Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 276: Secret

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In this world, there are always people who can find answers to complex and mysterious questions. The simpler and more basic questions, the more difficult it is to answer, because it is these simplest questions that are truly fundamental. For example, why did Apple fall to the ground, and why the earth and soap bubbles are round? Such questions are very simple, and those who can answer such questions are real cattle, because these are simple questions that contain Insight into the nature of the world ...

Why should the spear's barrel be soft and hard? This problem is also the rigorous understanding of Yan Liqiang's understanding of the essential properties of the weapon such as a spear.

Allowing Yan Liqiang to live as a human being, he also installed a lot of scientific truth and thoughts of superior experience and experience. However, regarding this question of Li Hongtu, Yan Liqiang racked his brains and thought for a long time, but he did not know how to answer.

In the end, Yan Liqiang could only say to Li Hongtu with a bit of shame, "Master ... I do n’t really think about the question you said. I used to practice basic marksmanship, and sometimes I used inelastic iron lances to practice arm strength, and even gradually became accustomed to it. It now seems that the point is ... "

"Basic martial arts are plainly based on the three movements of blocking, taking, and tying. Based on this, we have further evolved changes such as splitting, collapsing, scoring, tangling, and twisting. The basic training of weapons, such as spears, ge, halberds, etc., is also generally the same, so if you used iron lances to train before, there is actually no problem, but if you want to really make great achievements in gun skills, you do n’t know the guns you use. What the **** is that, that's not going to work! "Li Hongtu shook his head.

"Master, why do you say this gun must be soft and hard?"

Li Hongtu blinked at Yan Liqiang. "Why do you say your hand can be soft, hard, stretchable, and retractable? The ten fingers are also long, short, thick and thin?"

"This ..." Yan Liqiang scratched his head.

Li Hongtu opened his two hands and continued to say, "Human hands are really the most delicate and important things in humans. If these two hands are grown on samurai, they can kill the enemy and fight to protect the family. China, using a variety of weapons, these two hands can make a variety of delicious dishes on the chef's body, and if these two hands are grown on the craftsman's body, it is even more amazing, mansion building, Huashang Meifu , Exquisite utensils are born because of this, people have these two hands, they can change the world, dominate the world, why the hand, the soft and hard, the stretch, the length, the thickness, are all changes in yin and yang, with this change, you can Seize everything! "

Speaking of Li Hongtu at the back, his eyes were bright.

Listening to the words of Gao Wujian's initiation, listening to Yan Liqiang's ears, shocked Li Liqiang's heart, feeling a little light, instantly illuminated his heart, exquisite and clear.

"Master, do you mean that the soft and hard of this gun is like the soft and hard of the hand, can there be changes in yin and yang?"

Li Hongtu looked at Yan Liqiang with a scorching eye. "The softness and hardness of this spear is yin and yang, and it is against the enemy. With this change of yin and yang, it can gain a glimmer of vitality and control the power of life and death. With one shot in your hand, you can control the world. It ’s exactly what happened to my husband. This spear is known as the king of the white soldiers. Everyone in the world knows that the spear is the king of hundreds of soldiers, but if they can really tell the truth, look at the world and there are only a few Most people are just clouds of people. In addition to spears, other weapons are either generals of the hundred soldiers, or ministers of the hundred soldiers, or tyrants of the hundred soldiers, or bile of the hundred soldiers, or thieves of the hundred soldiers. King, that's all it takes! "

"Master, how to master the change of yin and yang of this spear?"

"Only nine words, printed on the heart, connected to God, and applied to the hand!" Li Hongtu said positively.

Yan Liqiang only thought that the nine words that Li Hongtu said were really esoteric. He could understand each of these nine words, but put it together, not pretending to say, he did n’t know what it meant. It is beyond his understanding.

"Master, then I don't know how I will do it?"

"This is also the true skill of the martial arts that I want to teach you. This is the true peerless martial arts. As long as you master this, there are thousands of changes in the art of martial arts and moves in your eyes. It ’s like Dan Qingsheng watching a child's graffiti with his hand, learn this method, and win him all ways! "

Yan Liqiang was so enthusiastic about Li Hongtu that he couldn't wait to learn it immediately, "Master, no matter what, I must learn this skill!"

