Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 192: Copy home

There were two artisans who were found by Han Qiaotou. They were both workers who had participated in the construction of the manor. Liang Yijie asked about the details of the two artisans who built the manor and whether there was any information such as the underpass and the basement. Yan Liqiang and others and some of the sergeants outside, as well as the two found craftsmen, entered the manor, and began to copy the house.

The captor with the surname Han stayed outside with some other sergeants. Several captive captains naturally did not participate in the confiscation of the county guard house.

Until walking into the manor, Yan Liqiang still felt that there was a person behind him staring at the back of his party without a trace.

Although he finally found this person, Yan Liqiang was not happy at all. This feeling is like finding a terrorist, but there is no way to publicize and bring this terrorist to justice immediately.

What kind of organization is Bailianism? Yan Liqiang does n’t have a deep understanding and has n’t come into contact, but among the news and information he has heard, this organization that is trying to build a white lotus kingdom is definitely afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Role, in those places where the Bailian religion started, the backbone of the Bailian religion organized the so-called Bailian Army, like the locusts and floods across the border, one by one shouting to build the Bailian Heavenly Kingdom. Everyone has money and land. Slogans, developing believers, embracing the people, destroying officials, killing officials, killing large households, and looting women's property, wherever they go, directly turns the world into purgatory.

From the perspective of Yan Liqiang's education, the slogan of Bailianism is very seditious, but the slogan has always been a slogan. From all past history of humankind, there are several organizations that scream such slogans to fan the people to do things Ambitious and ambitious figures, such an organization will either fail, even if it succeeds, and it will only benefit a few people in the end. The production relations of the entire society will not undergo any substantial changes. Most people who believe in this slogan In the end, it became dead bone under cannon fodder and loess.

Pingxi County is the hometown of Yan Liqiang. Here, there are many relatives and friends of Yan Liqiang. Of course, Yan Liqiang does not want to see his hometown suffer such calamities?

Han Choutou is just the tip of the iceberg of Bai Lianjiao in Ganzhou and even Pingxi County. Thinking of this man, there may be countless others hiding in the dark to plan something, Yan Liqiang feels a little heavy.

"Li Qiang, you will take a group of people to search the yard and rooms over here. In addition to those dark rooms and tunnels, you must also pay attention to whether there are things like dark grids in the room. The adults have already received intelligence and news. It is possible that Ye Tiancheng hid some sensitive things such as letters and exchanges with the Shatu people and some of the leaders of the North Koreans. These days, he was interrogated in prison. Ye Tiancheng's tone was very strict, half a sentence. He refused to disclose that the people around him didn't know where he was hiding those things, and the adults wanted us to find out those things he hid here! "

After entering the manor, Liang Yi patted Yan Liqiang's shoulders, his face whispered seriously to Yan Liqiang.

Liang Yijie's words brought Yan Liqiang's thoughts back to reality from his anxiety about Bailianism. Yan Liqiang looked at the mansion with carved beams in the manor house and nodded, "I will pay attention!"


After each area was divided, Yan Liqiang took several guards around Sun Bingchen, a craftsman and a team of sergeants, and walked towards the courtyard on the left, while Liang Yijie took the others and walked towards the courtyard on the right. .

When I entered the courtyard on the left, as soon as I walked in, there was a mansion on the door. The door of the mansion was closed. There was no official seal on the door, but two similar seals were stuck on the door and the window with glutinous rice juice and cotton paper. The paper is a small means to confirm that no one has entered before the official copying and sealing.

The sergeants and guards who followed Yan Liqiang had already flexed their muscles and looked at Yan Liqiang with his eyes.

"Let ’s get started, do n’t damage things. Except for the furniture, move all the belongings that can be moved out. Also pay attention to whether there are dark grids and mezzanines in the room and those bedside tables. Find the dark grids and mezzanines. The reward is one hundred and two! "After speaking, Yan Liqiang waved his hand, and the team he carried immediately rushed into the rooms like the tigers and started to copy home.

The guards around Sun Bingchen followed the sergeants, and they didn't know each other, and they didn't have to worry about what they would do in collusion, let alone Yan Liqiang stared aside. Even if he didn't stare, Yan Liqiang knew what was in the manor's room and what Ye Tiancheng was doing here. He knew exactly what Sun Bingchen and Liang Yijie were trying to find, and he also knew where. But that place could not be named and found out by him, because the place where Ye Tiancheng hid the thing was too incredible. If he could find it now, there would be no way to say how he knew that Ye Tiancheng was hiding something in over there. Therefore, if you want to find out what Ye Tiancheng is hiding here, you have to change it. You have to be logical.

