Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 51: To win the first

The big test is the unarmed competition. The maximum length of each competition is about five minutes. Within these five minutes, you can knock down the opponent, knock the opponent off the ring, or gain a clear advantage in the competition. You can win. If you are evenly matched, scroll to the next round and redraw the numbers.

Five minutes is enough for young people like Yan Liqiang to win the game. In fact, the majority of the time on the platform to win the game is within two minutes. Winning or losing is decided within one minute. The nuances of the strength, reaction, speed, and resilience of both sides can determine the outcome of a match in a few moments.

Those who lose are directly eliminated. The referees who presided over the ring and the staff of the National Art Center will collect the number plates of the losers. This also means that the losers are disqualified from continuing the exam. Can stay in the National Art Museum, but can only be a spectator.

I heard that people who lost in the national arts exam a long time ago will be required to leave the national arts hall, but because some people left the national arts hall at the earliest, facing the crowds outside the national arts hall, huge frustration brought about The mental pressure made them shameless to face the pressure from all sides, and finally chose to commit suicide. Therefore, the rules of the National Art Museum were later changed. After losing the qualifications, they can continue to stay and observe, and leave with everyone after the exam. .

The competitions on the nine dais in the Jinguoshu Museum were conducted simultaneously. Every minute, someone won the match and all the candidates' license plates were seized.

Yan Liqiang was standing under the ring to watch the match on the ring. Two months ago, he also felt that the competition on the ring was fierce. At this moment, when he looked at the ring on the ring, he always felt that everyone on the ring was The power is too small, the speed is too slow, and the reaction is too rigid. For him, the reference is not significant.

With a bang "Bang ...", a candidate on the C platform was kicked in the chest by a maneuvering opponent and fell off the platform directly, and the competition was over.

The candidates who were taken off the bench suffered minor injuries, but they were not serious. After climbing up, the whole person was dejected and stood back in the crowd. The candidates on the stage took their own number plates and stood on the other side of the bench. The winners and losers are already distinct.

In the wooden box below the ring platform, two more numbers were drawn randomly.

"The next group, Yan Liqiang No. 64 and Guo Mingyi No. 19 came to power ..."

Hearing his name, Yan Liqiang immediately stepped up to the platform from the steps on the left of the platform and stood on the platform, while his opponent, Guo Mingyi, was a seventeen to eighteen-year-old man who was older than Yan Li is strong for a three or four-year-old boy, and he already has a thin beard on his lips. Not only that, this Guo Mingyi's physique is also very strong. Among the many candidates on the side of No.3 C, the figure can be ranked in the top three. Bit.

At the age of fourteen, Yan Liqiang and Guo Mingyi went to the stage. The two men's bodies were not at all a level. Guo Mingyi was almost half as tall as Yan Liqiang, and he was more burly.

In the Guoshu County test, all teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18 can participate after the initial test. This is the first time that Yan Liqiang has participated, and some people have participated more than once. This Guo Mingyi should not be the first. Participation. For those who really practice martial arts, generally, after 18 years of age, the difference in strength between the two sides is not determined by the physical growth of the two sides, but by the hard work and sweat and realm of the two sides. However, before the age of eighteen, older candidates will still have certain physical convenience advantages.

Every year, like Yan Liqiang, there are many candidates who come to take the big exam at the age of fourteen, but most of those candidates cannot pass even the first test. Even if some pass the first test, they take the first year more. It is to accumulate experience so as to prepare for the next year's big exam. Fourteen-year-old candidates like Yan Liqiang are the youngest among all candidates. There are only three under the entire No. C ring. Others are basic. All of them are 15 to 18 years older than Yan Li.

I was three meters apart, and two people stood outside the red line on both sides of the platform, and each punched each other.

I looked at Yan Liqiang, and Guo Mingyi had a determined smile on his face.

Yan Liqiang's face was stubborn and indifferent, calm.

At this time, what appeared in Yan Liqiang's head were the two severe wounds left by Yan Dechang on the wind of the mountain, and the pictures that Yan Dechang used in the past ten years in order to concentrate on practicing martial arts to save frugality ...

I want to take the first place. This time, I want to take the first place in Qinghe County!

A voice rang out in Yan Liqiang's heart, and that voice became louder and louder.

第一 This first, for nothing else, is to allow Yan Dechang to see the rewards he has paid for himself over the years.

The lion tiger prey is famous, but who is the elk? If you don't want to be an elk, then make a lion tiger that is scary ...

Yan Liqiang's eyes firmed.

"Start!" The referee's voice sounded. Guo Mingyi, who was standing opposite Yan Liqiang, didn't want to, and rushed towards Yan Liqiang. With a clear stroke, the black tiger rushed towards Yan Liqiang's chest.