"Hahaha ..." Li Hongtu laughed, "->> , the latest chapter of Silver Overlord will be updated as soon as possible!

Of course, you are my apprentice, if you do n’t learn, I will force you to learn, optimistic ... ”

Speaking, Li Hongtu had already taken the Longji Steel's spear in his own hand, and then took a half-squat posture, holding the spear's gun in both hands, and began to shake. The Longji steel's spear was in His shaking began to vibrate, and then Li Hongtu's arms and body also moved slightly with the vibration of the spear.

Li Hongtu just said that the change of yin and yang was so godlike, but when he practiced, it was as simple as letting Yan Li strong and stunned. Just such an action, not to mention Yan Liqiang, just look for a teenager in the countryside and look It will be.

Is it such a simple method to get slags out that you can practice peerless gun skills? Yan Liqiang was deeply skeptical ...

"Did you understand?" Li Hongtu asked Yan Liqiang.

"Master, I understand some of your actions, but I don't know what mystery is inside?"

"Did you just suspect that just such an action, how can you practice the peerless spear art I told you?" Li Hongtu already seemed to know what Yan Liqiang was thinking.

"This ... a little!" Yan Liqiang said slightly embarrassed.

"This is a word of truth, 10,000 false books, real peerless kung fu. Those ordinary people think that it is so complicated and difficult to practice. In fact, it may not be as difficult as they think!"

"Master, is there any trick to practice this?" Yan Liqiang asked smartly.

"Hahaha, sister-in-law can teach, of course there are tricks, come here with ears ..." Li Hongtu winked at Yan Liqiang.

He just looked like a peerless master, but in a blink of an eye, he turned into a cautious old man, Yan Liqiang didn't hesitate, and put his ears directly.

Even if there wasn't anyone around, Li Hongtu still looked around, and put his head to Yan Liqiang's ears, stretched out a hand to cover his mouth and Yan Liqiang's ears, and a thin voice got into Yan Liqiang's ears. "You remember, there are two tricks. The first one is to keep your hands empty and the body to be loose. The second and most important trick is four words. Keep your mind in your ears!"

After saying this, Li Hongtu separated from Yan Liqiang, and his voice returned to normal suddenly, "Did you remember what I just said?"

Yan Liqiang nodded in a strange mood, "Remember!"

"Hahaha, just remember, the first trick, you shake this gun for a long time, you will slowly realize, and the most important thing is the second trick, you can only bury it in your heart, unless In the future, you accept the disciple, otherwise you must not say that four words, other people give you a million or two gold can not be exchanged, the movement I just made, ordinary people can see it at a glance, it is not unusual, but I told The second trick you said is to train the essence of peerless marksmanship. If you do n’t have the second trick, you can shake the gun of a lifetime, but you ca n’t shake a bird besides training a crop handle. I do n’t know The second trick is that someone is watching you next to you and shaking the gun with you for a lifetime. You ca n’t learn this real skill, understand? ”

"Understand, Master UU Reading, rest assured, unless I accept the disciple in the future, I will never pass this method to others!" Yan Liqiang said with a serious face.

"Well, there are too many people in this world who have unhealthy mindsets. If those people know that it is so simple to practice a peerless martial art, I do n’t know how many evils to create, how much cause and effect I will bear, and this trick is also my Chinese martial arts. If the essence of learning is learned by other aliens, it will be even worse, so you have to be careful. That know-how, without writing, can only be passed on by word of mouth! "After saying this, Li Hongtu suddenly yawned, pointing The water pond under that waterfall, "From now on, you can practice on the stones under that waterfall every morning, and you can practice until noon every day ..."

"Master, when will this be practiced ..."

"Haha, you do n’t need to tell me if you ca n’t practice. You ’ll know when you ’re done. Well, I ’m going to bed. I ’ve taught you what to teach you. Practice slowly, yes, Li Qiang. When are you? If I have time, help me to repair the thatched house. There is a leak in some place ... "Having said that, Li Hongtu yawned and walked towards the thatched house, leaving Yan Liqiang alone.

Yan Liqiang looked at the spear in his hand, and then looked at Li Hongtu who walked away slowly, feeling that everything was so unreal ...