Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 112: Tsukuki

The sky and the ground outside the wooden house were bleak, the wind was blowing, the snowflakes fell from the sky, the entire sword **** ancestor was wrapped in silver, and the small hill below Tian Qiaofeng Mountain was also rarely caught in peace ...

The snow started to fall from the day yesterday. In the evening yesterday, the snow was collected a little bit, and this morning, it began to fall again. After the next day, in the evening, the sky became more obscure, and the snow also fell. Bigger.

The location of the Sword God Sect is Laizhou in the Han Dynasty. Laizhou is in the southeast of the Han Dynasty. The climate is warm all year round and there is no snow in winter for decades. I do n’t know why this year. Just after January, it was the cold spring. Somewhat abnormal, it snowed even colder than winter.

In the heavy snow, Yan Liqiang was sweating in his cabin, his skin was red, his whole body seemed to be on fire. As he moved, a rush of heat passed from his body. There were 4,000 pores emitted, and the temperature in the cabin seemed to increase unknowingly ...

Throughout the afternoon today, Yan Liqiang practiced Yi Jin Xi Su Jing in his room. When he started practicing the first pass, it was the same as before, but from the second pass, Yan Liqiang felt different from the past. He The whole body of his body began to heat up. At the beginning, it was only the palms, feet, and the top of the head that got hot. To the back, the enthusiasm continued to penetrate into the five hearts of the palms and the top of his hands. Like five fire dragons, he began to scurry through the bones of his body over and over again.

That feeling, extremely comfortable, Yan Liqiang felt that his entire body seemed to be soaked in the hot spring, but again, in this feeling, Yan Liqiang's whole body was also sweating, and his clothes and pants were already soaked, Yang Liqiang I had to take off my clothes, pants, and shoes, only wearing a pair of shorts, and continue to practice Yijinxianjing in the small building.

When such a phenomenon occurs, Yan Liqiang feels that it seems to be his own practice level, and it is time to break through.

In this situation, Yan Liqiang completely forgot the time, but the body still exercised the Yijinxi Sutra by instinct.

I do n’t know how long, Yan Liqiang felt that the five heat rays that had penetrated into his body had been swimming around his body for a number of times, and suddenly they merged into the position of his coccyge, and then the five heat rays suddenly merged into one. Gathering towards his spine at night, his spine trembled, and a spinal joint on the spine was like a firecracker. Starting from the lowermost tail spine, the spine of each spine crackled. When he got up, he changed from death to life, and then his joints and ligaments in his whole body also had big tendons, which followed the explosion and vibration.

This feeling is both strong and shocking. When the joint ligaments and large muscles in the whole body are shaking, Yan Liqiang feels like he has unloaded heavy weights from his entire body. It is not easy to say, especially all the joints in his body. Ligaments, large tendons, at this moment, it is like being completely alive all at once, as if the rusty screws were re-soaked in the oil, all the rust was lost, and it became smooth again. It's incredibly flexible and indescribable.

A red light appeared on Yan Liqiang, and a large amount of heaven and earth aura immediately gathered five red bows around Yan Liqiang.

The last time he passed Mabuguan, Yan Liqiang was unaware of the passing vision outside of himself, but this time, he saw a clear and clear-the five red bows are large and small. After flying around his body for a few turns, four of those five bows flew into his legs and arms at the same time, and the last big bow did not sink into his spine. .

This is the passing vision that is produced after the tendons are pulled out. This vision is similar to the advanced vision of the bow path, but this bow is not the other bow. The five bows are the body. Bows, hand bows, and foot arches are the performance of strength that can carry out the whole body's hands and feet, such as bows. Being equipped with five bows is just what a practitioner of martial arts can practice in advanced martial arts and combat skills. Without this foundation, No matter how advanced martial arts combat skills are given to you, you can only put up one look at a time. Once you get into a fight, you will be in the shape of a fight immediately.

I didn't expect to pass the stretch of bones today. Yan Li was very happy. He originally thought that after the pass vision disappeared, everything would stop, but what he didn't expect was that After the passing vision disappeared, the enthusiasm in his spine didn't stop, but like a burning mad dragon, after circling his chest a few times, he rushed to himself fiercely. Dantian Qihai location.

"Boom ...", the fire dragon exploded in the position of Yan Liqiang.

Only for a moment, Yan Liqiang felt that his position of Qihai was like a volcano suddenly being detonated by a nuclear bomb. He had not reacted to what had happened, and felt that a burst of energy burst out from his position of Qihai Up, from Qihai, across the chest, through the throat, and finally into the heavenly spirit ...

