Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 120: return to the past

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"Little brother, can I change seats with you ..."

When Yan Liqiang opened his eyes, he found that he was sitting on a boat. A woman holding a baby still in her arms, turned from the seat in front, and looked at him with a glance of plea. Just now, the woman seemed to take two shots on his shoulder. It was these two shots that awakened Yan Liqiang from his sleep.

The passenger boat was on the river, and the water vapor was misty on the river. It was raining. The raindrops hit the shed on the top of the boat. It cracked like fried beans. The woman was sitting in front of Yan Liqiang near the window, but the latch of the window was broken. The window could only be half closed, because it was raining outside, and the oblique wind and drizzle on the river was mixed with a trace of cold air from the gap of the window and fell on the face of the baby in the midst.

This boat, this scene, this woman, is she dreaming?

Yan Liqiang's spirit froze.

"Wow ... wow ... wow ..." The baby in the arms held by the woman cried loudly, and the woman quickly shook and coaxed, looking at Yan Liqiang in anguish. "Little brother, look, I There is a leak here, and the children are small ... "

"It's okay, sister, let's change seats ..." Yan Liqiang said, as he stood up, he quietly struck his thigh—it was a painful heartache, like a fake replacement.

"Thank you so much, thank you ..." The woman in front of her embraced the child with a look of gratitude, and changed to a seat with Yan Liqiang, who was carrying her luggage.

The cold wind and rain from the window flew to Yan Liqiang's face. This feeling made Yan Liqiang's life unforgettable. Yan Liqiang's face suddenly flashed a red tide. He squeezed his fists tightly and turned his head. "Sister, I just slept Feeling a little confused, what day is it today? "

"Today is August 27th, Yuanping!" A time came from the woman's mouth.

That's right, today ...

Yan Liqiang's head hummed, he took a spit of water, took his leather bag, put it on his lap, and leaned against the window. The wind and rain that flew in from the window immediately lost a lot. , But his thoughts began to fall.

How is this going? How is this going?

Yan Liqiang calmed his mind and recalled the scene that just happened-he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and flew into a light curtain. Inside the light curtain, it was like a bottomless tunnel, and the galaxies were there. The light on both sides of the tunnel passed, and before he could react, countless smaller light curtains like meteors appeared in front of him, flying around him, and among the smaller light curtains, all were Zhang Wan's light and shadow are like stop-motion photos, and in that light and shadow are all the fragments of his previous life.

A light curtain flew in front of him, and he found that the moment in the light curtain was his father's farewell, and then took the boat to the first time to Huzhou City, he did not think much, just headed towards the light The curtain entered, and he felt like he was falling from the top like a roller coaster ...


I didn't expect that after a while of work, I was woken up by myself and was really on that ship!

Did he go back to the past, back to Ganzhou before his accident?

This answer may seem strange, but looking at the people on this boat and the river outside, this real thing in front of you silently told Yan Liqiang, the answer is true, he did go back to the past ...

If all this in front of you is true, then, what about the other one who is in Sword God Sect, what about now?

Yan Liqiang was in a mess. He closed his eyes and focused his consciousness in his own sea of ​​knowledge. After half a day, he found that his own sea of ​​knowledge was dark and felt nothing.

As soon as Yan Liqiang thought a little, he understood the reason. Although his consciousness and spiritual body passed through the past, this body has not changed at all compared with the previous one. It is still the previous body and has not yet advanced to the warrior. I can't feel the mysterious stone in the sea. According to previous experience, unless I die or an advanced warrior, it is possible to feel the mysterious thing in the sea.

If it was before, Yan Liqiang was not sure how long he could become a samurai, everything is unknown, but at this moment, Yan Liqiang knows that the realm of the samurai is completely within reach for him, as long as he insists on practicing Yijinxi Sutra, at most half a year, you can pass two levels by yourself and easily advance to the samurai.

Yande->> , the latest chapter of Silver Overlord will be updated as soon as possible!

