Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 646: Bombing Mars

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The operation of Eve robot to Williams Insurance Company is indeed a very bold idea, but it turned out to be very successful!

This has caused Eve to be more sought after by people. Many companies directly contact the alpha company to prepare for large-scale purchases, replace employees, save costs, reduce management expenses, and improve efficiency!

In this regard, Henry's opinion is that each customized version of the Eve robot is priced at $3,000, which is nearly 5 times more expensive! ! !

The reason why Eve on the market is so cheap is to train users, and therefore, it does not make money at all on the hardware. But if entrepreneurs want to buy Eve, how can they take advantage of it? And 3,000 US dollars is not too expensive. The service life of an Eve is at least 2 years, and one year is free of maintenance. Compared with the labor salary, it is simply too cheap!

Therefore, even if the Eve is so expensive, it is still very popular. In one day, 355 companies around the world placed orders for a total of 46,000 Eve.

There are actually many positions in millions of companies all over the world that are very suitable for Eve.

In the future, more and more companies will buy Eve.

The era of robots has quietly come.


While Eve was selling like a raging fire, the spacecraft Mars finally reached the orbit of Mars after 48 days.

At 2:42 pm on March 20th, Mars became the focus of people, and the Mars environmental transformation plan is about to begin.

However, at this time, some Mars research students raised a little concern on Facebook. What if there is life on Mars, then the Mars spacecraft will drop nuclear bombs on the poles of Mars. Will the nuclear bombs kill them? ! !

From the images sent back from the Mars spacecraft, we know that Mars is like a desert planet with sand dunes and gravel on the surface. The most striking thing is that there is a very obvious dry river bed on Mars. There are as many as thousands of them, ranging from hundreds of kilometers to more than 1,000 kilometers in length, and up to several kilometers to tens of kilometers in width, winding and winding, which is extremely spectacular. Obviously, Mars had a lot of water a long time ago!

There may be life on Mars if there is water! ! !

Derek Shakespeare, a researcher on life on Mars, gave a lecture at Williams University.

He said: "From the topography and composition of Mars, we can infer that Mars was a planet with a lot of water, even oceans, 3.5 billion years ago! As everyone knows, the birth of life requires three basic conditions. The first is water. , And it’s liquid water; the second is energy; the third is organic matter, such as ammonia, hydrogen, methane, etc.. Mars has these three points.

So, 3.5 billion years ago, Mars is likely to give birth to life!

However, the birth of life takes a long time.

Here, I would like to ask you a question first: Where did life on the earth originate?

Is the life born on the earth itself? Or came from other places?

Some researchers have put forward a point of view, saying that life on the earth comes from Mars! ! !

Why do you say that? They believe that Mars is very close to the earth, and meteorites often pass by between the earth and Mars. Perhaps a meteorite hits Mars and then falls to the earth, thus spreading the seeds of life on Mars here.

So, is life on Mars really the ancestor of life on Earth?

We don't know, perhaps, that life on Earth is still the ancestor of life on Mars, and meteorites colliding with the Earth can also bring life on Earth to Mars. Therefore, if we want to clarify the origin of life on Earth, life on Mars may bring us great enlightenment. Therefore, searching for life on Mars is very important to us!

There is no life on the surface of Mars, but is there life under the surface of Mars?

Although it is impossible to judge based on the information we have obtained, I personally think that there is a 50% possibility. Why do you say that? I just mentioned the three basic conditions for the birth of life. The first is liquid water, the second is energy, and the third is organic matter.

As long as these three conditions are met, the possibility of life being born is very high in an extremely long period of time.

There are a variety of organic matter beneath Mars. As for energy, Mars can provide geonuclear heat, and we have found ice under the surface of Mars, so the possibility of liquid water is extremely high.

Therefore, life on Mars is likely to exist below the surface. If the Mars spacecraft uses nuclear bombs to bomb the poles of Mars, it is likely to cause the death of life on Mars. I think the plan to bomb Mars with a nuclear bomb should be abandoned!


