Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 609: Sanctions clause

? The old king of Saudi Arabia saw Yemen being annexed by the Williams Empire, and he vomited blood into a coma!

Saudi Arabia was also frightened by the Williams Empire. Not only did the king fainted, but Saudi Arabians were also uneasy and fearful of the Williams Empire! Today, Yemen belongs to the Williams Empire and will border Saudi Arabia in the future. What if the Williams Empire sends troops to fight itself? I'm really worried!

Henry then sent people to take over the power and management of Yemen and began to develop Yemen. Yemen has serious desertification, lack of water and food, and poor industrial foundation, but as long as he is willing to spend money, there is nothing uncertain. Anyway, Henry has money, and since August 2007, a sub-prime mortgage institution went bankrupt and investment funds The storm caused by a series of chain reactions such as forced closure and violent stock market volatility will sweep the world's major financial markets such as the United States, the European Union and Japan, and the global subprime real estate financial crisis will break out! However, this has nothing to do with Africa and the Williams Empire. Banks or investment institutions under Henry's name never purchase subprime mortgage contracts. After the real estate collapse in the United States, these things were almost worthless in the future.

At present, the real estate in the United States is still rising steadily on the surface, and buying these contracts is very profitable! As far as Henry knows, Citibank and Morgan Bank have purchased a large number of subprime mortgage contracts. In the next two years, if the underwear that must have been lost is gone, Henry can take the opportunity to buy the famous Citibank and Morgan Bank!

These are not shown for the time being.

At this time, Yemenis saw that the Williams Empire immediately invested in the construction of Yemen and sent a lot of supplies. They couldn't help but feel sincerely that Yemen was really right to join the Williams Empire! Subsequently, the entire Yemen began enthusiastic construction work.

Time gradually passed. On July 1, the negotiations between the Williams Empire and Saudi Arabia came as scheduled!

The venue of the negotiation was arranged in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The king of Saudi Arabia did not come personally, but instead sent his son Casper. Casper is thirty-five years old, about 175m tall, with a beard and a white headscarf. He is also Saudi Arabia, so he can basically represent Saudi Arabia.

Henry looked at Casper with a condescending attitude, and said lightly: "Prince Casper, I heard that your father vomited blood and fainted. I wonder if it's better now?"

"Your Majesty the King is in good health, thank you Majesty Williams for worrying!" Casper said coldly.

"Haha, that's good!" Henry looked at him and smiled, "The Saudi King can let Prince Casper negotiate. It seems that Prince Casper is highly regarded by the King of Saudi Arabia, and he should inherit the position of the king in the future! "

Casper looked at Henry with a cold face and ignored him.

Henry smiled indifferently, and then said bluntly: "Prince Spark, before the negotiation, I have to ask you one question first, can you represent Saudi Arabia with full authority? If you can't, then even if we negotiate, it will be invalid. Yes, it is a waste of time!!!"

"Of course, this is a letter of authorization from the King of Saudi Arabia!"

Spark asked Henry to pass a document.

Henry scanned it again and said: "Okay, no problem, let's start formal negotiations! First of all, this war is the first Saudi Arabia to launch a sneak attack on the Williams Empire. It belongs to the initiator of the war, and Williams The empire is to defend its own country, to defend the country! Prince Spark, do you agree with what I said about the nature of this war? If you agree, then we can continue talking!"

Spark froze and nodded.

"Very well, now that you agree with my point of view, then we can continue talking!"

Henry said in a strong tone, "The party who started the war is a criminal and should be punished! As a defeated country, the King of Saudi Arabia must fulfill certain conditions!"

"Then please condition it!" Prince Spark gritted his teeth.

Henry pondered for a moment, and said, "

1. Apologize to the invaded country.

2. The occupied places belong to the Williams Empire.

3. No offensive weapons, such as aircraft carriers, nuclear weapons...

4. Do not own an army.

5. Do not invade and occupy the territory of other countries.

6. Pay 100 billion US dollars to the Williams Empire. "

Upon hearing such harsh conditions, Pascal immediately shook his head and refused: "These conditions are too far, and Saudi Arabia cannot agree to it!"

Henry said coldly: "The defeated country should have the consciousness of the defeated country! Believe it or not, Prince Spark, I will be able to destroy Saudi Arabia immediately!!!"

After Henry finished speaking, he slapped the table hard.

Snapped! ! !

There was a loud noise from the Spark seemed to be frightened, and his face suddenly became pale and ugly.

"The second occupied place belongs to the Williams Empire, which is equivalent to Saudi Arabia cede half of its territory to the Williams Empire! Your Majesty the Williams Empire, don't you think it is too greedy?"

"Too greedy?" Henry laughed. "Swallow the entire Saudi Arabia, that would be too greedy! Many of the places occupied by our army are deserts, uninhabited, and more land?"

"No way!" Spark resolutely said.

Henry didn't really want the area of ​​Saudi Arabia's side because it was impossible. The reason for saying this is that the lion opened his mouth so that he could bargain in the subsequent negotiation process! If the "price" is set low, there is not much room for bargaining.