Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 604: Arrive at the camp guard

The current currency of the Han Dynasty is three types of gold, silver, and copper. Among them, copper coins are copper coins. Copper coins are mainly cast from alloys such as copper and tin-lead-zinc. The casting of copper coins is completely in the hands of the court and the local government. Neither Haoqiang nor Qiangqiang is qualified to mint copper coins. It is a felony, except for a few people who are willing to take risks and risk their heads to do such things. Few people will do such things.

However, gold ingots and silver ingots are not the same. These two precious metals, if there are enough gold and silver in the local government and large households, can smelt and cast the gold ingots and silver ingots by themselves, which is not restricted by the court, which has caused many Chaos, many black-hearted people, in order to make huge profits, mixed metal such as tin-lead in the smelted silver, sub-filled, deliberately adulterated, causing a lot of confusion.

In the actual use process, circulating natural gold ingots and silver bars as currency also has many disadvantages, which is very detrimental to the development of commerce. Take any merchant in Pingxi City for example. Those merchants are receiving When the gold seal is printed, first of all, the boss has sufficient eyesight and eyesight. Use the feel, weight, and color to determine whether the gold and silver you received are adulterated. If you confirm that the gold and silver received are sufficient, the second step is Will weigh the received gold and silver on the scale to determine the weight. In the third step, if the received silver is to be changed, the owner of the store will often use steel scissors to make every effort. Pieces are cut to change, so behind those counters that do business, silver scales and silver-cut steel shears are almost all must-have items for businesses. The kind that Yan Liqiang saw in film and television dramas in previous lives is casual. The situation of shopping and eating and leaving a piece of silver and leaving, although it can not be said that it is not, but it is far from the actual situation and the life of many ordinary people ...

If the silver is not in good condition, when the shopkeepers and the bosses see it, they will either not accept it and discount it even if it is received. This will cause many disputes. At the same time, because of the accuracy of the scale called silver, it will weigh one or two grams of silver. The problems of merchants and customers are also everywhere.

In these circumstances, the court was unable to deal with it and could only let it go.

There are also a small number of silver and gold coins in circulation on the market, but those gold and silver coins in circulation are not actually gold and silver coins in the real sense. They are just some big families who deliberately put large ingots of gold and silver in the smelt. It is made like a copper coin. One of the gold and silver coins is very rough, the standard weight is not uniform, and the second is that the quantity is very small. There is no large-scale circulation. Most of the gold and silver coins are engraved with a longevity word. And other words such as Tim ’s Joy, those things are displayed by a few wealthy families in some important family celebrations to give them rewards, so these gold and silver coins are still essentially divided The little piece of precious metal that came out ...

The big families of the Han Empire did not understand the meaning of minting gold and silver coins, but for Yan Liqiang, turning the circulating gold and silver into circulating gold and silver coins contained a huge opportunity-coinage right!

Once the gold and silver coins issued by Qiyun Superintendent's Government circulated on the market, they became the currency that everyone was willing to accept, resulting in a fait accompli. Once this credit is established, it will become unnecessary in the future.

It is a pity that no one can see the significance of this point in the Han Empire until now. Some people may think that minting gold and silver coins is convenient for circulation, but there is no technical means to achieve it, because casting gold and silver into currency is not a one-on-one for those people. This is an easy task. If you really need to get any gold or silver coins according to the current technical means, then the cost will be too high and unacceptable.

For Yan Liqiang, all of this is not a problem at all, because to mint gold and silver coins, only a coin minting machine is required, and the most reliable and stable coin minting machine, the elbow-pressing coin minting machine, has a structure for Yan Liqiang. It is not complicated at all. He has ready-made drawings in his mind. The structure of this machine is even simpler than that of a steam engine. There are no complicated structures and components, and it is very durable. The efficiency of coinage is also high. He spent his life in the museum. Some of the mint machines we have seen have been used for almost a hundred years and can still be used.

Yan Liqiang even thought about the appearance of the gold and silver coins to be issued. All the gold and silver coins were initially based on one piece of money. One or two silvers were ten silver coins, and one or two golds were ten gold coins. Good calculation, easy to use ...

It was only a few days before I gave the drawing to the manufacturing bureau. The craftsmen of the manufacturing bureau are still trying to figure out the mystery of the elbow-press press coin minter in the past few days. I have n’t understood it for the time being, but Yan Liqiang believes that it will take a few days to make The bureau will surely be able to put the first coin machine in front of itself.


When the sun went down, Yan Liqiang's buggy finally stopped.

The door was opened, Qian Su and Lu Wenbin got out of the car first, and then Yan Liqiang also sorted out his clothes and then got out of the carriage.

The outside of the carriage was already in front of the gate of the county town of Yingwei County. The accompanying guards stood on both sides of the county town and blocked the streets. Many people in the county probed around and wore a county magistrate. Fu Changde, wearing a black silk hat on his head, took some officials in Yingwei County, standing at the entrance of the county gate, and saw Yan Liqiang down. Fu Changde took all the officials in Yingwei County. To the ground, "Yingwei County magistrate Chang Lu has seen the superintendent ..."

In order not to let people guess their own origin, and to let the seventh part of the sandy soil relax their hostility towards the newly established Qiyun Governor's Office, Fu Changde has been using a pseudonym instead of his real name. Except for Yan Liqiang, It's Yan Liqiang's people who don't know his fate.

Yan Liqiang glanced at Fu Changde, and then looked at many familiar faces in Yingwei County, both big and small, and smiled, "Master, is this official uniform still dressed?"

"Today I knew that the Supervisor was coming, so I wore this official uniform to greet me, so as not to be rude. On weekdays, I felt that this official uniform was a bit cumbersome, and I felt comfortable without sheepskin mules ..." Fu Changde grinned Mouth, smiled at Yan Liqiang, the smile, with a bit of slyness and hidden sharpness, is impressive. Only people who know Yan Liqiang can have such a smile on his face.

"Okay, you don't like to wear this official uniform. I will allow you to wear it when you see me, and it will not count as your rudeness!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

With a strong look in his eyes, UU read the book www. looked at the mottled county gate of Yingwei County, Yan Liqiang touched his stomach, "Okay, let's talk inside. Master Qian and Lu have been on the road for a day. The stomach is early. I'm hungry, eat dinner first ... "

"Dinner is ready, several adults please!" Chang Lu said, bowing himself, walking with Yan Liqiang and Qian Su and others into the county hall.

Chang Lu also knew Yan Liqiang's temper, and knew that Yan Liqiang didn't like to talk about it on this occasion, so the dinner prepared to meet Yan Liqiang was only plentiful, with meat and vegetables, and delicately made, which was not extravagant.

After dinner, Yan Liqiang just rested for a while in the government office behind the county magistrate, and Fu Changde and Situ Feixing, wearing a common service costume, entered Yan Liqiang's room together ...

After letting the two sit down, Yan Liqiang opened his door and asked Situ Fei Xing, "How is the connection with the Heiren?"

Situ Feixing licked his lips and glanced at Yan Liqiang with admiration. "Small masters are like gods. The black people have hooked up. After tasting a little sweetness, those black people's appetites are getting bigger and bigger. ... "