Henry felt ridiculous after watching this video. The spacecraft Mars has already reached Mars. How could it be possible to abandon the plan to bomb Mars.

"If there is life under the surface of Mars, just explode them to see what they look like!!!" Henry said coldly, he didn't know what was under the surface of Mars. So far, human beings are the only advanced intelligent life on the earth and even the solar system. Will there be advanced intelligent life under the surface of Mars? If there is, then the Williams Empire colonizes Mars and must deal with them!

Whoever has a strong fist in the Dao has the right to speak!

Mars is just the beginning of the journey. Henry's goal is the stars and the sea. Maybe he will see all kinds of alien life in the future!

The Mars Alliance also insisted on implementing the original plan. The huge amount of money spent was not just to transform the Martian environment. How could it be changed temporarily?

The Mars spacecraft began to fly in the direction of the north pole of Mars, bombing the North Pole first, and then the South Pole.

At 4:12 pm, the Mars spacecraft arrived over the north pole of Mars.

At 4:15, 5 nuclear bombs were thrown out!

In World War II, the United States bombed Japan with two atomic bombs. Now there are 5 atomic bombs, and the equivalent is bigger, how spectacular the power should be! ! !

Netizens are extremely excited on the "National Broadcasting" software.

"Haha, it's time to grow mushroom clouds, hurry up, I can't wait!"

"Wow, the real blockbuster is about to begin!!!"

"Five atomic bombs, I will go, how big the scene is!!!"

When they saw the 5 atomic bombs flying out, the netizens surged in enthusiasm and were extremely excited. At this moment, at least one billion people in the world are watching videos of nuclear bombs bombing Mars online!

After the five atomic bombs flew out, they began to disperse, leaving a certain distance between them.

The time passed every second.

More and more people are paying attention to the video. Most of them must have never watched how the atomic bomb exploded. This time I can witness the whole process with my own eyes. Why not watch it? And it's still bombing Mars, if the Martians are bombed out, it will be even more interesting!

Countless people are full of curiosity at this moment!

"What would a Martian look like? Is it like E·T?"

After half an hour, 5 atomic bombs finally landed and exploded!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

I saw thousands of miles around the north pole of Mars, thick smoke billowing, shining intense fire light, and 5 huge mushroom clouds rose up at the same time, and the surrounding area was like a hurricane swept through, flying sand and rocks, flying all over the sky!

People were deeply shocked by this scene!

The bombed place is like the end of the world, terrifying!

If the atomic bomb explodes in one's own homeland, I can't believe it. There is no chance of escape at all, and a big city will be wiped out in an instant!

"Let me go, the atomic bomb is so terrifying. No wonder all countries in the world have to sign the "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty"! If all countries use nuclear weapons, our planet may be like the end of the world!!!"

"The terrible thing is nuclear radiation. All the people on earth will be shrouded in nuclear radiation, which will eventually lead to the extinction of mankind!"

On Mars, the smoke is so great that it is impossible to see the situation on the ground.

Many people want to see the situation after being bombed by the atomic bomb. Of course, the most concerned thing is whether there is life on Mars escaping!

The leaders of the Mars Alliance all came to the Williams Palace at this moment and gathered together to pay attention to the situation on Mars.

"It will take a while for the smoke to dissipate before we can observe the specific situation. Now, the Mars spacecraft will leave a drone probe to observe the conditions of the Martian North Pole, and then the Mars spacecraft will go to the Martian South Pole!" Henry sat in the first place. , Said calmly and calmly.

Everyone nodded.

As a result, after the Mars spacecraft released four drone probes, it immediately flew to the south pole of Mars.

It took more than two hours to arrive at the destination, and then 5 atomic bombs were dropped.

When the atomic bomb just exploded, the temperature at both poles of Mars suddenly increased by several thousand degrees. Then, the high temperature at the poles began to decrease, and the temperature spread towards the Martian equator.

At this time, the thick smoke at the north pole of Mars has dissipated, and the drone detector can clearly see the situation there.

Five atomic bombs formed five huge pits, one of which found a lot of water.

Seeing this scene, Henry and others looked very excited.

