Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 189: Awe

Just came out of the hall where Sun Bingchen was, and after giving Liu Quanzhong and Tu Chunyun to a guard next to Sun Bingchen, Yan Liqiang saw Liang Yijie.

When seeing Liang Yijie, Yan Liqiang quietly pulled Liang Yijie aside, and whispered, "Brother Liang, why are there so many rangers in the manor now, I saw a few when I came here, and it scared me, I thought Is something wrong at the manor! "

"Don't worry, those Rangers who came to the manor were arranged by Master Sun long ago, and they stood with us ..." Liang Yijie said with a smile.

Yan Liqiang was startled, "Did the mountain breeze make trouble in Pingxi City a few days ago, and the adults have sent those rangers?"

"Of course, otherwise, do you think that the adults would come to Pingxi County without any preparations? Just then a large number of Rangers gathered in Pingxi City, and the adults pushed the boat down the river and sent those Rangers. These days, those Rangers Ye Tiancheng has already collected a lot of evidence from Ye Tiancheng. It is precisely because the evidence has been conclusive that the talents have moved their hands. "

"How can those rangers listen to the orders of adults?"

"Hahaha, well, you just need to stay with the adults for a few more days to know. The Ranger is only one identity of those people, and those people have another identity. They are disciples of Ming Wang Zong, and the relationship between adults and Ming Wang Zong is not More than usual, letting a few disciples of Ming Wang Zong help to do things, one sentence is enough! ”Liang Yijie seemed to be in a good mood, he said, patted Yan Liqiang's shoulders heavily, looked at Yan Liqiang with appreciation,“ I was in the hall just now Among them, Li Qiang, you performed well. Originally, I thought you didn't dare to take a shot at that time. I did not expect that when Ye Tiancheng rushed towards the adult, you actually rushed up first, and ran into Ye Tiancheng without fear. This is what the adult servants should do next to you. I don't want to see you! "

Yan Liqiang touched his head, hehe smiled, "I didn't think so much just now, just seeing Ye Tiancheng going to do something with adults, naturally I can't look at it ..."

"As long as Ye Tiancheng and some of his main party feathers are taken down by us, this Pingxi City will not be chaotic!" After experiencing the scene just now, Liang Yijie's attitude towards Yan Liqiang suddenly took another step and became more Kind, there is a feeling of taking Yan Liqiang as his own person.

"Brother Liang, I heard that Ye Tiancheng is one of the three leaves of the Ye family in Ganzhou. Master Sun won Ye Tiancheng in Pingxi City. How can the Ye family be willing to give up and rest? You must know that the Ye family is in Ganzhou, especially in Weizhou. Yuan County is by no means comparable to ordinary families. This ... Pingxi City is all right, will there be any troubles in Weiyuan County ... "Yan Liqiang asked half curiously and anxious, after all, Sun Bingchen He Liangyi Jie is not a native of Ganzhou. They have less worries about doing things, and their home is in Ganzhou. What they do today is a clear indication of their minds in the eyes of Sun Bingchen and Liang Yijie, and they have gained their trust. In the eyes of the Ye family, they are already on the thief ship, and they will continue to die with the Ye family in the future. Even if only for his father's consideration, Yan Liqiang must be a little prepared.

"Mr. Sun came to the Ye family this time visiting the northwest. The Ye family colluded with the Shatu people for their own selfishness, secretly doing a lot of angry things between humans and gods. It is already a tumor of Ganzhou and the empire. Eradicate, rest assured, adults won Ye Tiancheng in Pingxi City this evening, and Ganzhou Assassin's same side as adults, will also take action today, Ye family is strong, nor is it an opponent of the court! "Liang Yijie murderous Teng Teng said to Yan Liqiang.

"That's good, that's good ..." Yan Liqiang breathed a long sigh of relief.

Thinking of his last experience, Yan Liqiang can only sigh, the butterfly effect he brought is really terrifying. The last time, even if I hanged myself, but within a few years, everything in the Ye family is fine, Ye Tiancheng is still the county guard of Pingxi County, and this time, I survived by myself, from Ye Xiao to Pingxi City. From the night the people were killed, everything changed.

"Li Qiang, you have worked hard today, and there is nothing going on behind you. If you feel tired, go to rest ..."

"I have nothing to do here. I really can't sleep and can't sleep. Help Brother Liang to guard these prisoners together!"


For the entire process of Sun Bingchen's victory over Ye Tiancheng and the rapid stabilization of Pingxi City, Yan Liqiang is not so much a participant as a witness to his meeting.