But just when Guo Mingyi's fist was about to hit Yan Liqiang's body, suddenly, "突然 ......" A fierce tiger roar suddenly rang through the whole martial arts performance martial arts stadium, and all the voices on the ring were instantly overshadowed. At the same time, the sound of Yan Liqiang's fist had collided with Guo Mingyi's fist without any fuss. Guo Mingyi screamed, and then the whole man flew up and fell down three meters away. Can't get up.

In the sound of tiger howling, a cyan light and shadow appeared behind Yan Liqiang. In that light and shadow, it was a magnificent white eyed tiger.

For a while, the referee on the No. 1 cymbal, the curator of the National Art Museum, and everyone in the audience stayed, staring at each other stunned as the tigers appeared behind Yan Liqiang, as if they had seen a ghost in the daytime. , Taking one breath down one by one.

Uh ...

"Tiger Xiao serial fist ... has four levels of realm ..." On the observation table above the No. 1 ringstand in the middle of Yanwuchang, Shi Changfeng, the curator of the Pingxi County National Art Museum, looked at the scene on the No. 3 ring, with his eyes shining. Flashing, he turned his head, glanced at Shen Hongbing with the same look of astonishment, and there was a hint of doubt on his face, "Qinghe County really has a terrific spirit and a crouching tiger and a hidden dragon. I don't know how many years I haven't tried the big test in Guoshu County. Seeing such an outstanding young man, this young man has definitely passed the Mabuguan level and has accomplished a lot in boxing skills. With this young man's strength, he should stay in the top three in the first test of national art. The competition on the field platform directly competed with the candidates who entered the top 100 last time. I wonder why the teenager was still on the top of the C series? "

宏 Shen Hongbing was also puzzled, he beckoned, and a librarian from the National Art Museum quickly ran to his side, and Shen Hongbing whispered a few words, the librarian nodded, and then quickly left.

Uh ...

"Can you declare the result?" Yan Liqiang closed his fists and stood, his tiger's posture gradually disappeared. He saw the referee on the ring still trembling, and he could not help but remind him gently.

The referee on the ring took a sip of water and took a deep look at Yan Liqiang. He seemed to remember Yan Liqiang the same, and then announced loudly, "No. 64, Yan Liqiang won!"

Guo Mingyi grinned his teeth and stood up staggeringly. The fist that had just fisted with Yan Liqiang had swelled up, and it hurt hotly, and the whole hand from the arm to the fist was numb at this time, but he The fist can still be pinched, and it can work hard, indicating that the bones on the hand are not broken, but there are some flesh injuries.

He looked at Yan Liqiang, and there were both surprises and frights in his eyes. The four-story Tiger Xiao series of boxing punches just hit the head. If Yan Liqiang didn't close his fist, he could already break the bones on his palm. One piece, just this time, Guo Mingyi felt that Yan Liqiang was ruthless by his men, but he made himself suffer a bit and did not play hard. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

The difference in strength between the two sides is too big, and the defeat was expected, and there were no serious injuries. It is definitely something to be thankful for.

"Thank you for your mercy ..." Guo Mingyi gasped, rubbed his fist, and held his fist against Yan Liqiang.

"Admit it!" Yan Liqiang didn't say much, and fists politely with Guo Mingyi, then took over his own number plate handed over by the referee, and stood on the side of the winner of the No. 3 ring.

The victors of the C-numbered ringlets just now saw Yan Liqiang coming over, and all of them were a little nervous. There was a duel behind the C-numbered rings. With the strength of Yan Liqiang, there was no one on the C-numbered ring. Anyone who meets him later can only accept the fate of being eliminated, and everyone can only hope that they are better off.

The librarian of a national art museum came to the side of No.1 Chuangshu, and then whispered something to the staff of several national art museums on the side of Yantai. After looking at Yan Liqiang, he left in a hurry.

Uh ...

The big test in the National Art Museum is still going on, but after Yan Liqiang made it for a while, unknowingly, the side of the No. 1 ring suddenly became the most attractive one among all the rings. I do n’t know how many people are quietly Looked at Yan Liqiang.

Yan Yanqiang waited calmly.

Yan Yanqiang knew that at this time, not pretending to be the strongest pretending.

Uh ...

Before the first round of competitions on the No. C battlefield, a librarian of the Guoshu Pavilion went directly to the No. C battlefield and announced a message to Yan Liqiang. Discussing, Yan Liqiang no longer needs to participate in the next round of ordinary contests, he can go directly to the No. 1 ring to wait for the contest of the last hundred outstanding candidates.