Silver Overlord

v1 Chapter 16: Ma Bu Gong Cheng

Ye Yan Liqiang still closed his eyes and immersed in the same way as in the past.

In the past half month, Yan Liqiang's squatting time is getting stronger every day, and the horse squatting is more stable every day, especially in the last two days. Every time he squats, he feels like floating on the water. The part above the waist is almost as if there is no weight. The whole person is very relaxed. Only when he breathes can he feel his body has slight fluctuations, but this fluctuation is not physical, but a kind of With very pure mental perception, Yan Liqiang is completely in a state of immobility. When he inhales, he feels that his body is expanding like a balloon, and he feels that he is floating upward, and is exhaling. When he was angry, he felt his body sink again.

Yan Liqiang didn't know why this happened, because he squatted on the horse for so many years. If he was sweating, his back and legs felt sore and sore, it was a daily experience, but this squatting step was like floating. The same feeling on the water is an experience that has never been experienced before. Yan Liqiang even doubts that in this state, he has no problem squatting for a day.

Because there is no famous teacher pointing, Yan Liqiang does not know whether this state is good or bad, but he feels that his body is comfortable and comfortable in this state, and it should not be too bad, so he insists on it .

I do n’t know how long it has been in this state today. Yan Liqiang suddenly felt a heat rising from his soles. The heat first warmed his calf, just like soaking in hot water when doing foot treatment. In that warm feeling, the feet of his entire person seem to be connected with the earth. His body is made of mud and just got out of the ground. There is a kind of penetration between the entire person and the earth under his feet. Feeling in one breath.

I don't know how long it lasted, he felt that the heat started to rise from his calf, drowned his knees, and then drowned to the root of his thigh, his lower body below his waist seemed to be soaked in comfort Like warm water, with your own breath, your body is still volts together, and slowly, this undulation has the mood of riding a rhinoceros, and the strength of your entire leg below the waist seems to be Just in this undulation and breathing, like a wave of pulses, it began to slowly pass to his upper body.

There seems to be a pass here at the waist, which is hindering the transmission of that force, and the force is pounding, the frequency is getting faster and faster, the strength is getting stronger, and the temperature below the waist seems to be slowly Rise, just when that power is pulled to the extreme, a bang, the pass at the waist is finally broken by the power passed on, the heat of warm water below the waist is like a tide, and slowly Slow Yang covered his hips, abdomen, and chest, all the way to the top of his head.

In this warmth, several large tendons on the two legs below the waist became hot, and then vibrated. The power of the vibration can be transmitted from the small toes on the soles of the feet to the forehead position above the head, as well as the hands. , Not to mention, the strength of Yan Liqiang's body was completely connected and opened up.

Uh ...

What Yan Yanqiang didn't know was that while he was immersed in the horse, his small courtyard was not crowded with people.

几十 There are dozens of people who rushed into the courtyard. Some people held swords in their hands, and some people also held water basins, buckets and water guns for fire fighting.

At this moment, those people were staring at each other staring at the majestic rhinoceros and horses among Yan Liqiang's red light and red light.

Qian Su was also in the crowd. He was still wearing pajamas. Shortly before he fell asleep, he suddenly heard someone yelling outside and caught fire. He got up all of a sudden and rushed out of the room without clothes. After the room, he found that the "fire light" originated from the yard where Yan Liqiang was located, and he couldn't care much. On the one hand, he was concerned about the safety of Yan Liqiang, and on the other hand, he was worried that the military supplies were damaged. Soldier, broke through the gate of Yan Liqiang's yard and rushed in to prepare for fire and rescue.

But after everyone came in, what they saw was Yan Liqiang Yan Liqiang who was squatting in the yard, and the red light like fire was blooming from Yan Liqiang's body.

At this moment, Qian Su's heart was full of shock, surprise and joy. He never expected that he had just separated from Yan Liqiang just a few hours ago. In a blink of an eye, Yan Liqiang had made such a big movement.

Everyone in the courtyard was as dead as a chicken, almost everyone looked at Yan Liqiang who was full of red light with that envious look.

红 The meaning of this red light and the great rhinoceros horse in the red light everyone understands, that is that on behalf of Master Yan has broken through the first level of the three bases of the base-Mabu Pass! This is the first and the most difficult breakthrough in the three bases. The 99% of martial arts practitioners fall in front of this one.

The red light of Yan Liqiang and the rhino in the red light are the visions that will naturally occur after breaking through this level. The heaven and earth aura in this world will resonate with the martial arts practitioners. The martial arts practitioners are breaking important levels or practicing various When this kind of kung fu combat skill is successful, it will arouse the sympathetic sympathy of the heavens and the earth, showing a variety of martial arts, kung fu or auspicious phases. These visions arise from the resonance between the heavens and the earth and people, and it is impossible Fake, so it has become the most standard and intuitive tool for testing the level of practitioners, of course, it can also become the best props for some practitioners to show off their cultivation.

