Silicon Valley

v2 Chapter 695: Genetically modified plants

After returning from the spacex company headquarters, Henry had been thinking about building a level factory. ?? A spacex-level factory must be established. Only in this way can the pace of the space show be accelerated!

The earth was born 4.6 billion years ago. We don't know how many advanced civilizations were born during this period. However, various signs unearthed from various places indicate that there must be prehistoric civilizations. But where did these advanced civilizations go in the end? The only guess is that for some reason, such as meteorite collisions, volcanic explosions, or changes in the earth's environment, etc., the civilization eventually disappeared!

It has only been more than 10,000 years since the development of mankind, and such a glorious civilization was born, which shows how intelligent human beings are. However, if you can't get out of the earth, everything is empty talk, and even the most brilliant civilization will eventually be wiped out!

Dinosaurs ruled the three geological ages of the earth for a total of 165 million years. Who dare to say that in this long life, dinosaurs have not evolved high intelligence. Anyway, Henry firmly believed that dinosaurs must be wise. However, when a large meteorite collided with the earth, causing a big explosion, leading to a huge disaster, the age of dinosaurs was simply ended.

If you can't get out of the earth, human civilization will eventually disappear in endless years! However, judging from the current situation, the possibility of human beings going out of the earth is very high.


At this moment, the transformation plan of the Sahara Desert is in full swing, the preliminary laying of the submarine pipeline has been roughly completed, and some areas are already using sea water to irrigate large areas of the desert. The plant seeds developed by Gene Umbrella have been sown.

Henry looked at the information while muttering to himself: "Not bad. At present, the 251,000 square kilometers of desert has been transformed. With the advancement of the submarine pipeline project, the transformation will be even faster. However, the seeds of the Gene Umbrella Company It can’t grow up quickly. The desert is still bare and it’s not convenient to build factories...Is it possible to develop a plant auxin to promote the rapid growth of these plants?!"

Henry immediately called the CEO of Gene Umbrella Company and told him his thoughts.

"Dr. Steve Huggins, is it possible for Gene Umbrella to develop a plant auxin to allow plants to grow quickly, and grow into a small tree in a month, and become a shade in a year?"

"Your Majesty, auxin has a great impact on plants, but too much is too late. And Gene Umbrella Company is indeed developing auxin, but it is not as exaggerated as you said. However, even though we have developed such auxin, it is not as exaggerated as you said. Plants that can become shades in one year!"

"What plant is it?" Henry asked.

Dr. Steve Huggins asked: "Your Majesty, do you know what the absolute champion of woody plant growth is?"

"Woody plants? Champion of growing length?" Henry muttered to himself. After thinking about it for a while, he said with some uncertainty: "Is it bamboo?"

Bamboo is not a plant that is resistant to heavy salt, sea water, and high temperature. Henry had planted bamboo in his hometown in his previous life. He knew that bamboo still had high requirements on the environment. It had to be in a warm and humid climate, with an average annual temperature of 15-2oc and an annual rainfall of 12oo-18oo mm. The requirements on the soil are also higher than those of general tree species, which require sufficient water and humidity conditions and are not resistant to flooding.

"Yes, your majesty, it is bamboo, and it is the bamboo of the bamboo species!" Dr. Steve Huggins explained, "It takes only two months to reach 2o from the shoot to the bamboo growth. Meters, about the height of six or seven-storey buildings. At the peak of growth, it can rise by 1 meter a day and night, so there is a saying of "spring shoots after the rain". From the very beginning of the desert environment renovation project, we have locked in the bamboo plant I hope to use genetic engineering to transform it. So far, everything is going well. According to the person in charge of genetic modification of moso bamboo, the genetic modification of moso bamboo has come to an end, and it is expected that mass production of genetically modified seeds will be possible in April this year!"

As Henry listened, pictures of bamboo forests appeared in his mind, and then he built a small house in it. It was so beautiful. Poetry Yun: "Yiqi is fake, the breeze is in the bamboo forest. The wine is interesting, and the piano sounds occasionally."

This is really wonderful! If a hotel is built there, I am afraid it will be extremely popular!

At this time, Dr. Steve Huggins continued on the phone: "At present, the plants we are growing include Elaeagnus serrata, white wax, crabapple, wolfberry, white thorn, sand holly, licorice, burdock, plantain, and Chinese tonifying blood. Salt-tolerant plants such as grasses, vitex simplicifolia, daylilies, puccinellia tenuiflora, tall fescue, and bentgrass.

There are also salt-tolerant tomatoes, salt-tolerant asparagus, salt-tolerant beets, and barley that can be watered with seawater, which can solve local food problems! ! ! In addition, we have also introduced salt-tolerant lawns from the United States, which can make deserts as beautiful as grasslands! "

Henry nodded frequently. With so many plants, after the successful transformation of the desert, it will be a beautiful scenery, very good! Am looking forward to!

"Dr. Steve Huggins, there are 50,000 square kilometers of desert to be planted, I think we should expand the seed breeding base of the gene umbrella!"

"Yes, we are also considering this issue. We plan to establish a seed cultivation base on the edge of the to facilitate research, and secondly, the desert area is large enough."

"Well, yes, I will then notify the relevant departments to grant land to the Gene Umbrella Company. Is 100 million square meters enough?"

"Enough, absolutely enough!"

"Okay, that's it! The Gene Umbrella Company will continue to work hard in the future to develop more genetically modified plants!"


The conversation quickly ended.

After Henry hung up the phone, he called Villette over, and then told her about the matter just now and asked her to handle it. Then Henry closed his eyes slightly, leaning on his chair and began to imagine the world after the desert was transformed. However, he was interrupted shortly after this daydream.

Kailena came to his office at this time and told him three things. The first was the census and the second was the comics platform.

The census has just begun, there is nothing to say.

Kelena told Henry that after Williams Royal Investment Corporation acquired the Youqi Original Platform, it merged with five comic original platforms, and then integrated resources, and today officially launched the Youqi Original Platform app.

"How many cartoonists are there now?" Henry asked.

"2413 people!"

Henry pondered for a moment and said: "Compared with the number of cartoonists in the world, the number of 2413 is still too small."

Kailena smiled and said: "The original platform app with evil spirits has just been released, and we have no real power yet! Next, we are ready to launch the'Great God Factory Project', using our huge resources to create a level Ip, and train cartoonists. Become a great **** with an annual income of more than 10 million US dollars!!!"

"The Great God Factory Plan? It's interesting!"


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