Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 403: 1 arrow falling star (2

According to the customs of the village, this feast was eaten until evening.

At night, it became even more lively. Dozens of bonfires were lit on the yard outside the Yan Family Courtyard. Roasted whole lambs were roasted on the fire. The theater crew invited by Zhou Hongda was there. The fire of the bonfire and the fragrance of mutton started to sing on the stage that was temporarily set up in the yard. The area around the stage was full of men, women, and children in Liuhe Town, inside and outside Yan's home. The atmosphere is even more festive than the New Year.

At this time, Yan Liqiang had quietly pulled out from a crowd of people, and in a study in his own house, he was talking to Lu Wenbin about his plan.

"This expansion of Liuhe Town is about five times larger than it is now ..." Yan Liqiang said while pointing at the sketch of Liuhe Town's expansion that he drew last night. "This is Liuhe Town's The pattern of the old town and old town remains unchanged. The direction of expansion is mainly in the south, northwest, and east of Liuhe Town. The focus is on the west of Liuhe Town. This area has been expanded to more than 2,000 acres. The land is a wasteland near the river beach. After the expansion, Liuhe Town will be connected with Liuhe River. At the same time, a pier will be built here, a pier at least three times larger than the pier in Qinghe County. In this way, in addition to land In addition, Liuhe Town has one more land and water. The Liuhe River is connected to the Xijiang River. Later, the boats on the pier can go up and down. From here, take the waterway to Huanglong County, to Pingxi City, and even to Pingxi County. It is not a problem to travel to and from Ganzhou counties ... "

On the lamp stand in the study room, three lamps were lit to illuminate the study, and the small wick burst from time to time to make the study room quiet.

Although Mr. Lu had already made some mental preparations before coming to Liuhe Town, Mr. Lu had told him what he was going to do this time in Liuhe Town, but when Mr. Lu looked at the sketch on the table by Yan Liqiang, listening to Yan Liqiang roughly said After a bit of his idea, Director Lu also felt dry and stunned by Yan Liqiang's generous hand. He couldn't help but took the tea cup next to him and took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and then asked carefully, " The son, the entire Pingxi County, does not have such a large fort. If Liuhe Town is expanded according to this scale, it will occupy an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres, which is almost the same size as the county town of Qinghe County. This ... The scale of Liuhe Town's expansion is so large. According to the current population of Liuhe Town, many parts of the expanded Liuhe Town are empty, and the cost of building the dock is huge. Is this ... this ... necessary? ? "

"Empty is only temporary!" Yan Liqiang shook his head. "On these expanded grounds, after leveling, I naturally have plans ..." Speaking of which, Yan Liqiang pointed at the blanks on the sketches he drew. "In the future, I plan to build a large-scale comprehensive trading market here to welcome guests from all directions. Next to this market is the new main streets of Liuhe Town. There will be many shops and inns on these main streets in the future. At the same time, here, here, and here, I will build several large workshops and warehouses in the northwest and north and south of the newly expanded Liuhe Town. As soon as these workshops come out, this newly expanded Liuhe Town is not too big, it may be too small! "

"My son wants to build so many workshops in Liuhe Town, I don't know what I want to produce?" Lu Wenbin asked curiously.

"In the future, most of the people at the Huanglong Artillery Camp will move here and take root in Liuhe Town. People at the Artcraft Camp will be divided into several specialized workshops, and I will arrange other workshops!" Yan Liqiang smiled and sold a key, but did not fully explain the words.

Lu Wenbin smiled embarrassedly. He knew that people like Yan Liqiang can guess from time to time, and some things may have a greater impact. He would preach everywhere and saw that Yan Liqiang did n’t want to elaborate on the arrangements of those workshops for a while, so he did n’t ask, but adjusted his thoughts, carefully looked at Yan Liqiang ’s plan on the paper, quickly pinched his fingers and quickly calculated. , "I don't know how large the fortress that will be built on the outskirts of Liuhe Town will be built?"

