Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 545: Blood Fire Night

The fire was too fast and fierce. Yan Liqiang didn't notice it at the beginning, but in a blink of an eye, the fire became fierce. On such a night, the flaming fire seemed particularly conspicuous.

Yan Liqiang squinted his eyes for a while, then looked at Wang Jianbei, "Where is this burning place?"

"It's a big market in the ebony ministry gathering area!" Wang Jianbei glanced into the distance, like a unknown prophet, with a smile on his face. "That big market is the lifeblood of those in the ebony ministry, except for the ebony ministry. Out of all the goods that the caravan brought to Pingxi City, the most was the grain that was stored there in the ebony ministry. As soon as the fire was burned, the people in the ebony ministry would become crazy dogs! "

"Hahaha, happy!" Yan Liqiang laughed, "Is the overlord over there presiding over the situation?"

"Yes, it's Yucheng looking over there, come, come, come, let's continue drinking!" Wang Jianbei beckoned, and a subordinate brought a pot of wine again ...


With the fire, the entire Shatu gathering area became chaotic.

The big market in the ebony department is connected with rows of ebony tribe houses. Those houses are all of wooden structure. The fire spreads out at all speeds at a rapid speed. Let a person from the ebony department yell out of the house and go to the fire!

The market was watched at night, and there were more than one person watching the market, but when the people of the ebony department rushed to the market, they discovered that all the people watching the market had been killed.

The corpses left near the market, in addition to the ebony guards guarding the market, there were actually a few Uri people.

The corpses of several Uri people appeared to have been killed by the ebony people, and some of them were completely destroyed. Most importantly, the fire corpses were also found on the bodies of the Uri people. And the pine oil you carry with you ...

However, at this time, fire fighting is important, and when those people in the ebony department rushed to the nearby wells with various tools, they found that the wellhead of the well had been blocked by a huge stone. I ca n’t get water, I want to get the stones in the well and open the mouth of the well. Without half a day of work, it ’s impossible ...

All the Shatu people in the ebony department could only look pale looking at the fire in their residential area, spreading from the market to the surrounding houses.

In the past few days, there have been some small frictions between the Uri and the Emu, and people on both sides have been killed and wounded, just like gunpowder barrels.

"Kill the dog **** of the Uriah ..." The ebony people who wanted to save the fire yelled, red eyes, dropped things like buckets in their hands, and picked up various weapons.

In this case, the people in the ebony department broke out completely. As long as they could still take the knife, they all took the knife and roared, like a torrent, rushed towards the gathering area of ​​the Uri Department. .


The head of the Jiulong Bridge, wearing a full body armored Pingxi County Warlord Liu Yucheng and a large golden sword riding on a rhinoceros, coldly watching the blaze of fire and chaos roaring in the faraway Shaturen gathering area In the background of the fire, the expression on the face of Pingxi County Overseer Liu Yucheng was sharp and cold, like steel and iron.

By Liu Yucheng's side, there are long rifles like forests. Squads of sergeants are already on standby here. On the way to the bridge, three rows of iron shields with a height of one person have been erected. Sealed, the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the bridge are densely packed with crossbowmen.

Fire light is a signal!

There was a trembling sound from the street, and the sergeants in the big camp in the city were coming quickly, and everything was planned.

Not far from the river, there was a commotion. A group of black men in night clothes suddenly emerged from the water and landed on the bank of the river. Then the team quickly came to Liu Yucheng. Come back!

"Master, the mission has been completed!" The team in black, led by a captain officer in Pingxi City, the entire team, are masters in the army.

Looking at the fire in the distance, Liu Yucheng nodded with satisfaction. "You did a good job, write down the credit first, and go down and change clothes!"

"Yes!" The black men left quickly.

Liu Yucheng's eyes were still staring closely at the Shatu people's gathering area, but after a while, the noise of the turbulence in the Shatu people's gathering area suddenly became several times larger, and it suddenly became a weeping horror. Voice, and more and more fierce, Liu Yucheng knows that the task of the second team of men he sent should be completed, but the evacuation route of the second team is not from the Jiulong Bridge, but the Chengdong Gate side……

In the Shatu people's gathering area, the people of the Uri and Umbe groups were completely chaotic at this time. In the light of the fire, the two sides were on the street in the gathering area, and the flesh was slashed and killed .

Many people in the ebony department also held torches and pine oil in their hands. After rushing into the gathering block of the ulbe, they threw the torches into the houses where the ulbe people lived, and then poured pine oil on them. The crowds gathered in the area, and the smoke was billowing. Everywhere was chasing down the ebony and Uli troops.

When the ebony people entered the gathering area of ​​the ulbe, a group of guards in the ulbe rushed to their leader's home in a hurry, but at that time, the leader's home was dead for a long time. No one is living.

At this time, both sides had red eyes, and the Uri Ministry suddenly had no heads. There was no unified command and dispatch. In the face of the people killed by the Emu Ministry, if they wanted to die, those in the Uli Ministry would only die. Instinctively picked up the sword to resist, and hacked together with the ebony people, there was no other way.

The streets of the Shatu gathering area have flesh and blood, and there are fallen corpses everywhere, and on both sides of the street, there are lit buildings. The fire is soaring into the sky. No one is fighting, because those who carry tools to fight the fire It is estimated that before he ran far, he was chopped by the opponent with the knife.


There is a moth-proofing team in Pingxi City. This moth-proofing team is also the fire-fighting team in the city, because most of the buildings in the city at this time were wooden structures, and those buildings were next to each other. One building was on fire. The consequences are unthinkable, so the government offices in each city have organized special fire brigades.

Seeing the fire in the Shaturen gathering area, the Pingxi city's defense team pulled the waterwheel and brought the water gun to the Jiulong Bridge, but when they came, they were dumbfounded. Jiulong Bridge Here, it has been completely blocked. Knowing that the Lord Overseer is sitting here, the leader of the defense team hastened to meet Liu Yucheng.

Liu Yucheng stared at the captain of the defensive team with a grim expression. "The riots have already occurred in the Shaturen gathering area in the city. The Uli and Umbe hacked and killed each other inside. UU Reading Dead people at any time. If you go in at this time, you are going to die. You wait in the back for backup. When the riots inside the Shatu people have subsided, it is not too late to enter. If something goes wrong, the official is not good. Explain to Lord Mori! "

Listening to the shouting choppy sounds from the Shatu people's quarters, the leader of the squadron also narrowed his neck, nodded, and retreated ...

Not long after the captain of the defensive team retreated, hundreds of Shatu people holding swords, torches, and pine oil rushed to the bridgehead of the Jiulong Bridge, and those Shatu people were facing the sergeant who was waiting here at the Jiulong Bridge. And Liu Yucheng riding on the rhinoceros horse, suddenly hesitated.

Liu Yucheng looked coldly at the Shatu people who rushed here, and his eyes were full of murderous spirit. "Sure enough, as the county guard said, you Shatu low-blooded races, and indeed the wolf ambition. At this time, you also want to touch the fish in the muddy water and disturb Pingxi City ... "

With Liu Yucheng's hand waved down fiercely, the countless crossbows and arrows that had been prepared long ago shot at the Shatu people like raindrops, and the Shatu people were crying and wailing, one by one Was shot to the ground ...

Two rounds of crossbow and arrows passed, and to the east of the bridge's head, no one could stand up except for the bodies of sandy Tudus ...