Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 488: pocket

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"Everyone keep up. Tonight we will enter Ganzhou and spend the night in Wuma County, Ganzhou ..." Qu Mingcheng rode on the horse, wiped the sweat that had become salt on his forehead, and watched the long front. Valley, turned and shouted.

"Follow, keep up with ..." A cavalry team of more than a thousand people, one after another, junior officers shouted one after another. Although there were many shouts, at this time, there was a sense of weakness in the shouting people. feel.

It was not bright today, and the team set off from Ping'an County, Luyang County, Yinzhou. Now, it has been running for more than 12 hours. Even if everyone rides on the rhinoceros, they have rested in the middle, but here they are. At that time, most people were already exhausted, thirsty and hungry, and they seemed to have fallen apart. A rhinoceros horse under his personal body also became tired. No matter how hard he pulled the leather whip on his hand, the rhinoceros horse's The horseshoe, as if it was filled with lead, was a bit immobile.

Tonight in Wima County, Ganzhou, it means that after dark, everyone will at least have to catch up with hundreds of miles. Thinking of this, many people in the team secretly cried bitterly, but this The incident was urgent, and the transfer caused Lord Jiang to have given a death order. Everyone could not help crying and tiring. Everyone knows that everyone usually eats and drinks spicy food in Yinzhou. Everywhere they go, they are used to it. This is the gold signboard of the transshipment gate. This time, some people in Ganzhou dare to be bold and want to smash the signboard of the transshipment gate. This is simply moving the soil on the head of the old man and pulling the teeth out of the tiger's mouth. How about this time, everyone who comes to Pingxi County, Ganzhou, must let those who dare to challenge the authority of transshipment of Yamen, regret this world ...

Qu Mingcheng also knew what the thoughts of the more than a thousand cavalry soldiers were turning in his stomach at the moment, so after finishing the previous sentence, he immediately followed with another sentence, "The manufacturing bureau is so fat and oily. Wait for this time. Let ’s get to Pingxi County and get things done, the girls in the city, and the women in Yan Family Town, let you cubs play for three days! "

"Hmm ..." After hearing that, I could go to Pingxi County to play with women. There were just a bunch of weak people. Finally, I got a little spirit. Many people made a howl like a wolf. When did the soldiers and horses dispatch, not copying the family and breaking the family, and letting the place be ashamed? This is a fat deficiency ...

The terrain of the valley in front of him was a bit dangerous. Qu Mingcheng glanced at the mountainous terrain on both sides of the valley, and a thought flashed in his mind, but then he laughed at himself-who in the Han Empire dared to move the soldiers and horses of the Yemen. Even if there are a few ordinary hair thieves, I see that they are so scared that they dare not show up ...

That is, the thought just flashed from my mind. In the air in the valley, there was a slight abnormal noise. After hearing that abnormal noise, Qu Ming's face changed instantly, and he yelled, "Be careful ... ... "

Be careful, the two words have just been spoken, but it is still too late, because as the heart of the word landed, there was a tragic sound in the team at the same time, there were four cavalrymen on horseback, and at the same time fell off ... ...

The four men were archers with battle bows on their bodies.

Everything happened too quickly, and most of the cavalry around them hadn't responded yet. Almost only after half a second, the sound of arrows burst out, and four cavalry with their bows fell from their horses.

Master, an idea flashed through Qu Mingcheng's heart.

The strength, speed, and accuracy of the sharp burst of air from the arrow shot Qu Ming into a heart, and a bow and four arrows. Such a bow path is modified to let Qu Mingcheng There was a faint thought in my heart ...

However, the situation at the scene did not allow Qu Mingcheng to think too much, because in the blink of an eye, eight cavalrymen fell down, and the entire team was flustered.

The archery man was on the hillside 500 meters away, showing his entire body, standing high, facing the arrow of death, facing this side, because the man was wearing a black clothes, and even wearing a head Wearing a sloppy bronze mask, Qu Mingcheng couldn't see the face of that person, but the man's terrifying arrow skills made Qu Mingcheng produce a kind of not rushing right away, even if there are many people on his side, The thought of being shot in the valley by that person.

"There, everyone, rush out with me ..." It was only an instant, Qu Ming achieved a cold sweat, without even thinking about it, he jumped on the horse and led everyone towards him.