"How can it be a rhinoceros horse, how can it be a rhinoceros horse ..." The only small banner officer in the artillery camp was standing beside Qian Su at this moment, staring blindly at the one that appeared on Yan Liqiang. The rhinoceros is very shocking.

Those who successfully passed the horse step have seen this small flag officer a lot, including even this small flag officer himself, who also passed this level. This small banner officer also had Ruixiang when he passed the level, but everyone who this small banner officer had met with was not able to compare with the Ruixiang that appeared on Yan Liqiang before this level.

First, Yan Liqiang's Rui Xiang had too much momentum and the flame was too strong. Just now Rui Xiang on his body, everyone outside thought the yard was on fire, and secondly, and most importantly, when Yan Liqiang stepped through the barrier, The appearance of Ruixiang on the body is actually a rhinoceros! Rhino Dragon Horse! Rhino Dragon Horse!

This can make people jealous and mad, because under normal circumstances, 99% of people produce ordinary horses in the Swiss phase when they pass a level. This is also the origin of horse steps, with very few Rarely, a small number of people in this phase are animals other than horses, such as tigers, leopards, bears, elephants, etc., but there are very few, very few People, either when they pass the Mabu Pass, are trained to be extremely powerful and magical secrets, or they are talented, they are the martial art genius beloved by God, and when they pass this level, more physical potential Excavated, so when this level is passed, animals other than horses will appear in Ruixiang.

In this world, the animals displayed in the Swiss phase when passing the Mabu Pass are not only good-looking, but also represent the realm and effect that can be achieved after passing the pass.

Ordinary people squatting horses can increase one horse's strength after passing the Mabu pass. The whole person can squat a horse to form a waist and horse, which truly lays the foundation for martial arts practice. Stand out, and those who show the strength of other animals after passing this level, in addition to gaining the corresponding strength of those animals, they will also get some additional bonuses on those animals, such as faster Speed, stronger power, more explosive power, etc. In this way, these people will have stronger strength after passing the Mabu Pass, and in the martial arts journey, the first step will win On the starting line.

Ordinary people crossing the Mabu Pass is the crossing of the Mabu Pass, which is the first step in building a base. This can already make people happy, and those who show that these extraordinary people are crossing the Mabu Pass, then they are not called the Mabu Pass. It is called the transitional golden gate, also known as jumping dragon gate. Such a person has unlimited achievements in the future, and becoming a warrior is almost a matter of nailing.

Yan Liqiang ’s pass is a rhinoceros horse, which means that after passing Libuqiang, Yan Liqiang can increase the strength of a rhinoceros horse, and may even get other blessings from the rhinoceros horse.

犀 Compared to ordinary Malays, Rhinoceros horses are at least twice as powerful as ordinary horses, and they also have stronger endurance and faster speed.

Animals are different from horse to horse. Horses are different. Ordinary horses can be divided into three, six and nine. The same is true of rhinoceros. Regardless of how you look, the light and shadow of the rhinoceros horse that appears on Yan Liqiang's body is high. The tall body of the rhinoceros horse, the eyes of the glorious rhinoceros horse, and the majestic posture of the head and feet, how can it not look like an ordinary rhinoceros horse, UU reading but The best in a rhinoceros.

More importantly, Yan Liqiang is only fourteen years old. People who can pass Mabuguan at this age are rare. Even those with high talents generally have to wait until the age of sixteen to pass this level.

This kind of reason, almost everyone who is present knows that, because of this, the people will be so shocked.

I looked at the flames on Yan Liqiang, and everyone was like witnessing the rise of a martial arts superstar.

Among the onlookers, a soldier with a naked upper body, who rushed over with a bucket of water just now, looked at the light and shadow on Yan Liqiang's body, and couldn't help but fall into his hands. The wooden barrel fell from his hand at once, and the bottom edge of the wooden barrel hit the instep of the person next to him.

"Oops ..." The person who was hit in the instep was unprepared, and screamed uncontrollably.

That is, in this scream, the majestic rhinoceros horse in the red flame of Yan Liqiang suddenly rushed towards Yan Liqiang and merged into Yan Liqiang's body. The red light and shadow slowly Fades away like it's never appeared before.

As soon as Yan Liqiang opened his eyes, he found that a large number of strong men with various things in their hands poured into the small courtyard, one by one staring at each other with many eyes staring at each other, many people were naked and exposed The saliva of a chest was flowing.

Qian Qiansu was also there, only wearing a thin pajamas, looking at himself with a strange look.

靠 I rely on, is this pajamas or naked? They are all men, and they don't have such a hobby.

Tong Yan Liqiang was startled, and the subconscious wanted to do a chest movement, "What are you doing?" ...