Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 306: do my best

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When leaving Bailongguan and descending the mountain, Yan Liqiang felt refreshed, as if he had removed a burden from his heart, and he felt a lot lighter when walking.

In these days, the future calamity is like a boulder that has been under heavy pressure on Yan Liqiang's heart, making Yan Liqiang sleep well every day, tossing and turning around, I do n’t know how to respond, I do n’t know what I can do. Make up your mind, all the stresses are gone.

This time, Yan Liqiang decided to go out, and fight back, whether it ’s for love, enmity, affection, righteousness, or simply screaming at those who do not understand, exhausted for a lifetime. You have to be able to get out of it so that you don't have to live one last time.

Yan Liqiang didn't feel how noble he was. He just felt that he had done what he should do. The same thing, if he put it in his previous life, if he could know that there was a Wenchuan earthquake a few months in advance, he would also be before the earthquake. Do everything possible to let people know when the disaster will come.

It's just that the world has no internet, no media, no newspapers, so Yan Liqiang has to start from scratch.

Set up a newspaper and use that newspaper to cover the entire Gyeonggi region of the Han Dynasty in four years.

Then, a few months before the disaster, find an opportunity to explode the anecdotes, prepare people in advance and start to evacuate.

Even if the newspaper was finally closed by the court, it would be fine, because it had fulfilled the mission it had given him.

This is Yan Liqiang's plan and everything he can sit on.

As soon as people relax down the mountain trail, Yan Liqiang's head is full of inspiration, all of which are all the newspaper page contents and various paper media propaganda methods that he has read in his lifetime, thinking of that interesting place, The whole man couldn't help laughing.

Leaving Xiaoyun Mountain, and seeing that it is still early today, Yan Liqiang thought of flowers like snow, and rode on a dark cloud to cover the snow, and came to the Imperial City.

The entrance control of the Imperial City is still very strict. Compared with the previous two strict rituals, it is much stricter. There are many sergeants standing on both sides of the city gate. Those who enter and leave the city must check. Take off your hat, and drive the car, both inside and outside the car, and pull the goods, they will also look carefully.

I heard that the driver in front of the carriage said that it was inconvenient to pull the grass with a cart, and a small banner officer at the gate of the city took a lance and made a look, and shot a few soldiers around him. The gun poked the entire vehicle's forage over and saw that there was no blood on the gun, which allowed the vehicle to enter the city.

"This old man, may I ask why the imprisonment of this imperial capital has become so severe today, remember that when I came some time ago, it was not so strict!" I saw an old man in gray clothes lined up in front of himself Yan Liqiang politely asked the old man for advice.

The old man looked back and looked at Yan Liqiang, and found that Yan Liqiang looked pretty and polite, so he slowly opened his mouth. "The other day, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Sato, was assassinated at home. I heard that The person who assassinated him was Bailian. You said that the people in Bailian can sneak into the emperor to assassinate the court members. Can the imprisonment of the imperial capital be strict? "

White lotus religion? Yan Liqiang was surprised. He didn't expect that he hadn't been to Dijing during this time, and this incident actually fermented such news.

"Lao Zhang, I've heard of Zuo Fuji being assassinated, but how did I get Bailian teaching?"

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"I do n’t know. I just heard rumors that Zuo Teng was assassinated in the past few days because when he was a county guard in Luzhou, he killed a lot of Bailian Christian congregations. Already regarded Sato as a deadly enemy! "At this point, the old man also looked around and lowered his voice." I heard that the business group of Dijing said that a few days ago, there was news from Luzhou saying that there was Bailian in the local area. After being assassinated by Sato, the teacher still poured a lot of dog blood towards the local yamen in the evening, and wrote a lot of rebellious words, saying that Sato was an example of those who dare to suppress the dog officials of the White Lotus Church ...

"Ah, these Bailian congregations are really too daring, thank you Lao Zhang for telling me!" Yan Liqiang pretended to look surprised, and arched his hand towards the old Zhang.

"Oh, this world doesn't stop ..." Lao Zhang shook her head and saw that it was his turn, and immediately took two steps forward and walked over for inspection.

At the moment, Yan Liqiang's heart was not as calm as it was on the surface, but it was a little overwhelming—isn't Huaruxue a white lotus?

Thinking of Luzhou mentioned by Lao Zhang, Yan Liqiang suddenly felt in his heart. If he remembers it well, it seems that in a few months, in Luzhou, Huangzhou, Yuezhou, the Bailian religion will make a lot of noise. Began to rebel and messed up the places in the southern states of the Han Dynasty. In this way, the stabbing of Zuo Teng may have something to do with Bailianism, and it feels like being used to worship the flag before the event Same as boosting morale.

However, when thinking of the beautiful face of Hua Ruxue, Yan Liqiang had difficulty in associating such a woman with Bailianism ...

Yan Liqiang led Wuyun Gaixue into the city. After thinking about it, he walked towards Sun Bingchen's house. During this time, he had traveled to Emperor Jing several times without visiting Sun Bingchen. I just had time to visit today. It is a courtesy, anyway, in the eyes of others, Sun Bingchen is also one of the nobles who carried him. These days I heard that Sun Bingchen died in the emperor and the prime minister. He also wanted to see how Sun Bingchen was doing. Can he help himself? In the place where the newspaper was run, there were some details. Yan Liqiang also wanted to ask Sun Bingchen.

In the imperial capital city, people are coming and going on the street, carriages and pedestrians are intertwined, Yan Liqiang rides on Wuyun Gaixue, and he can't let go. He can't move. He can only let Wuyun Gaixue pace and slowly toward Sun Bingchen. Went to his house.


And at the alley of the alley next to the street, UU reads, a young man in a short dress with a grass stem in his mouth, leaning against the alley, while basking in the sun, With a pair of eyes dribbling, the pedestrians on the street came and looked at the pedestrians. Suddenly, as soon as the foolish eyes brightened, they suddenly saw Yan Liqiang, precisely the one riding under Yan Liqiang. A dark cloud covered snow.

Even in this bustling emperor capital, Yan Liqiang's dark cloud cover snow is also very outstanding. The dark cloud cover snow walking on the street is half a horse's head higher than other rhinoceros, and the fur is even more. Shiny.

The confused eyes stared at Wuyun Gaixue, took a sip of saliva, and then took a closer look at Yan Liqiang's face. Then he spit out the stalk that was sticking out of the corner of the mouth, and when he turned around, he got into it. In the alley beside ...

Yan Liqiang felt the gaze, but he just glanced at the alley slightly, then retracted his gaze, not paying any attention.

The so-called art masters are daring. These days, they practice in the Luyuan Garden secretly, and their strength is getting stronger day by day. Looking at those people, Yan Liqiang unknowingly has a sense of prestige like a brave man watching a toddler. Nothing in mind ...