In the whole process, he was just fortunate to see what happened and made a trivial contribution. He himself did not determine the course of the event, and did not play an irreplaceable role, even until Sun Bingchen and Liang Yijie. When Yan Yue asked him to take a rest, he didn't think about something.

In his last life, he saw those cross-fictions. After the protagonists traveled to other worlds, they could always easily kill the Quartet. The characters in the other worlds always seemed to have failed IQs, and were played by the main characters casually. And this time, but he really revived once in this world, he only knew that who wants to treat others as fools, then he is the biggest fool himself.

Yan Liqiang asked himself that his intelligence quotient was not even Einstein, but he was a smart person. However, even after thinking about his IQ for a night, he could understand what happened.

It was precisely after looking at it that Yan Liqiang was truly awed by this inspection by Sun Bingchen.

Yan Liqiang felt that from the beginning, when Sun Bingchen asked himself to be his attendant, he was giving Ye Tiancheng a smoke bomb and was bewildering Ye Tiancheng.

Perhaps there is something for Sun Bingchen to appreciate his own ability, but Sun Bingchen promotes himself, but it is by no means just to appreciate himself.

If you are Ye Tiancheng, seeing the inspection that came to Pingxi City promoted a young man from Pingxi City to serve as an attendant without fear, what would you think? There will only be two ideas. The first idea is that there are not many people around Sun Bingchen. The second idea is that Sun Bingchen has no precautions against himself. If Sun Bingchen came to Pingxi City this time, he really wanted to be right. Tiancheng did something. Then, just after meeting, Sun Bingchen temporarily promoted a young man in Pingxi City who did not know his roots, which is a taboo. Isn't Sun Bingchen afraid that the boy is Ye Tiancheng?

It is estimated that this step made Ye Tiancheng relax his vigilance against Sun Bingchen at once.

It is not only this step that paralyzes Ye Tiancheng, but many steps.

These days Sun Bingchen frankly met the officials in the manor ...

Sun Bingchen's Inspection Tour of Pingxi City ...

Even Sun Bingchen decided to let the accompanying guards and ceremonies pack things before Ye Tiancheng started ...

The smoke screens were released one by one, Ye Tiancheng didn't want to be fooled. Because of these preparations, when he really wanted to do it tonight, when Ye Tiancheng came to the manor, he would be unprepared. Sun Bingchen would do something to him.

In fact, long before Sun Bingchen came to Pingxi City, the rangers who stood with him had already come to Pingxi City one step ahead, secretly preparing, weaving a net that could cover Ye Tiancheng.

Even the maidservant who worked with Ye Tiancheng lurked in the manor one step earlier, waiting to win Ye Tiancheng in one fell swoop. Ye Tiancheng looked at those eyeliners covered in the manor, but let Ye Tiancheng look. Unclear about the real crisis.

Sun Bingchen started the operation tonight, but it didn't happen on a whim, but he had a premeditated plan, and he had a tacit understanding and cooperation with Ganzhou assassin.

The distance between Pingxi City and Ganzhou City is not that close. It takes two days to pass a message between the two places. The tacit understanding and cooperation between Sun Bingchen and Lei Si naturally require time to discuss coordination, and this negotiation time Where did it come from? It is estimated that Sun Bingchen did it in the days when he walked around in Pingxi City.

And this is not what Yan Liqiang admires the most. What admires Yan Liqiang most is Sun Bingchen's control and confidence in Huang Fu Qian Qi. Knowing that once he wins Ye Tiancheng, Huang Fu Qian Qi will definitely stand on his side and be able to quickly To stabilize the situation of Pingxi City, this is where Sun Bingchen dared to bring more than a hundred people to Pingxi County to take down the county guard.

Calm and calm when not moving, UU reading is a kind of peace, when the world is falling apart, thunderous!

Such a method, strategy, judgment and decision-making ability, to be honest, even if Yan Liqiang has two lifetime experience, it is beyond reach.


That night, Yan Liqiang and Liang Yijie stayed in the yard, while guarding, thinking about the way in it.

From time to time, people were arrested and sent to the yard they were guarding.

Some were sent by the rangers, while others were sent by sergeants under Huangfu Qianqi.

By dawn, Pingxi City was calm and calm. The number of people detained in their yard had increased to dozens. Ye Tiancheng and his party feathers were wiped out. The entire Pingxi City fell completely in the hands of Sun Bingchen. The first batch of notices , Already posted ...

Two hours after dawn, Sun Bingchen asked people to tell Yan Liqiang and Liang Yijie that they could be taken to the prison in Pingxi City ...