Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 417: Big business

The prestigious history of Ganzhou assassin, waved to the Ye family a broken iron strongman, and made countless giants in Ganzhou look intimidated by the thunder tiger who shivered by the name. At this moment, in front of Yan Liqiang, he became directly a ragged Yang Bailao. .

Yan Liqiang finally knew what mistakes he made. No matter in his last life or in this life, he was not a very material person. Even when he was the poorest, he didn't feel that money could dominate everything, especially in this life, he came to earn more money. Easy, last time he voted for the Shatu people, he has realized his dreams of riches and financial freedom, and possessed wealth that others would never have thought of, but he did not feel that the hundreds of thousands of dollars were given to his life. What kind of essential changes it brings, so in Yan Liqiang ’s eyes, whether it is 12,000 silver, 100,000 silver, or 1 million silver, he does not think there is any essential difference, but Yan Liqiang forgets The point is that the same money has different meanings for different people. Not only the poor will look at money. In many cases, the bigger the person, the more they can feel the power of money. These people need to do big things and need them more. Big money.

Watching Lei Sitong's frowning, sad face, listening to Yizhou Cun Shi crying poorly in front of himself, Yan Liqiang struck his thigh fiercely, only to wake himself up.

"... Ganzhou has an army of more than 100,000. Every year people eat horse chews and grow up to barracks for repairs. The demand for military equipment is replaced by heavy consumption. There are also military sergeants of sergeant captains at all levels, as small as shoes and socks worn by sergeants Needle and thread, one iron and one nail, one needle and one thread, one firewood and one meter of the Ganzhou Army, all have to be filled with money. All these money, I have to find a way. The Ganzhou Army needs more than three million yuan a year. The cost is not a small amount. When others see me, I think I am a stabbing history of the state. I have great power and say nothing. But if I do n’t sit in this position, who knows the difficulty of sitting in this position. In order to make money, I almost couldn't help you, Uncle Lei, to learn that Heifeng Pirate to be a bandit ... "

I do not know when, Lei Sitong has already pulled Yan Liqiang in the past, while patting Yan Liqiang's hand kindly while talking, so that the chicken skin of Yan Liqiang's goosebumps suddenly rises, his scalp is a little tingling.

Yan Liqiang swallowed a sip of water, smiled, and took the opportunity to drink tea before he quickly pulled his hand out of Riestong's tiger claws. "This ... I didn't expect Ray ... Uncle Lei, you are so difficult!"

"Who said no? If it was changed to another state, how could there be so many troops, it would have been cut by half, but the Shatu people outside Ganzhou were stunned. If there were not so many troops in Ganzhou, I Do n’t worry, as a thorny state in one state, guarding Ganzhou, of course, I must give Baoganzhou people peace and let those aliens dare not cross the thunder pond. In addition to the quartermaster, the walls of Ganzhou City and the borders of Ganzhou City An important fortress level has not been repaired for many years. In the final analysis, there is no money ... "Ries said on the same side, staring at Yan Liqiang eagerly.

"This ... it's really difficult to have money!"

"Who said no? Elsewhere, there is money to make ghosts grind. In our Ganzhou, that's the other way around. Money has the power to make ghosts grind. I wonder if the business you just said has these four The business of chariots is good. It does n’t matter if you do n’t have one. I think that the business of your chariot is good. Your spring ... is really wonderful. Others ca n’t make it. Our family wo n’t say two words. You Uncle Lei, I'm a rectum. If you give me half of the carriage business to Li Qiang, I can earn three and a half million silver each year. I can give you a county official's job, anyway, the court did not say that you You can't be a county guard. You tell me what county you want to be. This matter is covered by me. Whoever is not convinced, I will destroy him ... "Ryce Tong said, patting his chest.

When I heard Ryce say this, Yan Liqiang just drank the tea in his mouth, and almost couldn't hold back the squirt. Fortunately, he swallowed the tea quickly. Where is this state? Boss.

"This, please forgive me, Uncle Lei, I have promised a craftsman sergeant in the manufacturing bureau for the sale of the four-wheeled carriage and the majority of the future. It is really bad!"

