days of discussion and exchange.

There are only six countries that hope to join the "Weiyuan" system and cooperate with the Williams Empire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Central Africa, Niger, Ukraine, and Malawi. There are 36 countries participating in the summit, but only one-sixth of the countries are willing to cooperate with the Williams Empire. This is mainly because on the one hand, many countries are hesitant to question the way of cooperation; on the other hand, many countries are unwilling to give up the right to issue currency!

Henry said in his heart that countries that are unwilling to cooperate, then continue to be poor, and you just want to join now, I will not accept it!

This time through the screening, only two countries, ******** and Malawi, were selected in the end. ******** and Malawi are the least developed countries in the world. More than 90% of the people in the two countries are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. However, the development of industrial technology is very slow, and daily necessities are basically imported, especially horses. Ravi relies heavily on international aid, otherwise he will not survive!

******** and Malawi are both very poor countries, and they are also neighbors of Mozambique. Seeing that Zimbabwe and Mozambique have joined the "Weiyuan" system, the development of the country has instantly become in full swing. Indifferent? No way! ! !

What's more, ******** also faces the Williams Empire across the sea!

Affected by geopolitics and ****** also decided to join the "Weiyuan" system.

Besides, other countries have already joined the "Wei Yuan" system anyway. If it is unlucky, everyone will be unlucky together! ! !


From the map, the four countries of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, ********, and Malawi can be combined into one!

Malawi has an area of ​​approximately 120,000 square kilometers and a population of about 15 million.

******** has an area of ​​945,000 square kilometers and a population of close to 50 million.

Zimbabwe has an area of ​​390,000 square kilometers and a population of almost 15 million.

Mozambique has an area of ​​799,000 square kilometers and a population* of nearly 28 million.

The Williams Empire has an area of ​​600,000 kilometers and a permanent population of 44.5 million. However, there are only about 30 million citizens with the citizenship of the Williams Empire.

In conclusion, the total area of ​​the "Weiyuan" currency system countries has reached 2.854 million square kilometers, and the population has reached 155 million.

This data is not huge, it is a long way to go, and we still need to continue to work hard!

Refer to the trade between the EU without tariffs. Therefore, the trade between countries that have joined the "Weiyuan" system is also without tariffs. In this way, five countries including the Williams Empire use the same currency. And the goods will not become expensive due to tariffs, which will greatly promote the development of trade and prosper the country's economy! However, a unified tariff is applied to the outside world, and this tariff is led by the Williams Empire, and the rest of the countries cooperate in formulating it!

(To be continued. Your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-10-0605:15:31