"Do we have restrictions on the size of the fortresses built in Ganzhou?" Yan Liqiang asked.

"No limit!" Lu Wenbin shook his head. "In other states and counties of the Han Empire, there will be requirements on the height of the fortress wall and dock built in the locality. If this requirement is exceeded, the system will be exceeded, but Ganzhou is a border state. It is a place of hundreds of battles. The imperial court relaxed the restrictions in Ganzhou. As long as you have money and land, the scale of this fortress wall and dock dock can be repaired as much as you want. "

Yan Liqiang groaned for a moment, and resolutely said, "The fort wall should be as high as possible and sturdy. It is four feet high from the ground, and the upper side is nine feet wide. There are arrow towers at the four corners of the fort wall, and then every 100 meters An arrow tower, the highest level of the arrow tower can hold eight cattle crossbow! "

Lu Guanshi took a sigh of relief, and looked at Yan Liqiang incredibly. "This way, the money will be spent a lot. Only the border fortress fortress needs to be made to such a scale. This method of expansion and reconstruction requires at least four and a half million silver. This is a huge sum. I don't know the money ...! "

"You don't need to worry about the silver matter, I'm ready, the land manager just needs to arrange the dispatch ..." Yan Liqiang said calmly.

Now that it is known that the Han Empire will usher in a big change in four years, the subsequent situation may collapse to an unimaginable situation, so at this time, when considering the expansion of Liuhe Town, Yan Liqiang directly prepared Liuhe with high specifications The town became a sturdy fortress. Such a fortress can not only shelter these folks and their families and relatives in Liuhe Town during the war, but also a county comparable to the surrounding villages and towns. A firm refuge for people. Of course, the fort dock is not all the points, and the workshops that will be built in the fort later are the real points.

On the way back this time, Yan Liqiang already thought about it. When he came back this time, the hundred-foot high rises from the basement. He just wants to start from his hometown of Liuhe Town and build his own foundation and power step by step here. With this foundation and influence, I don't need to look at anyone's face, only to have the ability to influence the overall situation. This is the cornerstone of my future life. If there is no such foundation, the martial arts practice will be the same, and it will only become the same role as Tiansha Shuangsha. Tiansha Shuangsha can kill people, but it will always be a **** in the hands of others. It will never change and control the overall situation. want.

As for the money for the construction of the fort, the large amount of silver Yan Liqiang got from the Shaturen in Pingxi City in the early days was basically still there. Although I spent a little in the newspaper office of the Imperial City last time, His Majesty the Emperor later He was given a start-up fee of 100,000 yuan for the Supervisory House, so Yan Liqiang now has more than 500,000 yuan for the silver he can use.

At this time, Yan Liqiang had a feeling that it seemed that the Lord had made the silver prepared by the Shatu people to be spent here.

To do big things, of course, to spend a lot of money.

The reason why Yan Liqiang asked the Lu family for help was because he had to do a lot of things this time, and it cost a lot. Neither he nor Yan Dechang were able to coordinate and control the scene. At this point, Zhou Hongda Although he is the current steward of Yan Liqiang's family, Zhou Hongda has never experienced such experience, has no experience, and lacks such ability. Zhou Hongda is characterized by diligence and loyalty, so he asked Mr. Lu to send a competent manager from Lu family. Come with Mr. Accountant. These housekeepers and account houses of the Lu family have experienced the scenes and experience of the Lu family, and everything is in order. It is natural to grasp such things.

Yan Liqiang and the Lu family were so "out of sight" that they directly used Lu's people to do things for themselves, which made Grandpa very happy. So this time, the grandfather Lu sent the grandfather to Yan Liqiang.

"In addition to the expansion of Liuhe Town, I heard people say that the son also wants to open a bow road club. Is this bow road club also in Liuhe Town?"