Because of the high temperature, the ice under Mars began to melt, and the plan of human migration to Mars has taken another step!

In "National Broadcasting", netizens are crazy!

"Oh, my God, what do I see?! There is water in the huge pit, I see water!!!"

"Oh, God, it's really water! There is liquid water on Mars, which means that we humans can live on Mars!"

"The water is getting more and more. From the video, it is obviously flowing out from some holes! I now want to know what else is inside the hole besides water?!"

"Will there be life on Mars, as described in "The Adventures of the Center of the Earth", there is a huge space in the center of the earth under the earth, and there are mysterious species that we don't know!"

Henry also observed at this time that there were some holes flowing into the huge pit, the largest of which was 50cm wide, even a strong adult man could pass through the hole.

What is on the other side of the hole? Henry frowned, questioning in his heart.

The water soon filled the huge pit and flowed out.

There is a lot of underground ice at the north pole of Mars, which melted under the action of high temperature. It didn't take long for the north pole of Mars to become a vast ocean. The South Pole of Mars is similar, but the content of ice and water is not as much as the North Pole of Mars.

It can be inferred from the topography of Mars that billions of years ago, more than 70% of the water on Mars was concentrated in the northern hemisphere! Therefore, the Arctic has more water content, while the Antarctic has less water content.

The news that Mars came out of water and formed a vast ocean spread quickly across the earth, causing an unprecedented sensation.

Human beings have always yearned to get out of the earth and embark on the road of interstellar colonization. But I can’t find a suitable place, and Mars is currently the most suitable place.

The countries that did not join the Mars Alliance immediately regretted it. Unexpectedly, 10 atomic bombs would melt the glaciers at the north and south poles of Mars, and Mars has become more and more suitable for human habitation! However, this does not have their share.

The Mars Alliance will definitely guard the interests of Mars and prevent other countries from coming to compete! Moreover, these Mars alliance countries are all world powers, and countries that have not joined are simply unable to fight against them. What's more, going to Mars is also a big problem! When your country can develop a spacecraft to Mars, the daylily will be cold! ! !

"Water comes out of these holes. What do you think will be on the other side of the hole?" Henry asked.

The minds of the United States, China, Russia, Britain, etc. were all aware of what Henry said.

"Your Majesty Williams, do you guess there will be life on Mars?" Russian President Putin said.

"I don't know what's in it, but I know that we must send underwater probes to explore! Maybe we will have a surprising discovery! I have always believed that life on earth is by no means unique!!!" Henry said confidently.

"Well, then send a probe to detect the situation!" US President George W. Bush asked, "Are there any professional underwater probes on the Mars spacecraft?"

"Of course!" Henry nodded I think, at this moment, SpaceX has issued an underwater exploration order to the Mars spacecraft! "

"Well, that's good!"


After the bombing of the Mars spacecraft, the whole world is keen on Mars transformation and immigration, which can almost be described as "crazy".

However, at this moment, a female space researcher issued a warning.

She appealed on Facebook: "My name is Laura Evan and I am a space researcher. My team and I have been searching for planets suitable for human habitation in space. However, as we look for more planets, we The more disappointed. In the entire solar system, and even in the Milky Way, there are almost a handful of planets that are suitable for human habitation like the Earth. Although I am a space researcher, I love the Earth more than anyone!

It is so unique, so rare, so precious!

Martian immigration is true, but crazy obsession with Martian immigration is an extremely deformed idea.

The consequence of this kind of abnormal thinking is that people will subconsciously think that we can emigrate to Mars anyway, so the earth is not important, so we can consume the earth's resources unscrupulously and destroy its environment.

Where else can we find a planet as good as the earth in the world? !

The environment of Mars is much harsher than the desert environment on Earth. If Mars is the "real estate" we are developing, why can't we turn the desert into fertile soil, and rush to transform Mars instead?

Doesn't Antarctica have vast land waiting for us to develop?

Have we all used the extremely rich ocean resources?

Therefore, please protect our earth and don't let the Martian immigrants lose our eyes! ! !


(To be continued.)