Chang's face flashed from Yan Liqiang's mind, and Yan Liqiang's heart suddenly agitated, two tears slipped silently from his closed eyes, his fists squeezed tightly, and he vowed secretly, this time, No matter what, I won't let the last tragedy repeat ...


Sitting on the passenger ship, Yan Liqiang was full of thoughts and emotions. He waited until the evening when the passenger ship arrived at the Xijiang Wharf, and Yan Liqiang returned to peace.

"Everyone disembarked, disembarked, and see if all their salutes are brought together, don't land on the boat ..." The boatman shouted outside, Yan Liqiang got out of the boat with everyone, the woman he gave up Her husband was picking up at the dock and nothing changed.

With the kindness and persistence of the woman's husband, Yan Liqiang took the oily paper umbrella with a warm atmosphere, and watched the family of three disappear in front of themselves.

Holding the oil-paper umbrella, Yan Liqiang took a deep breath and looked at the high tower at the north gate of Pingxi City, which was squatting in the drizzle like a monster, more than a thousand meters away, and his brain flashed quickly. After a few thoughts, he hurried toward the north gate of Pingxi City.

When it was outside the north gate of Pingxi City, the rain had dropped a lot. Yan Liqiang saw an eight or nine-year-old child who had taken off his clothes and was not afraid of the drizzle, fishing with a fishing rod outside the river outside the city. He took a handful of copper coins and walked over.

"Little brother, do you want to make money?" Yan Liqiang said, banging the copper coins in his hands.

The little boy's gaze was fixed on the copper coin of Yan Liqiang's hand, and he swallowed a spit, but his eyes were still a little alert, "What do you want me to do? I'll say good first, I won't do bad things!" "

"It's not a bad thing, it's just that I have a friend to come over later, just help me bring him a word!"

"It's that simple?"

"Well, it's as simple as that, just look at me ..."

Looking at Yan Liqiang's banging coins again, the little boy nodded immediately.


Just seven or eight minutes later, a 20-year-old Chinese young man came over a small road on the left side of the city gate. When he was 100 meters away from the city gate, he was seen by Yan Liqiang. When the youth appeared, Yan Liqiang immediately winked at the little boy, and the little boy immediately ran towards the Chinese youth.

"Excuse me, is your name Lin Hua?"

The young man froze, "I am, what are you doing?"

"You have a friend who asked you to wait for him at San Kongqiao for a while, he has something to give you ..." The little boy pointed at a small bridge more than two hundred meters away, and said to the youth earnestly.

"Who told me to wait for him there!"

"I don't know anymore, that person said it was your friend, said you knew who he was as soon as you met, and said that it would give you a big surprise!"

"Okay, thanks!"

The little boy ran away in a blink of an eye.

The young man named Lin Hua looked at the San Kong Bridge that was not far away. UU read the book, after thinking about it for a moment, he turned and walked towards the San Kong Bridge. Anyway, it was not far away. Full of curiosity, the names of several friends of his own flashed in his head. I don't know who wanted to give himself a big surprise here in Sankongqiao.

Just a moment after the young man named Lin Hua walked towards the Sankong Bridge, a team of dozens of camels and more than ten rhinoceros horses appeared in a caravan of Shaturen, and just started at the city gate. Under the eyes of people with complex eyes, the Shaturen's caravan passed the city gate with high toes and entered the city ...

Although a few hundred meters away, the young man named Lin Hua who stood on the Wuli Bridge also saw the Shatu's caravan, and spit in anger at the Shatu's caravan.


No accidents or conflicts happened, and the Shatuites' caravan entered the city.

Yan Liqiang was under a willow tree near the gate of the city. With cold eyes without a trace of temperature, he squinted and watched as these Shatu people entered the city.

After these Shatu people entered the city, Yan Liqiang did not enter the city, but turned in a direction and walked towards the west of Pingxi City ...