"Gong Dao She is not in Liuhe Town, but it is not far from Liuhe Town. I plan to place it on Baizhang Mountain and not occupy the good land on Liuhe Town. Just buy a piece of wasteland and woodland next to the mountain. I also took into consideration the affairs of Lu Guan. At that time, some houses and venues will be built on the side of Gongdao Club. Just follow the set of the martial arts. As for silver, I still say that. Just spend the flowers, tell me enough ... "

"I don't know how many people are going to be accommodated on the ground there?"

"The director of Lu thinks I've typed out the name of Gongdao Club. How many people would like to sign up?" Yan Liqiang asked.

"This ..." Lu Guanshi frowned and hesitated. "It's hard to say. With the reputation of Ganzi in Ganzhou today, if the news that you want to be recruited in this archway museum is released, I am afraid that some people in Ganzhou will want to come. , Pingxi County will have more to come, how much can come, then I can't speculate! "

"Then come on the scale of two thousand people!"

"Two thousand people?" Lu Guanshi confirmed it. Looking at Yan Liqiang's appearance, this number is still a little conservative, but the whole number of martial arts halls in Pingxi County is only a few hundred people. Really want to get up, it is already the number one in Pingxi County.

"Yes, there are only two thousand people. The first batch of Gondo students, I will only recruit the children of Pingxi County. Outside of Pingxi County, I will not recruit them for the time being. You can consider it on this scale! "

"Okay, I see!" Lu Wenbin nodded.

The two were talking. Outside the study, a sudden knock came from the door. Zhou Hongda's voice rang out. "Son, now the lamb is roasted outside. Master is going to divide the sheep and let the son pass ..."

"Okay, tell my dad, I'll be right there!" Yan Liqiang said in the room, and then looked at Lu Wenbin. "Get here today, let's go, land manager, let's eat roast lamb outside, back If there is a problem, let's talk again! "

Lu Wenbin nodded and stood up first. "Please, please ..."

Yan Liqiang then went directly to the yard outside Yan's house. There were thousands of people on the yard, one by one around the bonfire, sitting on the ground, roasting sheep, watching the big show, a group of half-old children in the town Around the yard, happily put a good sky lantern, that is, the Kong Ming lantern, the scene, cheerful and cheerful, this is the style of Ganzhou.

Yan Dechang and Qian Su sat talking together, and the two who drank some wine turned red and looked a little cute.

Sheep sharing is also one of the etiquette of the feast. Yan Liqiang took the landing steward directly to the seat near the stage. Only then did Yan Dechang let the whole lamb roasted on the bonfire and lifted up, and stood up by himself. Fencing cut all the parts of the whole sheep and gave them to a leading figure in Liuhe Town.

Liu Gong divided the sheep's head and tail separately, with head and tail. This is a respect for Liu Gong. Others have divided some parts of the sheep.

Yan Liqiang divided a lamb hoof and a lamb chop.

Yan Liqiang just wanted to start eating, and the crowd next to him suddenly stood up and drunk a little drunk and said to Yan Liqiang, "Everyone knows Li Qiang, you are our ... our Qinghe County's national art The top three in the county test, Wu Yi is naturally terrific. I did n’t have to say ... "The uncle took a wine bob, shook his body twice, and gave thumbs to Li Qiang." But folks listen more. People say that Li Qiang has a bow and path like a god. He has built a great reputation in the emperor capital. Even the emperor and the old people said that Li Qiang is good at you. No one in the village has ever seen Li Qiang your bowing. Can you show your hands to the folks, so that everyone can open your eyes and see where this bowing can be used as a bow training for the Prince of the Han Dynasty. Everyone said that my proposal is good ... "

"Okay ..." As soon as the uncle said it, there was a loud sound of applause all around, and the atmosphere on the yard was suddenly drummed up again.

Yan Liqiang turned his eyes and looked at the uncle who proposed to show him a hand. He found that there was no other idea in the head of the uncle. He was really just out of curiosity. He wanted to see what kind of archery was repaired to make the emperor Be complimented. Not to mention that person was curious, even Yan Dechang, Qian Su, and Lu Guanshi who were sitting next to Yan Liqiang, and Zhou Tiezhu and others listened to this proposal, and each of them also showed an interesting look, because Yan Liqiang ’s bow path is really true. I haven't shown them in front of these people. I have heard a lot of rumors and everyone wants to see them.

