Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 660: It's time to "unify" Africa

On March 16, 2008, in order to prevent a catastrophic collapse in the financial market, under the strong coordination of the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve, Bear Stearns, one of the five major Wall Street giants, sold itself to The Williams Bank of America, the total purchase price is 30 billion U.S. dollars!

Regarding this merger and acquisition case, many media have described it as "marriage at gunpoint," meaning that Bear Stearns was helpless, but suffered from the shortage of funds, and finally committed himself to Williams Bank of America. Because Bear Stearns is inextricably linked with other financial institutions, once it goes bankrupt, it will cause an unforeseen blow to the entire financial system.

Williams Bank of America naturally picked up a big bargain. At the moment, only the banks that can invest in the acquisition of Bear Stearns are the most powerful.

The outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis led to a global economic downturn. Originally, the Mars Alliance planned to build 25 Mars in 2007, but halfway through, it had to stop. The bursting of the US real estate bubble has also led to a decline in global real estate, the market is sluggish, and the assets of many real estate companies have shrunk significantly. At this time, many banks suffered huge losses because they participated in the investment in subprime mortgage bonds. It was already the mud bodhisattva crossing the river that he could not protect himself. How dare to lend to enterprises?

The bank’s "seeing death" has led to the bankruptcy of many companies, such as real estate companies, foreign trade companies, financial institutions, and so on. Right now, the economy is very sluggish, oil demand has dropped sharply, and the oil powers in the Middle East have been greatly affected. Dubai's World Island project has been suspended because developers have run out of money.

The "Dubai World Island" project has become the largest unfinished building of this century.

The "Digo World Island" is still under rapid development with the support of the Williams Empire's strong financial resources.

From now on, there is probably only one world island on the earth!

Compared with the countries that have joined the "Weiyuan" system, those African countries on the side of the United States are not optimistic about their current situation.

Henry felt that the time had come to win over African countries.

On April 1, Henry sent an invitation to all African countries to gather in Digo to discuss the resolution of the African financial crisis.

With the status and influence of the Williams Empire today, coupled with strong financial and national power, leaders of African countries have agreed and are eager to receive financial assistance from the Williams Empire!

On April 4, leaders from 53 countries and 6 regions in Africa all arrived.

On April 5th, Henry hosted a meeting of African leaders at the Williams Empire State Building.

"First of all, welcome everyone to the Williams Empire! At present, the US financial crisis has spread to the world, and it is difficult for Africa to survive alone. I know that many countries present have suffered heavy losses during this financial crisis. For example, several countries in North Africa, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, TNS, etc., but there are also some countries that were only slightly affected by this crisis, such as Mozambique, TSNY and Zimbabwe. In fact, if you pay attention to it, it’s not difficult to find those Countries that are relatively less affected by the financial crisis are all countries that have joined the'Weiyuan' system."

When Henry said this, he deliberately paused and scanned the crowd calmly.

The leaders of some countries in the audience looked at each other or whispered in a low voice. Is it an ordinary person to be the leader of the country? What does Henry mean by this, don't you understand? Henry has always hoped that more countries will join the "Weiyuan" system countries, but some countries have turned to the arms of the United States to contain the development of the Williams Empire...

Henry asked everyone to discuss for a minute or two, and then said: "Presumably everyone also understands the current financial situation in the United States and the European Union. They cannot protect themselves. I am afraid they will never think of you! If you expect the United States and the European Union to spend money to help you get through Difficulty, then I can only say, this is absolutely fantastic!!" Henry's tone was determined and with a trace of disdain, he paused for a while, and then continued, "According to the estimation of the Williams Royal Investment Company, this financial When the crisis has not reached its worst, U.S. investment companies, securities companies, and banks will all face the threat of bankruptcy, and the financial crisis will worsen! Africa will also continue to be affected by the financial crisis, and it will last until the end of next year at the shortest time! "

When Henry finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

"Impossible, this financial crisis started in 2007, and it is impossible to continue until 2009 without ending!!!"

"The United States, Asia and European countries are bailing out the market. The subprime mortgage crisis has now eased for a while, and the New York stock market has also shown signs of stabilization!"

"Yes, in my opinion, the subprime mortgage crisis will soon be over!"

Some people shook their heads and discussed, obviously not agreeing with Henry's point of view.

Henry has always had a unique vision in the financial market. His genius is not just because he got his name. Some people still believe his words.

At this time, Henry raised his hand, motioned everyone not to discuss, and chuckled: "Hehe...I know, some people may think I am alarmist. Of course, I also hope I am alarmist. After all, which country does the financial crisis affect? It's not good, but what should I do if what I said becomes a reality? Can countries withstand the impact of the three-year financial crisis? Will the United States and European countries be free to help you? I don't think I need to say it~ Everyone knows it!"

After a pause, Henry said straightforwardly: "I will tell you all here. Now, only the Williams Empire can help you. Any country that is willing to join the'Weiyuan' system, the Williams Empire can provide one. The huge loans helped countries tide over the financial crisis, and at the same time strengthened trade exchanges between the countries of the'Weiyuan' system, revitalized the economy, and reduced dependence on exports from the United States, Europe, and Asia! You can rely on the Williams Empire!!! "

When Henry said the last sentence, he yelled out deliberately. The sound reverberated in the hall, very deafening!

Many national leaders were shocked, and couldn't help repeating what Henry had just said in their hearts.

Upon seeing this, Henry knew that some people were moved, and he said, "We will hold a meeting here again in a week. I hope that all countries can give me a positive answer! Okay, today’s meeting, everyone has nothing to say. , Then stop here!"

After speaking, Henry looked at everyone and saw that no one wanted to speak, so he stood up first and announced the end of the meeting!

(To be continued.) Enable new URL