Yan Liqiang only felt that something seemed to shake in his head. Then, he felt that the strength of his whole body and the heat rising from the air were suddenly taken away by something in his head.

Before he lost consciousness, Yan Liqiang seemed to faintly see that the heaven and earth aura gathered again around him, forming an ancient awkward four-legged giant tripod, enveloping his entire body, and then sinking into his own dantianqi In the sea ...

This is a sign of the successful development of Dantian and foundation building. Is it true that today, even if he has passed the two stages of stretching the bones and opening the Dantian, has he advanced to the warrior?

An incredible idea appeared in Yan Liqiang's mind, but immediately, before he thought about it or verified it, he felt that the suction of the thing in his head suddenly increased countless times, like a black hole, The heat that just came out of his position and the strength of his whole body at this moment seemed to be completely sucked out, and as soon as he was black, he fainted.


I don't know how long, Yan Liqiang woke up and found himself lying on the floor of the cabin.

Thinking of the scene when he had just passed out, Yan Liqiang held his hand on the ground, bounced his waist, and jumped up quickly.

Just one action, Yan Liqiang felt that his skill was much quicker than usual, and it seemed easier to exert force. He quickly checked his whole body and found that it was not a big deal. He just felt that the lower abdomen was slightly different from that on normal days.

Thinking of the last vision he had seen before passing out, Yan Liqiang swallowed a little, closed his eyes cautiously, and sank his consciousness to the lower abdomen.

In the past, if he did like this, there was no egg use at all, what he could feel was just a darkness, but at this moment, when his consciousness sank to the position of Qiqiqihai, Yan Liqiang felt that he had entered In a cyan void, just in that void, he saw a small red cyclone that was too small to be too small, like a light, spinning quietly and firmly in that void.

Foundation has been established ... Foundation has been established ...

Yan Liqiang was stunned and could hardly believe what he felt. He tried it several times before and after and found that what he felt and saw was exactly the same as he had become a warrior after he heard countless successes in foundation building.

After others have stretched their bones, it will take a long time to open up Dantian. I heard that a few of the talented disciples in the Sword God Sect practice at a speed different from ordinary people. It also takes half a year to a year to open up Dantian and complete the last step of foundation construction. Many people can't even pass this level in their entire lives. They can't complete the last step of foundation construction. How can they pass by in one day? Two levels, this is too exaggerated. Who would believe it if they went out?

Yan Liqiang held it for a while, but he couldn't believe that he had already completed the foundation and somehow became a warrior.

Is this also the embodiment of the powerful effects of Yijin Xiujing? Yan Liqiang kept asking himself this question in his heart, which seemed to be the only explanation.

Thinking of the weird swallowing power in his head before he passed out, Yan Liqiang hurriedly felt if there was anything abnormal in his head.

Yan Liqiang saw ...

That completely shocked him, something that he thought he would never see again when he was alive, was quietly floating in the sea of ​​his knowledge, and could already be clearly perceived by her. UU Reading Book

That thing is now turning into a star, blinking blinking in his sea of ​​knowledge, exuding a mysterious and deep glory.


There was darkness outside the window, and after staring at the thing in the sea for a while, Yan Liqiang, who was beating heartily, finally opened his eyes.

There was no light in the room, but Yan Liqiang's eyes could still see the contents of the room faintly. He turned his head to look at the inscription in the room, and found that the time on the inscription was over three o'clock in the morning, and was approaching. Time to get up and work on weekdays.

Seeing that time, Yan Liqiang calmed his mood, quickly put on clothes, socks and the like. After washing in the room, he took a horse light and opened the door ...

A group of snowflakes caught in the cold wind hit Yan Liqiang's face when Yan Liqiang opened the door.

Snow still did not stop, but Yan Liqiang did not let himself stop, let alone relax his requirements.

Pack up those tools that you usually use, and put some cleaning liquid in the bucket. When Yan Liqiang was going out of the yard, a horse lantern and two familiar figures appeared in front of his eyes.

Gu Zexuan, who wrapped himself tightly, stomped his feet and sighed into his hands, "Let ’s go, the mountain roads are covered by snow. If you do n’t help you today, you will work till tomorrow night. I ca n’t finish it. Zhao Huipeng and I followed you today to see what the latrine above Tian Qiaofeng is like. Hey, I did n’t expect that a handsome and smart person like me would get up at night to clean the latrine ...

Some fascinated Zhao Huipeng didn't say anything, just smiled at Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang's heart was warm, everything was silent, he didn't say much, and took two people directly to the mountain ...