"Li Qiang ... this, the folks are all here today, everyone is so interested, and they want to see your skills. If you don't get embarrassed, show them to the folks!" Yan Dechang said.

Now that Yan Dechang has spoken, there is no reason for Yan Liqiang to quit. When he beckoned, Hu Haihe came to his side, "Go and get my strong bow and quiver!"

"Yes, son!" Hu Haihe bowed and trot towards the courtyard of Yan's house.

Today, Yu Qing was listening to Wu Ma's orders while doing something at Hou Kitchen, so Yan Liqiang hasn't seen too fine at the banquet till now.

Just after everyone's expectation, it was just a moment of effort, and Hu Haihe carried Yan Liqiang's 20-stone strong bow bow sac and arrow pot.

"If you want to shoot arrows, naturally you can't have no goal ..." Yan Liqiang smiled, pointed at the field 300 to 400 meters away from the yard, and harvested the land, facing a group of people who were just busy lighting the sky lanterns. Now they are One by one, the teenagers and children in the town with their eyes widened and wanting to see themselves openly said, "Who can run to the field where the sky lantern is placed in the sky and put a lamp on me? Give him a coin or two! "

As soon as the group of children heard it, they could earn one or two silvers by putting a lamp, and there was such a good thing, so hurry up, a large group of children held the sky lantern in their hands and pointed at the field where Yan Liqiang was pointing. Ran over.

The children were extremely fast. A few hundred meters away, they ran all over the field in just two minutes, and then made their hands with cotton paper, thin bamboo chips and cotton **** dipped in a little oil. The lights are lit.

For a moment, the lights of Kong Ming floated on the field in the distance and slowly flew into the air.

There was no sound on the yard, and only the piles of burning wood in the campfire made occasional popping sounds. Even the group singing the big show on the stage stopped after a program was completed. Everyone held their breath and thought, thinking See how Yan Liqiang behaves ...

Everyone is waiting for Yan Liqiang's shot, but Yan Liqiang is not in a hurry.

One Kongming Lantern rose to the sky before and after, there were exactly seven, and the Kongming Lanterns placed in the sky kept rising, and when the wind blew, they suddenly drifted away and scattered in the sky.

Yan Liqiang didn't panic, just took out the bow in the bow bag slowly, and looked at the seven Kongming lanterns flying high in the night sky calmly.

In just two minutes, the seven Kongming lanterns floated to a very high level and flew to a very high level. They almost all flew out of sight and became just like a starlight in the sky. It was just a shining spot of light. Yan Liqiang still just looked at it calmly. With.

A dry man on the yard had a strange look, and already felt that it was impossible for anyone to shoot the seven Kongming lamps at this distance, and Yan Liqiang shot.

Yan Liqiang shot two arrows in less than half a second, the first arrow, he shot four arrows at the same time and shot out, the second arrow, he shot three arrows at the same time, shot out .

Yan Liqiang fired his hand like a flash of electricity. After the two arrows were shot, others did not even see his movement clearly.

"It's ugly, it's ugly!" Yan Liqiang handed his bow to Hu Haihe, and smiled at the fists around him.

What does it mean? Those seven Kongming lanterns are still on in the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu. Why are you ugly?

Many people on the yard blinked and did not respond.

Then, at almost the same time, the seven Kongming lanterns in the sky went off at the same time. In this case, everyone saw it like seven stars in the sky went off at the same time ...

"it is good……"

"it is good!"

"Divine skill, it really is divine skill ..." Liu Gong shivered with excitement.

"It's a falling star, a falling star!"

After more than ten seconds, the shouting and crazy shouting of the mountain shouting tsunami rang out on the yard ...

This night, Yan Liqiang ’s stunts in the archway shocked the entire Liuhe town. His stunt with falling arrows also spread across Pingxi County and Ganzhou ...