A sly man like Ye Tiancheng who is good at camouflage, he ca n’t have no money, but he wo n’t put all his money in this manor. There are things like gold and silver in this manor, but not yet. To the point of billions of dollars, in those rooms, the most valuable, but some antiques and other things.

Yan Liqiang looked at the sergeants and guards who copied the house, and moved the treasures from the room to the outside yard. It was just a moment of effort. Those things in the yard were piled up like goods at the express delivery point. same.

The money was also found. There were two cases of silver.


"Guard Yan, come here ..." Yan Liqiang patrolled in the corridor, watching the sergeant escorts move the contents of the room piece by piece, there was a room in front of it, and several sergeants and sergeants opened the door and rushed in. Immediately afterwards, a guard greeted Yan Liqiang to look over.

Yan Liqiang already knew what was in that room.

Yan Liqiang walked into the room, and surely saw several security sergeants entering the room secretly swallowing at the things in the room-this room is a collection room, and the weapon racks in the room are placed on it. Everything is Ye Tiancheng's collection.

Ye Tiancheng's collection contains more than twenty pieces, all of which are treasures, both long and short, and there is a sword in the most prominent place in the room. A sergeant pulled out the sword and took a look. I was shocked, and also attracted others to the past, and saw that the sword was unusual, so someone called Yan Liqiang to pass.

It was a sword-like body, with a long green sword shining through it. The long-sword of the sheath flickered, emitting a green light, reflecting this collection room green. In the light, everyone seemed to see a strange big fish swimming.

Looking at the sword, all the sergeants were amazed, golden eyes, even if a fool, also know that this sword is definitely a treasure.

As soon as Yan Liqiang walked over, the group of people who were watching immediately passed the long sword to Yan Liqiang.

"Oh, well ... why are there any swimming fish in this sword ... This is so goddamn, shouldn't it be perfect ..." A sergeant next to him looked at the sword and couldn't help but sigh.

Yan Liqiang took the long sword and looked at it, and played it carefully. This is a long sword that has been spirited with the core crystals of other beasts. It is indeed a baby, but Yan Liqiang took a closer look. Although he is not an expert, he It seems that the sword with the spirit is a bit worse than the sword with the spirit he saw in the Sword God's Baibing Building. This sword is beautiful, but it is less. The long sword that he saw in the Sword God Sect's Hundred Soldiers House was breathtaking.

"This is not to be refined, it should be ... it should be an episodic means in the process of forging a sword ..." Yan Liqiang pretended to hesitate.

"Ah, Yan guard, what is the spirit?" A curious guard asked immediately.

"Episode is a superb technique that combines the nuclear crystals of the beast and the weapon when re-forging the weapon, giving the weapon extra power. The entire Han Empire, the masters who can master this skill, are all 10,000 people. Admired characters ... "

"Yan guard, you know so much!"

"Haha, I also saw this introduction in the book when I was at the National Art Museum, so I knew a little ..." Yan Liqiang said, and inserted the long sword back into the scabbard, and handed it to the next one. Sergeant, "Take all these things out, and then look carefully for things like dark grids and mezzanines ..."



Two hours later, Yan Liqiang had searched all the rooms, secret passages and dark rooms. In addition to finding some gold and silver properties and many treasures, he also found evidence that Ye Tiancheng was extravagant and extravagant here. The key thing is that you do n’t see anything like dark letters!


After moving everything out, Yan Liqiang merged with the team brought by Liang Yijie, just looking at Liang Yijie's face, and what Yan Liqiang found when he returned to him was not much different from his own.

The two looked at each other, Yan Liqiang shook his head, and Liang Yijie's brows were locked tightly, "You brought your team to me to look for, I took someone to you to look for, checked each other "Let's see if we have anything to miss!"

"it is good!"

An hour later, the two parties converged again and each found nothing. UU reading books

"Then load the things and take them back to take inventory. Let's go back and reinstate the adults ..." Liang Yijie said helplessly.

"Brother Liang, wait a minute ..." Yan Liqiang went over and whispered in Liang Yijie's ear.

Liang Yijie laughed, "Okay, you still want to be thoughtful. It's also a good idea to give a little money and work hard. This is what adults say is to take the people and use them to the people ..."

All the participating sergeants' guards were given twelve dollars each, the officers were given fifty-two dollars, and even the craftsmen of the team also took twelve dollars. The sergeants who stayed outside and a few catchers also had a share. None of them fell. As the silver went down, everyone was happy.

Finally, the treasures found in the manor were packed with more than ten cars, so that the sergeants staying here continued to guard the yard and not let people in. Liang Yijie and Yan Liqiang took people, took those things and returned to Ping Xicheng ...


ps: Thank you all for your support to Tigers. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family!