Under the order of Qu Mingcheng, the team who turned over the horse rushed forward, but the sound of the screaming arrow in the air didn't stop at all, accurate, cold, one second The clock shot twice, once four arrows flew over. Each arrow can make a person here fall off the rhinoceros immediately, and there is no escape, no escape. On the battlefield, the cavalry souls of a transshipment of Yamen could be scattered.

The entire team took more than ten seconds to rush out just over a hundred meters, and the more than one hundred archers who ran behind among the thousands of cavalry had all been shot by that person from the horse. Come down.

Qu Ming became stunned. After continuing to rush the team for dozens of meters, "You continue to rush" Qu Ming became a roar, while ordering the team to continue rushing forward, the entire person was pulled out of the saddle. His iron golem weapon bounced off the horse's back, stepped on the steep mountain walls on both sides of the valley, and rushed towards the man in black.

"Kill ..." The cavalry of the transshipment yamen in the valley also shouted, but could only bite the bullet and continued to rush forward.

Fortunately, there is only one person setting up here ...

Qu Mingcheng's head just flashed such a thought. The next second, a scene of his blood coagulation appeared in front of his eyes. On the hillsides on both sides, more than two hundred people were wrapped in black clothes. All of a sudden, the blacks were holding bows and arrows or strong crossbows in their hands, and an arrow rain suddenly poured out towards the cavalry in the valley, and his men suddenly fell. Dozens more.

The steed hissed and screamed again and again. The valley was completely chaotic, but the cavalry who transported the yamen was still rushing forward.

A group of cavalry armed with swords encountered enemies holding strong arrows with bows and arrows. Except for approaching or fleeing, they could only stay at the target of the opponent, and everyone could rush out quickly if they wanted to survive.

But soon, the cavalry who wanted to rush past the transfer gates was horrified to find that more than ten flaming chariots had been pushed down from the hillside in front and blocked on the road ahead. Blazing flames, the carriage of the carriage was filled with firewood, and more than ten burning carts blocked the road in the valley. In a blink of an eye, it became a hot wall of fire, blocking all the roads in front.

Another group of arrows flew down, and dozens of people in the cavalry troop who transported Yamen fell down immediately.

"Rewind, rewind ..."

The noisy team just turned the horse's head and was on the retreat behind them. The same scene happened again. More than a dozen raging chariots rushed down the hillside and suddenly broke their retreat ... ...

The man in black was, of course, Yan Liqiang. Even if he watched Qu Mingcheng fly over, Yan Liqiang did not put down the bow and arrow in his hand, but urgently needed to pour it out like a machine at a speed of eight arrows per second. The arrows of life were low-ranking officers who were slightly modified among several cavalry teams. Among them were several warriors and dragon and tiger warriors. Yan Liqiang was shot down by the blink of an eye.

At this distance, the so-called warrior is also a dragon and tiger warrior, even a master of the warrior level. Under Yan Liqiang's bow, the chance of survival is almost the same as that of an ordinary soldier. The arrow fired by the strong bow on Yan Liqiang's hand The speed and intensity of the speed has completely exceeded their upper limit of ability, which is a bit like the survival probability of Yan Liqiang in his life when an ordinary person and a boxing champion faced a pistol that hit their forehead.

"Yan Liqiang ..." Qu Mingcheng growled, UU read the book www. uukanshu. Com is like a galloping horse, rushing on the rock wall, and blinking has already reached Yan Liqiang within 50 meters.

Yan Liqiang fired two arrows again, and among the team below, eight more people fell down, and in such a second of effort, Qu Mingcheng has continued to make more than 20 meters.

"I know it's you ..." Qu Mingcheng's eyes turned red, and the whole man was boiling with anger.

At the moment when the python bow was lowered, Yan Liqiang stretched out his hand and pulled out the dragon's spine steel spear he had inserted on the ground, watching Qu Ming rushing to him with a slight smile.

"Go to death?" Qu Mingcheng spread his wings like Dapeng, jumped several feet, and the iron golem in his hand smashed directly towards Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang waited for Qu Mingcheng to make his first move ...

In the next second, the more than four hundred pounds of Longji Steel's spear in his hand was like an awakened angry dragon, just like a big stick. It was not fancy, and it was extremely domineering towards Qu Mingcheng. Smoked over.

The sound of Longji Steel's spear blasting the air is like hitting a dry thunder on the hillside ...