"Ah, you mean the business that made hundreds of thousands of millions of silver this year, and you distributed most of the proceeds to the artisan sergeant in the former artillery camp?" Ryce Tong was really surprised, before his The complaint may be a bit exaggerated and performant, but he was really surprised when he heard Yan Liqiang's words, because Yan Liqiang's separation was by no means a small number, but a jealous one. Large number, think of the hundreds of people in the artillery camp. If Yan Liqiang really splits most of the money made by the wagon, then it is estimated that it won't take a year. To become rich.

"Yes!" Yan Liqiang nodded, "Since I asked them to come over with His Majesty, naturally it is not for them to suffer and follow me, but for them to live a good life with me. I know the uncomfortable things of Lei The sale of this manufacturing bureau is, logically, the governor of Qiyun, unlike the general business group. His Majesty also nodded. Originally, no tax was required, but in order to support Uncle Lei, the profits of the manufacturing bureau in the future, I hand in 10% of it to Uncle Lei every year, which is my best effort! "

Once the chariot business is done, it will definitely be a jealous business. The so-called monopoly is long and the manufacturing bureau is in Pingxi County, and all kinds of contacts with Pingxi County are absolutely indispensable. I had the intention to pay taxes on my own initiative, hand in the money, and let the government share the benefits of the manufacturing bureau in order to create a good development environment for the manufacturing bureau in Pingxi County and Ganzhou. Now that I have met Lei Sitong, I have At this opportunity, Yan Liqiang simply explained this to Ries.

"Okay, Uncle Lei did not read you wrong!" Lei Sitong was also a little moved, Yan Liqiang spoke, and the money he can use every year will be about 100,000 more silver. This money is not a small amount. Even if he used to bribe him, "The big business that Li Qiang said just now that makes more money than the wagon is ..."

Yan Liqiang looked at Ries with the same look, and then took out one black and one white porcelain bottle from his arms. He first opened the cork on the white porcelain bottle, and then poured the contents of the porcelain bottle a little in front of Rieston. On the table.

Looking at the small pile of crystal white particles on the table, Riesong frowned suddenly. "This is ..."

"Uncle Lei will know!"

Lei Si took a look at Yan Liqiang without hesitation, and he was not afraid that those things were poison. He twisted a handful of fingers with his fingers and put them in his mouth, and then only momentarily, his eyes widened. "Salt ... "

"Yes, this is salt!" Yan Liqiang smiled.

"Why is this salt so white? Even the green salt shipped to Ganzhou, and the best pond salt produced in Lanzhou, the condition is not so good, and it does not have a bitter taste. Is this Li Qiang you brought from Emperor Jing A new variety of tribute salt back? "Rieston asked in surprise.

Yan Liqiang smiled and shook his head, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "This is not green salt, nor is it pool salt, nor is it the new tribute salt in the palace, but it is produced by us in Ganzhou!"

"Impossible!" Ryce almost got up in shock and shook his head. "We only have soil salt in Ganzhou. If we can produce such salt in Ganzhou, Ganzhou would already be rich in the world. Assassination history, why is it so poor! "

Yan Liqiang smiled. He opened the cork of the black porcelain bottle and poured out the contents of the black porcelain bottle.

The black porcelain bottle contains the soil salt produced by Ganzhou. The soil salt is yellow-brown, said to be salt. In fact, it is more like yellow-brown sand, which is slightly crystallized. In addition to salty taste, this salt has The bitterness and astringency that are difficult to remove are the lowest kind of salt, but also the salt eaten by the poor and ordinary people, but even this kind of salt is very expensive. A pound of earth salt requires more than 120 copper plates. For the best green salt, a pound requires more than one or two silver, and a pound of salt in Lanzhou requires more than 600 copper plates. As for the legendary tribute salt, I'm sorry, but it is not for sale. Most people, even if they have money, Can't see ...

"If I can change the soil salt in this black bottle into this salt in a white bottle, the production cost will be reduced by half again. Uncle Lei said can this business be done?"